Mrs. Romano comes into my room with a hot cup of green tea and a heated towel. She sits beside me on the bed and puts the towel on my forehead.
"Dante darling, are you really alright" she asked still looking really worried. I answered her still kind of dizzy "I'm fine, don't worry". But I really wasn't fine, not in the slightest. I felt sicker the more I thought about that horrific dream. Questions like "What does it mean" or "Is it from my parents" or "Am I really ready to take over" filled my head. I couldn't think straight but all I knew is that I had to fulfil my promise to my parents no matter what.
After a few minutes I decided to get out of bed and get ready to take a flight back to Italy. I had to check on my now inherited company, Romano Group and Enterprises. This powerful organization that dealt with so many areas like law, investments, real estate and many more was now in my hands. Even though I had a board of trusted chairpersons and Mr. Romano himself I still felt like I had to do my absolute best and that made me nervous. I showered, got dressed and called Mr. Romano to tell him I was ready to go.
"You sure, if you need some rest you should stay a few more days" he said. "I feel fine, sir" I replied. "Ok then, Adriano is waiting for you with a driver, just check out and go with him to the airport ok" he asked. "Yes got it" I replied. "You're going to be just fine my boy, I believe in you". Those words suddenly gave me a boost of confidence. "Thank you sir" I replied and ended the call.
I double checked if I had everything I needed and headed to checkout downstairs. Coming out of the huge doors, I saw Adriano leaning against the car. He noticed me instantly and playfully opened the car door for me.
"Excuse me your highness" he said in a playful manner. "Why thank you" I replied. He pulled out his hand signaling me to hold it and I got into the car.
We laughed in the car on the way to the airport just having fun. He then asked me "Are you really ok, you seem a bit paler". I could tell he was joking since the dark color of my skin rarely makes me look pale. "Don't worry, I'm fine" I said while playfully ruffling his hair. Although Adriano is older than me and we looks so different I see him as my very own brother and I love him to death.
The car ride went relatively smooth until I noticed we were being followed by a black SUV with black stained windows so I couldn't see who was inside.
"Someone is following us" I said to Adriano. "So you've also noticed" he replied. I then rolled down the glass dividing me and the driver and said to him "Please shake them off". "Yes master" he replied. He then started to make what I thought was a U-turn but actually ended blocking the road and stopped the car. We were on an unmarked road so there were no cars. "Dude, why did you stop" Adriano said to the driver. I hear the sound of a gun being reloaded and instantly yell "GET DOWN". As soon as I said that shots were fired through the back of our car window. One of the bullets scratched the surface of Adriano's skin causing him to start bleeding. He lets out a cry and I rip a part of my suit and tie up his wound. After a minute the round of shots ended and the enemies begun to reload. I pulled out my gun from my suit pocket and shot four of them down making sure not to hit their vital organs. I get out of the car and shoot the other two remaining. I walk to the driver's seat to see a man shaking and begging me for forgiveness.
"Please sir I was paid to do it" he begged. I saw tears run down Adriano's face as he tightly grasped his wound. That image filled me with so much anger that I pointed the gun at the driver's head. At this point I told him to get out of the car and he kept on begging me. "Please don't kill me I have a wife and kids" he said. I reloaded the gun which made him jump in fear. "Who sent you" I asked him. "I don't know" he answered and I knew he was lying. I shot the ground right next to his knee as he was kneeling down. "Tell me know or I'll blow your head off" I said. "MR.A" he screamed. Mr. A? I thought in confusion. "Explain" I said while pointing the gun at his head. "A man named Mr. A sent his goons to my house and told me to stop you from going back to Italy" he said. "He threatened to kill my family if don't comply sir, I swear I'm telling the truth please forgive me" he continued while rubbing his palms together begging for mercy. "Get in" I told him pointing the gun to the car. "Thank you sir" he said and shakily walked to the car. I walked towards the black SUV were the gunned down men laid unconscious and opened the car. I search the whole interior until I opened the glovebox and saw a business card. It said "A Incorporations". I had never heard of the company before but I saw a white envelope as well and decided to take it with me and open later on.
I got a first aid kit from the boot and dressed Adriano's wound. I got into my car and told the driver to go to hospital. "Ouch" he said while I put some antiseptic on the wound. I told him to calm down and that we'd be at the hospital soon. I called Mr. Hoggs and told him what happened and that he should send some people to clean up the mess. When we arrived at the hospital I escorted Adriano to the private section and took him to the doctor. I stood outside on the huge hospital balcony looking at the business card fondly. The words the driver said came to mind. "Mr. A? Who the heck is he"? Then I reached into my pocket and pulled out the envelope. I opened it up carefully. It was a notebook paper, I opened up and what I saw made me fall to my knees. It read in red dripping ink "Do you miss mommy and daddy :), too bad you'll never see them again. Your next signed, Mr. A". Tears came down my cheeks as I recalled that exact moment again, I couldn't hold it in. My parents' killer was out for me now. All I felt was anger. I felt something in the envelope again and took it out. It was a necklace. I instantly knew where it was from. It belonged to my mother, she wore it every day. It was covered in dried blood and the jewels were missing. The gold color had begun to turn brown. I gazed right at this bloody necklace and everything clicked. Whoever this Mr. A person is killed my parents.
With tears trickling down my face I said to myself repeatedly "HE'S GOING TO PAY" while clenching the necklace in my hand. At that moment I knew what I had to do.