CHAPTER 298: Original Volume of Universal Beast Taming Encyclopedia!

.....So just chill out. Instead, I need to give you a reward for passing my trial." Ao Shun, the black dragon king, said, calming her down. "I know you are b….." 

Chun Churan spoke telepathically inside his mind, halting him from further continuing, "Stop, senior! I don't like him to know that I'm a beast tamer in the first place." " Can you hide it for me?"  She pleaded in his mind.

Ao Shun waved his hand and said, "Alright I understand. We can now speak freely. He will not hear us."  "Little girl, for your reward, I have considered something. " He said in a serious tone.

"What is it, Senior Ao Shun?" Chun Churan asked.

"From what you experience in the trial, you must have already figured out how much the intensity of hatred and animosity between dragon clans and the beast-taming family in my time, right?" Ao Shun responded with another question.