CHAPTER 165: Meeting a Hafling Buddhist Dragon!

"I am starting to miss him already. Do I really like this boy? My heart has always been numbed for all this one thousand years. The first time we met in the hall. He dares to leer at my body boldly. Heeheehee, nobody dared to do that before. Usually, I will kill anyone the moment they look at me like that. But, that day I felt my heart warm and flutter a bit. When I saw his handsome face, my heart started beating wildly unlike before in this long life. Whenever I am around him, I really feel excited and like to tease him. And I am making excuses to myself all this time thinking that he is a good candidate for my granddaughter.  " Grand Elder Hu Jing thought in her mind.

"What is wrong with you, old hag? You are already a married woman. Shameless! Shameless! Come back to your senses." She scolded herself while hitting her own head.