CHAPTER 231: The Mayabi Astra illusion Skill- 4

"Are you sure?" Prime Minister Chen asked.

"I have doubled-checked on them using my Heavenly red medallion. I am 100% sure, they were the ones that we have been looking for all this time." Minister Haoran responded.

"Then, what are you all waiting for? Catch them!" Prime Minister Chen shouted.

Those heavily armored palace guards quickly rushed toward the two kids and caught them.

"Hey, leave us alone." The boy shouted while the little girl get frightened and started crying.

"Alright, we are leaving for the palace." Prime Minister Chen ordered with a stern voice.

As they were about to leave that place,  a beautiful lady suddenly appeared out of nowhere and kicked at one of the guards.

"Leave them, they are my kids." Chun Churan glared and shouted at them.

"A nuisance. Just stop her. But keep her life." Prime Minister Chen ordered again.