CHAPTER 235: Reaching the 50th Valley of the Hundred Valleys of Poison

Chun Churan thought in her mind, " Brother Joey, I have some bad history of my past life before I am yours. I am not ready to tell them to you yet. I really want our relationship to work."

"Um, about one thing. Sister Chun Churan, Inside the illusion world, how did you know that we are already in a fake world?" Joey asked suddenly.

Chun Churan caressed his face and replied with a smile, "Brother Joey, I don't know the exact reason but I always have a feeling that all the things that happen inside that illusion world seem to be revolved around us. As if everything happening in the world is specially created for us. And after I gave birth to our son Feng'er, I started having strange dreams."

"Oh, what strange dreams?" Joey asked again while laying leisurely on her laps.