Killing A Horde Of Rank 1 Beasts!

"Since you are the first thing I landed, I'll check you out first." Uttering softly, Joey walked inside the ground floor of the leaning pentagonal-shaped tower.

The interior was a wreck. The wall was covered with mosses, while the ground was filled with verdant green grasses and ferns. Other than the structures and some frivolous stuff, he found nothing significant.

So he walked out of the building and said, "This place must be an ancient ruin. What is left of these wreck infrastructures proves that intelligent races have inhabited these places."


Next, he heard a growling sound of beasts from the far, followed by the yelling sound of people. So he started running in that direction. But at his top speed, he was just like an ordinary man running on the earth because of the tremendous gravity of this planet.

Half an hour later, he reached the periphery of the ruined city and saw fifty people fighting a pack of giant Black wolves.