The Dojo (4/4)

As he was rising from his bed one morning with the help of master Setsui the next day from another day off, one month had passed since they first arrived here. That morning, Max was still pretty tired since Bonny and he had passed more time than usual together in that mediation spot the night before. Max was sensing she was slowly getting more affectionate and confident that they almost did it, but Bonny managed to control herself. As for Dusk and May, they didn't mind having some fun only on the day off, since they also were pretty tired after a day of training. For intimacy, things haven't changed much between May and Max besides that she was almost asking him every time to please her with his tongue since she discovered it. It was so pleasurable for her that she could never get enough of that. For Dusk, however, she grew more confident and was more willing to go a bit rougher, but not that much, except when she was getting really intoxicated by the musky smell of her master, which seems to make her crazy. As for their training, May recently managed to learn Brick Break and wasn't stopping bragging about it to everyone, but mostly to Max. Dusk, on the other hand, still had a hard time with Flame Charge, constantly working on it. She felt, however, that she wasn't very far from learning it. A bit more psychical attack training and she will be pretty close. For Scarlet, well, nothing really new besides watching her master training in the morning, controlling Bonny's rage in the afternoon and helping her with her meditation in the evening, and finishing the day by visiting Max in the night for some quiet and unheard fun from time to time. She also felt that Bonny was getting better at controlling herself when she was mega evolving, even slightly, and sensed that they will reach their goal pretty soon. As Max was going outside, he was greeting everyone he was passing by, almost knowing everyone by now.

"Hi Frank, how is your shoulder today?" Said Max to the passing conkeldurr that had injured himself a few days ago because of overtraining.

{Better, but still a bit painful. I should be able to go at full strength today.}

"Careful now Frank. Until you're completely healed, you should take things easy. Remember that you got injured with an undamaged shoulder.

{I know my limits now so, I should be alright.}

"Alright, just as long you keep control of your pillars this time."

{My hands were slippery that day. And you're still alive.}

"Yeah. I was still a few inches from death."

{Also Scarlet was clear about not to do it again.}

"Eh, she almost badly injured you with your own pillars that day."

{That gardevoir sure can be scary.}

"Yeah, that's how my overprotective Scarlet is."

Max and Frank were now outside and waiting for the others.

"How about Aurora? I haven't seen her very often lately since she's not allowed to fight with humans anymore."

{Not good. The day before yesterday, Ulyss almost lost patience with her. Her attitude didn't improve and her training has become quite sloppy.}

"Tsss, she sure won't progress and change on her own." Said Max, a bit disappointed.

{She will have to. I'm feeling that she's just a day or two away from being kicked out.}

"I hope not. I really want to help her."

{That's for master Setsui and Ashura to decide.}

"… I guess." Said Max, slightly defeated.

{I'm sorry. I know you mean well, but there's nothing you can do about it.}

Frank then saw Max's team getting out of the building.

{I guess we're all complete now. See you later Max.} Said Frank while leaving to go with the pokemon.

"Yeah, catch you later."

{Already sweet-talking to your new boyfriend that soon in the morning? You're a true beast, master.} Teased Scarlet.

Ever since Max got pretty friendly with Frank, she wouldn't shut up about it.

"Jealous?" Said Max, getting along with her.

{Of course, I am. You're all mine.} She said while hugging one of his arms.

{Don't forget about us too.} Said Bonny.

To everyone's joy, Bonny had recovered quite well and was taking her failed attempts to mega evolve pretty well now. She was still passing most of her time on her meditation spot, but was staying a bit more for lunch and dinner and was even present before and after sleep time.

{Ah, yes. You're also those girls' thing too I guess.} Teased Scarlet while rolling her eyes, making all of them whine a bit aggressively.

"You're gonna have a lot of enemies with that attitude my cute Scarlet."

{If I have you, I don't care having the world against me.} She said while strengthening the hug on his arm.

"I hope you never do something that will make that happen."

{That would be a bit constricting, I'll give you that.}

Max then rolled his eyes.

"And what you Bonny? Feeling pumped for today?"

{Quite a bit, yes. I still think that strength is important, but the few nights that we have passed together made me realize that there are things way more enjoyable than that.}

"Really proud of you Bonny. That's the real strength we were talking about, the strength to let go."

{Yeah, I'm slowly starting to get the idea.}

"Good. And for you Dusk…"

Max then left Scarlet to get close to Dusk.

"I want you to work extra hard today, without killing yourself of course, and do your best with that Flame Charge."

{Yes, master.} Fervently said Dusk.

"I know you can do it. You have gotten pretty strong since our first arrival."

{You too master. You're way more appetizing than before.} Commented Scarlet.

"You think?"

Max indeed has gotten a bit more muscular from all the training he passed through. He learned a couple of self-defense and combat techniques and had become quite resilient.

{I don't think, I see it. Seeing your naked body now makes me almost wet myself every time. Don't you agree girls?}

{His body now sure makes me a bit eager to take a little bite when I see it.} Said Dusk.

All that training and mating sensation have made her less shy about that kind of stuff.

{He looks a bit scarier, but since that's master, I still love him.} Said May.

{That subject is quite divided. When what about you Bonny?} Asked Scarlet.

{N-nothing in particular.} She said while looking away a bit in embarrassment.

{Really? And what about you almost raping him yesterday? I'm sure it has nothing to do with his sexier body, no?}

{I… don't know what you're talking about.} She said while madly blushing.

"You know that I don't like it when you peek into my mind without telling me."

{Don't be a wuss master. I check every night for juicy or crunchy fun that you had in the day.}

"Tssss, no point in arguing with you anyway."

{You guessed right.} Said Scarlet with a smile.

{Well, I'm off to meditate as usual and a bit of training. See you later.} Said Bonny before leaving them.

"Alright, later."

To keep herself in shape, Bonny took the habit of training a bit on her own while meditating.

"Well, see you later girls." Said Max to Dusk and May.

{Sure master.} Said May before going with the pokemon with Dusk.

After a morning of training and dinner, Bonny, Max, and his team, Frank, Mido, Ashura, and Ulyss gathered one more time for Bonny's try to mega evolve. At this point, Max thought that maybe they would have grown a bit tired of trying, but none of them were or at least weren't showing it.

{Alright, Max, you know the drill.} Said Ashura.


Getting close to Bonny, Max made her mega evolve yet again before going behind Frank and Ulyss. After the light faded and revealed a mega lopunny, Bonny was looking rather calm with her eyes closed. But oddly, after a few seconds, Bonny took her head with her paws and bent over a bit.

{M…master… where… are you… master?} She said, sounding slightly scared.

{Mido, Scarlet, get ready to intervene in a fraction of a second. You can try to approach her Max.} Commanded Ashura.

After nodding, Max carefully approached Bonny with Mido and Scarlet ready to move at any moment.

"Bonny?" He asked when he was close enough.

{Where's… master…} She said while shaking her head a bit.

"I'm here Bonny." He said while her hands.

{… Master?} She said while raising her head.

She then slowly put her paws on his cheeks.

"Do you recognize me, Bonny?"

Bonny then stared at his eyes for a moment.

{… GHRaa!} She loudly said before pushing him to the ground.

As Mido and Scarlet were about to intervene, they stop in their actions when they saw that she wasn't attacking him, but was on her knees, grabbing her head again.

{What… is happening… I can't… endure it…} She said, sounding a bit in pain.

"Bonny! Stay with me, Bonny." Said Max after he stood up and got close to her again.

This time, after pushing him again on the ground, she sat on him with her paws on his chest, staring at him aggressively without moving. He saw her eye pupils still very contracted, but less than usual.

"Bonny, it's me, Max, your master and friend. And… also your lover."

Staring at him, Bonny's pupils then dilated a bit, almost looking normal.

{Ma… master?} She asked, confused.

"Yes Bonny, it's me."

Slowly but surely, Bonny goes for his neck with her claws. But before the psychic pokemon could stop her, she stopped herself but aggressively grabbed her own hand before standing up from Max.

{GHRRAAA!} She growled while grabbing her head in confusion.

{What… is that… I can't… RHAA!} She growled again while stomping the ground.

"You can do it, Bonny! I know you can." Said Max while standing up.

Bonny then fell on her knees, still holding her head.

{I'm… sorry master…} She softly said, having a faint hint of sadness in her voice.

After her last sentence, she came back to her normal form and fell on her side.

"Bonny!" He said while rushing towards her.

{I… almost did it, master.} Said Bonny after Max helped her sit.

"Yes, Bonny. We've never been that far before. And this time, you even came back to your normal form on your own."

{Eh, nice.} She weakly said.

{You are very close to success Bonny. I'm sure it's just a matter of days now before you do.} Said Ashura, now next to them.

"I'm sure you will Bonny."

{Well, I guess only the next days will tell.}

"Eh, can't wait to see that moment."

{Ashura, you should come, we have a problem at the entrance of the dojo.} Said Kalade that arrived in a rush close to them.

Unfortunately for Max, Kalade have been pretty distant with Max and Scarlet since the first days they arrived. But when he tried to talk to him about it, he seems even more distant. Max could only guess that he was indeed trying to get Scarlet and when he understood that he couldn't, he just put them aside. Max didn't like that at first but realized that if it's the way he wanted, then so be it.

{What is it Kalade?} Asked Ashura.

{A pangoro had passed through the front door and want to fight the strongest here. Master Setsui was trying to appease him when he sent me to get you.}

{Alright. Max, take Bonny inside while we take care of that.}

{No.} Said Bonny while standing up.

{I'm fine. I want see that too.}

{Alright. But I want no one doing anything reckless. I'll handle it.}

With that, they all headed toward the main entrance where a pretty imposing pangoro was waiting in the middle of the court with the others around him. When they all arrived, the group goes next to master Setsui.

{What is going on Master Setsui?} Asked Ashura.

"I don't know exactly what that pangoro wants, but it looks like he wants to fight someone strong. I'll leave it to you."


Ashura then moved toward the pangoro.

{So mister pangoro, what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?} Asked nicely Ashura while crossing his arms, not impressed at all.

"Pan, pangoro goro pangoro." Loudly said the pokemon.

{So, you do want to challenge the strongest pokemon here.}

"Pangoro, goro pangoro goro pan."

{How funny is that? He wants to fight the strongest and take over that place if he wins.} Said Ashura while looking at master Setsui.

"Interesting." He said rubbing his beard.

{I'm willing to do it, father.} Said Ulyss.

"That won't be necessary. A pokemon that caliber is not even worth your time." Said Ashura, making the pangoro pretty mad.

"Pangoro pangroro goro."

{Calm down, I didn't say you won't get your fight. Frank, up to show him what pokemon here can do it?}

{Sure.} He said, sounding as calm as usual.

Max didn't know if it was to provoke him or was really thinking that he was weak, but Frank just planted his pillars in the ground and walked toward him without them.

"Pan? Pangoro pan pangoro?"

{No, he doesn't underestimate you. He just gives you a chance to win.} Said Ashura while Frank stopped in front of him with crossed arms.

"RRRRRo!" Angrily growled the pangoro.

{Alright. You may begin.} Called out Ashura.

The pangoro then immediately dashed toward Frank and used Arm Thrust on him. Going for a defensive position, Frank blocked all of his attacks. Getting mad due to him not riposting, the pangoro then used Karate Chop and managed to hit Frank in an unprotected spot. However, the hit didn't seem to bother him that much as vapor was starting to emit from him. The pangoro then used Comet Punch and launched a couple of hits in one second, With Frank enduring the hits with blocks.

"Why is he not doing anything?" Asked Max to master Setsui.

"Be patient and you will see." He confidently responded.

After the pangoro had retreated after his attack, the conkeldurr was emanating even more vapors as his skin had gained a red tone. With his opponent launching another attack, Frank then abruptly goes for a powerful punch and quickly landed it on the pangoro's chest, stopping him short before sending him flying a few meters behind.

"Bide. A move that endures the opponent's hits before returning them at him with a powerful attack." Explained master Setsui.

"Damn. Frank is even stronger than he looks."

"And it's not over yet."

Standing up again a bit painfully, the pangoro then coiled into a ball and began spinning himself at a high speed before launching himself at Frank.

"Ah, Panda Roll, a move that only pangoro can learn." Said master Setsui.

When Panda Roll hit Frank's block, the hit was strong enough to break his guard, with what the pangoro could chain with Hammer Arm, hitting Frank quite heavily on the head. Losing balance a bit, Frank got a bit dizzy from the hit but was back to normal after a few seconds.


The pangoro then goes for the move Crunch on the conkeldurr. As he was approaching him with powerful glowing teeth, Frank stopped him mid-track by grabbing his face and head with his huge hand. With his attack being canceled, the pangoro tried to break free but to no avail. Then, Frank jumped a few meters in the air and made the pangoro spin like a windmill a few times before tossing him heavily on the ground (Concrete Typhoon). Still, in the air, Frank then goes for Body Slam and landed hard on the pangoro, knocking him out cold.

{I guess we have a winner. Good job Frank.} Said Ashura while getting close to the pangoro.

After Frank retrieved his pillars, Ashura then slapped the pangoro face to wake him up, which he did after a few hits.

"… Pan, pangoro?"

{You lost, that's what happened. Now get out before I do it myself.}

After hardly standing up, the pangoro then angrily left the dojo with Kalade closing the door behind him.

"Alright everyone, back to work." Called out master Setsui.

[That was quite fun to watch.] Said Scarlet after she moved close to Max while the others were all slowly getting back to their training.

"Yeah, Frank is really something. And if he's not the strongest, I wonder how strong Ashura and Ulyss are."

[If you knew how strong a pokemon can be, you wouldn't even want to be close to them.]

"Unless they are as sexy as you." Said Max with a seductive grin.

[And I'm the perverted one?] Said Scarlet while raising an eyebrow with a very faint blush.

"Because you're not?" Said Max with a frown.

[… Yes I am.]

"And I like it. Alright, back to training then."

[Don't break a nail my sweet.] Mocked Scarlet.

"Sure thing mom."

The rest of the day went pretty alright. It was now bath time for Max. When he went in, he saw Billy the Emboar, also a pretty good friend of his, entering shortly after and sat not far from Max.

"Hey Billy, I don't see you in here very often."

{Hi Max. Yeah, you know me, I don't like bathing that much.}

"Eh, you won't attract a lot of females if you neglect your hygiene."

{Which females?}

"Eh, true."

{The only females here are either already yours or… Aurora.}

"I guess. What do you think of her? I've just noticed that I've never asked."

{Honestly, I don't care that much about her. I must admit that I don't dislike a female with a bit of personality, but she's just a bit too much for me.}

"Does everyone here really not like her?"

{Don't get me wrong, I don't especially hate or like her. It's just if that she prefers being like that and alone, that's her problem.}

Max didn't respond and only sighed a bit.

{Anyway, she's way too small for me.}

"… You naughty pig," Jokily said Max.

{Aren't we all?}

"Can't deny it."

{But I'm sure that some of us don't even know what mating is, isn't that true Ulyss?} Said Billy while looking in front of him.

Following his gaze, Max saw that Ulyss was a bit further in the bath with a few other pokemon around.

{Eh, just because I take my training very seriously you think that I never was with a female?} Said Ulyss, relaxing in his corner.

{Then what is the most crispy fun you ever had?} Asked Curiously Billy with a grin.

{Hmmm, let me think.} Said the machoke while going to a thoughtful expression.

{I guess there could be that time that I was going way too strong on that female. I almost broke her legs and hips.}

"Really? What pokemon was it?" Asked Max.

{A female chesnaught.}

{Bwhahwa. Geez man, you need to calm down a bit.} Said Billy while laughing.

{Why do you think I'm here?}

(Shit, a chesnaught? They are one of the most resilient pokemon on the planet. Just how strong is that machoke?) Thought Max.

{Care to share yours, Billy?} Asked Ulyss.

{Well… there was that one time that I was so horny that had to mate with every female I could have. I have mated so much that my dick was almost literally burning, and I'm a fire type.}

A couple of the pokemon that were there than start to laugh, Ulyss include.

{And you Max, want to share your juicy adventure with us?} Asked Billy.

"Well… I never… really did it." Tried to lied Max.

{Don't bullshit us, Max, we all know that you mate with your pokemon, you don't have to hide it.}

"Hemm…" said Max, embarrassed.

{We don't care what you do with your pokemon Max, as long as they all consent and enjoy it.} Said Ulyss.

"Hemm… well beside them… I never really did it so…"

{Your first time was with a pokemon?}

"Yes. With Scarlet to be precise."

{Damn bro, you must really love pokemon if you conserved yourself for your first time to be with one.}

"Well… it was quite despite myself. I never had huge success with human girls."

{Why? You don't seem to be a bad-looking human to me.} Said Billy.

"Don't know. But now I also don't care."

{Hmmm, I guess being sexually frustrated because of your human females must have made you develop some sort of complex or fetish and took your interest elsewhere, to pokemon in your case.} Said Ulyss.

"That's a possibility."

{I still don't get it. Mating is fun so, why?} Asked Billy, a bit puzzled.

"Eh, human girls are very complicated for nothing. For pokemon it's easy, you see someone you have interest in and if it's reciprocal, you just have fun, end of story."

{Well, it's not totally like that, but on the big picture, it pretty much is.} Said Ulyss.

"Well, not with humans. For human girls, you have to be interesting to her with many interest points that you must have. Then, we have to seduce her, spend some time with her, and telling her you love her, and eventually, she will let you touch her."

{Geez bro, I don't envy you one bit.} Said Billy.

"Thanks." Sarcastically said Max.

{Human mating process does contain some useless parts. I now understand your position better.} Said Ulyss.

"Well… if you're lucky, you just go to a bar and get her drunk. That way, you're more likely to get some."

{Why didn't you use that trick then?} Asked Billy.

"Because it's not my style and also because that if you don't use protection, you can end up with a nasty surprise."

{Like what?}

"Like an STD."

{What is that?}

"A disease that can be transmitted by sexual intercourse."

The other pokemon then looked at them a bit strangely.

{Humans have such things?} Asked Billy, wondering what he was talking about.

"Hmm… yeah. Why? Do pokemon not have it?"

{Never heard of a disease that can happen when you mate.}

"How lucky you are."

{Does that mean that you can give it to your pokemon?} Asked Billy, a bit concerned.

"I… don't know actually."

Billy then discreetly tried to move away from Max.

{Relax Billy. Since it's a thing that can only happen between humans and Max mated only with pokemon, I'm sure he doesn't have anything.} Said Ulyss, slightly unpleased toward Billy's behavior.

{Sorry. But you're never too careful.}

"Really nice of you Billy." Said Max, a bit upset.

Billy only raising his shoulders with a 'not my fault' face.

{Can't blame you though Max. Even if humans weren't that troublesome, it would have been an understandable move to go with pokemon. After all, pokemon are simply the best.} Said Ulyss.

"Can't argue with that. If you knew what Scarlet can do that no human could. She's also the one that made me able to understand you guys."

{Interesting. Care to share what 'abilities' she have?} Said Billy.

"Well…" Started shyly Max.

"There is this thing she does with her power that can increase my sensitivity greatly, making me feel everything a lot more."

{Those things are pretty well known with psychics.} Said Ulyss.

{I wish I could do a psychic someday.} Commented Billy, looking like he was daydreaming.

"Yeah, they are the best."

{Not the smartest thing to say when you are surrounded by fighting type.} Said Ulyss with a small chuckle.

"Oh, yeah sorry."

{But I do agree that I also wonder how it could be to do it with a psychic.}

{Better than a poison type, I can guarantee you that.} Said Billy.

"You already did with one?"

{Yep, and I don't, recommend you that. That was the nastiest and most painful experience in my life.}

"What was it?"

{A nidorina when I was still a pignite. Not great.}

"Ehe, I'll keep that in mind."

{What about the others?} Asked Max.

"The others?"

{The other member of your team. Surely Scarlet is not the only one you have fun with.}

"Are you guys really okay with the fact that I do it with more than just one?"

{Hmmm… yes. Shouldn't we?} Said Billy, not really getting what Max meant.

"Nothing like that. Just a human thing I guess."

{Tsss, humans are really not that appealing. So, what about them?} Added Billy.

"Well… Bonny sure can be quite wild sometimes. Well, when I say sometimes, I mean almost all the time. Bonny and Scarlet already jumped on me together a few times."

{Oh, a threesome. Now you're talking.}

"And there is Dusk. She's hot. I mean like, really hot."

{I'm sure she is. Fire power.} Said Billy while shooting some flames from his nose.

{And what about your mawile, May.}


Max wasn't sure if he should talk about her. He didn't know if she was considered as a child for pokemon.

"Well… since she's a bit too small, we… can't go all the way."

{… Hmm, that's a shame. That must suck for her.} Said Billy.

Max then silently sighed in relief, thinking that they would have gotten mad at him for child abuse or something.

{You sure know your pokemon and the limits. You are indeed a pretty good trainer, I must admit.} Commented Ulyss.

"Yeah. My pokemon come before everything."

{Nice to hear.}

Max then stayed silent for a moment.

"… I was wondering." Said Max after a moment.

"Master Setsui told me earlier about a move that pangoro used. Panda Roll was it?"

{Yes.} Said Ulyss.

"He told me that it was a move only pangoro could learn. Can all pokemon do that?"

{Of course. All pokemon have their unique moves and attacks than no other pokemon can have. Panda Roll was a good example.}

"Oh. What's yours?" Asked Max to Ulyss.

{Atomic Crush.}

"What does that do?"

{Kind of like seismic toss, but after I tossed my opponent, I jump in the air, make his head face the ground, grab him from behind and make him spin until his head hits the ground. One of the moves only the machop family could learn.}

"Neat. Most be a strong move. What about emboars?"

{Fire Snot.}

"Ewww. What does that do?"

{A move that is sure to burn the opponent and do damage over time. It's like the Will-O-Wisp move, but mine does damage with the first hit.}

"Neat. And I'm guessing the move Frank used to end that pangoro was also one too."

{Indeed. Concrete Typhoon. Again, it's like seismic toss, but while doing a bit less damage, he can chain very easily with another move. It does a lot of damage when he chains it with Body Slam like he did. He's trying to learn Giga Impact so he could chain it with that, doing an extremely powerful combo attack.} Said Ulyss.

"Eh, pokemon fights sure are more dynamic than I thought at first when I left my hometown."

{I hope you weren't expecting fights like us attacking in turn and waiting for your every command like dodging.} Commented Billy.

"Not really. I already saw a few pokemon battles on TV, but seeing with your own eyes is something else."

{Eh, seeing and experiencing the battlefield isn't the same thing.} Said Ulyss.

"I suppose that is true."

Then, all of them went silent a bit before Billy spoke up again.

{So, I heard that Bonny made huge progress today.}

"Yeah. She almost recognized me today."

{Really? I have the feeling that she's about to succeed.}

"Yeah. After a long and exhausting time of being here."

{Are we that evil?} Asked Ulyss, half-joking.

"Eh, of course not. It was just very tiring."

{Strength doesn't come when sleeping.}

"It would be easier that way."

{Too easy for my taste.}

Chuckling a bit, Max then did a bit more trivial talk with them until he felt that it was enough for tonight.

"Alright, guys, time for me to leave. I'm not a water type so, I can't stay forever in the water."

{Eh, speak for yourself. I shouldn't even be in there.} Said Billy.

"Then you should get out before we eat pork chops tomorrow." Said Max, teasing him a bit.

{Eh, if you knew how high the temperature must be before you even get a rare chop of me…}

"Eh, thanks to your fire type. Alright guys, see you tomorrow." He said while leaving the hot springs.

{See ya.} Said Billy while Ulyss only made a goodbye sight.

Leaving the room, Max then came across Scarlet that was waiting for him outside.

"Hi, love of my life."

[Hi. You sure did have some interesting conversations in there.]

"You read my thoughts?"

[I was kind of curious when your brain released low excited waves, in the male hot springs.] She said while looking at him suspiciously.

"Well… good thing you read them then."

[I don't know, you shared quite personal information with them.] She said, looking a bit upset now.

"Come on, it was just harmless guys talk."

[Which was about our private life.]

"I… guess. Sorry." Said Max, feeling guilty.

[Look, it doesn't bother me that much, but I don't think your team would have liked it, especially May and Dusk.]

Max was feeling guiltier.

"Yeah but… they kind of asked me and…"

[They forced you to spill the bean?]

"N-not really…"

Scarlet then frowned at him.

"Alright… I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

[Well, since you seem sincere, I'll let it slide this time. But keep it to yourself next time. Our lives don't concern anyone else besides us.]


[Great. Then how about I lead my sex toy to his room?]

"Sounds good."


Scarlet then began floating beside Max while hugging his arms until they arrived in front of the human dorm.

[Well, good night my little prince. Try to not have too many lewd dreams.]

"I'm sure that I can count on you to have some if I don't on my own."

[Is there a better way to keep my sex toy sexually active and lustful?]

"Seeing you naked is enough to make me horny for days."

[Like this?]

Scarlet then lifted her skirt to revealing her small womanhood to her master, spreading her legs a bit so he could see more.

"Yeah, like this." He said while looking away after staring at her longer than he should have.

[Hihi, so easy to tease you, master.]

Scarlet then lets her skirt drop and closes the distance between Max, giving him a passionate kiss before leaving.

Like always, the next morning was like any other ones so far. Being roughly awakened by Master Setsui, training with the other humans, lunch, and the main reason why they are here, Bonny's mega evolution practice.

{Alright Max…} Said Ashura when the usual small group was in place.

{We all noticed that Bonny made huge progress yesterday and she was less dangerous. You can now stay close to her.}

"Alright. Ready Bonny?" Asked Max when in front of Bonny.

{Like always.}

Both of them then touched their stone.

"Okay, Bonny, mega evolve."

After the usual energy connection between the stone, Bonny flashed in bright color before she turned into her mega form after a few seconds. This time, Max didn't retreat behind Frank and Ulyss and waited for her to open her eyes.

"You okay?" Said Max while putting his hands on her shoulders.

Bonny then put one hand on her forehead and tried to follow orders from her head.

{I… Gha… Think…}

While trying to focus, Bonny's madness was trying to take over but Bonny managed to contain it with some aggressiveness spasms.

"Do you know who I am?"

{Of course… gha… I know who you are, idiot. You're… my master.} Said Bonny, still trying to contain her power outburst.

Max then slightly gasped in hope.

"Do you know who you are?"

{What'up… with all those retarded questions? Have you… lost it, master?}

"Just answer me." Said Max, all excited.

{I'm Bonny okay… now fuck off.} She said a bit aggressively.

Bonny seems to have gathered most of her sanity.

"B-Bonny… I think… you made it."

{Made what?} She said while looking at him with annoyed eyes, still having her hand on her head.

"You can… control your mega evolution."

{… What?}

Bonny then looked at her hands and all of her body in general, scanning it. Now almost as tall as Scarlet and more muscular than her previous form, especially on her thighs, Bonny was hardly believing it.

{I… did I… really did it?} She said, still inspecting her body.

"Yes, Bonny! You did it." Exclaimed Max in joy.

{Holy crap… I… did it, master… I freaking did it!} Said Bonny, also joyfully.

Bonny then tackled Max for a hug, making him fall on the ground with her on top.

{I did it, master! I freaking did it.} She said again while strongly hugging her master with almost watery eyes.

The others around were now smiling while clapping a bit with Dusk and May happily and loudly cheering.

"Gha… not… so strong… Bonny."

{Rhaaa.} Growled Bonny after leaving and sat on him.

{Now I understand why Scarlet always calls you a wuss.} She said with an arrogant smile.

"You did it, but you're still a bit aggressive."

{Problem with that master?} She said while grabbing his cheeks roughly, but not enough to hurt him.

"I… guess not."

{You better.}

Bonny then planted a wild and passionate kiss in front of the others on Max, making him get red in embarrassment.

{Congratulations on your success Bonny.} Said the machamp.

Breaking the kiss, Bonny then looked at Ashura.

{Thanks. How about a fight to properly thank me?}


{What?} She said while turning to her master.

"Can you be a bit more respectful to the one that helped you?"

{Rhaaa! Fine, whatever.} She said while standing up so Max could stand up as well.

{Congrats Max.} Said Ashura while helping Max with getting up.

{Hey, hands-off. Master is mine.} Aggressively said Bonny to Ashura.

"I think it's time for you to get back to your normal form Bonny."

{Tsss.} She arrogantly said while looking away before regaining her normal form.

Max then goes close to Bonny.

{Sorry… I guess the control is still not perfect…} Apologised Bonny with a mix of guilt and joy.

Not letting her finish, Max give her a warm and strong hug.

"I'm so proud of you Bonny. I knew you could do it."

Bonny then returned the hug with as much force as she could without hurting her master.

{Thanks master. Thank you for being patient and believing in me while I wasn't.}

"Eh, that's what trainers are there for. We don't just capture you and make you fight, we help you improve and get better in every aspect."

After a moment, they break the hug.

{Nice job Max.} Said Frank while softly tapping Max's back.

"… Thanks."

{Yay! You did it Bonny!} Said May while getting on Bonny's arms.

{Ehe, thanks.} Said Bonny while petting her head.

{I always believed in you Bonny.} Happily said Dusk.

{O-okay, it's enough now.} Said Bonny, starting to feel embarrassed.

{Well…} Started Ulyss.

For the first time, Max saw Ulyss having difficulties with words.

{I guess… that means you're done here.}

"Yeah. I don't want to leave you of course but… I still have a road to take, but not before tomorrow so, no worries."

{Well… we are gonna miss you.} Said Ulyss with the others agreeing.

{It sure was really nice to have you Max and I'll pray for your safety. But we still have one problem in our hands.} Said Ashura.

Ashura then motioned Frank and Mido to leave them.

"Aurora?" Asked Max when they were gone and Scarlet joined them.

{Yes. Tomorrow morning will be the best time to act on Scarlet's plan since you will leave the same day.}

{I hope you still remember what to do.} Said Scarlet.

{With the small adjustments, we know what we are doing.}


{Now, you're free to either take the rest of the day off or train with the others one last time before tomorrow. You deserved it after all.}

"Thanks. I think one last training day won't hurt. What you about you girls?"

{I don't mind.} Said May.

{Me neither.} Added Dusk.

{Great. See you tomorrow then.} Said Ashura before leaving with Ulyss.

[Well, that was fun. I will miss this place a bit.]


[Eh, of course not. Can't wait to finally get out of this anti-love prison.]

"Well, at least you won't be sad."

[Besides you, nothing can make me sad.]

"Sure." Said Max, a bit skeptical at her words.

Max, Dusk, and May then proceeded to their last training, with now Bonny watching them with Scarlet on her usual spot.

{That wasn't that hard isn't it?} Said Scarlet

{It was actually. But I think I managed to do what you said.}

{Which was?}

{Just… enjoying my time with master, nothing else. I finally got the idea that I don't need to be strong for me to be happy with him.}

{Eh, took you long enough.}

{But your mind soothing really helps me a lot.}

{Good. Now I guess you will act tonight on our deal right?}

{Of course. One month of abstinence. I don't have to tell you that how much I want him right now. It takes all my willpower not to jump on him this instant and rape him.}

{I guess this night will be a fun one for you.}

{You bet it will.}

{Eh. Welcome back, Bonny.}

As the day was finished and Max and his team had eaten, Max was heading to the hot springs when Bonny stopped him on his way.


"Yes, Bonny?"

{I have something to show you.} She said while pulling him towards the back door.

"Okay." He said a bit puzzled.

After Bonny dragged him outside, she led him to her meditation spot that she used the last month.

"What is it, Bonny?" Asked Max when they were at the center of the small clearing.

After releasing his hand, Bonny moved a bit forward and turned around.

{I think it's time now master.}

"Time for what?"

{Scarlet and I did a little deal together so, now it's time for me to comply with it.}

"I don't follow."

{Just make me mega evolve and you will understand.}

Frowning a bit, Max then did as told after a moment and made her mega evolve.

"I'm listening now?" Said Max when Bonny was a mega lopunny.

Not responding Bonny got close to him and pushing him to the ground before mounting him.

"Woa Bonny, still there?" Said Max, a bit afraid that she lost control again.

{Of course stupid master. You know, you're kind of annoying sometimes, always afraid or scared of something.}

Bonny then started to grind her womanhood against Max's crotch.

"Wait! You're telling me that you want to do it in that form?"

{Is there a problem with that?} Seductively and aggressively said, Bonny.


{Scarlet said that you couldn't resist my new body. That could make me mad if it wasn't the case.}

Max then looked at her mega form with more detail. Her more muscular and athletic body was indeed a lot sexier and appealing. Those thighs, an almost visible set of abs, and those hips.

{Oh, I guess there will be no trouble then.} Said Bonny when she felt her master's erection beneath her.

"Well, you and Scarlet were right when you said that your new form will make me…"

{Horny?} Finished Bonny.

"Yeah, something like that."

{Glad you like it then. Guess we can start now.}

"Just before we start, can I scan you with my pokedex? I'm a bit curious about your new abilities."

{Rhaa… make it quick then.} Impatiently said, Bonny.

Quickly getting out his pokedex, Max then scanned her. When her scan was done, Max was about to read it but Bonny grabbed it and tossed it aside.

{You're done. Can we begin now? I've been waiting so much for this moment.} She said while pulling down his pants.

"Eh, hope you won't come in seconds."

{If you do your job correctly, that's a possibility.} She said while freeing his hard shaft.

Bonny then stared at it a moment before starting to drool slightly.

{Fi. Nally.} She said with lust in her eyes.

Bonny then slowly began extending her hand towards it before grabbing it with a pretty strong grip, even if she didn't want to.

{That smell, that texture, that heat. I've missed this so much.} She lewdly said.

Bonny then slowly began to pump him, slowly bringing pleasure to him. Not even a couple of seconds later, Bonny oddly began to accelerate. After each second, Bonny was pumping him faster and faster with an unhealthy grin.

{YES!} Yelled Bonny like a psychopath.

"Calm down Bonny, we have all night." Tried to calm Max.

Instead of stopping, Bonny then shoved Max's entire shaft inside her mouth like a starving animal and wildly started to suck in it.

"Gha." Lowly moaned Max from pleasure, even if she was like a beast.

Going as far as possible, almost to the point of choking herself, Bonny was madly deepthroating, sucking and assaulting his tip with her tongue. That aggressiveness was bringing more pleasure but was making Max feels her teeth more, bringing the pleasure gaining back to normal. Not even bothering swallowing, Bonny's saliva was overflowing from her mouth, staining a bit Max's crotch and the ground below with it. Knowing that it was no use to tell her to slow down, Max had no choice but to go with how she wants it. When she was done with the foreplay, Bonny left his shaft and moved above his hard flesh rod, heavily drooling with her overflowing love juice.

{Now master, fuck me like you mean it.} She aggressively commanded.

With that ridiculous amount of juice, Bonny had no trouble at roughly impaling herself with it in one quick shot.

{GHAAA!} Screamed Bonny ecstatically while arching her back and crushing Max's shaft with her now very strong internal muscles.

When her moment had passed, she stopped a moment while staying connected to her master.

"Did you… just cum with only one thrust?"

{Eh, and there is more where it comes from.} She lustfully said.

Not losing time, Bonny then started to move up and down. She wanted to go faster but her increased sensitivity was giving her a hard time. Despite being a bit less narrow than usual, she was however a bit hotter and she was able to control her vaginal muscles at will and with lots of power. Every time she was going down, she tried to break her master's shaft before loosening it a bit when going up, repeating the process again and again. After she was able to speed up a bit, Bonny felt another orgasm already coming.

{Yes! Another one!} Loudly moaned Bonny.


{Shut up and rut me harder.} Ordered Bonny.

Not wanting to get her mad, Max then started to help her fall on him harder after he grabbed her bigger and stronger hips. Shortly after, Bonny's second orgasm hit her hard, making her back arched again in a blissful scream. When she relaxed, she made a short break before resuming her riding.

"How many times will you do it?"

{As many as I need to.} Said Bonny while moaning a bit.

Half a minute later, Bonny was starting to go faster while Max's climax was getting closer, thanks to her crushing him at will. At this point, Bonny was doing a mix of growls and moans while grasping her master's shoulders harder with a depraved face.

"I'm… close Bonny." Warned Max.

{Go on, the next one will be the strongest one for me.}

Accelerating a bit more again, Bonny also tried to tighten her narrow tunnel as much as possible in the hope of milking Max good, almost hurting him. Then, after a couple more fierce pounds from the mega lopunny, Max was forced to shoot his seed in quite an intense orgasm, also triggering Bonny's one while screaming ecstatically. When the blissful moment was done for both of them, Bonny hugged her master while panting and shaking slightly.

{That… was pretty good… master. I guess that… you're not that bad… after all.}

"I don't know if should take it well or not." Said Max, softly returning the hug.

{Take it as you like.}

After a short break, Bonny raised her hips but was still on her knees to disconnect herself from her master before returning to her normal form.

{I love you, master.} She warmly said while going for a hug again.

"I love you too Bonny, both of your forms."

{Even if I'm a bit mean?}

"Even if you're a bit mean." He said while caressing her back.

{… Thanks, master.}

"You're very welcome."

They then stayed like this for a little while before Max decided that it was time to leave.

"Alright Bonny, I really like being with you like this, but we still have someone to help out here."

{Who is it?}

"Aurora, the lucario."


"Because I'm planning on adding her to our team."

{Really? I heard that she's quite mean, even more than my mega form.}

"I think she's just a bit misunderstood."

{Well, I guess if there is someone that can help her, it's you master.}

"That was the plan."

{Alright. But I hope she won't be a waste of time.}

"I'm sure that it won't be the case. It may take some time before she opens up to us, but like you, I'm sure she can do it."

{Let's go then.}

After Max nodded, Bonny stood up from him so he could stand up as well. After retrieving his pokedex, Max headed toward the dojo with Bonny beside him. While walking, Max then wanted to check Bonny's stats when in her mega form.

"Alright Bonny, let's learn a bit more about your mega form. Gender female nothing changed there, Height: 5'5, Weight… 180 Lbs? You sure gain weight when you mega evolve."

{It's all muscles.} Protested Bonny.

"I know, I saw you."

{You liked didn't you?}

"Someone in good shape is sure very attractive."

{Eh, I knew you would.}

"Known moves still unchanged and your ability is… "

Max then went silent for a moment.


"When you mega evolve… you gain the ability Berserk."

Bonny then looked at her master with confused eyes.

"I guess a little research is required."

Searching in the pokedex, Max found what her ability was about.

"Berserk: an ability that is for now only known by mega lopunnies. Not all of them gain that ability, but when they do, that ability has the effect to give them a chance to enter a berserker rage when taking too much damage. The berserk state gives the individual a huge boost of physical powers and a bit of speed. They also don't feel damage but stores it. The weakness of that ability is their short duration and makes the user faint almost every time when it ends due to the damage accumulation that rebounds back to the user, so it is better to end the match quickly. Shit Bonny, I think we also found out one of the main reasons why you have had a hard time controlling yourself. You were just unable to control your ability."

{Really? Does that mean that I spent all that month isolated for nothing?} Said Bonny, a bit mad.

"I think not. I think it was an overall of everything."

{I hope.}

"Warning: Avoid at all cost when fighting wild pokemon or outside safe pokemon trainer battle since the individual can be unable to recognize its friends from their enemies and can even attack their trainer. Everything makes sense now."

Bonny then was walking beside him with a slightly guilty feeling.

"Don't be sad sweety, everything is behind us now." He said while petting her head.

{… Yeah.} She said, still a bit down.

"Well, I'm sure a gym leader beat down will cheer you up when we arrive there."

{… Maybe.} She said while smiling a bit.

"That's my girl." He said while rubbing her head again.

When they came back to the dojo, both Bonny and Max immediately go to bed after saying good night to each other. The next morning, Max was awakened by Scarlet'd voice in his head.

[Max, time to wake up, Ashura is about to begin with the plan.]

(Ghnn… Wh-What already?)

[Yes. Hurry up.]

(O-okay, coming.)

After quickly dressing up, Max exited the building and saw a bit further that the disciples of the place were slowly gathering in a circle on the pokemon terrain.

{I hope you understand why I'm doing this Aurora.} Said Ashura that was in an extremity of the circle with Aurora in the middle in front of him.

{About time.} Said Scarlet when Max joined her and the rest of his team.

Sitting on her knees, Aurora didn't respond and had her head lowered a bit, looking more frustrated than ever.

{Now, prove to me that you're not a waste of time for us and for yourself.}

Ulyss then walked in the middle and faced Aurora, close to her.

{It's… not very fair master Ashura.} Said Aurora.

{It's not about winning. It's about seeing how much progress you have made so far.} Said Ashura while Ulyss got into a fighting position.

"Where is master Setsui?" Asked Max to Scarlet.

{He's meditating as usual. Don't worry, he is aware of the situation and trusts Ashura to deal with it since it's a pokemon problem.} Explained Scarlet.

Sighing a bit, Max then saw Aurora standing on her feet and got also in a fighting position. Max could see hesitation and lack of confidence in her face.

{Alright. Begin.} Announced Ashura.

Not wanting to let Ulyss start first, Aurora made a long glowing bone appear (Bone Rush) and dashed towards him faster than Max could have expected. However, when she was close enough and launched her attack, Ulyss, that wasn't even moving, just raised an arm and blocked the hit, making the glowing bone break and shatter on impact. Surprised that her attack didn't make a scratch, Aurora then backed up with back twirls. When she was at a safe distance, she quickly charged a pretty small Aura Sphere and launched it at Ulyss, which he deviated with a hit and after which, it disintegrated itself a moment after in the air.

{What the… why are my attacks doing nothing?} Muttered Aurora.

Leaving her no choice, Aurora then dashed toward Ulyss one more time and goes for Close Combat, her strongest attack. Despite his size, Ulyss was able to block every hit she was throwing with her move. When she was done, Aurora wanted to retreat again but was grabbed by Ulyss that quickly chained with Vital Throw, tossing her quite heavily on the ground, but not enough to actually injure her. With the power of the impact, Max was always impressed to see how tough and resilient pokemon were. After Aurora managed to stand up, Ulyss quickly attacked with Cross Chop, making her land on the ground a meter away from the hit. Heavily panting and a bit in pain, Aurora had a hard time standing up. When she tried, she immediately fell on one knee.

{I'm must say that I'm quite disappointed Aurora. All of that training to only to be at that level.} Said Ashura.

Still panting, Aurora couldn't respond but Max saw the anger on her face.

{I'm sorry Aurora, you have been warned. You either prove that you're worth staying here or leave. I'm afraid that you don't have what it takes.} Coldly said Ashura.

[That's your cue master.]

Nodding, Max then entered the circle before protesting.

"And I think she does." Said Max, attracting everyone's attention.

{What's the meaning of this Max? This matter doesn't concern you.} Protested Ashura.

"I know, but I can't just let you say that when I'm convinced she indeed has great potential."

{And how do you plan on proving that?}

"But taking her with me." Fervently said Max.

Everyone around them started to whisper to each other with a few of them gasping in surprise.

{What?} Growled Aurora.

{Coming with you? Interesting.} Said Ashura, feigning a thoughtful expression.

{I'm utterly opposed to that!} Yelled Aurora after she managed to stand up.

{I'm sorry Aurora, but since you're not welcome here anymore, it could be for the best.}

{I'll go on my own and try my luck alone before going with a human.}

Max then turned to face Aurora.

"Then how about a bet."

{A bet?} Repeated Aurora, wondering if he was serious.

"Yes. A battle bet. If you lose, you will have to come with me."

{And if I win?}

"And if you win… hum…" Said Max, feigning some thinking.

{If you win, maybe I'll reconsider letting you stay here.} Said Ashura.

(Good, everything is set. Now, all that's left is Aurora to take the bait.)

{So, if I win against you, I have a chance to stay here, my only home?}

"… Yes." Said Max, feeling a bit guilty about taking her out of here.

{… Alright. I'm gonna fight you.} Said Aurora.

(Victory.) Thought Max.

"Alright, which one do you want to fight. Scarlet, Bonny, May…"

{I said I was gonna fight you.}

"Hmm… yes you did."

{That means you, not your pokemon.} She said angrily glaring at him.

(… Well shit.)

[I knew that it would have been too easy if everything would have gone perfectly.] Said Scarlet, quite disappointed.

"That's… not very fair." Said Max, unsure about the turn of the situation.

{Me against Ulyss isn't either, and you didn't hear me complain.}

"Well, just a bit actually."

{Shut up!} Growled Aurora.

Scarlet then got close to Ashura.

{This is looking bad.}

{I'm afraid we should have thought about that eventually, but now that the duel is engaged, we can't stop it. I hope your master knows how to fight now.}

{Not really, so I'm not planning to let him getting beaten up.}

{If you plan on intervening, forget it. I already have done too much with that wicked plan, but I'm not planning on breaking the rule of a duel.}

{I'm not planning on breaking anything.}

Getting into a meditative position, Scarlet focusing her mind on her master's one and possessed him. After shaking his head a bit from the possession, Max's body turned around to face Ashura, leaving a puzzled lucario behind.

"One body, one mind." Said Max with Scarlet's voice and eyes.

Ashura then heavily sighed.

{I guess it counts as one person.} Complied Ashura.

{But no psychic powers.}

"Alright, I can still manage," Max said while turning around to face Aurora again.

{What was that all about?} Asked the lucario.

"Nothing. Ready to fight or what?" Said Scarlet while readying Max's body into a fighting position.

{Your voice is different. But no matter, I can still beat a weak human.}

"Such courage. Are you that low that you need to beat a human to get confident?" Mocked Scarlet.

{GHraa shut up!} Yelled Aurora before dashing toward Max's body with Bone Rush.

To everyone surprise, Aurora first, Max managed to dodge every hit she was tossing. Unfortunately, Max's body didn't have the same agility than Scarlet's body and Aurora managed to go fast enough to force Scarlet to block it with both of his forearms, breaking one of them.

"Gha!" Exclaimed Scarlet, feeling her master's pain.

"Sorry master, I'll heal that for you after that."

After Max got in fighting position again, Aurora charged at him again with Bone Rush. But this time, when close enough, Max lowered himself and goes for a sweep attack, making her trip and land on her stomach with a growl.

"Done already?" Provoked Scarlet.

{RHaa!} Growled Aurora.

After she quickly stood up, she immediately charged toward Max and wanted to attack him with Close Combat, but was interrupted with Max giving a front kick on her solar plexus, making her stop mid-track and lose a bit of her breath.

"Wow, I must admit that those legs are stronger than mine." Said Scarlet while giving a few kicks in the air.

After Aurora regained her breath, she angrily glared at Max and charged an Aura Sphere that she tossed at him. After Max's body dodged it, Aurora launched a couple more at him, which he all dodged. Angrily growling Aurora then goes for a better strategy and tossed multiples Aura Sphere all around the human, making dust heavily raise and surround Max. Thinking that he won't see her coming, Aurora dashed to where Max should be and initiated a Close Combat attack again. When in the middle of the dust, Aurora arrived in an empty zone.

{What the…} Exclaimed Aurora, wondering where he was.

Thanks to the dust wall she made, Aurora was surprise attacked in the back with a submission choking like Ashura did with Bonny when she mega evolved the first time in here.

{Gha.} Growled Aurora, already feeling the lack of air.

"Humans may be weaker than pokemon, but it doesn't take a lot of strength to perform something like that."

Since Max was taller than her, Scarlet tried to lift from the ground to choke her more efficiently but was unable to since she was too heavy for the human.

"Shit! How much do you weigh?" Said, Scarlet.

However, Scarlet still managed to keep choking her with her master's body. Trying to break free, Aurora was unable to since she wasn't in the correct position. After a few seconds, Aurora began to lose consciousness and struggle less. Ten seconds later, Aurora wasn't moving anymore. After Scarlet let go of her and gently put her on the ground, she unpossessing her master and got back to her own body.

"What… happened?" Said Max, slowly coming back.

"Ow." He loudly said when he felt his broken forearms.

[Sorry master.] Said Scarlet after regaining her body and shaking her head a bit.

[But I had to possess you so that we could succeed.]

"Thanks for believing in me. And what about my painful arm?" He said while holding it.

[It was the first time I was fighting with your body so, it took a few seconds of adaptation.]

Max then looked at the still unconscious lucario.

"Well, I see that at least we won."

[Yes. You're welcome.]

"Sorry. Thanks for your help and my broken arm."

Now that the show was done, everyone around except Ulyss and Ashura were going in different ways while Aurora was slowly coming back to her sense.

{What… happen?} Asked Aurora when on her knees.

{I'm sorry Aurora, but you lost.} Said Ashura.

{…What? That's impossible!} She loudly said with widened eyes.

"I'm afraid so Aurora." Said Max, standing in front of her.

Aurora's face then changed from surprise to an almost shocked one.

{That's… not true… this can't be happening. I lost? To a human?} She said while going on all fours, devastated.

Max then slowly approached her, took out a Pokeball, and kneeled before her.

"I'm sorry Aurora, but a deal is a deal."

Aurora's eyes then began to get watery.

{… Hope… you're happy now.} Muttered Aurora.

{Now, I have nothing left with you taking me away from all I have.} She said while starting to sob.

"Of course I'm not happy."

{But you know what? I don't CARE!} Loudly Said Aurora while rising her head angrily, looking at everyone, crying.

{I never liked this place anyway. You never liked me. No one did. Maybe it is a good thing for me to leave.} Yelled Aurora in anger.

No one was able to say anything, with Dusk and May painfully looking away.

Aurora then lowered her head again with tears stained the ground beneath.

{I don't care.} Sobbed Aurora, almost shaking in anger and sadness.

"I'm… sorry Aurora." Said Max, almost in tears himself.

Max then gently tapped Aurora with his pokeball and trapped her inside. After a few shakes, the red light disappeared, telling that Aurora was captured. However, her capture was giving Max a bitter taste, not very happy at how things turned out. To endure the pain, he had to constantly tell himself that it was for her good. Putting her pokeball away, Max then slowly approached the others.

"Well… it's done." He said with a not-so-happy voice.

{Sorry you had to go through that Max, but both of you were right, it's for her sake.} Said Ashura while putting a reassuring hand on one of his shoulders.

"I know. It was just really hard to see her like that."

{It was, even for us.} Commented Ulyss.

"Well, I guess it's a farewell then." Said Max a bit awkwardly, not good with goodbyes.

{Don't be in a rush to leave. You should at least say goodbye to master Setsui.} Said the machamp while crossing his arms.

"Sure thing Ashura."

{Ulyss, why don't you lead Max to master Setsui to say goodbye. He doesn't need both of us to do so.}

{Sure.} Said Ulyss with a smile.

Max and his team then followed Ulyss inside to master Setsui's room. When in front of the door, Ulyss knocked on the door.

"Come in." Said a voice from behind.

{Hi, master Setsui.} Said Ulyss after opening the door.

"Hi, Ulyss." Said Master Setsui, sitting in a meditative position with his back facing them.

"Did everything went alright with Aurora?"

{We had a few complications, but Max managed to play his role alongside Ashura pretty well.}

"Good. I'm leaving Aurora in your hands Max, so take good care of her."

"Indeed master Setsui. I'll do my best to help her."

"I'm sure you will. Well, I'm guessing it's time now for you to leave now, isn't it?"

{I'm afraid so.} Said Ulyss.

Master Setsui then stood up and faced them.

"You were a great disciple Max, it's a bit of a shame for you to leave, but I know that everyone has their own path they must follow."

"Yes. It was great being with all of you."

"I wish you the best of luck on your adventure. I could say to be careful, but with friends such as Scarlet, I'm not too worried about you."


"Remember however that you're always welcome here if you were to pass by again."

"I will."

"And before you leave, I want to give you something."

Master Setsui then withdrew from a desk, the only furniture in that room beside a mattress with sheets on the ground, an orange, blue and red small stone.

"I want to give you this Lucarionite for when you and Aurora will be closer. I was keeping it in hopes that she will someday find someone worthy of her, and I think that time is now." He said while handing him the stone.

"Thanks…" He said while taking it.

"But I think it will take some time."

"Maybe, but from what I've seen, maybe even less than you think."

"With that too, I'll try my best."

"I have no doubt. Now, I suppose it's time to say goodbye to everyone."

Master Setsui then exited his room and the building with the others behind him. When Max and his team arrived at the front door, his eyes widened when he saw everyone waiting for them in front of the doors.

{In the name of everyone here, I say farewell to you, Max.} Said Ashura while slightly bowing his head, followed by all of the others while moving to the side, giving Max the access to the exit.

{We wish you good luck and goodbye.}

Max then got a bit red from embarrassment.

"Thanks, guys." He shyly said.

Max and his team then approached the group while most of them were saying goodbye or how nice it was to have him. While Max was shaking hands with everyone such as Ashura, Ulyss, and Frank, May and Dusk was giving a few hugs here and there to some of them, with Bonny giving a couple of fist bump to some. When Max arrived in front of Kalade, both of them were hesitant to shake each other, but finally went for it anyway.

{Scarlet is not with you?} Said Kalade.

Max then looked around only to see that Scarlet had disappeared.

"Eh, I guess she's not into goodbyes."

{Hm, she was quite something.}

"You tell me."

{I wish you good fortune in your travel then.}


After Max and his team finished saying goodbye, they left the dojo while waving goodbye before they closed the doors.

"Well, that was interesting." Said Max while walking in the path toward the main road.

{Yeah, I wonder if we will ever come back here again.} Said May.

"Maybe, but it won't be anytime soon. If we do, you all will probably be the strongest in here, don't you agree Bonny?"

{Sure thing master.} She answered with a smile.

After they walked for a couple more minutes, they arrived at the crossed path where they saw the Setsui dojo panel with Scarlet sitting on it.

"Doesn't it hurt your butt when you sit on that?" Asked Max.

{Gravity doesn't affect me if I want, remember?} She said while getting down from it.

"True. You know, you could have said good bye to everyone."

{Those emotional moments are not really my cup of tea.}

"Figures. Well girls, I guess we are now back on track. Time to go for that third badge."

{Of course master.} Said Bonny.

Max's team was now looking more determined than ever.

"Then let's go."

After putting everyone back in their pokeballs, Max and Scarlet then resumed their travel to where the next gym leader was, RedfieldTown.