Tang's Way

Shivarjuna waved his hand and the screen on the other side disintegrated into multiple specks of Origin Qi, diffusing into the thin air.

"My good disciple. Then it's time for me to leave. I'll see you soon. Until then," Shivarjuna said through the void and he remained silent once again.

The twin phoenix sisters also nodded their heads and disappeared within the thin air.

Just after their departure, Chun Churan snuggled into his chest and started weeping a river of tears. 

After Chun Churan calmed herself and served tea for him, Joey told her as a consolation that they had to pay for tampering with the timeline. He added that Chun Churan had already paid with the fetus in her womb. Chun Churan didn't have a shred of worry as she came to peace with herself on learning that the fetus was Yueling. So, she didn't lose anything in a sense.