Rewarded Efforts

{What the hell… did you just do Scarlet?} Said Bonny, shocked and hardly believing what she just saw.

{I got rid of a nuisance. She was the bug that was flying around our master.} Coldly said, Scarlet.

{What? Really? I mean, I didn't especially like her myself but… why?}

{… 'sigh' Looks like you also find out my true nature.}

{I can't… I just… master need to know that.}

With that, Bonny started dashing toward her master when Scarlet stopped her with her powers.

{Let me go, Scarlet I can't let master be around you, you're a danger to him.} She angrily said while struggling, trying to break free, to no avail.

{Calm down Bonny. You don't have to since our master already knows.} She said while lifting her and bringing her toward herself.

{… What?} She said, not struggling anymore.

{At one point, I had to tell him what kind of monster I was. At first, he reacted like you, but in the end, he accepted me.}

{I… don't believe you. You probably tricked and brainwashed him. There is no way he would accept a heartless killer beside him.}

{Watch your words please, and yet he did. You can ask him if you want if you don't believe me.}

Bonny then stayed silent a moment.

{Why? That was so unnecessary.} Said Bonny.

{Poor naïve little lopunny. If you knew how much worst a human is capable of, we wouldn't even have this conversation.}

{I'm sure master is not like that.}

{Why do you think I love him? I know what I may look like now but, I still value living beings that are worth it.}

{… Like master?}

{He's more than just worth it.}

Bonny went silent again.

{What will happen now? Will you kill me too like you did to that human, for me not to tell the others?}

{I indeed would appreciate that you keep it to yourself, but no.} She said while releasing her, making her fall on her knees.

{Why? Don't tell me you have some pity?}

{I won't lie to you, if it wasn't mainly for master, I would have eliminated you without hesitation. But you matter a lot to him. I can't take that away from him, I don't want to make him sad.}

Scarlet then kneeled so that her head was almost at the same height as hers.

{But also that you're quite a good friend.} She said while putting one hand on her cheek.

{I… don't know what to think about this. Deep inside me, I knew that you were hiding something from us.}

{For reasons, look at how you react. I don't want any of you being uselessly scared of me, since I won't ever hurt any of master's pokemon friends, or in our case, pokemon lovers. Since he loves all of you very much, I will never hurt any of you and even protect you from anything.} She said while caressing her cheek softly.

{… How can I trust you?}

{'sigh' Perhaps by using the same method I did with master.}

{Which is?}

{If you know a bit about us pokemon, you should know that our crest held our essence and our very being, our life. It can transfer any emotion we deeply feel. All you have to do is touch it.}

Bonny then looked at the blue crest on her chest.

(If it's really what makes them alive, that means that I could end her life with that. Is she really aware of that and trusted me that I won't do anything?) Thought Bonny.

(If she trusts me that much, maybe I can give her the benefits of the doubt.)

With that, she touched Scarlet's crest. Within seconds, Bonny was overwhelmed by caring, devotion, and love emotions toward their master. She also felt weaker emotions toward herself like friendship.

{Do you believe me now?} Said Scarlet after Bonny let go of her crest.

{It could be a trick, but master seem to really care about you, and I have the feeling that he's really sincere about you.}

{I'm willing to give my life for him. If you still doubt me, just put master in danger that requires me to sacrifice myself for him. That way, you will get rid of me and I'll prove that I was sincere.}

{I could never do such a thing. I'm also willing to protect master at any cost.}

{Then we agree on that point.}

Bonny then looked again at the corpse a bit further, which made her a bit nauseous.

{I still think it was unnecessary, but at least she won't be around our master.}

{Atta girl Bonny.} Said Scarlet while hugging Bonny.

{I'm sorry you had to see that. When it comes to master, I'm quite a bit too protective.}

{I'm sure that I wouldn't have gone that far but, I guess I would have acted pretty violently too If I was at your place.}

{For my defense, I was about to let her live, but she decided to play otherwise and tried to stab me.}

{Really? Well… I guess it can be counted as self-defense then.}

{… Hahaha, Bonny Bonny.} Said Scarlet while hugging her tighter.

{I'm starting to really like you.}

{Stop… it Scarlet… can't breathe.}

{Sorry.} She said before letting her go.

{… I'm still uncomfortable about this, but what is done is done. I just don't want to see you do that again.}

{I'll do my best Bonny.}

{I guess it's time to head to the bed then.} She said while getting up.

{Alright.} Said Scarlet, standing as well.

{What about you Scarlet?}

{I'll stay here and clean up the mess. Just go ahead and keep our master warm until I'm finished here.}

{Okay. And don't worry, I won't tell the others.}

{Thanks Bonny, I know you won't. You're a loyal lopunny.}

After half forcing a smile, Bonny left Scarlet alone and headed toward the tent.

{Alright you putrid semen bag, let's make sure no one ever discovers you.} She said while approaching the human corpse.

When Bonny arrived at the tent, she was shaking a bit from all of the stress she was going through. When inside, she quickly goes beside her master and tightly hugged his side. She was a bit scared about the situation. Scarlet was sure quite protective and aggressive sometimes, but discovering that she was a killer was pretty hard on her.

(I wonder if Master stays with her by fear or he really accepted her.) She thought, shivering.

(But I guess if she really wanted to hurt any of us, she would have already done it. And she even helped us to train. Maybe she does have a reason to be like that. Was her past was really that horrible? I guess it's better not knowing. For me, for us, she's quite a good person, and I guess it's what matters.)

Trying to reassure herself, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. After a moment, Scarlet opened the zipper of the tent and entered, which made Bonny flinch a bit, starting to slightly shiver again. But to her surprise, instead of going on the other side of their master, Scarlet laid behind her and goes for a hug, making Bonny trapped between her and her master.

{What… are you doing Scarlet?} Lowly asked Bonny.

{I know it's not easy for you Bonny. I just want you to feel safe around me. So tonight, I'm here for you.}

{That's not… necessary.}

{You don't like it?}

{No that's not it… it's just… a bit embarrassing.}

{You, being embarrassed? Now I heard everything.}

{Sh-shut up.}

While giggling, Scarlet rubbed Bonny's head a bit before going for a tight hug.

{Good night. Or at least try to have one.}

{Yeah, you too Scarlet.}

Closing her eyes and despite what happened, Bonny felt rather safe in Scarlet's arms, soothing her discomfort and fear around her. Then, she eventually fell asleep, joining the dream world like the others.

The next morning, when Max opened his eyes, he was greeted by Bonny and Scarlet, now back to her usual spot on the other side, hugging him.

[Morning master.] She said when she felt her master awakening.

"Morning. Slept well?"

[Pretty much.] She said with a devilish grin that Max didn't see.

"Good. Girls, it's morning, time to wake up."

As usual, they all awakened except Dusk, with May shaking her to do so.

{Already morning? It's like I just fell asleep a moment ago.} Said Dusk while yawning.

"Yeah. If I could I would let you sleep as much as you want."

{That's no problem master. We can sleep some more in our pokeball.}

"Alright. But first, let's get ourselves a little breakfast."

As Max stood up and exited the tent with everyone, he felt that Bonny was less affectionate than usual.-

"You alright Bonny?"

{Y-yeah. I just… badly slept last night.} Lied Bonny.

"Well, we sure are a bit cramped in the tent. I hope there will sell tents in the next town."

{That's not it. Just… nightmares and stuff.}

"Oh, sorry to hear that. Here." Said Max while hugging her.

{S-stop it, master, you embarrassing me.}

"Hmm, you don't feel alright. You never felt embarrassed or unaffectionate before."

{Sorry master.}

"Don't sweat it, Bonny, everyone gets down sometimes." He said while petting her head.

{Thanks master.} She said with a faint smile.

"Alright, time to eat."

Max withdrew his rations and poke foods for his team. After he gave good portions to everyone, he goes to eat his. The breakfast went pretty silently until they were done.

"Okay girls, return." He said before returning his team to their pokeballs.

When the tent was packed and before leaving, Max looked at Stephanie's tent and around.

"Where's that girl? Did you see her?" Asked Max.

[Nope. She's probably already gone to try to catch some pokemon, or maybe even the same as yesterday.] Lied Scarlet.

"Well, she wasn't looking like she really wanted to catch a pokemon or become a trainer. But maybe our little talk yesterday changed her mind."

[Probably. After all, you're pretty good with your tongue in more ways than one.] Seductively said, Scarlet.

"Always thinking about dirty stuff huh?"

[Pretty much. Wait!]


[We should totally do it in her tent.]

"What, you serious?"

[Come on, it will be hilarious.] She said while pulling him toward it.

"Hold on Scarlet, I know that you're into kinky stuff sometimes but this is a bit… too kinky actually. Plus, it will be quite disrespectful toward her." Protested Max.

[Too bad, we are already in.]

After she finished her sentence, Scarlet teleported both of them inside the girl's tent. She then let herself fall slowly on her back on the girl's sleeping bag with her master above him.

"Come on scarlet, what if she comes back?"

[Don't worry, I can sense her brain waves, and she's pretty far from here. She won't come back for a while.] Lied Scarlet.

"Is she lost?"

[Her brain doesn't send distress signals so, I'm guessing not. Besides, I'll even let you do me like this, with you on top of me, which rarely happen.]

"You must really want to do it here if you want me to dominate you."

Her only response was to shrug her shoulders and looking away innocently.

"'sigh' It's not like I have a choice."

[No master, if you really don't want to do it, I'm fine with that. I don't like forcing you to do stuff. Buuut, I can already sense your excitement from just thinking about doing it on someone else sleeping bag. How naughty of you master.] She said while rubbing a leg against this hardening member.

"Looks who's talking."

[At least I assume myself.]

"Alright, you win. But let's make it quick okay? I don't want her to call the police if she caught us."

[Don't worry master, we have pleeeenty of time.] She said with a slight unhealthy grin.

Max then started by kissing her passionately before shoving his tongue inside her mouth, which Scarlet riposted with hers and wrestled. While kissing, Scarlet slipped her hands under her master shirt and started rubbing every part of his upper body. After a moment of intense kissing, Max broke the kiss with a strand of saliva connected their lips.

"Alright Scarlet, It has been a little while since last time."

As she looked at him with a mix of lust and puzzled face, Max goes to her crest and gave a small lick on the side of it.

{GHAAAAaaa!} Loudly moaned Scarlet while grasping the sleeping bag under her with her hands.

"Sensitive as I remember." Said Max with a mischievous grin.

{How dare you… Yhaaa!} Said Scarlet before being interrupted by another lick.

"Now now Scarlet, it's not a way to speak to your master."

{Wanting to go full dominant I see. Fine, but just keep in mind that I can make you pay back… Yhaaa!} Said Scarlet before being interrupted by a lick again.

"What did you just said?"

{… That I'm your sex slave master.} Said Scarlet, playing along.

"That's more like it."

Max then goes for a lick from the base of her crest to the point in one go, making her loudly moan again. He then started to rub the base of her crest while getting the tip of it inside his mouth, giving some licks and gently kissing it.

{OH! HA! D-Damnit! That feels too good.} Madly moaned the gardevoir.

With Max not noticing, Scarlet's entrance was already overflowing from juice, coating the sleeping bag under her with a big stain. With Max just slightly increased his power, Scarlet's climax was already very close. Then, after one last lick, Scarlet's muscles all violently contracted in a powerful orgasm, making her squirting quite a bit from the intense pleasure. After her orgasm lasted for almost fifteen seconds, her body relaxed and goes for a post-orgasmic rest.

[I'm sure you're happy to exploit my only weakness.]

"Yes. Quite."

[Eh. Now you better rip my insides apart before I exploit yours.] She said while teleporting his pant and underwear away in a corner of the tent.

"What? Didn't quite get it, say that again."

[You… I'm so gonna…]

"Hmm?" Said Max while presenting his ear, pretending he didn't hear anything.

[… Please master. Use me as you please to relieve yourself.] She said with the most submissive and innocent look she could do.

"Holy shit! I didn't know you could be that cute Scarlet. It almost awakening my predatory instinct and making me want to devour you."

[No, please master, don't do that.] She said in an innocent and scared look.

"Alright, you gonna get it."

Max then aligned himself toward Scarlet's entrance and quickly inserted himself in one go.

{Kyhhaaa! Don't be too rough master.} She said with her fake innocent voice with a moan.

Max then started to move back and forth quite vigorously in her too narrow love tunnel.

{No, master… you're too big… you're gonna… break me.} She cutely moaned.

"That's what you get from being an undisciplined gardevoir."

{Ghyaa! Forgive me, master.} She moaned.

"If you do well, I'll think about it."

Max then increased his pace, making Scarlet wetter with her moans getting louder. Being oddly more aroused than usual, Scarlet's orgasm was already close. When it hit her, her vaginal contraction forced Max to cum inside her, spreading his seeds all over her womb. When both of their orgasms were done, Max unplugged himself from her and fell on a sitting position.

"Geez. It feels so wrong doing that here, but you're so irresistible."

[I know. But one more time won't hurt.] She said while getting on all four with her butt facing her master.

"Eh, you're quite a good mix of the luxury and greed sins, always greedy for more luxury."

[For my defense, you're partly responsible for that. Now, what are you waiting for? That I get cold?]

"Well…" Said Max while looking at his softening member.

[Tsk tsk tsk, so weak.]

Scarlet then used her power to make him hard again with intense pleasure.

"Alright. Let's go for one more time then."

Getting behind her and grabbing her hips, Max aligned himself once again before impaling her with his flesh rod, making her let out a pleased moan. Not losing time, Max quickly began to thrust his hips again with the usual wet impact noises.

{Yes! Harder please master!}

"Good girl. You even asked nicely."

Max then increased his thrusting power, making Scarlet fall on her chest and grasping hardly the sleeping bag in pleasure. Shortly after, the gardevoir felt another orgasm coming up. After she increased her master pleasure with her powers, they cummed together after wilder poundings. When their ecstatic moment was done, Max fell on a sitting position again while Scarlet goes limp on the ground, with both of their fluids slightly coming out of her.

"Watch out Scarlet, you're staining her sleeping bag."

[Don't worry, I'll clean it up.]

"Alright. Can we go now?"

[Sure. Just goes ahead. I'll join you in a minute.]


Max then grabbed his underwear and pants, put them back on, and exited the tent. After a moment, Scarlet stood up and goes near the entrance. Using her psychic ability, she gathered all of their fluids inside the tent, made it glow intensely in blue a moment, and gathered it on a ball before spreading all of it across the tent, staining everything at least slightly.

{There you go, a little souvenir for your afterlife, you ditto whore.} Muttered Scarlet with an unhealthy grin.

Scarlet then exited the tent too and joined her master that was waiting for her with his packsack ready on his back.

"Hope she will be okay."

[Pretty sure she will. You helped her quite a lot yesterday.]

"Yeah, I guess."

[Stop worrying too much, you have a gym battle to focus on.]

"You're right. The next town shouldn't be very far now."

A moment after they resumed their travel, Max checked on his pokedex for the next town, Zino City.

"Wow, look at that Scarlet, it seems a pretty big city." Said Max while showing a picture of it.

[Oh. its looks bigger than those we already have been.]

"Yeah, those places were a bit isolated from the rest of the continent, so from now on, we will travel to bigger and more populated places."

Scarlet then went silent for a moment.

"… You alright Scarlet?" Asked Max, concerned.

[Yeah… It's just… I don't know if I'm ready yet.]

"If you want, I can put you in a pokeball to…"

[No. I'll never get inside one of those.]

"Not even for me?"

[Don't try to use my love for you to make me do such a thing.]

"I… don't understand."

['sigh' Look, I do love you with all of my being, but… I don't want our relationship to be kind of chained like that.]

"You're not chained!"

[I know but… gha, you don't understand. If you want a comparison, it's like human marriage. Some people, like you, are not interested in it and feel more trapped than anything else as you think that it's not necessary to prove that you love the other one.]

"I'm guessing you know about marriage by getting in my mind."

[Yes. Because I knew that you will eventually propose to me that someday or another, so I needed information to make you understand.]

"Eh, one step ahead like always. I guess I do understand how you feel. You want to stay free until the end."

[I've been trapped and confined long enough for the rest of my life.]

"…Yeah, I understand. Sorry." Said Max, knowing what she meant.

[I know you don't mean the wrong way master, but there are some things that peoples can't simply do.]

"So what are you gonna do then?"

[I don't know, I'll think about it.]

After that, they walked pretty silently for half of the day before they stopped for a break. Without getting out anything, they just sat in the shadow of a tree that was a bit further the road and enjoyed their break while drinking water.

"Mind some training?" Asked Max.


"Alright. Come out, girls." Said Max while releasing his team.

"Who's up for a short training session?"

{We always are.} Said Bonny.

"Great. Who wants to go first?"

{You can go with May and Bonny master, I'll take Dusk with me.}

"Sure but, why?"

{Bonny and May have already some battle experiences and are strong. Dusk on the other hand needs a bit more… focused training.}

{Am I … not good enough master?} Asked Dusk, a bit sad.

"No, of course not Dusk." Said Max while picking up Dusk in his arms.

"But Scarlet is right, Bonny is pretty strong already since she evolved and May has experience in battle. Scarlet just wants specialized training for you, so you get stronger than them." Cheered up, Max.

{You… sure I can do that?} She said, slightly cheering up.

"I'm more convinced than yes. You still can evolve two times, so you have a lot of potential to develop."

{A-alright master. I'll do my best, for you.}

"That's my Dusk." Said Max while petting her head.

"Alright Scarlet, I'm counting on you not to go too rough on her." He said while putting her down.

[Of course master. I'm not a brute.]

Max then looked at Scarlet skeptically.

[Something to say?] Said Scarlet with a fake defiant tone.

"Not really." Avoiding a potential Scarlet punishment.

[Thought so.]

{Come on Dusk, let's make you a strong fennekin.}

{Okay.} She said while following Scarlet, getting further from the others.

"Okay girls, it's now just the three of us. Who wants to be the wild pokemon for battle training?"

{I don't mind doing it.} Proposed Bonny.

"You sure Bonny? You did it last time."

{I don't care. I was thinking that maybe you need some more practices with May.}

"What do you say May?"

{I'll do whatever makes you happy master.}

"I'll take that as a yes."

Max then used his watch to cover in protection May and Bonny, so they could go full power without injuring each other.

{Honor to the trainer master.} Said Bonny.

"Okay. Alright May, let's start with a crunch attack."

May then dash toward her. When close enough, she quickly turned around to attack Bonny with Crunch with her maw. As Bonny dodges it to the side, May goes for another one, which Bonny wanted to dodge by backing up but was took off guard by May's maw reach and managed to get hit by it on one of her arms, damaging her a bit.

"Now chain with charge."

Still flinching from the last attack, Bonny wasn't able to dodge the next attack and took a direct hit from the Charge attack, damaging her even more.

{Damn May, you're stronger than you look.} Said Bonny.

{It's not my first battle remember.}

{I do. But did you ever fight someone as fast as me?}

Bonny then quickly goes for a charge attack. Being faster than her, May couldn't dodge the lopunny's attack and tried to block it to reduce as much as possible the damages. Thanks to her steel type, she didn't take a lot of it, since Charge is a normal type move. Without any warning, Bonny goes for another charge attack, which May also couldn't dodge, but endured pretty well the attack again.

"May, I want you to only block her attacks."

Not sure what he had in mind, May did as told, trusting him, and goes for a defensive stance and endured Bonny's attacks.

{Don't know what you're up to master, but I won't let you have the time for it.} Muttered Bonny.

Bonny then goes for multiple Charge attacks in every direction, with May enduring all of them. Despite being steel type, she was slowly getting some damages and knew that she couldn't hold on forever. May was hoping that her master will give her an order soon.

{You're though, I'll give that. But try to endure that.}

That was the moment Max waited, with Bonny charging at her frontally with an Ear Punch attack.

"Use Steel Fang just before she hit you."

May then gladly turned around and faced Bonny with her giant maw, which its teeth that was now glowing in a shiny metallic color. Seeing that she was literally going inside the wolf's maw, she tried to stop and cancel her move, but too late. When she stopped and was about to retreat, May got her with Steel Fang, heavily damaging her.

{Damn it hurts.} She said while retreating after her move.

{Alright, time to see how efficient my new move is.}

Bonny then goes for the move Return. Dashing at her like a charge attack, Max could see some energy like lightning emanating from almost her entire body. She then tackled May violently at pretty high speed with her shoulder, doing a loud 'Boom' impact noise which sent May flying a couple of meters away. Despite being steel type, she took heavy damage, draining the rest of her energy.

"Damn! You alright May!" Said Max while dashing toward her.

{Oh no! May, I'm so sorry.} Said Bonny going toward May as well.

{I'm… okay master.} She said while trying to stand up, but fall back immediately after, too exhausted and unable to continue.

After her protection went down, Max took May in his arms.

"I think that will be enough for now."

{Master, I'm sorry.} Said Bonny, feeling guilty.

"Don't worry Bonny, it's not your fault." He said while petting her head.

"But next time, you should at least know how strong your moves can be."

{Yes, master.} She said with hands behind her back in shame.

"At least now we know that that move will be your strongest one."

{And now you also know much I love you.}

"I never doubted it, Bonny." He said while caressing her cheek, which she cutely pushed herself in.

{What about me master?} Said May.

"Of course I love you too May." He added while rubbing her head where she liked it most.

Max then goes to a tree to put May in its shadow for her to rest.

"Now what Bonny? Until May had recovered you're on your own with no one to train."

{That's okay, I'll practice learning the Jump Kick move.}

"Sounds good. Be careful not to hurt yourself then."

{That's the risk of the move remember?}

"Yeah. Be careful anyway."

{At your command, master.} She said quite seductively.

Max goes to sit next to May while Bonny started again her move learning training.

{That was pretty a bad performance of me against Bonny.} Said May, a bit down.

"Don't say that May. If it wasn't for the Return move, you would have held your ground way much longer. After all, you had the type advantage since she doesn't know any fighting type move yet."

{I guess. But that attack was way too powerful.}

"It's said that move's power depends on the affection the user have toward their trainer."

{Oh. Then she must really love you.}

"Yeah, I don't have a hard time believing it, even if it wasn't from that move."

{What do you mean?}

"Hmmm… well… let's say she's very affectionate." Made up Max.

{I can be too.} Said May while crawling up on max's lap.

"Hehe, yeah, you all are." He said while petting her head.

Then, for a moment, they just enjoyed each other's company until May fell asleep. Max then goes on his pokedex for knowledge purposes. He then was a bit more curious about Mawiles.

"Huh? Mega evolution? Didn't know mawiles were able to.

After he selected the option, Max was impressed at how awesome mega mawile are. They were a lot taller, kimono-like flesh that was purple from the waist to their ankles and wrists, two black ribbon-like hairs, and two giant maws.

"Damn! She almost looks scary."

Max then goes for more detailed info.

"When a mawile mega evolve, besides getting a bit more aggressive than their normal form, they also become more passionate, putting extra energy in whatever they are doing. Getting taller, they become stronger and more resilient to damage, but mostly physically. When mega evolving, they temporally gain the ability of Huge Power that doubles the pokemon physical attack. Since they have two tongueless maws, they can also use more efficiently bite-based moves and make them able to attack two times in a row with such moves or at different angles, which could be considered as a secondary special ability." Lowly read Max.

"Scary indeed." Muttered Max.

{Master! Look!} Yelled Bonny.

Looking toward her, Max saw that one of her legs was faintly glowing white.

"Congrats Bonny."

{It's still not perfect, but I'm close to success.}

"Keep up the good work."

Bonny then tried to launch the attack, but right after she jumped, the white light faded away.

{Damnit!} She said when she landed after the failed move.

"Guess you will also have to practice your concentration and synchronism."

{Thanks professor, I would never have thought about it myself.} She said, a bit frustrated.

"Come on Bonny, you can do it. I believe in you."

{'sigh' I know. But I wish there will be an easier way to learn it.}

"How? Like getting a CD with the move on it and make you swallow it?"

{Maybe not swallowing it, but like, putting it on my forehead and make me instantly learn it.}

"That will be dumb."

{But much easier.}

"Get your lazy butt to work and make those beautiful legs of yours to good use by learning that move."

{Looks like you really love them if you always look at them.}

"Not only, but I always love your eyes."

{You like red?}

"Yes but, not only that. I also love the black color. Where it should be white it's all black, going very well with your gorgeous red iris, making them creepy and cool at the same time. Really cool."

{Happy to hear. What about my ears?}

"Too big, don't like it."

{What?} She said, almost shocked.

"Haha, just kidding, I love everything about you."

{Hmmhmmm. Unfortunately, May is here. I could have shown you what I like most about you.} She said lustfully with a wink.

"It is indeed, forcing you to focus on your work."

{'sigh' I guess so. Back to it then.} Said Bonny before going back to her training.

"Alright. I'll go check how is it going with Scarlet and Dusk. You keep an eye on May Bonny?"

{Sure master.}

Slowly and gently lifting May from him and putting her down without waking her up, Max then left them and goes toward where Scarlet should be. When Max reached them, Dusk was in front of Scarlet and was shooting very weak ember attacks at her.

"How is it going here?" Asked Max.

[Pretty well, I'm now at raising her special attack.] Said Scarlet while blocking Dusk's attack with protect.

"Oh, like when you explained to us?"

[Yes. I'm restraining her internal power to increase it.]

"I'm glad you came up with that training idea, it really helps the team."

[No problem master. I also noticed that it make the pokemon progress three times faster than just battling.]

"Wow. Pretty cool."

[Yeah, and the only counterpart is that it exhaust the pokemon a lot faster too, but nothing that our strong-willed team can't endure.]

"Well, just as long that they don't push themselves too much."

[I know their limit so, no worries.]

"I was also wondering if Dusk should learn another move."

[Hmm, maybe. Alright Dusk, take a little break.]

{'huff' 'puff' Thanks, Scarlet.} Said Dusk while slowly going to a shadowy zone to rest.

[Depends on what move you want to teach her.]

"Don't know. A little research in the pokedex will help me."

Max then goes on his pokedex and searched the fennekin move pool.

"Oh, what about this, Flame charge, a move that does physical fire damage while increasing the user speed at each use.

[That's interesting. That could be a useful move. But we will have to train her physical attack more because as for now, she lacks a bit of it.]

"I'm counting on you Scarlet. It said that the learning method is to focus their fiery energy all around them and moving faster and faster at each use."

[Noted. How's Bonny doing?]

"She very close to learns her new move. Before I left, her leg was glowing white. But the power was still not strong enough and she needs to focus on her energy and attacking at the same time."

[Well, once she learns how to synchronize energy focusing and attacking, that part will be much easier for future moves.]

"A fighting-type move will be a huge add-on to her."

[Indeed. Especially against rock or steel type.]

"I thought you didn't know a lot about pokemon trainer stuff?"

[I'm not completely stupid. I'm a pokemon too after all.]


[And also that I gathered the information from your sleeping brain.]

Max then crossed his arms and glared at her.

[What? I promised I didn't look for something else.]

"If you say so." Said Max while rolling his eyes.

[And May?]

"She's resting after a battle against Bonny."

[Why? Did she lose against Bonny, a normal type?]

"Yeah. Turns out that her Return move is extremely powerful."

[Hmm. I guess that if it represents her affection toward you, it should be really powerful indeed.]

"Good to see that my team won't be the weakest one. None that it would have mattered anyway."

[Don't worry, I'll make sure that it won't happen.]

"With you helping them, I'm not worried."

[Well, I think it's time to get going.]

"Agree. After a quick lunch, we will leave."


"Come on, Dusk, let's eat a bit with the other."

{Okay master.}

With Scarlet and Dusk following him, Max then heads back to where Bonny and May were.

{Master! I almost did it! I'm very close to master it.} Said Bonny while quickly walking toward her master when they arrived.

"Good work Bonny. We won't reach Zino City until maybe tomorrow in the evening so, you still have one night left to succeed."

{Hmm, no pressure.}

"Sorry, didn't mean to."

{That's alright. I'm feeling that it will be enough.}

"That's the spirit. Now, how about getting some food before leaving?"

{Sounds really good since all that training made me quite hungry.}

"I'm sure you are. May! Lunchtime." Called Max to wake May up.

As she stood up from her nap and walked toward her master, Max was already taking out the food for everyone. When everyone was served, Max took his ration and took a moment to eat.

"Alright, time to leave and I'm sure you prefer resting in your pokeball." Said Max when they were all done.

{I won't say no indeed.} Said Bonny.

"Great." He said before getting her back to her pokeball.

"Feeling okay May?" He said to the mawile.

{Yes. I also don't really want to walk.} She said.

{Me too master.} Said Dusk.

"As you wish."

After Max put back May and Dusk in their pokeball too, both Scarlet and him headed toward the road and resumed their travel toward the next place. The rest of the day was uneventful until the sun was slowly setting. Passing through the last forest before reaching Zino City, they set up camp on a free and safe spot for the night.

"Okay girls, break time for the night. We should arrive at Zino City tomorrow in the late afternoon." Said max to his team after releasing them.

{Great. I must master my new move this night. I'm gonna practice it." Said Bonny.


[I'll relax a bit this night. A little meditation will be good.] Said Scarlet while getting a bit further.

"You can stay here to do that no?"

[Meditation requires some concentration. With the others around me, it will be a bit hard.]

"Fair enough."

After Scarlet and Bonny left to somewhere a bit more isolated, Max turned toward May and Dusk.

"What about you girls, what do you want to do? Some sparring?"

{Actually… no. I was wondering if I could spend some time with you.} Said Dusk.

{Me too.} Added May.

"Alright. I guess you worked pretty well today so, so you do deserve a little rest. A little fire would be nice."

{Yay, I'm gonna get some woods.} Said May.

"Good. Dusk can help you while I'm gonna got some rocks to make it safe."

After they separated, they all got back after a few minutes.

"Good jobs girls." Praised Max after he took the branches and dead woods they had gathered.

After making a circle with the rocks, Max put the woods in the middle and asked Dusk to light it up.

"Very glad that you're a fire-type Dusk, you're very useful."

{T-thanks master.} She said with a not to visible blush.

After he sat near to the fire, May and Dusk followed him and both sat between his legs. Max then coiled his arms around them.

"Feeling ready for the gym battle?"

{I think.} Said Dusk.

{What kind of pokemon we will battle against?} Said May.

"Oh, right. Let me check." Said Max while getting his pokedex.

"The gym leader is an electric-type trainer. Hmm, we don't have advantages nor disadvantages. Shouldn't be too hard."

{If it's too hard we can always rely on Scarlet.} Said Dusk.

"I won't be so sure about it."


"Last time she agreed to help me but only this time and if I were to lose again, it will be my problem."

{That's not very nice.} Commented May.

"She doesn't like to battle so, I can understand. Besides, if she was to win all our battles, you wouldn't need to improve yourselves."

{… True.}

"Don't worry girls, if we lose a battle, there is always next time."

{… If only my last trainer was like that.} Said May.

"Come on May, stop thinking about that."

{I know I shouldn't but, it's hard to forget someone you used to love and just… be thrown away.}

"I'm sure it is. But you know now that I will never do that."

{Yes master, now I'm sure of that.}

"Glad to hear." Said Max while petting her in her spot.

Max then goes to also pet Dusk.

"Woa Dusk, I feel that your fur getting a bit tangled. How about a little brushing?"

{I would like that.} She answered.

"Good. Let me just get the brush in my bag."

{Wait here master, I'll get it for you.} Said May before going to his packsack.

"Thanks, May, you're really helpful." Said Max when she came with the brush, booping her nose.

After May sat back beside the fennekin, Max then started to brush Dusk, which she seems to really like.

{Ow master.} Complained Dusk when Max pulled a bit hard on a node.

"Sorry, Dusk. As I can see, you really needed that. You're gonna look more beautiful than ever." Said Max, making her blush a bit.

{I wish I had fur too so master could also brush me.} Said May, wanted to have her master's attention too.

"I can't brush what you can't have but, I can give you a little massage if you want. But I know nothing about it so, it will probably won't be that good."

{What is a 'massage'?} Asked May.

"A little something that feels really good."

{If it feels good and it's from master, I want it.}

"Sure. As soon as I'm finished with Dusk, I'm all yours."

After a little while, Max was done with Dusk, who looked more gorgeous than before, and put his hands on May's shoulders.

"Alright May, I will go gently and slowly."


Max then started to gently massage May's small shoulders, making her lowly and lightly moaning after a few seconds.

"You like it?" Asked Max after a moment.

{Yes. It does feel really good and relaxing.}

"Happy to hear. I can do it whenever you want."

{Thanks master.}

After a minute or two, Max heard a loud noise in the woods.

{What was that?} Asked Dusk, a bit scared.

"Don't know. Probably Bonny who's training a bit too hard. I'll go check it out."

{I'll come with you.} Said May.

"Don't worry May, I'm sure it's nothing. You should stay with Dusk and protect each other, just in case. If I ever get in danger, Scarlet will immediately come to me." Said Max before leaving.

{Scarlet here, Scarlet there. Why is it always about her?} Pouted May.

{Don't say that May. Scarlet was with him before us.}

{Yeah but…}

{You did get some attention from him. I don't remember seeing our master doing to Scarlet what he did to you.}

May continued to pout in silence from the lack of attention of her master and a bit of jealousy. Back in the woods, Max headed toward the noise he heard. After a minute, Max arrived at a very small clearing, where Bonny was panting a little in front of a smashed small boulder.

"Bonny? You okay?" Asked Max, quickly walking toward Bonny.

{I… did it master.}


{I mastered the move.}

"Really? Now you know Jump Kick?"

{Yes. Look.}

After regaining her breathe, Bonny goes to another boulder a bit further. Closing her eyes, she focused her energy on one of her legs until a bright light came from it. When ready, she opened her eyes, launched herself on the boulder with her glowing legs first, and smashed it into pieces with a loud rock-shattering noise.

"Wow, damn Bonny. It was quite powerful."

{Told you I could it before reaching the next gym.}

"I must say that I'm quite impressed. I knew you were gonna learn it fast, but not that fast…"

{Hehe. Let's say I got extra motivation.} She proudly said.

"Eh, I wonder what could that be?"

{Hmmm, maybe something likes rewarding me for my effort and learning a new move?} Said Bonny while walking toward her master with a lustful face.

{Something like this.} She said while putting a hand on her master's crotch when close enough.

"That was your motivation?" Said Max, flinched a bit at the soft touch.

{Extra motivation. And I told myself that maybe you could reward me every time I get stronger and learn a new move.} Said Bonny while starting to rub him.

"So you want to do it with you when you learn new moves?"

{We didn't understand each other well. I meant that you reward me with that, despite whatever you have already done with me or the others.}

"Horny little bunny."

{Sorry master, but you're the one that is horny right now.} Said Bonny, still rubbing her master's hardening member.

"I wasn't until you came over me."

{Is that so? Hm, you seem a bit in pain. We should free it.}

Bonny then unzipped Max's pants and freed his now fully hard shaft.

{Oh! Already like that? Am I really that good?} Said Bonny while staring eagerly and stroking it gently.

"W-Who knows?" Said Max, looking away in embarrassment.

{I guess there is just one way to find out. I haven't tasted you yet so, I think it's a good opportunity now to try.} Said Bonny, getting on her knees.

After she stretched a bit due to her size so her head was pretty much at the same height as his shaft, Bonny lustfully and gently started to give a few licks on her master's tip.

{It has a weird taste, but I strangely like it.}

After a few more licks, precum started to leak, which Bonny got a taste of without knowing.

{Oh, I got a salty taste just now.}

"Probably the precum. It comes out when a male feels good."

{Hm, so I'm not that bad I suppose.} She said with a grin.

"I must say that you're indeed not half bad for now." Teased Max.

{Oh, I guess I should go up a notch then.} She said with lustful eyes.

Bonny then coiled her lips around his tip and assaulted it with her tongue.

"Humf… Where did you learn that?"

{Scarlet taught me.}

"Should have guessed, always perverting everything around her."

{That's not half bad, don't you think.} She said before coiling her mouth around his tip again.

"Can't deny it."

After a small grin, Bonny focused again on her task and goes a bit further on his shaft until his tip was hitting the back of her throat. She retreated until only the tip was inside her mouth before going back as far as possible.

"Did Scarlet… also taught you some technics… or you're just naturally good at it?"

{… Scarlet taught me the base, but I guess my will to please you forced me to discover a new skill.} She said after leaving his shaft with a 'plop' noise.

{But she also talked about this.}

Without warning, Bonny then goes for a deepthroat, getting all of it.

"Whoa… that feels… so good." Said Max, started to get lost in pleasure.

Music to her ears, Bonny eagerly continued her blowjob with frequent deepthroats. After a moment, Max could feel his climax.

"You're doing… good Bonny. I'll explode soon."

Encouraged by his words, Bonny doubled her effort for him to let out as much as possible. After one last deepthroat, Max spread his seeds all over Bonny's mouth, surprising her a bit.

{'Koff' Geez. I didn't expect it to come out that fast.}

"Sorry. You okay?"

{Yes, don't worry. Just a few that didn't get in the right hole.}

"Oh, didn't know that pokemon could miss the right hole," Jokily said Max.

{Oh don't worry master, I won't miss the next one. I'll show you the right hole.}

"Really? Care to prove it?"

{With. Pleasure.} Said Bonny, almost looking like a carnivorous in front of a prey.

Bonny then pushed Max, making him fall on his ass.

"Do all pokemon must be that aggressive?"

{Stop complaining. I thought you were a tough trainer.} Teased Bonny while getting over him.

"I am."

{We'll see about that.}

Bonny then pressed her wet lower lips and Max's flaccid member. After a few rubs, it was hard again, ready for the lopunny to enjoy.

{Can't wait to feel that again.} Eagerly said, Bonny.

Without wasting time, as soon as her master's shaft was hard enough, she lowered herself on it, reaching the deepest part of her easily, being soaking wet.

{Yhaaaeess! That feels… so good.} She said a depraved face and stuck out tongue.

Again, not losing any second, she immediately started to ride his master who was now on his back to let Bonny have plenty of space.

"Your softness… is quite something." Said Max, sending strong pleasure waves each time she moved.

{Less talk… more rutting.} She said lustfully.

Max then placed his hands on the soft fur of her hips to help her going down harder. As Bonny's love juice was started to overflow, she felt her climax already getting near.

{That's gonna be good.} Moaned Bonny.

A few pounds later, her orgasm hit her heavily, arching her back with an ecstatic loud moan. Her internal muscles contracted Max's shaft heavily, but not enough to make him cum yet.

{You didn't cum yet? You're pretty enduring.} She said while going all limp on her master with him still hard inside her.

"I think it's you that is way too sensitive."

{Guess human males are better for a long mating session and can actually make me feels good.}

"Yea, you already told me that lopunnies mating sessions don't last long."

{Yes. And since male lopunny are more into reproducing than our pleasure, we don't always get one orgasm, even fewer multiples one. Human mating maybe not be very well perceived by some pokemon, but I don't care. Totally worth it.}

"Really? I thought that pokemon were more open-minded."

{They are, but not by much. Mating between other pokemon species can still pass, but with humans… Fortunately, it's like a fifty-fifty way of thinking.}

"Oh. Well, I guess we will have to keep it for ourselves then. For humans, it's even worst. It's still quite taboo and humans having sex with pokemon are quite looked down on."

{That's so stupid. Living things should be able to do whatever they want.}

"Agree. Still up for one more round now?"

{You bet I am. I have to make you cum at least once.}

Bonny then resumed her riding one more time.

{Hyaa!} Moaned Bonny.

"Calm down Bonny, we just started the second round." Teased Max because she was already moaning.

{I know… but I'm really more… sensitive when I just orgasmed. Everything is… three times stronger now.} Moaned Bonny.

"I should be glad that you're easily pleased."

{I'm not… a hard-living lopunny.}

"What did you say? You want it harder? Roger."

{What? no… LYAA!} Heavily moaned Bonny when her master increased his power of thrusting.

{Don't… go that hard… I'll cum again…}

With his increased speed, Max also felt his own climax coming close after only a few thrusts. When Bonny's internal muscles contracted again around his shaft with an ecstatic scream, Max reached his peak and exploded inside her, increasing her own orgasm with the hot substance. When they were done, Bonny goes all limp again on her master's chest.

{That was… again so good.} She said while panting slightly.

"Yeah, you're defending yourself pretty well."

{Eh, it's a must for a strong girl like me.}

"Hehe." Giggled Max while petting her head.

{… I'm glad to have you master.} Said Bonny after a moment of silence.

"So do I Bonny."

Bonny's response was a warm hug.

"You think we should head back to the camp to sleep."

{Why? We can sleep here, like this.}

"Not really comfortable for me."

{Rha, fine. Always complaining.} Teased Bonny.

"Can't help it, it's a part of me."

After Bonny chuckled a bit, she let go of Max so he could stand up and both got back to the tent after they did a quick clean-up. When back to the camp, May, Dusk and Scarlet were all enjoying the fire while talking.

[Hi master. Had some fun as I can see.] Said Scarlet with a grin.

"Yeah, you can say that. What are you all doing?"

[Some chit-chat while snacking.]

When Max was close to the fire, he indeed saw May and Dusk eating their pokebites.

"Good idea, I'm a bit hungry too." Said while getting his packsack.

{Me too.} Added Bonny, following her master.

After Max took a ration and handed the normal type box of pokebites to Bonny, they both got back to the fire camp, where they sat next to the others.

"Hmm, that reminds me, girls." Said Max after a few bites.

"I bought something that you all should use."

{What is it, master?} Asked May.

"I bought a toothbrush and I want all of you to use it."

[I don't need that master.]


[Psychic powers remember?]

"Even with your teeth?"


"Ghra! So I bought a toothbrush for nothing."

[You can keep it for an eventual new family member.]


{Why should we use that?} Asked Bonny.

"To prevent you to have cavities."

{What is that?}

"It's a breakdown of teeth due to bacteria activity. It can rot them and hurt like hell."

{Sounds scary. I don't want that.} Said Dusk.

"If you brush at least one time a day, like before going to sleep, you can prevent it pretty well."

{If master says we should do it, then we will.} Said Bonny.

{I agree. I too don't want my teeth to rot.} Said May.

"Then I want all of you to do it after you're finished eating. There is a water canister on my packsack you can use to rinse your mouth after."

{Okay.} They all said.

Then, after they all finished, Max and everyone except Scarlet goes to his bag to take the materials.

"Remember the one you use so you don't end up with someone else one." Said Max while handing them four toothbrushes.

{I'll take the yellow one.} Said May.

{I'll leave the red one to Dusk, I'll take the pink one.} Said Bonny.

{You sure you don't want it, Bonny?} Asked Dusk.

{Sure, I like pink. You want the pink one?}

{No, red is fine.}

"Sweet, I'll leave the blue one to the next one who joins us. For me, I'll take the black one." Said Max while taking it out.

"And now the toothpaste."

{How is it working now?} Asked Bonny.

"I'll show you. First, you put the paste on toothbrush hairs." He said while doing so.

"And next, you put it in your mouth and you brush all your teeth you have for a couple of minutes before spitting all of it."

{I don't like to spit.} Seductively said, Bonny.

"You will have to this time because the paste isn't good for your health."

{Alright. I guess there a first time at everything.}

"Your turn now."

They then all did as told and started to brush their teeth.

{Issh tassh weirsh.} Said May.

"It's supposed to be mint flavor. And don't talk with your mouth full."

{Yessh. You haff shome practish to do firsht.} Said Bonny.


{Whath?} She said, looking away innocently.

{What about me master? I can't use it.} Said Dusk.

"Ah sorry. Let me help you."

Max then grabbed Dusk's toothbrush and put some paste on it.

"Okay Dusk, I'll have to do it for you. Open wide."

A bit embarrassedly, Dusk opened her mouth to let him help her. Max then started to brush her teeth. It was a bit awkward for Dusk at first, but quickly got over it. After a couple of minutes, Dusk included, they were all done as they spat all the leftovers on the ground.

"Here you go." Said Max while handing his water canister to them while starting to brush his own.

They then all rinsed their mouth before spitting again the leftover. When they were done, Max put some water in Dusk's mouth so she could rinse too.

"Good girls. With that, you now have a higher resistance to cavities."

{Yay!} Said May.

"Alright everyone, time to hit the hay."

{Yup. 'Yawn' I'm starting to feel a bit sleepy.} Said Bonny.

"Let's go then." Said Max while getting up.

As the other headed to the tent, Max stopped May.

"What about your big maw teeth May?"

{Don't worry master, I never eat with it so, there is no danger. Anyway, they are not made like normal teeth.}

"Really? They are made of what?"

{Don't know. I don't a lot about how my species are made, but I'm sure it has something to do with my steel type.}

"I see." Said Max before May nodded and headed back to the tent.

When Max was finished with his mouth hygiene, he emptied his canister by drinking what was left after rinsing before putting it back in his packsack.

(It thinks I'll need to refill my water canister tomorrow.) Thought Max.

Max then entered the tent with his packsack, with Scarlet following behind while the others were already inside.

{Master, can I sleep close to you this night?} Asked May.

"… Sure." Said Max while eyeing Bonny and Scarlet.

{She can sleep between you and me.} Said Bonny.

"You sure?"

{Yea, I already got plenty of love this night.}

"That's nice of you."

{May is small so, it's not like I will be far from you. I even may still be able to hug you.}

"If you don't squish May…"

{Don't worry master.}

"And you Dusk?"

{Oh, me? Hemm, there is not much place so, just close to your legs will be okay.}

"Why? I'm sure there will be enough space between me and Scarlet.

{You're not that big too.} Said Scarlet.

{No that's okay.}

"… Well, if it's what you want. But remember that there is plenty of space for you."

{I will master.}

"Alright let's go to sleep then."

After Max was done setting the inside of the tent, they all got in position for the night, with Scarlet on one side, Bonny on the other with May between her and her master, being squished slightly by the lopunny hugging Max, which she tried to let her have maximum space as much as possible, but she didn't mind and with Dusk sleeping in a ball against her master leg close to Bonny's feet. Max didn't like that they were all glued to him except her, but like he always says, he didn't like to force someone to do something they don't want to. Thinking that she will eventually change her mind someday, Max fell asleep with the others shortly after.