CHAPTER 201: Yogic yang merging, activate! Merging Three Opposing Elements!

Zhe! Zhe! Zhe! (Sound of the lightning bolt)

Suddenly, a thick bolt of red lightning with multiple black stripes on them appeared around Joey's body. It was the heavenly lightning tribulation he had absorbed in his body during the heavenly tribulation of Jiu You, the nine-headed snake. He had been storing this bolt of heavenly lightning inside his Dantian all this time. (in chapter 140)

Then he controlled the thick lightning bolt and transferred it to both of his hands covering them.

At that time, the Asura warrior happened to punch him in the head.

"Tai-Chi heavenly palm technique!" Joey shouted as he blocked each punch that was raining down on him.

"Hahaha, it is working." Joey thought in his mind.

The two kept exchanging many moves.

They were super fast too.

After Joey activated his heavenly lightning bolt, they began to fight equally.