
Oona went to the study room and took some novels to read as she can already tell that sleep was a faraway thing for her today. She was dead tired but she couldn't sleep. As she thought back to today's events she felt even more gloomy.

"Why isn't he hating me? Why isn't he cursing at me? Why isn't he blaming me? It was because of me we lost them. It was all my fault. If I had not been overconfident..."

Oona buried her face in her knees and cried softly. After what seemed like forever she lied down on the bed and covered herself completely under the blanket just leaving her head out. She closed her eyes and hugged the pillow while burying her face in it.

"One sheep...Two sheep... Three sheep... Four sheep... Five... Ten... Twenty..." Oona was counting sheep trying to sleep.

While she was whispering she heard a sound. She stopped counting and peaked in the dark. Without asking she knew which cat was sneaking inside her room. She saw Joel sneaking inside her room and tiptoeing inside her room. She wouldn't have heard him if she was asleep. But then she was paying attention so she was able to hear that slight sound made by the lock.

She immediately tried to have slow heavy breaths as if she was in deep sleep. Joel crawled to her. He was already dressed in his pyjamas and sneaked under the blanket and rolled near her. Oona was sleeping with her back facing him.

Oona tried to stabilize her breathing as she didn't want to chase him away or fight with him now. She just wanted to stay quiet now. So she just left him to do whatever he wanted. Joel stuck his front to her back and hugged her waist softly while pulling her into his arms leaving no gap between them.

'How long has it been since I held you like this?' Joel thought as he buried his head in her nape. He breathed in her wild yet feminine scent.

Joel always tried to associate Oona's natural scent with physical objects like flowers, fruits, and trees. But he could never describe her scent. It was unique. It was different. And he loved it so much.

While Joel was relaxing while breathing in her scent, Oona was screaming internally.

'Someone just strike him. What is he doing tickling me on my neck like that? Doesn't he know that my neck is sensitive? Hehe! Damn, so damn ticklish.'

Oona pressed her lips together while trying to control her body movements. Joel was so so busy on her nape that he didn't notice her movements.

"Damn, I miss her," Joel muttered while hugging her more tightly in his embrace.

Oona wanted to sigh contently. No matter how hard she talks or stays away from him, being in his embrace is like sleeping in her safest home. Yes, He is her home. But she can never have that luxury again. She just wants to enjoy it sneakily like this.

Oona moved slightly to make herself more comfortable. Joel took this as a chance and intertwined their legs together and turned her towards him. He buried Oona completely in his strong embrace leaving only her head out.

Oona wanted to push him away but deep down she wanted to relish in his embrace. It had been three years already.

'Just today! Just today I will stay quiet.' Oona thought letting out a sigh inwardly.

And surprisingly she was already warm and sleepy. Oona smiled slightly at how a person can change your emotions so easily. Looking at him reminds her of their past but he is also the one who brings all the happiness. Even now he had never given up on them. It was not like she wishes to be away from him. She was the one who chased Joel first. So how will she be able to chase him away? It was just that things can never be the same between them.

"I know that you are not asleep, dummy," Joel said suddenly while hugging her even tighter if it was even possible.

Oona immediately stiffened. Obviously, he would know the moment he entered. He must have to pretended to not notice so as to see her reaction and he didn't want to expose her as she would chase him away, Though she can also chase him now, it was more likely that she would not.

Oona just buried her head deeper in his chest and closed her eyes tightly so that he can't see her face. Just as he predicted she can't bear to chase him out now. She has done that for three years. Just one night she was going to feel him. She wanted to be selfish for just one night.

Joel smiled slightly seeing her burning herself like a bunny in his chest. He slightly pushed her away.

"Just a minute. I am not gonna ask you anything," Joel said.

Oona still kept her eyes closed but she moved back slightly to give him space. As she kept her eyes closed she didn't see Joel opening his shirt buttons. He swiftly removed his shirt and tossed it away at a lightning speed. Joel then pulled her back into his embrace and hugged her tightly.

Oona gasped at the contact of his hot skin against her cheek. She immediately opened her eyes only to see his hard chest so closely. She gulped.

"Don't think much about it. You know I can't sleep with a shirt on."Joel muttered slowly in that silent night.

Oona pressed her lips together as she glared at his chest. The reason he told was right. But the main reason was Oona hates it when he wears a shirt in their home. Especially when sleeping, Oona will toss his shirt away and snuggle feeling the warmth of his skin. She doesn't know why she does that. She just knows just she doesn't like sleeping beside him with his shirt on. Eventually, Joel got that habit, Even on super cold days, he sleeps shirtless now as he can't fall asleep without his upper body bare.

"Sleep, my love."