Second Phase: The Sun City!

Seeing the giant black Mamba struggling from erosion from the rain, Joey noticed that the rainwater had rendered it highly lethal while activating its flame domain.

Close to him, he also saw the youth with the crown standing in the air. His face was already healed. Waving the black spear in his hand, he hissed a specific type of snake mantra and threw it at Joey. The next thing, the spear transformed into a black python.

"O, shite! This again," Joey said, clicking the trigger of the metal pipe. Then, with a loud sound, a red bullet flew toward the incoming python, and bang! A colossal explosion happened. After taking care of it, he uttered, "Third Gear, activate!" Just after, the metal pipe transformed into a metallic javelin. "Since you like throwing weapons so much, then I'll take your life that way." By that time, he had already infused the weapon with his Origin Smithing Chi and he aimed once and threw it to the youth in the air.