CHAPTER 304: Xiao Er, The Youngest hero of the Sandara Town!!!

"It's me." A middle-aged man, wearing a long blue robe, stepped out from the crowd. He cupped his hands at him and said, "I, Yang Lin as the town head of the Sandara Town, give a sincere bow to you, Hero. "

"Hero!" Joey made a wry smile and continued cupping at him, "Senior Yang Lin, please call me Joey." 

He then pointed at all those remaining 2755 toddlers lying on the enormous white mattress and asked, "Senior Yang Lin, I have already sent multiple messenger birds all around the nearby cities, towns, and villages, informing all of them to come to this town and get their lost babies. Until then, can you and your people help me to take care of these toddlers?"

Yang Lin, the town head of the Sandara town, smiled and replied honestly, "It'll be my pleasure to assist and help these toddlers until their parents come here to collect them."