Chapter 314: The Great Gōng Clan

After that, the assassin began to make a series of hands seals and soon started cultivating his essence qi. After that, essence qi all around the surroundings began to concentrate, gather, and finally poured inside his body. And soon, he began to regain his vitality and the essence qi inside the Dantian in his navel also began to fill up gradually.

After several minutes, he opened his eyes, ending his cultivation. He stood up on his feet and happened to see a handsome youth in his line of vision. "Ah!" he exclaimed and flopped down over the ground again, "Greeting patriarch!" He called and bowed toward the youth, kneeling on the ground.

The youth looked all over the assassin's body and said, "Yan Liang, you look awful." He paused and continued, "Anyway, how is your mission?"

"Pa-triarch, ah-um, I failed. Please, punish me." Yan Liang who was wearing all black-cloaked replied stuttering.