It is so dark here because in the game it is only dark where there can be no life. That means that the realm of monsters begins here.
But there is nothing here?
But if we keep walking, there will be a portal through which we have to pass.
Okay, let's go.
Mauzi starts running again.
A minute later, a black line appears on the horizon.
Mai is that the portal back there?
Yes, it is.
Okay, Mauzi, point him in the direction of the portal, okay.
Mauzi accelerates again.
When they arrive at the portal. It is just a black wall.
Suzu gets off Mauzi, Mauzi turns back into a baby cat and runs after Suzu.
Mai, is the portal on yet?
No, not yet. You have to activate it.
Yes, and how?
Steal in front of it.
And then?
If you steal in front of it, then scream very loudly lalalalalalalala and the portal will open.
Ok then I'll do it.
Oh no, he is really so stupid that he really does that now.
Mai thinks to herself.
Suzu steals in front of the portal and screams lalalalalalalalala. Hey why doesn't anything happen?
Pffff hahaha you are so stupid you do everything you are told.
Hey why are you laughing?
Well because you just do what you are told.
Yeah fine and dandy but how do you open the portal.
You just go and put your hand on the portal and it opens.
Ok but you're not messing with me on this one, are you?
No, I'm not. I promise.
Suzu walks up to the portal and puts his hand on the black wall.
It's happening.
But wait a few seconds.
Suddenly, it starts to squirm and a purple light appears.
What's happening? asks Suzu. Meow.
The portal opens.