Chapter 21

15 chapters ahead at:



Vivi already was stealthily moving to Alabasta after getting information from Josh about what is going to happen in her country.

Josh had already promised her a valuable information

Some of them were given in advance, such as the information that there would be a huge weapon deal with the rebels.

And that the rebels are being played like a toy, as someone is responsible.

For Vivi, who is 15 years old young princess, this information was shocking.

It would mean that her country is in real danger.

However, Josh facial expression had said it would at least take a year before that happens.

"Mr.7, who is he, for real?'

She wondered.

He looked to be more mysterious than anyone else in the organisation. Hell. He even knew her real identity, her purpose from joining, and he didn't even tell about her.

He could be a person who is greedy for money. Yet, he only said that she can gamble on him. Those words seemed to be very honest.

Trusting a stranger, with an unknown power level is never guarantying.

That's why Josh said she has to bet on him.

'At least, he is honest, it seems.' Patting the bird, which was as big as a horse and was next to her, Vivi thought as she looked at the blue sea in front of her.

Currently, she was on her way back to Alabasta, using the Eternal Pose that points to her home kingdom.


Yawning and stretching his arms up to the sky, Josh looked in front of him. The yellow desert extended as far as the eye can see.

It was really hot around that his skin started getting dry.

"I need water," Josh said.

"Try lemon water."

Mikita, who was wearing lemon earrings, and a yellow dress with patterns of lemon, threw a bottle to Josh.

Josh drank it and flinched. It was sour. But still, it watered him up.

"Let's hope I don't get my skin cracked," Mikita said.

Josh nodded as their ship sailed.

"Remember the mission's details."

Mikita nodded at him.

The mission was to let the weapon delivery pass.

The rebels army in Alabasta is going to buy weapons for the minimum price with dealers from the underworld.

These dealers, of course, are sent by Crocodile, also known as Mr. 0.

Mikita and Josh's job is to let that happen and protect the delivery.

Josh started rubbing his ears. "The sand, it's annoying."

"Not as much as the heat," Mikita said, almost frowning from the heat of the desert.

"I hate deserts." Josh raised his eyebrows before he sighs and walked forward.

Mikita opened her umbrella, stood up next to him, and let both of them under the shadow.

"Thanks," he thanked her. "But I should hold it."

"The taller one holds it, right."

"Just because you are wearing heels."

"Whatever, stay close if you don't want to be affected by the heat."

"Weird. Things are hotter next to you."

After a giggle from Mikita, the two of them moved, until they reached a near city in Alabasta.

Alabasta was a country. There is the capital, cities, towns and all.

Although One Piece is a world of Islands, there are a lot of islands that can be considered countries.


"How do I look," Josh asked Mikita, who was wearing different clothes, just like him.

Since they are parts of Baroque Works agents, they had to disguise themselves.

Mikita was wearing a long dress, a white one with a veil on her head.

Josh was wearing fewer clothes. An opened shirt, lousy white pants, and shoes. However, he put a small black mask on the lower half of his face and some sunglasses.

"Who are you again?" Mikita asked, mockingly.

"Someone." Josh shrugged his shoulder. "You?"

"Someone else," Mikita said.

That was their job. They shouldn't reveal their identity.

"Let's move."

Rey, a short man with a scar across his face was sitting on the near side, next to a building in this desert city.

Next to the building, there were many camels with boxes above them.

Each one of these boxes held rifles.

The rifles and guns in One Piece world weren't as modern or as strong as the ones from Earth.

They were very old-styled, like the ones you see in pirate movies.

On each camel, one can see normal-looking merchants.

But still. All of them were criminals.

"Right." Josh shook his head and started moving along with his group.

Soon, they reached a near village.

The sun was slowly setting, looking red, and big in this desert.

Josh looked at the sun, and he started thanking God that it was setting.

It was known that cold weather would come soon, and Josh appreciates that.

A cold night was always appreciated.

He thought about that as he held Mikita's hand and they entered the village.

In front of them, there was a group of 50 men, all covering their faces with a white piece of cloth.

Rey, the leader of weapon dealers, stood up forward and asked for the captain to appear and pay for them.

They seemed to talk about something, as the other merchants placed the boxes and opened them, revealing in each box weapons covered in straw.

"The price seems to be too high." The leader of the rebels here said.

"I think you don't know how things go. In the underworld, you don't change the price, you just buy."

"But… we barely have enough to feed ourselves."

"Your problem, not mine," Rey said.

Josh, who was on the side, slammed his face with his hand.

What's wrong with the rebels.

Crocodile is already doing them a favour with this cheap price. Yet, the rebels are shameless enough not to buy it and negotiate.


It's not Josh's problem at all.

In any case, the rebels seemed not to accept what Rey said.

"Let's go back. We'll tell the boss about what happens, and you will learn what it means to waste good intent."

Rey only sighed, waved his hand, and the other merchants started closing the boxes, ready to go back.


The leader of this division of the rebels said, understanding that he isn't in the position of power, he decided to accept the deal.

Meanwhile, the bodyguards were sitting down near a rock under the shadow.

"Are you entertained?" Mikita looked at Josh, who was sitting and extending his legs.

"Yes, you."

"It's funny," Mikita said. She then turned her head and flinched. "Josh…"

"I know," Josh said.

In front of them, many shadows of men sitting on horses that were running appeared.

Everyone turned their heads.

"Hold on! In the name of the king!"

Leading almost forty men, armed, and sitting on horses, with swords and gun, said.

Anyone, by looking at their armours and way of clothing, can tell that they are royal guards.

"Any idea why are they here," Mikita said lowly.

Mikita, who was Josh's partner, had heard about what Josh told Vivi, and who Vivi is.

Since she had agreed on his crazy plan of stealing Crocodile, she thought he has plans.

"I don't know. Do you know?" Josh pretended ignorance with a bland expression.

"Nope. what do we do?" Mikita asked him.
