The girl on the red dress PART 2

My mother Jessica started speaking after her saying

-          No! It is totally fine! Please Emma, feel free to joke as you please, we welcome all kinds of jokes on this table.

She said that while looking at Emma and her mother then she started looking at me as if she wanted me to start speaking to move over the awkward moment, I took a deep breathe in order to start a conversation with Emma, then I started talking

-          Yes! I also think sometimes that life is pointless but when I start to actually think about it, I find that life has unlimited meanings, I mean just think about how we are built perfectly to live together, if I get broken, I find the doctor, and if the doctor gets beaten, he finds the police man and when the police man gets hungry, he finds the restaurant and when the restaurant chef doesn't find materials, he always finds the grocery store's guy… and the chain keeps going endlessly.

Emma listens carefully with complete focus without moving her eyes away from mine, that she even made me a bit shaky, after I finish my long sentence, she starts speaking

-          But at the end, I mean it all becomes pointless, once you and the people that know you die, you will become a nothing to humanity as if you have never existed, even the great thinkers and scientists and religious people will come a time when they all will be forgotten, I mean we all are going to die at a certain moment, won't we?

She asked me that then grabbed her glass and sniffed from it, then she laid on her chair and looked straight to my eyes as if she was challenging me, so I sat correctly and grabbed a grape from the fruits plate, ate it then I started talking

-          But, hear me out Emma, do you really think that life is pointless? Do you really think that all of this is actually pointless? Do you really think that this marriage, your memories, the people you meet, the amazing and horrible moments all are pointless? Do you really believe that there is no point on you whole existence?

Before realizing it, I was too close to Emma's face while holding an apple on my right hand and facing towards Emma, when I realized that I was too close I pushed myself back to my chair and I nodded as if I was apologizing to my parents, my sister, Emma and her mother. Emma kept her mouth shut for few seconds then she said with great laughter

-          You are so fun, you are super fun Walter, of course I believe that life has great meaning and purpose I was just messing with you.

We all laughed and acted as if nothing happened, and started laughing as if it was a normal joke, shortly after that we started meeting other guests and having some boring conversations them, until the night arrived when they all started dancing, my uncle Mark was dancing with aunt Jessica and they seemed too young and full of energy, I was just watching until my sister came walking right through the dance hall, holding Emma behind her and forcing her to follow, when they reached me, Vanessa looked at me and said a funny fake angry tone

-          Why haven't you asked this beautiful lady to dance with you? All men from all times and places are ashamed of you! Go ask her to dance with you and be a man!

I couldn't even answer because I was laughing, I noticed that Emma was laughing and okay with that weird dance invitation thing, so I just asked Emma after I stood up

-          Can you dance with me tonight? Before this tiny monster create a more award situation for both of us!

Emma looked at me with a gorgeous smile while she was holding her laughter and said to me while nodding her head

-          Yes! Let's go! Walter.

We walked slowly to the dancing hall, she was leading the walk, she was holding my hand and faced me with her back, when we got to an empty area, she let go my hand and started dancing.

Her moves were too smooth to be natural, she was moving as if she is the one that created the music and the dance. We spent a lot of time dancing on disco music before they played some nice romantic slow jazz music.

When that music started playing Emma held my left hand with her right hand and held my right hand, put it on her waist by her left hand then she put it on my right shoulder and we started dancing, we danced on that position smoothly for few minutes before she whispered on my let ear

-          For real! I am sorry about what happened to your friend, and I know that I am not supposed to know, but I am also sorry about Kate's thing, I hope that you have already moved on, I know how the first love can be painful.

That hit me as if my colleague at work has just spanked me while I did not predict it at all. I tried to play it cool so I spoke

-          I am already over her, because I know that there are other girls on this city, I will find a better girl of course.

And I faked a play boy smile with it that didn't fit my character at all. She also noticed that and laughed while looking away then she started talking to me again

-          Yes, big bad boy there is more at the sea. Let's just hope that you fall for a better one the next time.

We just kept dancing and talking about personal things until the whole marriage ended and I went back home so as Emma went back home with her mother.