Chapter 198

Fishman island was a very beautiful land. There were lands, shops, lakes, and bubble roads everywhere. Even the people were beautiful, except for the fishmen race. 

Josh was looking around, checking out some nice mermaids. Surprisingly, all of them were beautiful, had a perfect shape, and had big boobs. Their faces were the definition of perfection, flawless. They were from all of the colours. 

'Only if they had ass-ets.' Josh clicked his tongue. 

"What are you thinking of?" Mikita asked. 

'Oppai.' Josh answered. "Nothing…"



"Obviously, boobs." Hancock interrupted. When Josh looked at her, she seemed to be quite annoyed. Josh lifted his hand and slapped her butt. 

"Nothing can replace this, though," Josh said. Hancock wanted to appear annoyed, but her lips betrayed her as she smiled. 

Josh took from Bitch's mouth several tons of gold, and now, he was looking for a centre to exchange them. Well, not him really since it was Robin's job to take care of trading. 

Meanwhile, Josh decided to separate from the group temporarily and said. "Okay, let's just book a hotel room. Meanwhile, shop. Since you always say that my expenses are little, I'll find a place to eat." 

"I'll be with you then," Hancock said. "I don't like shopping that much." 

Kalifa shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know why people like shopping that much…" 

"Because WG used to pay you shit." Replied Melissa with a cough. 

"Whatever." Kalifa rolled her eyes and stood next to Josh. 

"Let's meet in the centre next to the ship later." Josh issued his order. 

He then moved with Kalifa and Hancock as he was looking for a place to eat. In the middle of their way, and from nowhere, Hancock and Kalifa's mood changed as they gave their interest to the stalls they had seen. And in no time, Josh found himself waiting for them to end shopping. 

'Don't like shopping my ass.' Josh sighed as he turned. 'This is boring. Lemme try to jinx me. This can't get any better.' 

Josh suddenly felt a wave of negative emotions heading toward him. 

'It worked,' he thought. 

He turned his head, and many fishmen were looking at him. Their eyes seemed to be wide opened. 

"It's him…" 

"The one…"

"Shiyarly has talked about him. He's the one who sent Jimbe to Impel Down." 

Josh furrowed his eyebrows. Although the fishmen and the mermaids kept quiet, with his demon's senses, he could hear everything in detail, even their heartbeat. 

Kalifa seemed to be aware too while Hancock didn't give attention as she was trying to choose a bra. 

"It worked. The jinx law works." Josh raised his eyebrows amused. 

"Were you thinking it was boring and can't get worse?" Kalifa, who was behind him, said. 

Josh rubbed his chin, "Yes." 

"You know, some army of fishmen pirates are heading toward us," Kalifa said. Since her senses were good and she had Rumble-Rumble Devil Fruit, her hearing sense and Observation Haki were on a top-level. 

 "The Gambler." Called a deep voice. 

Josh turned his head slowly, seeing a 3 meters tall humanoid white shark. He had a hat on his head, covering his long black hair, and his eyes were like the shark. His nose was small, but his mouth was wide and full of sharp teeth. 

Behind the humanoid shark, came many fishmen, and they numbered almost a thousand, or more. They seemed to be different from each other, as there was an octopus humanoid holding many swords, and so. The people were leaving the market for good. 

"You came to visit?" Josh asked. 

"For someone called a hero by Celestial Dragons, you have the guts to come here." The white shark spoke. "And you beat Big Brother Jimbe too. Do you think you can pass by this island without saying hi first?" 

Josh put his hand on his forehead and looked at the fishmen as if he was looking for something specific. "Hi." 

"I'm Hody Jones." He said. "And I think you know that this place is under the Whitebeard's protection." 

As Jones said that, Kalifa frowned as she understood why this fishmen has the guts to come over and provoke trouble. They think that every pirate would fear to cause troubles in the territory of the Strongest Man in the World. 

"Wow, you have many kinds," Josh said, not seeming serious as he scanned every Fishman. "Curious." 

"Are you listening?" 

"I always wanted to see a real-life version of Patrick. But my day is ruined." Josh let a long sigh before looking at Hody Jones. "So, what were you saying?" 

Veins appeared on Hody's head as he stared at Josh. Hody had very high confidence seeing that The Gambler is alone with two harmless girls. Two harmless hot chicks and the one that was ignoring them was way prettier. But nevertheless. Everyone here didn't give her much glance, as they know about the beauty of the princess. 

"Kick his ass. Whitebeard is with us." Hody said as he pointed with his hand forward. 

Thousand of large creatures headed toward them. 

Josh rubbed his ear. "He doesn't even have a beard." 


"Did he just…" 

"How dare he?" 

The army stopped in the middle of their charge, gasping in shock. 

Josh turned his head to Kalifa, and he nodded. Kalifa understood and extended her hand forward. Sparks of lightning danced around her fingers before they busted and turned into lightning streaks. Whenever lightning hit a Fishman, it will spread to the nearest Fishman, and so, until it covered all of them. In one second, the army fell, and all of their bodies were burned. 

"I avoided burning them to ashes. I may need to store a little of blood." Kalifa said. 

"Monster!" Hody Jones said. He didn't believe his eyes. He had been very excited to humiliate Josh and then show off himself in front of Jimbe. Hody had been depending on the numbers, and since this island was under Whitebeard's protection, he believed that Josh would endure the humiliation. Many pirates before him would. 

But all of his army fell in one second, and on the hands of a pretty busty blond. 

"You low form of life…" Hody clenched his jaw.  

"Found it!" Hancock yelled. Josh and Kalifa turned their heads to see Hancock holding bras. 

"Joshy. Tell me, do you think it will look better on me. Or do you prefer red?" Hancock lifted a blue bra in one hand and a red one in the other. 

Josh saw the future. 'Not again. I'll say red, and she'll say but it makes her look fat, so I'll say blue, and she will make a drama about how I believe that she is fat. I'll say something else, and the shit will go deeper and deeper.' 

Hancock was a perfect woman. But she was a drama queen. 

Josh turned his head to Hody and pointed his finger at him. "If you can summon a greater army in a couple of minutes, I'll give you a chance. Better yet, call someone from Whitebeard's army." 

Josh wanted to avoid Hancock's drama. 

He now remembered why he has the habit of only buying food and not shopping. 

"What???" Hody didn't believe the audacity of the man. How dare he underestimate him. 

Josh bit on his lips as Hancock patted his shoulder. 

"What the fuck are you waiting, me making sushi out of you!" Josh screamed at Hody. 'Save me.'

"You'll regret understanding a higher specimen, human." Hody Jones pointed his finger at Josh, before turning and running away. 

Josh felt his body being shacked by Hancock's hands. "Joshy~ so, which one?"

"Can we try them in the hotel later?" 

"No." Hancock shook her head and made a cute expression as she bit her lips. "I want you to use your imagination."

"Can't we take them both?" Josh said, his eyes almost getting wet." 

"We can't." Hancock shook her head. "I have to pick the most proper one to make love here. Whatever you'll choose, it'll become a special item of mine." 

"Lemme thinks," Josh said. 'Hurry up.' 

Kalifa was giving them her back. She put her hands on her lips, holding herself from laughing.  

"You know what…" Josh smiled. Finally, someone arrived. "I'll take care of this and I'll help you choose." 

Hancock seemed to understand Josh's destruction as she too could feel people coming in their direction. She unleashed a wave of Conqueror Haki, so Josh can help her with her problem. All fell but one figure. Clenching her jaw, Hancock turned slowly while furrowing her eyebrows. 

"Who dares?" She growled. 

"Jinbe." Josh smiled as he saw a fat large Fishman. 

Jinbe had a few figures behind him, but they were unconscious. 

"Gambler. It's has been a few days since we last met." Jinbe furrowed his eyebrows as he made eye contact with Josh. 

Jinbe was quite astonished seeing that Hancock, another ex-warlord, was with Josh. 

"I've heard that you lost your title." Jinbe looked at Josh again. 

"You too," Josh replied lazily as he walked toward Jinbe. 

Jinbe smirked. "You put me in jail and now you act as if you heard I lost my title? Your face is thicker than the bricks I used to break." 

"I guess you want a rematch," Josh said, lifting his head high. 'Now, I'll Nerf myself a bit, let this battle go long a bit, and hope that Hancock chooses something.'

"Believe me." Jinbe sighed. "I have always been thinking about you."

Jinbe. He remembered the time Josh had kicked his ass. At that time, Josh had given him some pills. Jinbe had believed that it was poison, and he had believed that Josh had wanted to end the war by making Ace die. Ace and Jinbe had eaten those pills, thinking that Whitebeard would survive from the trap of the Marines if they did so. But instead, Ace had regained his health and was healed from his wounds. Same for Jinbe. 

Jinbe and Ace had planned to escape the moment they open their cell to take Ace. Jinbe would use his Karate to steal the keys since he had been at full health, and then, he and Ace would escape. 

But, at that moment, Jack Sparrow appeared. 

Jinbe, after escaping, had been thinking about Josh and Jack Sparrow. Josh's intentions were a mystery. He had already given him and Ace a way to leave, and Jinbe couldn't think that Josh had other intentions than helping them without losing his title. 

Moreover. Jack Sparrow had entered Impel Down and made his way to the sixth level to free everyone. 

It may not be a coincidence. 

"I'll let you do the first move." Josh took a fighting stance.

Hancock, who was behind Josh, was clenching her fists while looking at Jinbe, lightning dancing around them. 

Jinbe felt that they may misunderstand his intentions. 

"I won't fight." 

"Come on! Fish man" Josh raised his eyebrows. "Stop fishing and man up."

Josh felt his words came out wrong. 'Hey, that's something Jack Sparrow would say, not me.' 

Jinbe lowered his head and bowed slightly. "I thank you from the depth of my heart."

"Huh?" Hancock seemed to calm down. 

Josh let a long sigh. He thought it was time to act as his original character. He put his hands on his hips and looked at the ground. He shook his head. 

"Good that you escaped," Josh said as he stared at Jinbe's face. "Tell me, how did go?" 

Since he lost his Warlord title, Josh wanted to make sure that Jinbe and Ace know that they owe him.

Jinbe smiled. "So, do you know Jack Sparrow?" 

"Captain." Josh subconsciously corrected. 

 "That confirms my suspection." Jinbe nodded. " I was waiting for you to come here by the way. But let's talk." 

Josh moved his eyes to the right, and he nodded. "I'm in good time for talk. Kalifa, help Hancock to pick a good bra, and Hancock, the red one doesn't make you look fat." 

"How did you know?" Hancock blinked twice, but Josh smiled at Jinbe.


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