Chapter 43

Excuse me, can I ask you a question?

The woman turns around with a smile and says.

Of course, what kind of question do you have?

em..ok where can you hunt monsters here?

You see the castle, don't you?

Suzu looks at the castle.

Yes, I see it.

Ok, behind it is the entrance to the dungeon and there you can hunt monsters.

Okay, thank you. Says Suzu.

Suzu walks towards the castle, in the middle of the castle is a big iron gate, in front of the gate are two guards.


say the two guards as Suzu approaches the guards and the gate.

What is your business here.

Mai, what should I do now?

Eh you tell them that we want to go into the dungeon, what else are you going to do, Lightning?

Ouch, that hurts. Yeah, okay, I get it. We want the dungeon.

We? You and who. The NPC asks.

Oh that's right only me and other system users can see it.

No, I mean I would want the dungeon.

Okay then, I'll issue another warning.

Entering the dungeon is at your own risk. If anything happens to you, you are responsible for it.

In front of Suzu tacuth a message box. Do you still want him the dungeon and dadrunter a bot for yes or no.

Suzu of course press yes. The message box disappears and the NPC says.

Have fun in the dungeon. Says the NPC and clears the way so that Suzu can run past.

Suzu runs past the NPC's after he has run in front of them and they stand again as before.

Suzu runs through the castle and behind it is the entrance to the dungeon.

May let's go.

Yes, what are you waiting for? Suzu just slowed down.

Yes, I'm going.

They run into the dungeon. The dungeon looks a bit like a mine. There are support beams on the side that support the ceiling.

Suzu walks through the dungeon for a while, killing a few rats as big as a horse. But then he meets a HogGoblin.

A HogGoblin is a goblin that has an axe and a shield in its hands. He can also use simple magic.

May what is that. Ask Suzu.

This is a HogGoblin.

What is a HogGoblin? Suzu asks.

A HogGoblin is a goblin that is stronger than a normal goblin and it can use magic.

Okay then, I'm going to have to defeat it now to move on, right?

Yes you will have to.

The HogGoblin lays his axe on the ground and triggers a shockwave. The shockwave is so strong that Suzu is thrown backwards and loses a bit of HP.

All is well Suzu.

Mai turns to Suzu and asks him.

Yeah, I'm fine, I just lost some HP. He is stronger than I thought.

Yes, I told you so.

The HogGoblin shoots small fireballs in Suzu's direction.

Suzu takes his sword and knocks back the fireballs.

The fireballs explode on the HogGoblin's upper body.

The HogGoblin roars and runs towards Suzu. The HogGoblin swings the axe from top to bottom and Suzu just manages to block. Suzu pushes the HogGoblin backwards and uses Double Strike, the Double Strike hits the HogGoblin right in the stomach.

The HogGoblin falls backwards but is still able to stay on his feet.

Suzu jumps after him and hits him.

The HogGoblin holds his shield in between and can come back into the fight.

Suzu is not so bad.

Mai says in a bored voice.

Yes, thank you for believing in me.

I just didn't expect you to last so long against a HogGoblin.

Suzu turns around and wants to say something to Mai.

Suzu watch out.

The Hoggoblin lunges with his axe and strikes from left to right Suzu just manages to duck.

Pooh that was close.

Yes, but watch him hit again, Mai says.

The HogGoblin immediately lunges at Suzu again, but this time Suzu is able to block the blow.


Now it is hard for Suzu to stop the axe from him.

The double-ganger runs behind the HogGoblin. The doppelganger uses double strike and hits the back of him.

The HogGoblin turns around and at the same moment Suzu releases his double-ganger.

He jumps into the air and knocks the HogGoblin's head off.

Blood spurts from his neck and he falls down. A small cloud of dust is raised.

You did a good job Suzu.

Mai comes flying.

Yes, it was exhausting.

Now let's go back to the dungeon.


Suzu kills a few small goblins, but they are no problem.

After a while they come to a fork in the road.

Which way should we go Mai.

Suzu I don't know if you want to go up or down the dungeon.

I want to go down... I think.

Ok, then we go left, left is the way down.

How do you know that Mai.

Suzu bsit you yet or what before you stand signs.

10 meters in front of Suzu stand at the time of the dungeon.

Lightning ouch I'm sorry I just have not seen why do you do that.

Because you are stupid and now let's move on.

They run away to the left.

On the other side there are green crystals.

May what are those crystals.

They are power stones that would have been used in this dungeon.

How do you know that? I thought you had data.

Yes, I don't have data about the dungeon and the cave, but I have data about power stones.

Oh ok and what are they good for.

With them you can improve your power for a short time.

Ok and then why does no one get them.