Chapter 68

The light flies closer and closer to Suzu, the closer the light comes the more Suzu can see what it is. Suzu sees a small file that has arms, legs, and a head. "AAAA help what are you," Suzu screams and slides backward on the floor.

"What am I?...I'm a Nature Fetich." the Nature Fetich flees up to Suzu's face. Suzu wants to move back, but behind him is the tree and he can't move out of the way.

"It's all right, I won't hurt you." The natural fang flies back a bit from Suzu again. "you can talk?" Suzu says in a frightened voice. "Yes. Why shouldn't I be able to talk?" The Nature Eater asks.

"ok..ok so you're a nature whiz." says Suzu. "yes that's right." After the Nature Eater says that, Suzu gets up from the floor and knocks the dust off her clothes. "Okay then, let me introduce myself. I am Suzu...and what is her name." The nature whites look a little embarrassed on the ground.

"let's go what is the... or can it be that you have no name." The natural whitener pleads behind the tree and then looks out from behind the tree with a slightly red face. then she looks deep into Suzu's eyes and then nods.

"ok, that means you don't have a name." The spirit of nature nods like crazy. Suzu thinks for a moment and then says. "Do you want me to give you a name? " the nature spirit nods his head. "Ok then let me think." Suzu thinks for a moment and then says. "I don't even know what gender you are."

"Ehm to be honest I have no idea what a gender is." The nature spirit pulls his head back and now you can't see him. "You don't know what gender is. Ok, then I'll explain it to you briefly. There is biological sex and social sex. Biological sex is whether you have a penis between your legs or not. If you have one you are a boy and if you have a vagina you are a girl. And the social sex is how you fill yourself."

the nature spirit pokes his head out from behind the tree and says. "I think I am neither a man nor a woman." Suzu looks a little confused." That means I have to give you a neutral name, right?" Suzu asks. "No, I don't care, you can give me her name." Says the nature spirit in a low voice.

"Okay, let me think about it for a minute." Says Suzu. After a short while, Suzu says. "I have a about Napa." The nature spirit comes out from behind the tree with a beaming face. "Napa yes I like that Napa. Napa, Napa, Napa, Napa.... "The nature spirit repeats the name very often, Napa has a huge smile on his face.

After that Napa flies to the face of Suzu and then. "Smooch" Napa kisses Suzu on the cheek. Suzu blushes and wipes through the air with his hands. "Why...what, why did you do that," Suzu asks in a nervous voice. "Well, I said thank you. Was that bad?" Napa asks. "No that's not what I'm trying to say. Anyway, I have a question for you Napa."

"Yes, what is it Suzu?" Says Napa in a very friendly voice. " why are a nature spirit like you and such a big tree under the ground." Suzu asks. "Well I don't know, I was born from the tree down here." Suzu doesn't understand the world anymore. "How you were born from the tree."

"Well, one day I opened my eyes and I was here. That's why I think I was born from the tree." Suzu looks a little confused. "It doesn't matter now. Is there a reason why you live down here?"

"To be honest, I have no idea why I live here, it's just the way it is." Napa flies onto Suzu's right shoulder. Napa sits on Suzu's shoulder and then says. "Can you show me the world?"

"Yes I could do that but I don't know how to get out of here."

"Yeah, well, that's a problem," Napa says, a little sadly. Suzu wants to cheer Napa up and says. That's no problem, we'll find a way," then he takes Napa off his shoulder and looks at her, and smiles.

after which Suzu puts Napa back on his shoulder and walks around the tree once more. "Suzu what are you doing?" Napa looks at Suzu a little confused. "Well, I'm looking to see if there's anything hidden around here. That's how I ended up here in the first place."

"In all the time I've been living here, I haven't noticed anything." Says Napa. Suzu runs back up the stairs. At the top, Napa looks around curiously. "This is how deep down I've lived." Says Napa. "Yeah, that's what I was wondering."

Suzu can't think of anything better to say, so he goes back to the cat statue with Napa on his shoulder. Suzu looks around but can't find anything. Dejected, he sits down on the floor. Napa lies down with his back to his head and looks at the ceiling. Napa ends up looking at a strange-looking stone.

Napa looks up at the ceiling and says. "Look at Suzu on the ceiling, that stone looks strange. Suzu looks at the ceiling and sees a stone hanging from the ceiling that looks like a car tire. "What is a car tire doing in a cave, I wonder? And how can a stone change into such a shape?"

Suzu stands up and walks right under the stone that looks like a car tire. In the middle of the tire is a red gemstone. "What kind of gemstone is this, and what is it doing in the middle of a tire?"

Suzu no longer understands where he has landed here and who has thought up the whole thing.

Napa, can you go upstairs and see what it is. Maybe I'm mistaken." Napa stands on her shoulder and jumps off. she flees in the direction of the car tire. when she reaches the top, she looks around and then says. "I can press on the red gem. Napa looks down at Suzu who says. "then press on it." Napa presses on the red gem."