CHAPTER 228: The Mayabi Astra illusion skill - 1

Pah! Pah! Pah!.... (Explosive sound of the whip in the air.)

Joey kept dodging it. However, it became more tricky as he kept being followed by the whip in very extremely intricate ways.


The whip managed to land a hit on his right arm. 

"Aah!" The muscle on his arm ruptured with that hit.

Joey took out a golden pill from inside his space and popped it inside his mouth. Soon, his arms quickly regenerate within a few seconds.

He thought, "I don't really want to hurt her. But, I still need to suppress her. What a drag? That leaves me no choice but to use that skill." He kept dodging more carefully this time.

He started chanting a mantra in Sanskrit and finally finished it. He then blew his breath on his forefinger and made a flickering motion toward the direction of Chun Churan. And he shouted, "Mayabi Astra, go confuse her!" (Mayabi: magical mostly means illusion; Astra means Celestial weapon.)