CHAPTER 206: Peeping Accidentally On Others' Intimate Play!

"My dear disciple, you are wrong. I am not being mean to you. They are having their private talk. Don't disturb them. You will know more about these things when you grow up. " Ai Long responded in a kind voice. Then they entered inside another adjacent room. She then sat down on the couch and kept her on it.

"Hmph!" Jizhi, the little white tiger snorted and turned her back on her.

"This brat!" Ai Long thought at her mind.

After ten minutes, the little White Tiger turned to her and said in a panicked voice, "Master something is very wrong with brother Joey."

"Brat, what now?" Ai Long asked.

"Brother Joey seems to have turned into a bad person right now. He is currently beating the beautiful and kind-looking elder sister that we meet earlier mercilessly. I hear her screaming in pain even right now. Why don't we go in and stop him?" Jizhi, the white tiger explained and suggested.

"Are you sure?" Ai Long asked.