CHAPTER 138 : The forbidden Mount Chamfu

"Listen, Boy, don't worry too much. That dark ball is the soul residual of one of the previous owners of the heavenly Corruption Pagoda. Unfortunately, he failed the 3rd-floor test and turned into a corruption beast. Then, he started wreaking havoc everywhere he passed by. Finally, he met an old man and was killed by him. But an infinitesimally small amount of his residual soul managed to enter inside the pagoda. " Ai Long told him.

"Ahh! So, what should I do now ?" Joey asked.

"Don't worry. Next time he awakes, you have to destroy his soul completely." Ai Long replied.

"But, how?" He asked.

"You will know that time." Ai Long replied and remained silent.

The following day, everyone gathered before the Chieftain's house.

"Young Master Joey, we are ready to leave." Du Shan said.

"Hah! We are going in this large group." Joey looked at the 55 Yaksha Spirits and said.