CHAPTER 194: The Mysterious Birth of the Twin Sisters!

"Hmph!" The lady wearing the straw hat snorted and pointed her long sword toward their direction. Then, she shouted, "Sword Intent, annihilate!" Then, a wave came out from the tip of her long sword, divided into three waves in the air, and hit the three incoming guards.

"Aaargh!" All of them screamed and were sent flying in the air. 

"Fools! Use your true forms and block her." Yanlin shouted. The talisman in his hand was just used for short-distance teleportation. So, it was almost burnt out.

The three guards stood up and started changing their bodies into three giant banyan trees.

  They blocked the way between their young master Yanlin and the Black Widow.

"Hah! Dream on. Do you think that you can stop me with just those strengths?" The lady wearing the straw hat spoke and shouted again, "Tier-7 Sword Intent, Annihilate!"