Chapter 7

Yay I have completed my 1 quest.

Yes ok you have finished your 1 quest but there are many more quests for you and what is your 2 quest.

My 2 quest i- I haven't got any yet.

Like none yet.

But now it just came in.

[Quest 2 go to the town of Xers ]

So what kind of quest is it?

The quest is Go to Xers.

What's the whole quest, we just have to go to Xers.

Yes and where is Xers.

Xers is on the other side of the map but that's good then I can show you the Trump of the Gods.

Ok then I can go and look at the tower again.

No, you can't go in the tower yet.

Mai flies to me and stays in front of my face.

Why is that not possible? Why can't I go in there?

You can go in, but you can't go in yet. You have to have done at least quest 15 to be allowed in the tower.

WHAT I have to have completed quest 15 to be allowed to enter the tower, so Nalos no time to waste.

I run so fast that I am 5 meters away and Mai is teleported next to me.

[lightning] Now stop for a moment.

Ouch, what is this again?

I turn around and look at him with a small angry face.

Why are you running like this? What is wrong with you?

Yes, nothing, we have to get to the other side of the map, so don't waste time.

The city of Xers is only a day's journey away, so just get there and run normally.

Okay, I understand, but please don't do that.

What should I leave the lightning or what?

Yes, the lightning, yes, don't do that. So let's start walking now.

Yes, ok, let's go.

She flies with a little smile on her face.

May I have a question.

Yes, what is it?

What is on the way to Xers.

Open your map and see for yourself.

OK, let's see.

I click on the menu and on the map icon.

A big map opens in 3D and in the middle there is a tower.

Ok this must be the tower of the gods next to it is a huge forest on the other side is a swamp.

Ok so we have to go through a forest and a swamp and after the swamp there is a mountain.

Yeah right and I didn't even have to help you.

OK then, let's go.

Let's go.

After we started walking after 5 minutes Mai asks.