CHAPTER 243: Poison Heart Root, Explode!

"Corruption Beast mode, activate!" Joey shouted and opened his eyes. His skin started getting tanner but his eyes remained clear. He suddenly changed into a cold and aloof person after entering this mode, as if he had become a completely different person.

Zuxin flew up in the sky and infused the darkness on his left hand, the poison law in his right, and finally the wind law in his legs.

He took a step and appeared before Joey, and punched him in his head.

Joey gazed coldly at him and caught his hand. He then threw Zuxin up in the air and kicked at him like a ball after falling on the ground.


Zuxin was sent flying but he landed safely on his four limbs on the ground and the next moment he began leaping toward Joey like a tiger running on his forelimbs.

Even though, his hands were infused with darkness law and poison law. Both of them were like a tonic to the current Corruption beast form of Joey.