CHAPTER 191: Patriach Lin Dan's Secret Passion for his Daughter-in-law!

"Brother Joey, from my memory that I know of, our universe is divided into four realms, the lower realm, the middle realm, the heavenly realm, and lastly the divine realm. They are all separated by thick chasms of chaotic energies. This world belongs to the lower realm." She explained.

Joey listened attentively.

She continued telling her story, "The Floral World is ruled by the four powerhouses, the Willow Tree Tribe, the Demonic Paulownia Tree tribe, the Thousand Faces Flying Spider Monkey Tree Fern Tribe, and the Great Lin clan. My mom was born as a daughter of the patriarch of an external lower family of the Lin Clan. She was so beautiful and had a great aptitude for cultivation. So, the main family accepted her as a core disciple. That was when she met my father Lin Feng, the only son of the Patriarch of the main family. They eventually had fallen in love with each other."