2.1: Into the Omegaverse

Deep in the depths of the Earth, the demon laughed. As soon as Setia had filled the mission's complete meter, he had felt one chain binding him to this world shake loose. A shackle dropped from his ankle. He smiled a sinister smile. Yes, all was going according to plan. He ran his fingers through his silver-blonde hair.

He clenched his fists in anger suddenly; he slammed his fist into the stone wall. How was he there?! The demon waved in the air, and a glowing orb hovered before him, showing the face of General Elarion Liandris. The demon growled low in his throat. How did he get in there? He was going to ruin everything! He recognized that face, he'd known it for millennia…

He stared at Setia's face on the screen as it showed her talking to Eli, discussing the next world she was about to jump into. The demon purred, knowing each world would bring him closer to his goal and to her. He would just have to keep that pesky asshole who was coming in to ruin things out of the way. He stretched his muscles that suddenly felt much lighter than they had in centuries.

He remembered the world of the Elves fondly, remembered his many years among their kind, and the memories of the beautiful lady that kept him company… the feel of her soft flesh, her golden eyes shining with passion. He shook his head to clear it. Those times were gone! There were only his plans now.

"Master, we are about to head into the second world." Eli's voice chimed from the far corner of the room. The demon turned and saw Eli standing there in his human form, close cropped dark hair, nose piercing, wicked smile.

"Proceed as planned." The demon said, the smile slowly returning to his face. He would see her soon…

Setia rolled over on to her side and sighed deep. She burrowed into the soft pillow beneath her head and cringed as the glimmer of morning light burst through the curtains and attacked her eyes. Groaning, she sat up in a large, four-poster bed in a modest bedroom. Her head was foggy, and she realized she was not in her room at home.

Ding! Eli came bursting out of her bracelet and perched himself on the edge of her bed.

'Welcome to Cantris! This is your room at your parents' house. You are staying here for a few days because of an upcoming event you're expected to attend as a family." Eli tried to explain. Setia blinked and tried to gather her bearings. She pulled off her blanket and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, placing her feet tentatively on the ground.

She stood up and wandered over to the large mirror resting on an armoire in her room, and noticed she looked like her usual self. Black hair, golden eyes, no glasses, though. She spun in the mirror and noticed that where her shirt rode up over her pants, there was a mark that looked like a red triangle.

"So I'm an Omega?" Setia mused, staring at herself in the reflection. She had a tramp stamp. Her mother would be appalled. Eli snorted and nodded.

"Yes, you are an Omega. Those red marks are the mark of an Omega." He announced. Setia nodded slowly.

"First steps, meet the alpha, then we go from there." Setia nodded to herself, making a game plan.

"Well, that may not be easy. Usually one needs a reason to have an audience with the alpha." Eli muttered. Setia sighed. How was she going to pull this off? Especially in this world. She was a nobody.

"Setia!" a melodic voice chimed from downstairs. She knew instinctively it must be her mother.

"Coming, Mother!" She called back. Turning to Eli with a "god help me" stare. She turned toward the door and pulled the handle open, running down the large mahogany staircase. She marvelled at the quaint beauty their home had. It was decorated with lavish statuary, paintings from long ago, and everything was mahogany wood.

As she came down the stairs, she saw a gorgeous woman with long black hair waiting at the bottom of the stairs with her hands on her hips.

"Setia, darling, you know your father planned breakfast with the Alpha today, you're running late! Good, you masked your scent." She hissed and leaned forward to sniff Setia on the cheek.

"Sorry, I must have overslept this morning." She said quietly and perked up at the mention of the alpha. Masking her scent, so her parents were hiding her Omega status from people. Hm… Her mother led her over to the doorway that led to the kitchen and handed her plates piled high with eggs, toast, potatoes, ham, bacon, all kinds of delicacies. Setia moved toward the living room area she saw behind her, where she guessed the guests were waiting.

A large man sat at the head of the table, and her jaw nearly dropped looking at him. He had medium length black hair that was shaggy and in his face, strong, prominent features, and soft hazel eyes. Corded with muscle, he was enormous and sinewy. He radiated strength and lethality.

Setia brought the trays of food over to the table and placed them down. She leaned over the man at the head of the table as she did so. He inhaled sharply and his brow furrowed. Then he looked up at her. Her breath caught as their eyes met.

It felt like something inside her clicked, urged to leap at him in his seat. She shook her head to clear it. She moved away from him and smiled, moving to the free side of the table to sit down to eat. The men stared at her oddly as she loaded some bacon on to her plate. They stared at her. Her father looked mortified, staring with his jaw dropped at her.

"Setia, you know we wait for the Alpha to eat." He said sternly. She flushed bright red, looking down at her plate. Then she brought a piece of bacon to her lips and took a bite, staring into the eyes of the Alpha.

"I'm sorry, father, it just looked so good…" she said sensuously. The Alpha's face tightened and his jaw ticked. She had to stifle her laughter.

"It's alright, Trevor. Your daughter just woke up. I'm sure she's out of sorts." He said, excusing her with a wave of his hand. Setia snorted. Something about this man just riled her up. She once again got that familiar spark, as if she knew him. It felt like a beast in her mind was ramming against the walls. She struggled to maintain control of herself.

"How old is the girl?" The Alpha asked to her father, as if she wasn't present. She wanted to growl. Her father looked at her, then back to the Alpha.

"She is but twenty-four, sir." He replied.

"Ah, then I'm sure she remembers her own coming-out ball, and will enjoy the festivities this year." He said with a final tone, implying he expected to see them at the ball.

"Yes, Alpha, we will be there this year. We wouldn't miss the welcoming of the new members of age into society." He bowed his head to the alpha. The Alpha looked at her expectantly. She just smirked and stared at him levelly. His lip curled in a grimace.

"I will see you then. My men and I will take our leave now. We have much to attend to today. Send the files we discussed to my office. I will have my people go over the proposal." He stood up from the table and the three men that sat around the table with him followed suit. Some pouting and looking at their unfinished breakfast. As he stood, she swore she saw him sniffing the air again. He slammed the door shut behind him.