Chapter 70

Behind the door is a beautiful landscape, a paradise. the sun shines on Suzu's face. The sun shines, the sky is bright blue and Napa flies through the air with a smile.

What kind of place is this? Suzu thinks to himself and looks around a bit. Suzu looks behind a tree and sees the ground behind him slowly turning into black sand. Suzu looks up and sees trees, mountains and even clouds turning into black sand. Suzu turns to Napa and tells Napa. "We have to get out of here, and fast." Napa looks at Suzu and asks, confused. "why?"

Suzu shouts in panic. "Because this world we're in right now is dissolving into black sand, and not slowly." The tree behind which Suzu just looked is now beginning to dissolve into sand. Suzu runs to the door and looks to see if he can go out through it. " won't open anymore." Without thinking much about it Suzu takes off running. He runs past Napa. Napa flies after Suzu without really knowing what is going on. Suzu turns around to see how far the sand has gone.

Suzu is shocked to see that the sand is not even a meter behind him. Napa also falls to the ground, "I can't fly anymore," he says. Says Napa. Napa can just barely hold on to Suzsˋs leg and so does not fall to the ground. The sand is getting faster and faster and has now completely reached Suzu. Suzu slowly sinks down through the sand, holding Napa in his hands. Suzu closes his eyes.

After a short time Suzu feels wind, the wind blows in his face and through his hair. He opens his eyes and sees that it is falling from the sky. "Aaaaaa" Napa clings to Suzu to avoid being blown away. "Why are we falling he screams out of panic?" Napa asks somewhat ironically. " well because I wanted to show you sometime." Suzu can't even hear what Napa replied because he's yelling way too loud. When Suzu and Napa are about to hit the ground, they stop. About a meter above the ground. They don't stay in the air for long but only for a few seconds. After they have fallen the meter to the ground, Suzu looks around and sees Mai lying on a stone under a tree not far from where they just landed.

Mai looks a little sleepy at Suzu and says. " oh... are you out again?" Suzu doesn't know exactly how to answer that. "Well not really we just fell out of the sky and before that we were engulfed by black sand. And now we're here."

Suzu tells Mai what exactly happened in the cave and how he ended up back here. Mai looks To Napa, Napa is sitting on the floor behind Suzu. Mai moves to Napa and asks, "How did you find this nature spirit?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. After running down the stairs, I found a tree and Napa deep in the ground."

"ok..ok but you didn't find out who or why he built this world." Mai asks Suzu in a stern voice. Then Mai takes a deep breath and flies onto Suzu's shoulder. Napa flies to the other side. Suzu asks. "so what do we do now?" Suzu looks around and extends his hand toward the sun. Suzu spreads his fin to let the sun through.

But before Suzu can enjoy this beautiful moment, Mai says. "what are you doing Suzu." Suzu replies. "I don't know, I just don't know what else to do."

"You really haven't found a single clue in the entire cave. What should we do now?" Mai asks again. "Yes, that's right, Mai," Suzu says, a little annoyed. Napa doesn't hear the conversation between the two. Napa sits on Suzu's shoulder andsleeps. "ok now one more time. what should we do now Mai?" asks Suzu. "To be honest, I have no idea." says Mai desperately.

"Ok then, let's just walk in the direction of that castle." Suzu points to a castle on the horizon. "Yeah ok we can do that." Says Mai. Suzu starts walking in that direction. Mai opens the map and marks the castle. An arrow appears on the horizon flying above the castle. "wooh...what is that?" asks Suzu. "I marked the castle, I activated it when you were in the cave," says Mai in a confident voice.

Suzu walks toward the castle with Mai and Napa on her shoulder and a slight tug on her face. "Why are you grinning like that Suzu?" Mai asks in an annoyed voice. "I don't know, I just feel like that right now. Suzu walks for a while in the direction of the castle without anything happening. "Mai, nothing has happened for a while now. I think nothing will happen to us from now on." At the moment Suzu finishes the sentence, a rabbit appears out of nowhere.

The rabbit is almost as big as Suzu, standing on its hind paws and wearing a suit. Suzu is startled and jumps backwards. This wakes Napa up. Napa rubs his eyes and asks in a sleepy voice." What's going on? Why are you so frantic?" Then Napa looks at the rabbit and says. "Why is this rabbit so big?"

Suzu takes out his sword from the inventory and gets ready to attack. But before Suzu can do anything, a window appears in front of Suzu saying.

[they woke up the guardian of the golden eyes].

"wait what this rabbit is supposed to be a guardian. But what are the golden eyes?" Suzu turns to Mai and Napa who by now have flown off his shoulder. Then he asks again this time but directed at Mai. "Mai what are the Golden Eyes."