CHAPTER 183: The Open Alchemy Contest-4

The others also looked at Chief Jugge Huan, waiting for his response.

"Alright, I will explain. Do any of you know why that herb has a strong resistive nature toward fire essence?" Chief Jugge Huan asked with a smile.

No one replied. 

"You all must have known about that herb having strong yang energy inside it. ," Jugge Huan said.

All of them nodded at him.

"That is because that herb has a fire essence inside it which continuously releases the yang energy we sense from it. So, when we try to refine it using our essence fire, the essence of fire which is already inside it will absorb the essence of fire from the outside, making us wrongly believe that the herb had a strong resistive nature of fire." The Chief Jugge Huan explained.

Then, he continued, "That boy is really brilliant. He just controls the essence of fire inside the herb and uses it to refine itself easily. "

The other experts around him agreed to him.