Chapter 71

Standing on the top of the ship, Josh looked in front of him, toward the sea. 

Currently, Josh was bathing under the sun, just like the rest of the girls who wore light clothes, except for one injured blonde guest. 

Kalifa was sleeping, tied to a chair. 

On the other hand, Mikita, who was wearing a bikini, was staring at the blonde agent, cracking her fist and waiting for her to wake up. 

Although Mikita's heavy kick had done her so much damage, it was a wonder how she could stay alive. 

"Alright, remember our goal," Josh said, throwing a black bag full of money in the air.

 Robin, who was sitting on the chair, caught it. 

"I know. Trade the gold for money, while you try to look for your shy friend." Robin crossed her long full legs. "Trust me, I know how to trade. I know the underworld like my palm." 

"I know. Just can't help feeling worried about you." Josh said, looking at Robin, who turned her face. 

"Awe. Cute." Robin said, putting the bag next to her. 

 In the bag, there are 50 million berries, which should buy them enough expenses. Josh, while waiting for the female agent, decided to see what he had gained. 

Activating his Zoan, his eyes turned red. His height this time extended to 2.3 meters instead of 2 meters. 

Red scales covered his body, while horns grew up on the side of his head, with black scales arm guards growing on his back. 

This time, however, a tail, sharp one, grew out of his back. 

'It seems that the more I understand the attributes, the more I can understand my Zoan Fruit powers. Also, I become stronger and faster as well.'Josh thought as he noticed, before opening his palm.

Focusing on the wrath attribute, Josh's heat started increasing. 

While compressing the energy on his palm, the energy suddenly turned into a red hot flame. Because of his spiritual talent, Josh felt that he was naturally communicating with the energy. 

Extending his hand forward, the flames turned into a beam that flew up to the sea, vapouring the seawater around it. 

"Great!" Josh shouted, excited that he can shoot fire. "Hot, damn hot flames…" Josh thought of a name. 

"Yes, yes, we know you are hot," Marianne said, sipping tea. 

"Wrath flame, so be it." Josh closed his fist. 

*Drum* *Drum*

After hearing a sudden change in someone's heartbeat, Josh dispelled his transformation and became a human again. 

"Joshy, she is awake." 

"Thanks, chocolate." 

"Hey, don't stare at her, or I'll be upset." Mikita walked toward Josh and gave his shoulder a small loving fist. 

Josh smiled at her. "Why would I, when I have you." 

"Right," she just smiled. "I'll forget she's attractive." 

"Don't think lowly of me. I hate the government." 

"Who don't."

Josh stared in front of him. 

(Trigger warning: This chapter may contain a little torture graphic content that some may find uncomfortable.)


Kalifa, the blonde woman from CP9 was opening her eyes slowly. 

Staring in front of her, she noticed that the protector of her target, Josh, the gambler, was couching and smiling at her face. 

Trying to move slowly while trying to remember what had happened, Kalifa opened her eyes widely upon realising that she was chained with steel shackles and chains.

"Hope you don't mind me. I had to make sure that you won't just attack me. Oh, and don't even try storm legs." 

Kalifa, who was about to kick up, found that she was feeling severe pain as she tried to move. Usually, she would be strong enough to break these chains easily. However, she was injured, and she couldn't even try to make her body go limp so she can slip from them, using Kami-E. 

Controlling her emotion, as she had been trained, Kalifa could keep her face cold and looked at the ground.

"Your ribs are broken…" he said. 

Kalifa, upon noticing that he was couching and his face was close to seeing her panties, frowned and said. 

"Move, or I'll sue you for sexual harassment." Those were her private parts after all. 

"Oh please. There is no law allowing someone to sue you if you made them horny." 

Josh mocked as he stood up. 

Kalifa could tell that since Josh hasn't done something to her yet, it means that he wants something to keep her alive. 

In that case, that something would be her best card to bluff and go back to the base. 

One can't trust a dirty pirate, but she can trust their greed. 

"What do you want?" 

"I want to offer you a deal." Josh opened his arms. "I can heal your injuries and let you go, on one price." 

"Which is?" Kalifa said. 

"Teach me the six powers," said Josh. "Not the six. Just Iron Mass, Finger Gun, and of course, the technique that let you dodge things… what's it… Kami-E.3 

Pausing for a brief, Kalifa tried to analyse what Josh is saying. 

Shaking her head, the long blonde hair floated back. Her huge tits shaking from anger, she sneered. 

"You want me to betray the World Government, not a chance." 

Handing the six powers to a stranger is taught to be one of the greatest betrays to the World Government. 

Agents are taught to die before that happens. 

As an agent, she had passed by harsh training. 

The pain alone would be enough to make anyone wish to die or make death looks like a merciful act. Moving her tongue across her mouth, she found that something was missing. 

Josh was holding a little pill between his fingers. "Looking for this?" 

Upon realising that he has her poison pill, Kalifa knew that she can't kill herself now. 

"Do whatever you want. Torture me or kill me. You won't get anything." 

"Come on. Don't you want your injuries to be healed?" 

Josh made his first offer. 

"Fuck off!" Kalifa said, turning her head. 

"Well, how about we change your mind." 

"Oh trust me, you will be sent to the deepest level of Impel Down if it came to your mind that you can touch me," Kalifa said, her tone scary for someone who knows fear. 


Josh cut her words with a frown. Red energy started dancing around him, a hot one. Kalifa, somehow, felt her heartbeats increasing. 

It was like she was feeling fear as wrath was coming out of Josh. However, dealing with fear and wrath had been included in her train. She just smirked at his face. 

"Fear, is that the best you got?" 

Josh sighed, his facial expression relaxed as he extended his hand and put it on her cheek, pushing a blonde hair strand back. 

Staring at him with her blue eyes, Kalifa frowned. 

Josh said. "I see, wrath and fear won't work for you, they had prepared you for any kind of torture." 

Kalifa didn't say anything, but he was right. 

Josh smiled, his voice getting deeper, and somehow, it had some sexy appeals.

"However, Demons, in hell, are specialists of torture, let's see if they trained you for this." 

"Trained me for what?" 

"I won't touch you. I will make your experience," Josh smirked, "Horny jail. And since you are a highly trained assassin, I won't feel sorry for you." 

 Josh didn't want to do this. He doesn't like to hit someone or torture him. 

Upon feeling the energy from him, Kalifa noticed that Robin was waving her hand in front of her face. 

Kalifa felt her heat increasing, her chest huffing as her body was reacting strangely.

Mikita and Marianne seemed to feel this as well. They stared at Josh. 

Mikita's thighs were clashing with each other. "It's hot," she said, taking her bikini's bras off. 

Josh's demonic energy started gaining a different attribute, making the girls around him feel aroused. 

Kalifa started breathing slower, a drop of sweat formed on the top of her forehead. "What are you doing to me… Oh…~Ah.." 

Josh put his hand on the top of her head. Since she was the closest one to him, she was the one to be most affected by lust energy. 

"Don't see it as a crime. Arousing someone is legal." 

Josh smiled as he let the energy dance around her.

Kalifa started moaning slowly, her crotch era started getting wet at an unimaginable rate, her pussy twitching non-stop. 

"Stop… please. Oh, stop~" 

"Say the magical words, and everything would stop." 


Kalifa screamed while moaning, her cheeks completely turning red as she was staring at his crotch.

Josh, on the other hand, was trying to look calm after smelling the feminine scent. However, his boner betrayed him by forming a tent down there. After all, he is playing a naughty torture game with a hot blonde blue eyed enemy. 

Kalifa seemed to be losing her rationality, as she tried to touch herself. Despite her injury, she was trying to break her shackles and touch herself. But she couldn't. 

Mikita walked next to Robin, watching the 'torture process.' 

"Is this what happened to you." Mikita turned to Robin. 

"No." Robin shook her head. "Josh was gentle." She then turned to Mikita and frowned. "Why are you blushing." 

"I'm not, you are!" Mikita took a step back and looked at Josh. 

Marianne sneaked between them and shared her opinion. "So, this is what feel like to be next to a male Dom." She was blushing too. 

"I admit it, I want to try it," Mikita said.

A few hours later, Kalifa seemed to be on the urge of losing her brain. 

The spot on her chair was completely wet. She was almost sucked dry, and her body didn't stop feeling aroused. 

Josh, on the other hand, felt he had to take a break and sleep with one of the girls. 

"Stop! Please! Let me touch myself!" Kalifa begged, unable to contain the lust within her. 

Believe her on not, Josh, at this moment, looked so handsome and very attractive. All of this time during the torture, she had naughty ideas for the nearest male. 

The World Government never trained her for such a situation. 

"I'll let you orgasm, this time. But the next time, you will beg for release. You will just ask, and you won't get it." Josh tapped on her forehead, letting the demonic energy with lust attribute enter, circling all of her pleasure nerves. 

Kalifa let a very loud moan and lowered her head, the chair was soaked wet from the amount of the juice as she just came. Relief took over her as the whole stress that was accumulated during her life left her.  

Josh looked down at her. She seemed to be very happy as if she was panting after days of sex. Pleasure and pain, the worse kind of torture.

She has yet to gain her rationality back. 

"Think well, and let me know if you are going to tell me something I want to hear the next time." 

"You~ fucking~ incubus." Kalifa cursed, lowering her head with a blush, burying her face in her huge tits. At this moment, she had no more desire than to play with herself. But the pride soon found its way back to her and she refused to give up this time. 

Josh had secretly decided. If this doesn't work, he would throw her to the sea. He just wants to master the six powers, since he believed they would be a deadly weapon in his hand with his talents. But he isn't trying to master torture. Well, he was training, wasn't he? 

Now, it was time for a break, and then, he needs to exchange the gold and get what he needs once he reaches the land. 


AN: Chapters ahead in pațreon:
