Fluffy Surprise

Blacking out again from Scarlet's memories, Max was done with all of those atrocities. After a moment, Max came back to his sense, returning to the real world.

"Is that, what really happen to you?"

Scarlet didn't say a word but just nodded, a bit sad from reliving all of it.

"I'm sorry that you had to endure that once again." He said, feeling guilty.

[Don't be, I already told you that I accepted my past.]

"... I don't know if it was necessary for you to kill all of them, but they sure deserved it."

[If I were like I am today, I would have made them suffer a lot more than that.]

"I understand."

[... So, now that you know me and what I've done...]

Max then goes into his thinking a bit.

"Well, you sure have done horrible things..."

Scarlet was getting nervous about how he would react.


[But what?]

"Those humans had done worst to you so, it was more or less justified."

[That means...]

"I won't lie, you still scare me a bit, but if you were to hurt me, you would have already done it. And you also already proved to me that you really care for me and love me. It means that I can't just hate you just like that for what you are."


"I accept you for what you are Scarlet. I can't just return the love you have for me."

[... Thank you, master.] Scarlet said warmly while hugging him.

She was indeed feeling his fear and insecurity a bit, but it was up to her to change that little by little.

"But you're with me now Scarlet. You don't have to kill anymore."

[I know that master. But it's now a part of me. As long as I will hate humans that much, I will never hesitate to kill them.]

"*sigh* I suppose that I'm happy that you're on my side then."

[And I will always be.]

"Just to know, what will have you done if I didn't accept you and what you've done?"

[... Probably killed you.] She said, coldly.

"... Like that?" Max questioned, quite shocked.

[I would have been heartbroken and probably had lost my remaining sanity, which will have been caused by you.]

"That's harsh but... quite understandable. And after that?"

[Don't know. Never been mentally broken. Maybe kill myself or any human that will have crossed my path.]

Max knew that nothing he would say would change anything. She has been mentally scarred, beyond repair. He didn't have a choice but to go with how things are right now. Max and Scarlet then stayed there, looking at the night sky, sitting next to each other and not talking for a while.

"Well, I think it's time to get to sleep," Max concluded, standing up.

[You go. I'll stay alone this night.]

"... Okay. Just take care of yourself Scarlet."

Max then leaned for a half-forced kiss when Scarlet stopped him.

[Sorry master, but I'm not feeling very affectionate right now. And I can feel that you too. Don't force it.]

"... Sorry."

Leaving Scarlet behind, Max headed back to the tent and goes inside to set the sleeping bag pillow. When done, Max laid his head on it, thoughtful. He still hardly believed what she was. But that could explain a few of her actions since they are together. He then rethought about what could have happened to that restaurant, or just every time she was upset about something. Then, he started wondering that if she was controlling herself before, it was really that she would have feared losing his affection, or she was feeling calmer and secured with him. Maybe it wasn't as much as a façade like she said. He also thought about all those times she was there for him and stand for him. For Max, it wasn't much about her killing or her attraction to blood, but more about that she lied to him. But she was right, maybe it could have been different between them if she was honest in the first place. It was a bit hard to digest, but he couldn't stop thinking about that sincere feeling sharing, meaning that she would never hurt him.

(Whatever she did in the past, she's still there for me and I still love her. Let's just say that those persons she killed won't ever hurt pokemon anymore.) Thought Max.

After a couple more minutes of thinking, Max decided to release his team. Seeing the other will probably ease his mind. He took his three pokeball and released them all.

{Hi, master.} Dusk greeted.

{Hi.} May greeted as well.

"Hi, girls, how are you feeling?"

{Good.} Dusk said.

{Pretty good, master. I'm very glad that despite I lost the match, you still love me and are not mad.} Said May.

"Come on, May. I could never be mad for something that trivial as losing a battle."

{Thanks, master. I'm very happy to be with you now.} She said while going for a hug.

{Where's Scarlet?} Asked Dusk.

"... She's... She's not feeling well right now. She wants to be alone." Max lied.

Max knew that they don't have to know about Scarlet. That will only make them scared of her, even though she mostly goes after humans.

{Oh, okay. Hope she's alright.}

"Hope too. What about you Bonny? You didn't say a single word until now."

{It's nothing master.} Bonny said, quite down.

"Come on Bonny, there's no need to hide things from me. You know that I'm always there for you." Tried to reassure Max.

{I know master, and that's the problem. You're here for me but when it comes to me, I fail you horribly.}

"You're talking about the battle?"

{... I couldn't even manage to damage that pokemon. All I was able to do was make a fool of myself. All that training for nothing.} She said while covering her face and sat.

Dusk and Mawile were looking at her with a concerned look. Max then grabbed her in his arms.

"Training is never in vain, Bonny. You did get stronger. Unfortunately, you faced someone that was a bit stronger than you. And that won't be the last time. You will face stronger and stronger opponents. That's why you have to train again and again."

{What's the point if I keep losing in the end? If my opponents keep getting stronger as I do, they will always be ahead of me.}

"Then you will have to train harder so that one day, you'll surpass them."

{Will that be possible?}

"Of course. Today you were just unlucky since normal attacks don't affect rock type that much. But if you train harder than anyone else, you sure will be able to face anyone."

{... I hope you're right, master.}

She had lightened up a bit but was still affected by her defeat.

"Tell you what. Since Scarlet won't be here tonight, I will feel a bit lonely tonight. Would it make you happy to be with me tonight?"

{I can? Won't that make her upset?}

"I don't think she will mind just for tonight."

{Okay. I would love to, master.}

Then Bonny attacked Max with a surprise hug.

{Thanks for being there, master. I love you.}

"Hehe. I love you too Bonny." Said Max, thinking she meant loving him only as a master.

"Alright everyone, time to sleep."

After they all nodded, they all laid their head on the improvised pillow, except for Bonny, who was sleeping in the arms of Max, all falling asleep after a moment. When the sun was high enough to wake them up, Max awakened with a bit of a heavyweight on him.

(Scarlet?) Max thought.

(No no, she's not that heavy.)

Not knowing who was on him, Max opened his eyes a bit nervously. No more in the dark, Max saw a rather big brown and beige figure sleeping on him.

"Can I ask who you are?" Max asked, not recognizing who was laying on him.

The figure then stirred up from his sleep. Rising up, the figure was sitting on Max, rubbing his eyes.

{Morning, master.} The figure greeted.

"... B-Bonny?" Max wondered out loud.

On him, was a rather big brown and beige humanoid Bunny with huge ears and eyebrows and fluffy sheep-like hairs on her wrists.

{Yes, master?}

"What happened to you? Did you evolve?"

{What do you mean?} She asked, puzzled.

"Just look at you."

Bonny then examined her body.

{Ghaaa!} Loudly exclaimed Bonny, waking up May.

{I... I evolved. I evolved master, that's awesome.}

"It is indeed."

{Congratulation Bonny.} May praised.

{Now I will be stronger.}

"You sure look already stronger." He said while eyeing her whole body.

{... What is it, master? Do you like my new body?} She seductively said while trying some sexy poses on him.

"Hmm, well... hmm..."

Max couldn't deny that her new body was indeed a bit... sexier.

{Well, perhaps I can replace Scarlet for something else too.} She said while grinding a bit her hips against Max.

"C-Calm down Bonny, I know you're excited about your evolution but don't overdo it okay?"

{Your no fun master.} Bonny pouted, a bit disappointed.

"But I'm proud of you Bonny, you getting us a bit closer to the strongest team," Max mentioned while tapping her legs to praise.

Bonny wanted to thanks him but Max interrupted her immediately.

"Damn! Is it me or do you have softer fur?" He said while rubbing a little her leg.

{I don't know but... your touches feel more... pleasant.} Bonny said, wanting more of his touch.

{You're not helping me to calm down, master.} She added, a bit lustfully.

"Oops, sorry." He said while retreating quickly.

{I don't mind you continuing.}

"I would but hmm... we have a road to take so, we should keep going." Lied Max while sitting up, creating a reason to escape the situation.

{'sigh' fine.} Said Bonny, defeated and moving away from her master.

"Alright, let's pack our stuff and resume our travel. But first, I'm guessing you're hungry."

{Yeah, evolving made me pretty hungry.}

"Well, I think it's a good time to try our new acquisition. May, can you wake up Dusk please?"

{Yes, master.}

As May was going to wake Dusk up, Max goes to his backpack and withdrawn three different boxes. After yawning and stretching, Dusk then got a bit surprised by the new lopunny.

{W-Who is she?} She asked, confused.

{It's me, silly. Bonny.}

{Oh, y-you changed.}

{I evolved this night. I've become a sexy lopunny for our master's pleasure.} She stated with a sexy pose again.

"I'm pretty sure you didn't evolve just for that, even though I don't know a lot about evolution."

{But you still like it.} She added with a smirk.

Even though he tried to ignore her, Bonny saw a slight blush on him, knowing that he was indeed liking her new body, but decided not to tease him too much.

"Alright, plates would have been good but I don't have any so, give me your hands and I'll give those poke bites as much as you want."

As he grabbed a few poke bites with his hands, Bonny and May were already waiting with their hand all stretched. Max first started with Bonny with his normal type of pokemon food he gave a handful of it, digging on it immediately after she received it.

{Hmmm, that tastes quite good.} She said before filling her checks.

"Slow down, Bonny, don't choke on your food." He told her while getting the box for May.

{Donssh wrrysh Masshtees.}

"Don't talk with your mouth full." He told while giving May her part.

{I suppose I have to practice.} She mentioned after swallowing.

"For what?"

{Nothing.} She replied, fainting ignorance with a grin.

After May started eating, Max then goes for Dusk's box and fire-type food. Just by opening it, he could smell the spice assaulting his nose.

"*koff* sure fire-type pokemon food is something." He said while putting some on the ground in front of Dusk with his hand.

{I'm still hungry.} Bonny complained.


Max then dug again in Bonny's box and gave her a bigger handful of poke bites.

{Wahhh! It's spicy.} Bonny exclaimed with a funny face after a bite.

"Oh, sorry. That must be because of the fire-type poke bites.

{Well, next time you should end with Dusk's food.} She said while ventilating her mouth.

"I was planning on until a piggish lopunny wanted more." Max teased with a grin.

{It's not my fault if that new body needs more fuel for energy 'spending'.} Bonny said, trying to sound dirty again.

"You okay May? Still hungry?" Max asked, ignoring Bonny.

{I'm fine. You gave me a good portion.}

"Okay, is everyone fine then?" He asked after they had all finished.

After they all agreed, Max packed up his sleeping bag and goes outside with the others, and started to put away the tent. With the help of the others, except for Dusk since she was a quadruped, which made her feel a bit left out, the tent was packed quite quickly. But when they were almost done, Scarlet appeared from the woods. Max then moved toward her and stared at each other for a moment when he reached her.

"Hi, Scarlet." Max greeted.

[Hi, master.] She responded a bit absent-minded.

"... Feeling better?"

[You could say that.]

"... Hey look, Bonny evolved."

Moving to the side, Scarlet got a peek behind him, seeing a lopunny working on the tent.

[That's... nice.] She said, feeling a bit jealous.


For a moment, the situation was a bit awkward between them, not knowing what to say, like they were complete strangers.

[So... you still want me... to be with you?]

"Well... as I said, I can't just abandon you for things you did in the past, even if I passed close to die..."

[I'm really sorry about that. That's the thing I regret the most.]

"Don't worry, Scarlet. What matters now is that you didn't succeed that moment."

[Kind of glad that I was attacked by those beedrills before I meet you.]

"Harsh to say but same here. If you really want to stay with me..."

[Is that something you want?]

"Well, I'm feeling a bit like I just meet you but..."

[I can understand that. Then, let's start over again. Hi, I'm Scarlet, the human killer, nice to meet you.]

"Hehe, hi, I'm Max, the pokemon molester, nice to meet you too."

[Hihi.] Giggled Scarlet.

[Now that you know me, I guess I can let you know a bit more about me. You can use your pokedex thing if you want.]

"But it wasn't working on you."

[It should now.]

After withdrawing it, Max scanned Scarlet. When finished, Max goes to personal info that was now working.

"Wait, you were the one that was interfering with it at the lab?"

[Yes. The less you knew about me...]

"Yeah... let's see then. Gardevoir: Female, Age: 17, wow, your old." Max teased, making her rolled her eyes.

"Nature: ... Violent?"

Max looked at Scarlet with perplexed eyes.

[That's mainly why I didn't want to you see it.]

"Well, now that I know, it makes more sense. Height: 5'10, Weight: 70 lbs, Wow, that's quite heavy for a gardevoir. From what I saw in the pokedex, your normal weight is mostly around 40."

[Are you calling me fat?] Scarlet accused with a fake angry tone.

"I will never dare such say a thing to both of you."

[Both of us?]

"Yea, you and your big butt."

['sigh' I think no punishment will be strong enough for this one.]

"I love you too. Alright known moves... shit: Psybeam, Shadowball, Teleport, Telekinesis, Recover, Protect, Gravity, Reflect, Hypnosis, Fire Punch, Flash, and Healing Pulse. No wonder why you're so strong."

[Healing Pulse is a move that I've mastered last night.]

"That fast?"

[Well, it's kind of like Recover so, I started with it as a base.]

"That's cool."

[Seeing you and the others hurt recently, I decided that I should do something about it.]

"Thanks, Scarlet. Whatever you may have done before, you're still a very good pokemon for us."

[... Thanks, master.]

"And Fire Punch. Normally, gardevoir are not very physical ..."

[You already know about that so, there is no need to talk about it again.]

"Yeaah. And your ability is... unknown. Maybe an ability that is not yet recorded."

[What a shame.] Scarlet said sarcastically.

"Heh. Alright, Scarlet, you're ready to start anew with us?"

[Yes love. I can't imagine a life without you.]


[Oh sorry. I think that you, accepting me for who am, made me truly love you with my entire being.]

"It wasn't the case before?"

[I won't lie to you, since I wasn't really myself, you weren't loving the real me, so I wasn't deeply loving you. I did love you enough to protect you with my life but... at that time, seeing you dead wouldn't have affected me as much as now.]

"You sure are good to set a very gloomy ambiance."

[Yeah... I'm sorry.]

"Well..." He said will leaning a bit closer to her.

"It's something that could be pretty cool at private times."

[Oh my... such a sick pervert.] She said while softly facepalming. [I love it.] She added with a grin while looking through her fingers.

"Heh, you should know me by now."

[... I'm really happy that things didn't have changed that much between us.]

"It is a bit hard to digest, but as I said, whatever you ever may have done, you're still devoted and will do anything for me so, what not to love," Max mentioned putting his hands on her hips.

[I think I really found the perfect one for me.] She replied while putting her hands behind his head and goes for a deep kiss.


Looking behind Max, both of them say Bonny standing there, with a bit of an impatient expression.

{When you guys will be done with licking each other's throat, maybe it will be a good time to leave.}

"Gardevoir?" Scarlet nagged with a smirk.

{Yeah, like I could ever be jealous.} Bonny retorted, a bit annoyed.

Turning around to leave, Bonny looking over her shoulder.

{Nice to see you're fine by the way, Scarlet.} She said before leaving them.


Max then looked at Scarlet with a puzzled face.

[... Alright. I think I can make you able to understand my species language too since I don't have anything to hide anymore.]

"Maybe later, the others are ready to leave."

[Don't worry, since it's my language, it will take just a few minutes.]

"Okay then." He accepted while closing his eyes.

After being briefly in trance, Max opened his eyes after only a few minutes.

{Done. You should be able to understand me now.} She said in her poke-speech that he was now understanding.

"I do. Thanks, Scarlet."

[No, thank you, Love. You made me able to have another life and gave me a chance. Trust me, I won't waste it and make sure you're the happiest human in the world.]

"Well, you don't have to overdo it because my happiness is quite already at its peak."

[There is always space for improvement.]

"Then I can't wait to see what the future has for us."

[There's only one way to find out.]

"Indeed. Let's resume that journey then."

[Right... besides you.]

After a chuckle, Max then left to grab his packsack with the now placed tent in it followed by Scarlet.

"Okay girls, let's continue our travel." He announced while withdrawing his pokeball.

{Do you mind if I walk you with you, master?} Bonny proposed.

"Of course not. I can't say no to my lazy bunny that wants to work out a bit."

{I want to try that new body of mine. And I'm a lopunny, not a bunny."

"Lopunnys are the pokemon version of a bunny."

{Lop. Unny.} She said, a bit upset.

"Oh, looks like our little Bonny got a bit of attitude when evolving." Max teased playfully while petting her head.

{Ghra!} She growled, mostly because she enjoyed being touched by her master when a bit frustrated.

"Alright, you can walk with me and Scarlet if that's what you want. Anyone else?"

{No no, I'm okay I'm fine.} May and Dusk answered at the same time.

"Okay then, return," Max said while putting May and Dusk back to their pokeball.

"Okay girls, let's go."

Followed by Bonny and Scarlet, Max was back on the road, heading toward their destination. A while after they started walking again, Bonny couldn't help but enjoy her body, giving a few punches and kicks while they were walking.

"Are you sure you're not enjoying your new appearance a bit too much?"

{What are you talking about master? This body won't get fit itself.} Bonny shared proudly.

{Can you stop, please? It's kind of a bit annoying.} Scarlet requested.

{Fine. Whatever.} She said, a bit displeased.

Then, a moment later, just to annoy Scarlet, Bonny took his master's hand with her soft paw. Seeing it as a challenge, Scarlet took his master's arm and enlaced it like she usually does with an arrogant smile. Not wanting to lose, Bonny also wanted to enlace his arm, but because of her size, she was only able to hug his forearm, which made Scarlet triumphantly smile even more. Irritated, Bonny pulled him a bit more toward herself, forcing him to be closer to her. Irritated as well, Scarlet pulled Max toward herself again. After a few times, they were pulling stronger and stronger every time with them staring at each other when Max had enough.

"Girls, can you stop please?" Max demanded, annoyed.

{Come on, Scarlet, you're always with him. Can't you share a bit?"

{I think I shared him enough the other night.}

"What are you talking about?"

{Nothing.} They said in unison.

"Anyway, I can't be separated in half."

[That's a good idea.]

"Not really, that would also mean that my dick will be halved too."

[That's not a good idea.]

{What about your ... hmm... thing?"

"Oh nothing, just a little joke with me and Scarlet."

{Oh.} Bonny said, not like being out of it.

[Maybe we should telepathically talk when we dirty talking.]

(With my thought like this?) Max thought.


(Didn't know I could do that.)

[You always have been able to. You just never tried it.]

(Always something to have the last word, huh?)

[Not my fault if I'm the one with the brain here.]

(But you like it when I do you until it comes out.) He thought with a dirty look.

[Now who wants to have the last word?]

As they were walking, Max noticed that Bonny was a bit down.

"What wrong, Bonny?"

{Nothing, I just can't really compete against Scarlet. You know each other for longer than me and you can even have private conversations.}

"Who talked about competition?"

{I guess I'll always be a step behind.}

"Come on, Bonny, no one is behind. There is enough room in my heart for all of my team. I can love both of you."

{Really?!}Bonny exclaimed in hope.

"Well, to a certain point, yes."

{Oh, Okay.}

Max thought that saying that will cheer her up but seem to have the opposite effect, which made him looked at Scarlet with a puzzled face.

[Don't worry, she will get used to the fact that you're mine.]

Max then looked at her and didn't like seeing her like this.

"Hey, girls, how about a small break for training?"

{I'm in.} Bonny accepted, cheering up.

[Already? We just started.]

"Come on, Scarlet, there is no need to rush to the gym if my team didn't train properly."

[Fine. Have it your way.]


Max and the girls then went off-road to train. Luckily for them, they were now in a plain zone, where there was plenty of space. Then Max released the rest of his team.

"Okay girls, we'll take a break to get some training. What do you want to do?"

{I want to learn new attacks.} Bonny informed.

{Me too.} May followed.

{Hold on everyone, before learning new moves you have to master the one you already know.} Scarlet remarked.

"I agree. But what do you have in mind?"

{When I was gone for the night, an idea for the perfect training session came to my mind.} Scarlet started.

{I already mastered what I already know. I want to learn new ones.} Bonny commented.

"She's right, Scarlet, her moves pool is quite limited as of now."

{Well, I guess she can train on her own if she wants.}

"What kind of training are you talking about anyway?"

{I guess a little demonstration is better than just explaining. Master, can you be my assistant?}

"Hmm... suure," Max accepted, a bit unsure while getting next to her.

{Master, can you tell us what the main combat aptitudes are?} Scarlet asked while looking at the others, all lined up before them.

"Hmmm, physical and special attack, physical and special defense and speed."

{Correct. So I thought about a little something to increase each one. To show you, I'll start with speed.}

Using her power, Scarlet made a small circle around herself and Max with her power that increases gravity.

"Ghaa! What... is that?!" Max exclaimed, hardly being able to stand on his feet with his own increased weight.

{It's a move that I think you human calls 'Gravity', which increases the weight of everyone inside the zone, reducing their speed.}

"Why... aren't you... affected?"

{Gravity doesn't affect me if I want.}

"Great... can you stop now?"

{Sure.} The gardevoir said before stopping her move, making Max able to move freely again.

"Damn that was heavy."

{And yet, I wasn't at full power.}

"Let me guess, 20%?"

{Don't exaggerate. I multiplied the gravity by one point five, but I can go three times heavier.}

"I was close."

{That looks nice.} May said.

{That looks terrible.} Dusk said.

{That looks boring.} Bonny said.

{Whatever you think, you'll have to get to it if you want to increase your speed. Next, a physical attack training exercise.}

Then, Scarlet enveloped Max in glue light.

"...I don't feel anything different." He said, feeling perfectly fine.

{Try to punch me.}

"What? No..."

{Do it or I'll force you.}

"...Fine. Don't cry if you're hurt after."

Max then goes for a punch, only to feel all of his movements being restrained.

"What? I can't move."

{Use a little more strength.}

Using more power, Max was able to move but his punch was so slow and hard to throw it was like someone was holding his arms.

"Oh, I see now."

{I constrained all of his movements so that all of his actions need extra energy and strength.} She professed after releasing him.

"Neat." Max expressed before finally throwing his punch, which Scarlet easily dodged.

{For the special attack, it's the same thing but on the inside, on the contrary of the physical, which is on the outside. Since master is a human, I can't show you but, you get the idea.}

"What about the defense, now?" Max wondered, getting close to Scarlet again.

Scarlet punched Max on his shoulder pretty hard.


{Don't be such a wuss master, it was a light hit.}

"And here I thought gardevoirs were physically weak."

[Don't worry master, I'll make you feel pleasure all over your body later to compensate.]

"Can't wait."

{So, basically, with physical and special defense, you endure hits as much as you can.}

{I'm not sure about this.} May commented.

{Me neither.} Dusk approved.

{Poor master. I don't mind getting 'physical' with you to help you feel better.} Bonny reassured him, who had gone to Max and rubbed her head against his arm.

Scarlet then used her power to push Bonny back to the line, to which she responded with a huff.

{Alright. May, Dusk with me. Bonny, go wherever you want to get that new move.}

Scarlet was getting a bit distant and even a bit aggressive against Bonny, which Max didn't like.

"I'll go with you, Bonny."

{Ha! Master just for me.} She said a bit arrogantly.

[She can train on her own, master.]

(Well, she will probably need me to know what she wants to learn. The pokedex should probably tell me all the moves she can possibly learn.) Thought Max.

[Do as you wish.]

(Thanks. Oh, and is it me or do you seem to have a small grudge against Bonny?)

[Not really. I just don't like how she turns around you lightly.]

(Yeah, Scarlet, I know I'm yours. But even if it wasn't the case, will that be impossible for me to love both of you? You're like a family, and you won't hate one of you family member, don't you?)

[Don't know, never had one.]

(Oh, yeah, sorry, bad example.)

[Whatever, master. Just go with her, we have some training to do here.]

"*sigh* Alright, Bonny, let's go."

{This way, master. I want a peaceful place to concentrate.}


Behind him, Max had a jealous feeling getting into him, but oddly, less strong than every time he felt it. Is she getting less jealous? But she was a bit upset, though.

{Alright, let's start with speed, which you lack the most.} Scarlet engaged while doing the 'Gravity' attack on Dusk and May.

As they started training, Max and Bonny were now in the woods a bit further for peace.

"Alright, Bonny, do you have an idea of what you want to learn?"

{Not really. I don't know a lot about fighting.}

"Okay. Then let's check the pokedex about what you can learn. I'll make suggestions and you will tell if you want to learn it or not."

{Sounds good.}

"Alright, let's see..."

Max then browsed in his pokedex and search for what a Lopunny can learn.

"But first, I want to know if there is something new about you now."


Max then goes to her personal data.

"Okay, Lopunny: Female, age: 3, blabla, Height: 4.1, Weight: 102, ability: oh, it changed to cute charm, which does..." Max read while searching for the ability.

"Have a chance to infatuate an opponent of the opposite gender on contact. Could be useful I guess."

{I wonder if it works on humans.} Bonny wondered out loud with a seductive grin.

"Probably not," Max answered, trying his best to ignore her. "And know moves, oh you learned a new one: Return.

{What does that do?} Bonny asked.

"Let's see... Return: An attack that the power varies from the affection that the user has for her or his trainer. Well, I can already tell that it will be a strong move with you."

{I do love you very much, so I'm sure too. But I wonder how I learned it.}

"Maybe it's an innate move when you evolve. Okay, let's see what new moves you can learn."

After a moment of browsing, Max came to the lopunny moves pool.

"How about... Quick Attack?"

{What does that do?}

"A move that is very fast but not very powerful."

{Nah. I want something that hit hard.}

"Okay... how about Jump Kick?"

{Sounds nice.}

"Jump Kick, a move that is quite powerful, but risky, as it can damage the user if the target is missed. Yeah, risky indeed."

{I don't mind, I want to learn it.}

"If you're sure, okay. Learning method: Focus your energy on your legs and go for a powerful kick after jumping at the target. Two legs kick is possible and more powerful but double the chance to damage the user if miss."

{Okay, let's do this.}

Then, as Bonny was starting to train for the move, Max sat against a tree and surfed on his pokedex, learning as most as possible about the pokemon on his team. Then, he went for other information.

"A pokemon can learn pretty much an indefinite amount of moves. But training to learn new ones can take some time, depending on the pokemon, even worst if the move type is not like the user one. For example, being a poison and ground-type, a nidoking can learn pretty easily a poison and ground-type move. However, a nidoking can learn a move like Thunderbolt, but not being his type, the move learning can be extremely difficult, maybe almost impossible, but again, it depends on the pokemon. That's a reason why most pokemon stick to their own type moves." Read Max.

"Damn, that pretty cool. So that means... Bonny is trying to learn a fighting-type move but she's a normal-type. Will she make it?"

Then Max continued to read the rest of the page.

"However, it exists some exceptions. Hitmonchan, for example, is only fighting-type but can learn easily punch-based moves, even if it is not their type. Ice Punch and Thunder Punch are good examples." Max read.

"So that means that since Bonny has quite strong legs, learning kick-based moves won't be that hard. Nice."

"It's also good to know that learning a new attack requires a certain amount of attack and special attack level. For example, weak physical attacks require less attack power than strong ones, the same goes for special attacks. Some defensive move can require defense and special defense power, like Iron Wall which require a pretty good defense from the user. Is Bonny's attack power high enough to learn jump kick?" Max wondered.

Max then went back to what Bonny can learn. As he was scrolling down, Max was impressed at how many different kinds of moves she could learn.

"Shit. Ice Beam, Solar Beam, Giga Impact, Close Combat, and... Hyper Beam?"

Max then searched for the Hyper Beam.

"Hyper Beam: A powerful charged energy blast that does heavy physical damage, even though it classified as a special attack, which a high power level is required to learn it. However, the attack is so strong that it leaves the user weakened for a moment. It's best to use it as the finishing move to end the opponent. Damn, Bonny, you can learn Hyper Beam!" Max exclaimed.

{Really! Is it strong?} Bonny asked while trying to learn her new move.

"Yes. But you need a high special attack level to even consider learning it."

{I don't know any special attack move, so how I'm I supposed to train it?}

"Maybe with weaker ones. But for now, you should focus on the one you're doing right now."

{Yeah, one at a time, please.} She said while trying some more.

Max then continued browsing his pokedex for a while, deepening his knowledge of the pokemon world. He then learned that normal-type pokemon, even though not very strong, are very versatile in their move learning, making them able to learn a lot of them. After a while, Bonny surprised Max by landing next to him in a sitting position, panting and sweating with her back against the tree.

{What are you... doing, master?}

"Surfing a bit on the pokedex, learning a bit more about this world."

{That's nice.}

"How is it going for you?"

{Not well. I didn't make a lot of progress.}

"Heh, if it was easy then every pokemon would have learned every existing move."

Then, Max looked at Bonny, who had her head leaned on the tree and eyes closed. Her torso was moving a bit rapidly due to her panting and saw some wet spot on her fur due to her sweat. Then, he also smelled it. It wasn't very pleasant, but oddly, not that unpleasant too. It was probably because of her female hormones getting into his male nose.

{What are you looking at, master.} She inquired seductively, not panting anymore.

Max got caught from starting a bit too much her body by Bonny.

"Oh, nothing. Just making sure you weren't hurt?"

{From just giving kicks?}

"Well, you know, who knows, hehe."

{Well, do you want to see a bit closer?}

Bonny then moved to Max's laps, facing him and sitting on Max's crotch with her arms around his neck. Now closer, Max could smell her sweat even more but was muskier than before.

"N-No, I'm sure you're fine."

{Well, I didn't check and I may have got some injuries that I didn't felt. Care to look?}

Then, Bonny felt something hard under her.

{Oh, is that what I think it is?}

"Hmmm... Nooo..."

Putting away her master's pokedex, Bonny took one of his hands and pressed it against her chest, forcing him to rub her as well as grinding her waist against his shaft, hardening it even more.

"Shit! Even a bit wet, your fur is pretty soft."

{It's not only my fur that is soft, master.} She told him lustfully.

"Ah... I... you don't say." Max squeaked, getting really embarrassed.

{Want to know how much?} She said while lowering his hand slowly toward her forbidden zone.

{Ahem.} Scarlet coughed, interrupted them.

"Oh, Scarlet," Max said, surprised.

Bonny then jumped out of Max quickly, afraid of what Scarlet could do.

{It's not what you think Scarlet, we, umm...}

{...That will be enough training for now. We should resume our travel.} She announced before leaving them.

{I'm sorry, Scarlet.} Bonny apologized.

After that, Max and Bonny could barely look at each other, from the discomfort and awkward situation.

"Well... we should go," Max said after a moment.


Both of them left the place and joined the training zone, only to see Dusk and May resting on the ground close to Scarlet, sitting next to his backpack.

"I bet they are hungry." Max engaged.

[Not anymore. I feed them.]

"Oh. Okay, thanks."

[No problem. Ready to leave?] She said while standing up.

"Alright. Return girls."

Max then returned Dusk and May to their pokeball.

{I think I'll go back too.} Said Bonny, avoiding Scarlet gaze.


After returning Bonny as well, Max and Scarlet went back to the road. After a while of walking, Max couldn't stand the mood anymore.

"Scarlet I... I'm sorry."

[Don't be master. After all, you're a male with needs and hormones. Hard not be hard when a female goes grinding against you.]

Feeling guilty, Max knew that at that moment it was wrong, but, her sight and her smell were so intoxicating that it was like she was controlling his body at will. Max tried to find a way to explain and apologize but everything he came up with would probably just make it even worst. She wasn't looking that mad but surely quite upset, maybe a bit frustrated, but oddly, a bit thoughtful too. So for now, he waited for her to calm down a little. When the night was about to fall, he still didn't come up with anything good, so he decided that it was time to stop for the night.

"Alright, time for a night break."

After nodding, they go to a safe place and set up the tent before letting is team free as it was the sunset.

"Alright, girls, as always, do what you want but don't get into trouble okay?"

After they all nodded, Dusk and May left to play together a bit further.

{I'm gonna walk to the woods for a bit.} Bonny told him before leaving.


Max saw her disappearing in the woods, unable to know what to do.

[Master, can I talk to you?]

"Sure." He accepted with both of them sitting near the tent.

[Master... I've given some thoughts and... honestly, I don't really mind.]

"Don't mind what?"

[You and Bonny.]

"What?" Exclaimed Max, quite confused.

[In fact, you and anyone on the team.]

"What do you mean?"

[I mean that you can do anything you want with them, I don't mind.]

"Are you alright Scarlet? My possessive gardevoir would never say that."

[Yet I'm saying it master. Look, just get in their skin for a moment. They're all kind of trapped with you and...]

"They're not trapped." Max interrupted.

"They can leave whenever they want."

[That's not what I meant. Since they all like and love you they will always be at your side. It's kind of the good sense of being trapped.]


[Whatever, you know what I mean. The thing is, always being with you hardly gets them the time to know other pokemon of their species, which could lead them to love you instead.]

"I won't prevent them from falling in love with other of their species. If I were to see their male counterpart, I'll just present them to my pokemon."

[If it's that easy then fine, everyone is happy. But that's not really how things work. Between battles and travel, you can hardly find the perfect one for them.]

"...I ...guess."

[Which leads them to love the one that is mostly there for them. And with your kindness and devotion to them, they are most likely to go directly toward you, not even thinking about their own species, which it's my case, and probably Bonny's too.]

"... It... makes sense. But I'm a human. How come pokemon don't mind that much going for interspecies?"

[Don't know. For me and probably for Bonny too, we don't care about the species. My point is that it will not be fair to prevent them from loving and being in love with their trainer, especially if they stay with you for most of their lives, if not all their life. After all, you said it yourself, why won't you be able to love all of us? I know that you love me deeply, so I'm not really scared that you will abandon me over another.]

"I do love all of you but... I don't want to create jealousy or tensions between you."

[If anyone agrees to share and love you and understand that I'm the alpha female, then there should be no problems. Besides, I know you have some dirty thoughts about Bonny.]

"... Damn you and your psychic powers."

[Hehe, I don't mind. I could feel your desire for Bonny when I saw you. I know that you enjoy and care for each other, so why should I stop that. I know she will be as caring for you as me.]

"That's... pretty deep thoughts. But you really don't mind, doing that kind of stuff with another one?"

[Again, as you said, we are like a big family. Bonny is a friend of mine and yours, so no. In fact, I'm quite glad that someone else is also willing to make my love happy.]

"... You sure have a special way of seeing things in life."

[Jealousy and selfishness are things that are typically human. I refuse to think and act like them.]

"Khe, who would have known that hate could lead to another type of love. Scarlet, you're special in more ways than one."

[Thanks, master. You accepted me for who I am, which can't possibly make me happier. It's the least I can do. Now go see her, I think she needs a bit of... master/pokemon love.]

"... It still feels a bit wrong but..."

[You're just too much tainted in human habits, you will get used to it. Now go.] She said while pushing him.

"Alright, alright." He said while standing up and leaving toward where Bonny had gone.

(Dang! If I ever knew that a woman will almost force me to have sex with another one...)

[I heard you.] Scarlet scolded, still in reach.


Max walked a moment in the woods before he found Bonny, who was training to learn Jump Kick again. Not wanting to interrupt, Max leaned against a tree to look at her. Trying to focus her energy on one leg, she goes for it when she felt that she was ready, but with no result. Max could feel that she was getting a bit tired due to her fur getting a bit wet, reflecting the few rays of sunshine that were still in the sky. After a few more times, Bonny goes for another try with the move but tripped on the landing, making her fall on her belly.

"Bonny, you alright?" Max inquired while rushing toward her.

{I'm fine, master.} She answered while Max was helping her standing up.

{What are you doing here? Shouldn't you have your usual private time with Scarlet?}

"Not tonight. She doesn't feel very well." He lied.

{Again? Well, I do felt like she got colder recently.}

Bonny then goes sitting on the foot of a tree.

"You could say that a lot has been through her mind." Responded Max, sitting next to her.

{She sure doesn't look like the pokemon that had a good childhood or a good life whatsoever.}

"Well, pretty much all of my team don't have an envied life."

{Mine and Dusk don't seem so bad, despite me being all alone when you found me.}

"Don't know a lot about Dusk but, she was rejected by a lot of trainers before I chose her. Don't know about her family."

(Family...) Bonny thought.

{... Master?}


{Did my family... abandon me?}


That was one hell of a question for Max, not knowing how to respond. He didn't know the real answer anyway.

"Well... you were alone when we found you so, I don't really know. Maybe they were looking for you, but we didn't found any trace of them when we searched."

{I know, I was with you. And that makes sense.}

"What makes sense?"

{I already have been looking for them for days when you showed up.}

Max was kind of shocked by her declaration. He thought when he first met her that she have been separated just a moment ago and since they weren't able to find them afterward, he assumed that something may have happened to her family, which cause his decision to keep her. But to actually think that she was really abandoned...

{Deep in me, I had realized it when you found me but, I refused to accept reality.} She confessed while tears were starting to flow from her eyes.

Sensing that he had to act, Max went for a hug.

"I don't know about your family Bonny, but never, I will never think about leaving you. You're one of my precious companions now and I'll always be there for you."

Letting herself go, she returned the hug while bursting into tears. Max let her cry as much as she needed while petting her head. When she had calmed down, the sun was gone and the sky was slowly getting dark, but neither of them was minding.

{You know that... I love you too... master.} Bonny shared, still sobbing a little.

"Yeah, I probably could never replace your family but, I'll do my best as one of it."

{You're right, you could never replace my family.}

Those words pierced Max's heart a bit, but don't mind since she had all the reasons in the world to say it.

{And even if you could, I'll never accept it because you're not like my family.}

"What do you mean?"

{I mean that, unlike my family, you didn't abandon me and you loved me, something my parents weren't able to do, which makes you even better than them. Not only you're more than a family to me, but a lover too.}

"Well, I... thanks, Bonny."

{I just wish that I could love you the same as you and Scarlet. But just being with you will be enough for me, to be happy.}

Max could tell that she was clouding the issue and really wanted more. She just didn't want to make her master worried. Max still had a hard time with something that was against his culture but he couldn't just leave her like this.

"And what if I told you that you can."

{... What?} Exclaimed Bonny, almost not sobbing anymore.

"Well... Scarlet talked to me before I came and... she said that it would be unfair to all of you if she was keeping me for herself if you love me the same and as strong as her."

{Does that mean...} She said, eyes widened and filled with hope.

"Well... y-yeah."

{Master!} She exclaimed while going for a really strong hug, making Max almost lose his breath.

{You have no idea how much happy that makes me!}

"He, I think it was Scarlet's goal."

{She's really the best. I won't mind either sharing you.}

"You too? You pokemon sure don't mind polygamy."

{What is 'polygamy'?}

"Sharing someone you love or yourself with someone else."

{Then no. As long as you love me and we are together, you can do whatever you want.}

Max then sighed with a reassuring smile.

{Speaking of loving me, that means that we can continue where we left off earlier.} Bonny remarked while getting slowly in his laps like she did the last time.

"Hehe, you sure don't lose time."

{If there is something I know about my species, is that we're really into mating and reproduction. And since you can't make me pregnant, we can focus on the 'mating' part.} She said lustfully.

(Oh shit. What have I got myself into?) Max thought.

Then, without any warning, Bonny pressed her soft lips against her master's one. At this point, there was turning back now, and so he returned it a bit hesitantly, not used to do that kind of stuff with anyone else besides Scarlet, yet. After a passionate kiss, Bonny broke free for a little break.

{How was that master?}

"That...was nice. Your soft lips were really enjoyable."

{I'm happy to hear that. It would have been a shame if you didn't like it since we're about to do more of it.}

Not wasting any second, she went for another kiss, but this time tried to force her tongue instinctively inside, which Max complied and let her in. As they were fighting each other tongue, Bonny took one hand and put it on her soft belly. Wanting to feel more of her, Max wanted to rub her soft belly but Bonny had another project, pulling him down. Touching a girl for the first time on her most sensitive spot is always a bit exciting, which made his heartbeat increased a bit until he finally reached it. Having now his hand on her furry small entrance, Max could already feel that she was already pretty wet, making Bonny twitch a bit. Max then started to rub it gently, which made Bonny let out a small moan inside her master's mouth. Breaking free for a break with a strand of saliva, Bonny eyed her master eagerly, pleading him to continue. Seeing that she liked it, Max increased his pressure a bit, making her close her eyes and heavy breathing a bit with some moans.

"You really liking it, aren't you?" Max teased.

{When you're being touched... for the first time... and by the one you love... it's impossible... not too.} The lopunny said, panting a little already.

Then, to Bonny's surprise, Max inserted a finger inside her, which made her grabbed his arms by instinct. Seeing that she was not stopping her, Max started to finger gently at first, which made her moans slightly louder.

{If a finger already feels that good... I can't wait to see... what the rest will be.} She said while getting wetter at the thought of him thrusting inside her.

After a moment of fingering, Bonny grew impatient and forced her master to get out.

{Please master! I want to feel you. I can't stand it anymore.} Pleaded Bonny, grinding her womanhood against him roughly.

"Alright, since you've been a good girl, I think you deserved it."

Rising herself to let Max taking care of his pants, Bonny's twitching between her legs came back like when she was a buneary, but only stronger at the sight of his shaft.

{That will... go inside me...} She said while staring at it, almost drooling.

Being really impatient, Bonny positioned herself as his tip was rubbing against her slippery entrance, biting her lips at the feeling.

"Calm down Bonny, there's no rush."

Those words didn't have any effect on Bonny. On the contrary, his voice only seems to make her even hornier, which made her slid his tip inside. Then, too eager to feel him, she made his flesh rod goes all the way inside her in one go.

{DHAAaaaaa!} She exlcaimed in bliss.

"D-Daamn. You're tight and very soft Bonny. Are you alright?" He said, feeling the pleasure.

{That feels... sooo good... I almost orgasmed immediately.}

"Didn't that hurt?"

{Why... should it?}

"Because of your hymen. It's your first time right?"

{It is but... Lopunnies don't have a hymen.}

"Oh, I see."

Bonny then started to move her hips up and down slowly.

{Oh my... that feels... almost too good.} She hardly said from the intense pleasure.

"It indeed... feels really good." Said Max with raising pleasure.

As Max was feeling her getting so much wet that she was drooling over him and the ground after a few thrusts, he could also felt her first climax already coming.

"Already close?"

{Lopunny's sex... is way faster... than that. A male Lopunny... would already have come... at this time.} She said, now holding her master with her hands on his shoulders.

Then, he could felt her internal muscles compressing his shaft and going faster.

{Ghaaaa!} Screamed ecstatically Bonny.

Despite being softer, Bonny was less tight than Scarlet, so he was able to endure a different type of pleasure, still intense nonetheless, and hold on a bit longer. As her body relaxed, she went a bit limp on her master, with his still hard shaft inside her.

{That was amazing, master. I'm glad you're still hard because I want to feel it even more.}

Not letting him have a word, Bonny started to ride him again, a bit slower since her previous orgasm and increased sensitivity, making her even shaking a bit and tightened her grasped around her master.

{Now I know... why Scarlet... always wants more. That feels... so good. Master!} She hardly said.

Getting lost in pleasure and lust, Bonny speeded her pace even if her sensitivity was almost hurting her, approaching faster to a second climax.

"Not so fast Bonny, I won't be able to keep up..."

Feeling her master's as well, Bonny goes almost at full speed, trying to make her master come at the same time because she knew that after this one, she'll be too worn out for another round.

{Come on, master, haa... spread your baby juice inside of me, aahha...} She hardly said, with her tongue sticking out while moaning and panting.

Not needed to be told twice, Max then let himself go, recoating her love tunnel in white with his hot goo.

{I can feel it... that feel too good... I'm doing it too...}

Contracting at maximum, Bonny's vagina milked Max's shaft hard, increasing his still ongoing orgasm, like if Scarlet had increased his sensitivity to 1 or 2%. After the ecstatic bliss had passed, all of Bonny's muscles relaxed at the same time, making her land on Max like a lifeless lopunny, heavily panting.

{Was it... good enough for you... as it was for me... master?}

"You seem to have enjoyed it like a thousand times better than me, so the competition isn't very fair."


"But you sure brought me pleasure than no human can provide."

{Was I better... than scarlet?}

"Bonny, that's exactly why..."

{Just kidding master. I know that... if we integrate competition in this... it will only make things worse.}

"Yes. For now, you two are equally able to bring me pleasure in different ways."

{Whatever I'm better or not, it doesn't matter anyway. My goal is to make you happy, not to be better than anyone.}

"...That's very noble of you Bonny." Max praised, tightening his hug around her.

{I know that I already said it to you but, I love you, master. In every possible way.}

"Same for me Bonny, I love you and I'm happy that you're part of my life now."

After enjoying each other presence and heat, Max decided that it was time to go sleep in the tent, being dark for a couple of minutes now. As they entered the tent, everything was already set and everyone sleeping. Max laid beside Scarlet, her back facing him, while Bonny laid on his other side, hugging him like a teddy bear. But not even a second later, Scarlet turned around to hug Max too.

{So? How was it?} Lowly asked Scarlet.

{Simply the best thing in my life. I know why you stay with him now.} Responded Bonny in joy.

{Yeah. He's the perfect sex toy.}

"Hmm, I'm right here you know." Complained Max.

{Shut up slave.} Lowly said Bonny and Scarlet at the same time.

With both Bonny and Scarlet giggling while hugging each side of their master's side and him grumbling in frustration, all of them closed their eyes to be ready for the next day.