CHAPTER 220: The Twin Phoenix Sisters' Arrival!

The old man also saw that scene. He smiled wryly while thinking in his head, "Even the 10 Suns in the sky are afraid to tan her bright skin. Hahahaha, what kind of existence are you little girl? Those suns even feel shy away from falling their lights too much on her."

"Master, I don't see them. Have they already begun fighting?  Where are they?" Mie Lien asked while looking around.

"They haven't started yet. Must be waiting for the guardians. Look, do you see that sea? They are there waiting for the guardians." The Old man responded while pointing his finger at the vast sea on the southern side.

"Master I can't still see them." Mie Lien replied.

"Me too." Little Xiuying said while pouting cutely.

"Ah, my bad. Don't worry, don't worry." The Old man then shouted, "Old pal, what are you waiting for? Show them what they want to see."