CHAPTER 284: The Two Hot News?

"Hu Ge, you look exhausted. Must be from this long journey. You can go back now. And just take a day off." Chief Jugge Huan said to him.

"I'm fine Chief. I don't need to take any rest. Considering our current situation. You need me even more than ever." Hu Ge replied sincerely.

"I insist, Hu Ge. And I'm not asking you this. Just go and take a day off. Hee hee hee, don't worry, I know you are a workaholic. So from the following day onward, you shall be working like a cow, with hardly any time for you to even take a wink of a nap." Chief Jugge Huan said in a commanding tone and chuckled in the end.

"Then, your servant Hu Ge, thank you, sir. And I shall take my leave." Hu Ge cupped his hands toward him, bowing slightly, and disappeared from inside the room.