CHAPTER 143 : The Golden Lake

"Yep, I really miss her. When I was with her, I always thought that I was leaving in hell from her unreasonable bullying. But, now, I started to miss those feelings. " Jizhi said happily and tears started appearing in her eyes.

"Brat, alright. From today onward stop lying okay. Do you know what I hate the most?" Ai Long asked and waited for a moment and continued, "The Liars!"

"I know you steal all of my chicken legs. But, I remain silent because I know you are growing now, and you need more food. Do You understand?" Ai Long said in a commanding tone.

"I understand," Jizhi replied.


Joey and his team of four continued exploring the vast valley. The tiger girl Hu Biyu also joined their team.

They saw a small lake filled with golden liquid in the distance. 

"What is that? That looks beautiful." Rose spoke excitedly. Hai Chun and the tiger girl Hu Biyu also became excited.