CHAPTER 155: The Three Punishments for Rose

Outside Mount Chamfu, Rose suddenly appeared in the air. Then she started weeping.

At that time, the space nearby her started fluctuating. Then a man appeared before her.

She wiped her tears and looked at him.

"You, why are you following me?" asked Rose. And she looked carefully at the face of the man and she asked again, "You are not him. Who are you?"

The man looked a lot like Joey. But, he was a bit older than the current Joey.

He sniggered at her and said, "That doesn't matter. I come from the future to punish you."

"So, you are from the future. Alright, just kill me. I can't live with this guilt anymore." Rose said while sobbing. There was no desire for living in her eyes anymore.

"Hmph!" Joey snorted. Then he chanted a spell and shouted, "Corruption Beast's internal mutilating curse, activate!"

A dark seal appeared on his right hand. Then, he quickly rushed toward her.