The Cosmoses.

February the 3rd 1969.

I finally accepted the death of my mother and started to be okay with it; that happened because Mike and Jessica Cosmos helped me to go through it, Mike was 59 years old back then and Miss Jessica was 54, Mike was tall, had a small beard, perfect teeth, blue eyes, black turning to grey eyelashes and hair, he had an amazing smile, and the thing that needs to be said most about Mike is that he was very clever, He worked his entire life as a cars salesman and got himself a very good retirement, because he retired with about 100 thousand euros on his bank account, and his amazing wife was Jessica, she was a beautiful lady, her age did not make her look bad, it only made her look shiny, she worked as a nurse for the majority of her life and she gave up that work when she got to the age of 40. They were just a perfect couple, they had all things that were needed to build a perfect family, but unfortunately, they were not able to have children.

After my mother died, they welcomed us on their house and took very good care of us, Jessica raised my sister very well, I was very happy on that house, it was the family I have always dreamed of; still I was always calling them Mr. Mike and Mrs. Jessica out of respect while Vanessa my sister was always calling them mother and father which was making them very happy.

We were a very happy little family until one Thursday, March 1970, while Mike was reading to me lines from the Bible on the garage, we heard Vanessa screaming in terror

- Mother! Mother! What is it? Are you okay? Mother? Father! Walter! Come quick!!

She was in the kitchen when she saw Jessica lying on the ground and coughing blood, she was barely able to stand, that scene reminded of my worst day ever, blood! A woman on the ground! Someone screaming! All of that sent me back to that one horrible night in 1968. I panicked, but no one cared, they ran to help Jessica get up and Mike went with her to the hospital, back then we told Vanessa that my mother did not commit suicide; we lied to her to protect her feelings and tell her when she is ready enough to receive it.

After the ambulance left the house, my sister came looking for me while I was on my room scared, frightened and worried about Jessica, my sister came to me and said with her nice and soft voice:

- I know you are worried about our mother; I am also worried about her but I am sure that she will be fine! Because our mother is strong, we won't lose another mother Walter, God is not going to take her away from us this much fast.

She held her necklace which was a symbol of a heart that Aunt Jessica gave it to her.

My little sister's words comforted me and sent me to the church, it was empty that day, and I went to the front line and said with carrying:

- God I know you are watching! And I am sure that you know why I have come here! And I know I haven't been a good person on the past few years, but I came to you today to ask you for one thing, PLEASE GOD DO NOT TIRE MY HOME AGAIN! I know I am not allowed to ask you for such things…

That was when I started crying and shaking, I did not want to lose the Cosmoses and I said on that moment with tears exploding from my eyes:

- Please do not take this family away from me; I am ready to do anything to keep it, please!

The next day came and while I went back home from school I found Jessica inside cooking, that view of her cooking gave me incredible happiness, even Mike did not seem uncomfortable he also seemed very happy, I went to him and asked him:

Is Miss Jessica alright? Was it anything dangerous?

Mike answered me with his amazingly comforting smile:

No! There is totally nothing to worry about, it is all right son!

His words made me feel released, I felt like there was a hand on my chest squeezing my heart with each beat, and I finally the hand let my heart go.

After that I saw Mike helping Jessica too much at the house work, he was cooking on the mornings and he was cleaning the house and he was taking care of almost everything, I thought that he was just trying to be nice to his wife because they were always doing such things to each other.

Until 1971 January when Mike and Jessica's visits to the hospital became a regular activity they do once a week, that made me a little bit worried and gave me my worries besides the fact that they were old.

On the 4th of February 1971, I woke up at midnight to get myself a cup of water, while I was walking down the stairs, I realized that the lights of the living room were still on, I wanted to turn them off but right before I go there, I heard Mike and Jessica talking.

Mike was talking harsh to Jessica; I remember well that he said to her on a harsh but carrying tone:

- We have to spend the money on all of the medicines we can put our hands on to help you get better! I can't just give up on you! I love you more than anything else!

Jessica answered him with a bit of a soft tone to calm him down:

- Trust me, Mike! I love you more than anything else but I won't sacrifice Walter and Vanessa's higher education on a 3% working medicine! I can't do that to them!

Mike spoke again with a harsher tone:

- But 3% is more than enough, you will survive, the kids will totally understand us, especially Walter, he won't even argue about it! Let us please fix this! Seeing you every day with knowing that I will lose you on any moment kills me! I don…

And Jessica stops him from talking and walks close to him then says with her soft voice:

- Mike! I know they would not say anything about it, but Mike you remember that one day when we went to the church and prayed to have children and promised God to give them only care and love, and we promised God to make those children very close to him! You seem like you are forgetting the truth of living another life after this one! You have to watch after those children when I am gone.

That made Mike starts to cry, not only him; I cried too, I was barely 16 when that happened but I felt that it was my fault that they were going through that, I needed to find a job to help them even if it was a horrible job that takes 16 hours each day, I wouldn't mind it.