7 Months Of Training And Inheritance!

Just as he pounded the last strike on the reddish brown Immortal crystal, turning it into a thin sheet, virtual images of five dragons appeared above Tang Chen's head in the air.

Seeing that mysterious scene, Joey muttered under his breath, "Five Dragons Hammering Styles! I now understand the essence of this Smithing style. There are five styles adding up within a single style. And they all have the deep, majestic, and wild nature of dragons."

Tang Chen craned his head and asked, "Sonny, do you grasp all the inner essence of the Five Dragons' Hammering Styles?"

Nodding his head, Joey gave his sincere answer. "Yes, sir!"

"Good! Using the Hammering Styles, you can shape every object in the limitless cosmos according to your whim." Tang Chen continued, "Alright, the next phase of completing a weapon is carving the magical sigil on the weapon. Let's do that!"