CHAPTER 251: Corruption Heart Root

After a couple of hours of Hu Jing leaving the house, Joey finally opened his eyes and stood up. "Where am I? Ahh…"

Flashes of memories started appearing in his mind with a tingling sensation in his head.

"...Hu Jing was here before." He then found a letter on the bed, picked it up, and started reading with a fine-tooth comb.

"So, you want to kill the one that kills your late husband first before you come to my side. Fine," Joey muttered, folded the letter with care, and put it inside his space ring.

Then he saw the newly regenerated index finger of his right hand.

"Hmm, it had regrown again. Let me see if it will still be there." Joey then raised his left hand and a longbow materialized on his hand, at the same he felt a sharp burning pain from his right hand's index finger. A white flame made up of pure Karmic energy was burning his index finger, finally stopping after the index finger was completely burned.