CHAPTER 214: A Freaking Goldmine For The Cultivators

It has been three days since the carriage had been flying in the air non-stop. Joey and the sexy lady with the veil covering her face didn't talk even a word to each other during this time

Joey closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa.

"Hello, are you also going to the  Hundred Valleys for the recent news of Dragon's roaring in the Redcliff pilgrimage?" A sweet voice spoke breaking the silence inside the room 

"Nope, I came for another business," Joey replied.

"Oh, my bad. I haven't introduced myself to you first. " The sexy lady hit herself lightly on the forehead. Then, she stood up, clasped her hand toward Joey, and introduced herself, "I am Chun Churan. Can I know yours?"

Joey also stood up, clasped his hand, and responded with a friendly smile, "You can call me Joey. It's nice meeting you here today."

"Brother Joey, no offense but you seem to be not from our Central Continent." Chun Churan the sexy lady said suddenly.