Chapter 221

Josh played with the item he had won. It was a Divine Rank, as expected from the sixth tier. 

[Reality Breaker. (Divine) 

A Katana that can cut through everything, even time-space itself. It can be used to open portals in or outside this world. 

The risks of using it are unknown. 

User is recommended to learn how to use it first.] 

Josh opened his hand, and he had another Katana, with a black sheath and a weird jewel on the grip. 

Reading its description, Josh knew it was dangerous to use this item recklessly. As he may fear, he may risk losing himself in space-time. However, on the plus side. Josh had monstrous talents that should help him learn them right away. 

Besides, he can always give life to his items. 

Speaking of which, Josh realised that he may use this time to create homies for himself. He should try giving a piece of his soul to every element possible he or his girls has, whether it is plasma, lighting or his hellish flame. 

Although he knew that they would be quite disappointed not to have sex tonight, Josh knew it would be worth it to delay it a bit. 

And so, he moved to the surface of the sea, as he didn't want to destroy his ship. 


The cold breeze of the morning and the sun were felt by everyone. 

"Joshy! Joshy! The news, and the bounties!" 

Josh lifted his head. 

Mikita was floating while waving a newspaper in her hands. Josh furrowed his eyebrows, seeing that she was holding a chuckle. 

What could possibly be? 

"Oh. It's Mikita, Master." Said a sweet voice. 

Josh turned his head slowly. A demon-like creature, made of crimson flames, stood next to him. The flames alone can burn the magma easily, and it was compressing itself. 

This was Wrath. Josh named him. 

Last night, Josh had turned into a demon, and he unleashed his flame to the sky. Without a boost, his flames can cover an average size island. After Josh multiplied its size by 225 times, everyone could see the sky turned into a sea of flame. No one knew its full size, but it burned the clouds, and the heat had made the sea vaporise. Before the hell could descend, Josh gave the flame a piece of his soul, and it turned into a living huge creature. Luckily, that piece knew its place and addressed Josh respectfully, before compressing its size into a normal human size, taking the shape of a demon with eyes and nose.  

Wrath can burn everything, turning an island into ashes in seconds. 

He was the result of three great Devil Fruits, and surely, Josh could feel like a king now with a strong one on his side. 

But there was more. Next to Josh, there were more demons with shapes of energy. 

Greed was a pure energy demon that stood on Josh's side. It was transparent. Somehow, it could whisper in the people's ear, turning them greedy, and it has a convincing ability. 

"Master. She seems to be in hurry." Said Greed. 

"Shut up… it's too early and I'm not getting paid to hear you yelling." Yawned another demon as it walked by Josh. He was made of pure cold breeze. Also, it was created in the same way. 

His name was Sloth. 

Sloth, just like his name suggests, can make things slow, and it can unleash an effect that can freeze a whole island, and he can make people sleepy. Somehow, he was so lazy. 

"Enough of you too!" a light demon crossed his arms. His name was Pride. And it was created from an island sized light orb. 

"If you ever get bored of this." A transparent purple energy demon walked by Josh and tapped him. "I can be your wingman." 

Originally, Josh could name it Lust. But his name gives it. So, his name was Wingman. 

"Hey… don't yell man. I'm hungry, and I will devour you." Another demon appeared. This one was the most dangerous one in Josh's opinion. It was made of the Gluttony energy, and it was multiplied. Josh remembered how he had once devoured Akainu's attack by using this attribute. Now, it formed existence of its own. 

Also, Gluttony can devour concepts, which makes him the perfect match. 

"You said what!" Pride turned his head to Gluttony. 

Gluttony opened his arm. "You know. I can swallow your pride in seconds."

"Hoho. How about we do it." 

"Enough!" Josh yelled. 

The demons let their head down. 

Scolding them, Josh opened his mouth. "I was expecting troubles from Envy. But you… You are a disgrace." 

"You're envying me…" Said a pretty feminine voice. Floating energy moved around. Soon, it took a shape of a pretty tall woman with blue eyes and long black hair with one of the sexiest bodies you can see. 

She looked like Hancock. She wrapped her arms around Josh and acted like a spoiled girl. 

"Damn Envy, you have good taste," Wingman smirked. 

Envy, made of the attribute that Josh usually uses to change his look, can copy any appearance it likes. And it can take people's abilities if possessed.

Josh clapped with his hands. "Go down to the kitchen, and don't make trouble."

The demons left to the kitchen, chatting and laughing. Josh followed them with their eyes. 

"The real me is here." Hancock made a cough to get Josh's attention as he had been staring at her ass, which was copied by Envy. 

"Don't mind me." Josh rubbed his head and clicked his tongue. "You know, these kids are driving me nuts, and I only had them for less than a day." 

But no denying it, they are the most destructive weapons in the world. 

"Hmm… I'll buy it for now." Hancock let a sigh. 

Robin turned to Mikita who came in. Robin extended her hand to take the newspaper, and Mikita smiled. 

"Don't laugh," Mikita said. "I know, it will shock you at first, but you'll laugh." 

Josh's ears twitched and he appeared next to Robin in instant. 

Robin opened the newspaper, few posters started falling. Robin looked at the main headline. 

The Gambler's crew 

[Josh The Gambler: The Saint Demon]

[ Berries]

Josh's eyelids started twitching. 

Did they… Did they call him, the Saint Demon? 

Turning his eyes to the poster, Josh saw how he was pictured. He was standing in front of Linlin's crew, opening his arms with a smile on his face, and he was offering forgiveness to them. Some of the people had tears in their eyes, and Josh looked like a cheap politician. 

He just killed Big Mom, and they are calling him a saint. 

Josh turned to his girls and decided to get along. He smiled and opened his arms. "Come for forgiveness, daughters." 

"Pfttt…. Hahaha!" Mikita laughed and jabbed him on the shoulder. 

Robin, however, didn't laugh. "The press seems to understand you." 

'Don't tell me you fell for it too…' Josh relaxed his shoulders and made eye contact with her. "You're for real?" 

"Fufufufu…." Robin laughed. Well, she had been convinced in the past that Josh was after Crocodile to help the people of Alabasta, and the fact that he had betrayed them when he was delivering weapons planted the image of a good man in her head.

Kalifa couldn't hold her laugh and chuckled. "The irony." 

"Hey. Joshy is a very good man." Robin held his arm and hugged it to her chest. "Stop misunderstanding him."

"Girls. I'm a good man when it comes to bed." Josh stated, just like he had done to Shirahoshi. 

"I believe you." 


"Thanks, captain obvious." 

Josh put a hand on his forehead as he looked at the news. It's mentioned that he defeated a Yonko and killed her. The emperors had been fighting between themselves for so long and no one killed each other. But Josh and his crew made it. 

There were also more bounties. 

Hancock got 1.5 Billion Berries after defeating Katakuri. 

Robin's bounty was 3 Billion now. It seems they realised her ability to make an army and giants of herself. 

Other than that, Marianna was the same. Same for Melissa, 2 million. 

Kalifa, on the other hand, got 2 Billion. It seems that her lightning made her dangerous. 

Viola didn't get a bounty, since she didn't hadn't made an impacting appearance. 

Also, one has to mention that his crew crushed Linlin's crew easily. And it's a known fact. 

"Fools. They haven't seen my real power." Josh shook his head. 'That sounded cool in my head, but not out loud. 


Alabasta. One of the first locations that were critical to Josh's career. 

The royal palace was flipped upon hearing the news. 

Josh had worked with them in the past, so he was quite famous among the royal staff. 

"Holy Mother!" King Cobra opened his eyes widely. 

"What's up my father. Hoo… Josh again… Hey. They are calling him Saint." 

Vivi came to the scene. She had grown up since the last time Josh had seen her. And she had a big bulge around her chest. 

She smiled. "They call him saint, yet he never comes around." 

"Look, here…" Cobra flicked his finger on the bounty, and then, on the newspaper. "In just a year, he managed to become the strongest." 

Vivi's jaw dropped a bit. "5 billion!"

"You and he grows up fast," Cobra commented. He then frowned."Vivi, shelter yourself and leave the palace tonight." 

"Why?" Vivi turned to her father, who had panic appearing on his facial expression.

"Not only us, but the World Government realised how dangerous he is." Cobra lowered his head. "They will strike everyone he knew. If he doesn't have a weakness, they will make a one for him." Cobra turned his head. 

With Josh's growth speed, the marine and the world government will do everything, literally. And they won't mind attacking innocents. 

Big Mom's network may seem impressive. But it's nothing compared to what the ruler force has. 

Josh had been eating dinner in the palace in the past, and he was friendly with his daughter, who likes him in fact.  

"One must prepare for the worse." The king muttered. 

"No way." Vivi seemed to understand her fear. "But we are part of them." 

Cobra smiled as he turned to her. "They can wipe us if a Celestial Dragon demanded it. What do you think they will do to get rid of their worse nightmare." 


The news of Josh spread across the world. He surely had made the whole world talk about him. He possibly is the Strongest Man alive.  

Whitebeard's crew were on their ship. They had departed from Fishman island three days ago. They must have said that they were surprised to know that Josh killed an Admiral while acting low profile with them. 

"That brat…" Whitebeard let a sigh when the newspaper came. There were few nurses sitting on his lap. He took the paper from them while examining the stunning face they made. 

"What…?" He asked in a low tone. 

A blond nurse blinked twice. "Pops. You should read it yourself. That young man, he surely holds big surprises." 

"You know what they say." Another nurse smiled. "The smaller they are, the bigger their surprise they hold." 

Surprisingly, the strongest commanders in their crew are regular men. 

"Enough…" Whitebeard's eyes started scrolling. "Linlin is dead… and her kids are crying? What in the…" Whitebeard then looked at the poster. "5 billion!" 

Whitebeard couldn't believe it. And he had called Josh a reckless Brat? 

Just two days after their departure, the Five Emperors became Four, again. 

Marco said, letting a sigh. 

"Phew… luckily, I didn't challenge him." 

"The youth," Whitebeard muttered. 

"Oy, Father. Now that he killed Big Mom." Ace appeared, chewing a big meaty cooked thigh.


"Right. He has the Road Poneglyph. Guess things are going to be rougher for him now." Ace stated his mind. Although he has a dumb attitude, don't let it fool you. He can think and see things through. 

Everyone turned their heads. 

Josh had officially entered the race between the emperors to become the Pirate King. 


"Acho…" Josh rubbed his nose, as he sneezed. "It seems the World Government is talking about me." Josh laughed a bit. 

Very soon, the navy will forget that they take orders from the Celestial Dragons. 

"Really?" Wingman floated around Josh. "Shall I go and seduce their girls for you." 

"Not right now, buddy," Josh said as he walked and looked at the sea. 

For now, he will try to sell the Poneglyph he has. After that, he'll head to meet Juzo and get a peaceful land, where he can get a break from all of the attention.