CHAPTER 146 : The Manifestation of the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva!

Then a commotion quickly started among the crowd.

"He is right. I have already seen that scoundrel molesting multiple girls before with my own eyes." Someone from the crowd spoke.

"Ptui! He calls himself a Buddhist. What a bastard!" Another spat and spoke loudly.

Then a chain reaction started among the crowd. Everyone started criticizing how bad a character Dayi He was.

"You, you, you. Why are you slandering the good name of our young master? Don't you fear our Theravada Buddhist Monastery?" One of the bald youth shouted.

"Hey, did you forget what he just said now? He admitted himself to killing our young master Dayi He. Everyone, let's join together and kill this boy." Another bald youth said. Then, the twelve bald monks surrounded Joey.

They all had cultivation bases ranging from lvl 3-8 of the Supreme God realm. (**Demi-God Realm< God Reakn< Senior God Realm< Supreme God Realm < Devine realm** )