150 Skill Inheritances!

So, after figuring out the situation here, Joey flew down, landing steadily on the sandy ground. "Metallic Hawk Wing, Deactivate" He uttered, and the beautiful dark golden pair of wings on his back folded with mechanical gearing sound, becoming part of his robe.

Joey saw an empty spot. So he walked toward it and just as he was about to sit, he felt something from his back. So, he quickly pulled out a folded umbrella from the Green Jaded Space Ring on his finger and blocked the sneaked attack without even turning back.

Clank! As Joey turned around, he saw that the culprit was a middle-aged-looking man hacking at him with an ax. 

The man quickly stepped back after his ambush was rendered a failure. He still poised an unfriendly air around him as he brandished his weapon at Joey.