Third Badge

As Max was almost snoring from being deeply asleep, he heard knocking on the door that wakes him up.

"Hemm… y-yeah?" Said Max, half awake.

"Sorry to bother you, but breakfast will be served in a few minutes. Join us if you want." Said the woman from yesterday behind the door.

"S-sure. Be there in a minute."


Still having his eyes closed, Max rolled in his belly, about to doze off again.

[Really now master? Get your lazy ass off that bed.] Said a feminine voice in his head.

"W-wha… why?" He asked will getting on his side.

[Because if you don't, you will soon found out that the floor is less comfortable than the bed.]

"Yeah… I do." He said, starting to fall asleep again.

[Okay, hard way it is then.]

While being lifted by psychic power, Max felt the sheets of the bed wrapping all around him before being dropped on the ground. Thanks to the sheets, he wasn't hurt but the shock of the impact awaked him pretty roughly.

"What the… what's going on?" Said Max after opening his eyes in surprise.

After struggling a bit since the sheets were quite tightly wrapping him, he managed to escape the tissue restrainer and sat up. Looking around, he saw that everyone was already awake and looking at him, minus Aurora of course.

{Finally awake?} Asked Scarlet, sitting at the edge of the bed with crossed arms.

"I suppose, thanks to you." Said Max, slightly upset.

{That old human said that your breakfast was almost ready.}

"Oh, yeah, that's right." Said Max while rubbing his face to wake him up more.

{So get your sexy butt in those clothes and go eat, you're gonna need it.}

"Yes, mom." Sarcastically said Max before standing up and went for his clothes. "You too will need to eat." He said while dressing up.

{We can go get it after you're done. I highly doubt that those humans prepared something for us.}

"Why not?"

{Looks like more of a human place than a pokemon one.}

"Hm, good point. No news from Aurora?"

{Nope. Looks like she ditched you for your battle.} Commented Bonny.

"That would be very unlikely of her. She's not the type to flee from a battle or not doing what she told she would do."

{Hope for you.} Said Bonny a bit arrogantly.

{I see you're still upset that you won't take part in the battle.} Commented Scarlet.

{I already said countless times that I don't care. It was master's choice.} She said a bit aggressively.

{And of course, you don't hope that Aurora doesn't show up so you can replace her, right?}

{What are you trying to insinuate?} Said Bonny to the provocative gardevoir.

"Can you girls keep it down? Especially when I just woke up." Said Max, not in the mood for a useless catfight.

{Why am I always blamed when she's the one that gets on me for no reason?} Complained Bonny.

{Because of your attitude maybe?} Retorted Scarlet.


"Girls!" Said Max, a bit louder, making both of them look away with a 'hmpf'. "If you have that much energy early in the morning, you should save it for something more productive."

After Max was done dressing, all of them exit the room and went to the dining room where the woman and probably her husband were putting food on the table.

"Hope you like what we have." Nicely said the woman.

To everyone's surprise, not only that there were three plates for humans, but also four pokemon plates.

"Is those plates… for my pokemon?" Asked Max, perplex at how she knew which pokemon he had.

"Why of course. Your pokemon also need to eat."

"I know but… how did you…"

"Vivi told me." Said the woman, knowing what he was about to ask.


"Oh, that's true. It's time for her to be presented. Vivi! Show yourself to our visitor please."

Next to him and barely a meter away from the side of his face, Max saw a pokemon appearing from nowhere.

"What the…" Said Max, jump scaring and backed up a little from the sudden pokemon appearance.

In front of him was a cute but a bit creepy pokemon with a slightly feminine appearance, which if Max remembers correctly, was a misdreavus.

{Hi guys, I'm Vivi.} Happily greeted the pokemon while floating in front of Max.

"Is that…"

"That's our little ghost companion, Vivi the misdreavus." Explained the woman.

Upon hearing the words ghost, Scarlet then gets awfully close to Max while grasping lightly one of his arms.

"Sorry if she scared you or that we didn't present her earlier. You see, Vivi serves as a security measure."

"Security measure?"

"Yes. Since she's a ghost type, she goes everywhere in the house undetected."

"… Wait, is he, or she, spying on us?"

"No, don't worry. We only use her to prevent people from stealing from us or leave without paying. But when Vivi made her round for inspection, she must have seen you and your four pokemon."

At that, Max and Scarlet looked at each other, almost scared.

{Don't worry guys, I didn't tell them what you did.} Said Vivi, sounding almost amused, reassuring them.

"Oh, and Vivi is neither a he nor a she. She's a ghost type, so she's genderless." Explained the woman.

"Oh, yeah. I forget that pure ghost types are all genderless. Pure ghost and most non-pure ghost pokemon."

"But since Vivi looks more like a girl, we see her more like that."

"I see."

"Well, don't be shy. Sit and dig in your plates."

"Thank you." Said Max, a bit shyly before heading towards the chairs.

However, as he was walking beside them, he noticed that they were all too low for May.

"Excuse me, but do you have a highchair or something for my mawile?" Politely asked Max.

"Oh, I'm afraid not, but I can get you some books that she can sit on."

"That would be nice, thank you."

"Be right back." Politely said the woman before leaving.

{I hate being small.} Pouted May.

Seeing the mawile a bit upset, Max took her in his arms.

"Hey, look at the bright side. If you were as heavy as Bonny, I couldn't take you like this." Reassured Max.

{I heard that.} Said Bonny, now on her chair, next to Dusk.

{… True.} Said May while going for a light hug.

While waiting for the woman, Max was petting May's head, something she could never have enough of. After a moment, the woman came back with a pile of books that she placed on one of the chairs. After adjusting the height perfectly, Max dropped May on the book piles before sitting next to her, in case the book tower falls apart. For the human plates, it was a rather simple but big meal consisting of eggs, bacon, sausages, and lard beans. As for the pokemon ones, it was consisting of also simple but tasty-looking croquettes of different colors, depending on the pokemon.

"Wow, it sure looks tasty." Commented Max when he looked at the plates.

"Customers satisfaction before everything else. And if you wonder about your pokemon meals, they all are adapted for their type."

"Really? You even have food for psychic type?" Asked Max, knowing that psychic type food wasn't as common as much as the other one.

"We have food for all types here. After all, all kinds of trainers come here from time to time because of the gym, so we had to extend our variety to the maximum." Explained the woman.

"True." Agreed Max.

"Well, bon appetit then." Called the woman before Max and the other said the same thing.

Digging in their tasty meal, everyone was busy eating their food when Max noticed that the misdreavus was still there and floating above the table, close the ceiling, having fun at moving around.

"Your pokemon don't eat?" Asked Max, perplex at why it wasn't joining them.

"Ghost pokemon are technically not alive, so no, she doesn't need to eat." Explained the woman.

"Oh, yeah. That's a shame that she can't enjoy the taste of a good meal."

"Actually, she can."

"But didn't you just say…"

"I said that she doesn't 'need' to eat, I didn't say she can't. While being not that alive, she can still eat and enjoy tasty food if she densifies her body enough, but since she have more of a spiritual body, everything she ingests is almost immediately burnt into nothing."

"Whoa, kind of creepy." Commented Max while light shivers passed through his spine when he thought of what would happen if he stuck a finger on her mouth.

[That's why don't like ghost pokemon.] Commented Scarlet.

"I agree that she's not like the typical pokemon you may have encountered, but Vivi is a sweetheart, even if they have the reputation of being the opposite."

{Thanks.} Said Vivi while nuzzling lightly the woman before going back to float around.

"What kind of reputation have they? I didn't really touch that subject yet."

"Well, little is known about ghost-type pokemon since they are the rarest type and that we can't do a lot of research with them, but the little we know is that they are mostly not very friendly towards humans as well as other pokemon. We don't know where they came from, but since they are all genderless and ghosts are, well, known to be the spirit of the deceased, we assume that they have a link with death. We don't know if they were once human or pokemon, or just born from where death is abundant though." Explained the woman.

"I'm guessing that the few people that could interact with them already asked the question."

"Indeed. Unfortunately, we don't know why either but all ghost-type pokemon don't have a memory of a previous life, making the thing more difficult."

"I see."

"But if you feel a bit uneasy around them, rest assured, you won't see a lot of them. In all the years I lived, I never saw a trainer with a ghost-type pokemon."

"Make sense. With the fact that they are very rare, they must be almost uncatchable."

"Maybe. I don't know if they are uncatchable, but since they are mostly immune to physical contact if they want, pokeballs most pass through them."

"Yeah, I remember about that. They can lower their density as low as making physical contacts ineffective, but still are very weak against special attacks."

"True. But I assume that if the pokemon feels that it can be beaten, it just flees into the ground or something."

"I suppose. Well, good news for you Scarlet, you are very unlikely to see one ever again." Said Max to the gardevoir that was in front of him on the other side of the table.

{Eh, like hell I'll be scared of a ghost type.} Said Scarlet slightly arrogantly.

{Oh really now?} Said Vivi that had appeared a few inches away from the side of Scarlet's head.

{Holy fuck…} Cursed Scarlet after turning her head and jumping a bit away, scared.

{Hihihihihi.} Laughed the ghost pokemon before floating towards the ceiling again.

{You little…} Growled Scarlet while clenching her fist.

"Haha, calm down Scarlet. She's just playing with you." Said Max, laughing a bit as well as everyone else.

{Yeah, she's playing with her life.}

{I'm already dead. There is not much you can do.} Said Vivi, defying Scarlet a bit.

{You sure about that?} Said Scarlet with a hand faintly glowing blue.

"Scarlet." Called Max.

{… Hmpf, whatever.} Said Scarlet, leaving her attention from the misdreavus, with the pokemon giggling a bit. {She sure plays with my nerves as well.} Continued the gardevoir while resuming her eating.

(Be nice Scarlet. We should be considered lucky that she doesn't try to attack us.)

[Hm, it should be considered lucky that I'm not in the mood to kill her.]

(Eh, if she's a ghost, I think that she was right when she say that you can't do a lot of things. After all, you can't kill what is already dead.)

[We won't know if we don't try.]

(Another time maybe?)


"So, you pretty much have an immortal pokemon guarding the house. It's pretty cool actually." Said Max to the woman, growing a slight interest in ghost pokemon.

"Well, more or less." Retorted the woman.

"What do you mean?"

"What we also know about ghost pokemon is that they sure have a very high life expectancy, but they're not as immortal as much as you think."


"Since they are mainly made of spiritual energy, they don't age like we do, so they can't have organ failure or anything, to where their immunity to poison came from. However, their strength is also their weakness. Entirely made of spiritual energy makes them virtually invulnerable to physical harm, but it also means that their energy very slowly fades away over time, even more, when they use attacks."

"Oh, so after they don't have the energy anymore, they… die?"

"The term is likely incorrect since they already are dead. They just… vanish and disappear."

"… I… see."

"As their energy is getting depleted, they grow weaker and weaker until they can't stay in this world anymore."

"That's… pretty dark stuff." Said Max, a bit surprised at how things have turned out.

"And yet, it's not the worse part yet." Said the woman, making Max gulped a bit in fear. "But we shouldn't talk about it. I'm sure you're here to enjoy your stay instead of hearing a spooky story."

"Actually, I would like to know more." Answered Max.

{Hemm, master? I kind of agree with that human. Maybe we should put that aside for now.} Asked Scarlet, not feeling very comfortable.

"Why? Wait, don't tell me that you're… sacred of ghosts?" Asked Max, raising an eyebrow at Scarlet with a small grin.

{O-of course, not you dumbass.} She said while looking away, looking upset. {I'm not scared of anything.}

"Then you don't mind her telling more, right?"

{D-do as you want, I don't care.} Pouted Scarlet with Bonny giggling a bit.

(Tsss, damn I love you, Scarlet.) Thought Max, overwhelmed by the gardevoir's cuteness. "So, what is the worst part?" Asked Max to the woman.

{Yeah, I would also like to hear that.} Said Bonny.

"Well, as I said, ghost pokemon are made of spiritual energy, so when they start getting depleted, they seek humans or pokemon to feed on their spiritual energy."

"Whoa, really?" Said Max, now feeling a bit uncomfortable around Vivi, as well as May next to him.

{That's… pretty scary.} Commented Dusk, feeling a bit unsure.

"We're not hundred percent sure, but we already saw humans and pokemon ending up dead for no apparent reason. No injuries, wounds, organ failure, or brain damage, nothing. They just mysteriously died. After some research around the dead, most of the time they were a ghost pokemon seen nearby." Told the woman.

"Sh… I mean, damn. So ghost-type pokemon can suck up the life force of living beings to death to expend their own life spam?"

"That's what we do believe so."

"… Damn." Said Max, looking at Vivi a bit suspiciously.

"But don't worry about Vivi, she won't steal anything from you."

"Good news. But how does she stay alive then? Well, a matter of speech."

"She takes a very small portion of our life force and nearby pokemon. So little that it's barely noticeable. She goes for quantity of targets rather than quantity over just one, which is plenty for her, especially for her and energy consumption."

"I guess she takes more from people that don't pay you."

"Probably if it were to happen."

"It doesn't? You said that she was there to protect you from thieves or other things."

"She does. Since she's with us since the very start, no one ever tried."

"The very start of what?"

"Of my business of course."

"This bed and breakfast?" Asked Max, a bit puzzled.

"Why yes."

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Well, I opened that business roughly 40 years ago I think."

"And you got her since day one?"

"Got her would be a very presumptuous word since she pretty much came with the house."

"What do you mean?"

"That she was there before I bought the building."

"… Really?" Said Max, quite astonished. "How old is she?"

"I don't know, neither does she. I think over time she lost the concept of time." Said the woman, looking at floating pokemon, moving around in amusement.

"Damn." Said Max, still astonished.

[Master? Can we quickly finish that food and get out of here as soon as possible?]

(Why? She already told us that she was a nice pokemon.)

[Please master.]

(… Alright then.) Said Max, complying.

{Well, as long as she doesn't attack us, I don't really mind.} Commented Bonny.

{Well I do. I don't want that thing around master.} Protested Scarlet.

{You mean around you.} Corrected Bonny with a grin.

{Shut up.} Said Scarlet a bit angrily.

"Come on Bonny, you shouldn't tease her too much. After all, we all have our fear." Said Max, grinning as well.


{I'm not. Scared of ghost.} Said Scarlet, protesting more aggressively than she should have, making the others giggle a bit. {Grhha.} She growled before finishing her plates.

For the rest of the breakfast, Max and the woman did some trivial chat with his team giving a few commentaries here and there since they couldn't really interact with other than their master. A little while later, everyone was done with their food.

"Alright, that was very good ma'am." Politely said, Max.

"You're welcome, young sir."

"Unfortunately, it's time for us to leave."

"I understand. After all, you didn't come all the way here just to talk with an old lady like me."

"Even if it was quite entertaining."

"Thank you, young man."

"No problem. I guess it's now time to get ourselves ready."

With the woman nodding, Max and his team headed towards their room to gather Max's things.

"Okay May and Dusk, since you two will be in the next battle, why don't we make her a surprise?" Said Max when he was ready to leave and after he took out their pokeball.

{Sure thing master.} Said May.

After Max nodded, he put Dusk and May in their pokeball and left the room with Bonny and Scarlet. Now back to the dining room, he saw the woman picking the plate and put them in the sink.

"Well, I wish you good luck on your journey young trainer, as well as passing good times with your pokemon." Said the woman while doing her things.

"Thanks, ma'am."

After saying goodbye, Max and his team walked towards the front door that was leading outside.

"Well, I guess that before we head towards the gym, we'll have to get…"

While talking, Max had opened the door and passed it when he saw Aurora, standing next to the door, with her back against the wall.

"… Aurora back." Finished Max when she noticed her.

{As you can see, I'm already here, so we can head towards that battle and get it over with as soon as possible.} Said Aurora, arrogant as usual.

"I… y-yeah. How long have you…"

{Long enough.} Interrupted Aurora, already knowing what he would say.

"… Okay. But since I don't want the gym leader to see my pokemon right away, I…"

{Yeah yeah, whatever. Just do what you need to do.}

"Okay, thanks." Said Max before putting her back in her pokeball.

{Sweet as always.} Commented Bonny.

{I wonder if that little session with Livia really helped after all.} Said Scarlet.

"I don't know. Only god knows what is happening inside that thick but pretty head of hers." He said, putting the pokeball away.


"So Bonny, you still want to see the battle since you won't take part in it?"

{Of course master. I want to be there when you will whoop that human's ass.} Said Bonny, firing up nonetheless.

"Hehe, you still have a lot of faith in me." Said Max, petting her soft head.

{You're my master. What kind of partner will I be if I didn't believe in you?} Said Bonny, crossing her arms.

{… Wow. I think it's the smartest thing you ever said, Bonny.} Said Scarlet, wanting to annoy the lopunny a bit.

{I'm not just about beauty you know.} Said Bonny a bit arrogantly.

{Are you sure that you don't believe in yourself a bit too much?} Said Scarlet, crossing her arms as well as raising an eyebrow.

{I hope you're not implying that you're prettier than me.} Said Bonny, glaring at the gardevoir.

{Well, implying wouldn't be the word I would use but…}

{Eh, keep talking skinny girl.}

{What was that?} Said Scarlet, sounding a bit irritated.

"Not again girls." Intervened Max, a bit tired of their catfights. "Is it that hard for you two to get along well?"

{Hmpf, say that to the girl that can't see what real beauty is.} Said Bonny, looking away.

{If you ever know where I can find it, tell me.} Retorted Scarlet.

{Yeah, because even in front of a mirror you won't find it.} Spat Bonny.

{Really now?} Said Scarlet, quite annoyed.

"Girls, you either stop or I make you kiss each other."

{… Again?} Said Scarlet, looking at him suspiciously.

{Oh, I guess he liked it more than we thought.} Said Bonny, getting close to Max.

{Looks like it.} Said Scarlet, doing the same.

{What will you do if we kiss each other hmm?} Asked Scarlet, starting to rub Max's chest.

{Yeah, master, what will it do to you?} Asked Bonny, rubbing his belly.

"Probably something that will prevent me from going to the gym leader. L-let's go." Said Max while getting free of the pokemon's grasp and moved forwards.

{'sigh' I hope that the whole battle thing didn't get too much in his mind.} Said Scarlet while following Max a bit behind.

{Hope too. I sure do like battles, but I like mating more.}

{If it's the case, I can still make some arrangements in his brain.} Lowly said Scarlet, not wanting Max to hear.

{Let's try not to go that far, yet. I would really appreciate keeping master authentic as much as possible.}

{Yeah, me too. Until now, I never had to do it, so I would also really like to keep it that way.}

{I don't want a fake master.}

{I feel you, me too.}

"What are you plotting over there?" Asked Max when he faintly heard them talking a bit far behind him.

{Nothing.} They both said.

"… Alright." Said Max, slightly skeptical.

Speeding up their pace, both of them quickly caught up to Max and went on each side of him. While walking, they saw a couple of people roaming the streets, having their own things to do. Rarely though, Scarlet received a few glares but managed to ignore them, slightly getting used to it.

{Do you know where the gym is?} Asked Scarlet, starting to wonder if he knew where to go.

"… Oh… right." He said before stopping and taking out his pokedex, making Bonny facepalm and Scarlet sigh in desperation. "… Alright…" Said Max after a moment. "It should be at the east of the town." Said Max, starting to walk again while following the pokedex indication.

{I can't wait to see master in action.} Said Bonny while walking.

{Yeah, his battles sure are quite entertaining.} Added Scarlet.

"How can you tell? You weren't really there in my last one." Said Max.

{You sure about that?}


For a moment, Max then tried to remember where she could have been when he was fighting that electric gym leader.

"Wait… that was you?" He said when he recalls barely seeing her teleporting away after he won.

{I told that I would have been there.}

"I thought that you would be there like, there, you know."

{You know I don't like showing myself around those places.}

"… True, but as you saw, there was one person in there."

{He still didn't have to see me.}

"Oh, whatever. At least you were there."

{Like I will on this one.}

{As well as me.} Said Bonny.

"Thanks girls."

For a couple of minutes, all three of them continued to walk until they arrived at a rather large greenhouse that was next to the forest.

{Is it… really here?} Asked Scarlet, finding the building a bit odd for a pokemon battle.

"I guess. It's what the panel says." Said Max, pointing at a sign in front of the greenhouse written 'GYM' on it.

{… Let's go in then and see what this is about.}

Nodding, Max then knocked on the door of the front part of the greenhouse that was looking like a really small house. Even after waiting a moment, there was no response.

"Maybe it's one of her days off." Said Max.

{Or maybe you have to press that.} Said Scarlet, pressing a doorbell.

"That could help indeed." Said Max, feeling a bit embarrassed.

The noise seems to be loud enough since they faintly heard it from the outside. Waiting another moment, they finally heard footsteps coming towards the door.

"… Oh, hi there. New challenger, I presume." Said the person that was on the other side.

The person that had opened the door was a slightly overweight and rather old lady, probably close to her sixties. She was wearing the entire garment a gardener should wear, plus a flowery bandana.

"Y-yes ma'am." Politely said Max.

"Please, don't call me ma'am, it makes me feel old." She said, a bit embarrassed.


"Just call me Sarah."

"Okay, Miss Sarah. I'm indeed here for a gym battle."

"Yes, that I guessed. Unfortunately, I have a couple more tasks to take care of at the moment."

"Okay, I understand."

{Well, that was a waste of time.} Said Scarlet, upset.

"However, if you want that battle as soon as possible, I won't say no to a little help."

"You mean like… helping you doing your tasks?"

"Yes, if you're up for the job that is."

"… Well, I don't know. What kind of job is that?"

"Nothing too hard, really."

"… Well… sure, why not."

"Wonderful. Please, get in then." Said the old woman before stepping aside."

After entering, Max and his team were now in a very modest house.

"That's… lovely here." Said Max, trying to be nice.

{You're joking, right?} Asked Scarlet, skeptical at Max's statement.

"Don't bother about that tiny shack. Our place is way more spacious. Over here." Said Sarah, now in front of a back door.

Following her, Max passed the door with the others and was now in the greenhouse with the transparent walls and plants of all kinds everywhere on tables. Looking around, Max noticed that greenhouse was way bigger than expected as the bottom of the zone was going pretty far away in front of them. He also noticed that the plants were not all about flowers, but also fruits and vegetables, alongside a few trees on the ground here and there.

"Now I understand why you're a grass-type leader."

"Yes. I really love the flora of this world. There is so much variety." Said the woman, almost proudly.

"Yeah. So, what is that job all about?"

"Nothing too hard, don't worry. Firstly, you can help water the plants."

"… Okay." Said Max, not really in the mood for a laborious job since he didn't come here for that, but had to if he wanted that gym battle quicker.

{Goddamnit, I can't believe we will actually do it.} Complained Scarlet, upset.

(Come on love, the sooner we start, the sooner we finish. And it will be quicker if we all do it.)

{Rhaaa…} Complained again, Scarlet.

"Is everything okay?" Asked the woman, hearing the gardevoir complain in her pokespeech.

{No.} Said Scarlet, almost angrily.

"Yes, don't worry. My lovely gardevoir is just a bit capricious, that's all."

"Oh, she doesn't have to help if she doesn't want to, but it will take longer for us to finish."

"She will don't worry." Said Max, glaring at Scarlet.

"Wonderful. Let me show us what you will use."

After nodding, Max followed the old lady through the greenhouse. As they were walking, Max saw a few grass-type pokemon working on plants that he failed to notice earlier. While most of them ignored them because they were too busy, one or two noticed him and gave him a greeting smile, at which Max responded with a smile as well.

{For you to know, I'm not doing it because you asked me, I'm doing it because I want to leave as soon as possible.} Stated Scarlet.

"Works for me." Answered Max.

{I got to agree with her. I didn't expect to do some gardening.} Said Bonny.

"See that as training."

{Yeah, since I won't take part in the battle.}

"Next one Bonny." Said Max, a bit tired of repeating himself.

{I know.}

"You really love to fight don't you?"

{I do. It's always a good opportunity to get stronger and see how much I've improved.}

{Also a good way to show off to master, am I right?} Commented Scarlet.

Not responding, Bonny only looked away with an 'hmpf'.

"I have to admit that it's quite impressive to see how strong a pokemon can be. I'm sure that if you were to go all out outside of battle, you could destroy humanity." Half joked Max.

{Maybe, but where will be the point in that? Destroying humanity would also mean destroying the good things they can do, like you for example.} Said Bonny.

"Me?" Said Max, chuckling.

{Why yes. I'm pretty sure that a human conceived you, right?}

"Hehe, yeah, it is."

{As much as I would like to see the human world burn, Bonny have a point.} Said Scarlet.

"Huh? Don't tell me that little sympathy for humans had grown inside you."

{Ah, don't be ridiculous master. I'll never have sympathy or pity for a human. But unfortunately, it's your world master and I don't want to take it away from you.}

"That's… really nice of you… I guess." Said Max, a bit confused.

{Also, it cost me to say it, but the food human makes for pokemon are pretty good.}

"You talking about the croquettes you ate this morning?"

{Not really. It was more or less an okay meal to me. No, what I'm talking about is the pokepuffs you bought a while ago.}


{Master, you have to buy some more again.}

{Yes master, you have to.} Agreed Bonny with both of them almost pleaded.

"Alright alright, I will next time I have the opportunity."

{Thanks master, you're the best.} Said Bonny before clinching on one of his arms.

{He is.} Said Scarlet, doing the same with the other one.

Since they were in the back of the old lady, Max's pokemon were a bit bold with the affection display until they all arrived in front of a pile of gardening materials.

"Here you go." Said the old woman before turning towards them, making Bonny and Scarlet quickly leaving their master. "Here's the stuff for the watering." She said while handing them a rather big water can."

"… Okay."

"There are a couple of faucets around the place for you to fill up your can when empty."

"Just wondering, could it be done with psychic powers?" Asked Sarah, wanting her permission.

Sarah wanted to answer, but Scarlet spoke first.

{Sorry master, but no.}

"Why not?"

{Because psychic powers can't really work on water.}


{Have you ever tried grabbing water with your hand?}

"Not really?"


"Because it won't work?"

{Exactly. It's the same with psychic power. What I can do however is to create a telekinetic bubble that can imprison water, but I can't really control it, so to speak.}

"Oh Well, can you do the telekinetic bubble to water the plants?"

{I guess I could, but I don't feel like it.}

"… Okay. Really appreciate." Said Max, slightly upset.

{Doing that will consume more energy than going with a watering can, and I don't really want to.}

"Are you becoming lazy?"

{No, but I think you receiving a no from time to time will prevent you from being spoiled.}

"True, but it's not like I am a child anymore."

{I guess you still are since you're being that mad.}

"Whatever." Said Max, rolling his eyes while taking a watering can.

{If it can cheer you up, I'll make up to you next time we're alone.}

"That, however, is something that I can really count on you for." Said Max, not upset anymore.

With Scarlet smiling, she and Bonny also take a watering can each. After they agreed to split up, all of them went to a different place to start working. After Max filled up his canister, he began to water every plant that was in his zone. As he was doing his job, a whimsicott passed while floating above the plants with particles that resembled pollen falling from the body of the pokemon.

"She's fertilizing the plants in case you were wondering." Said Sarah that was passing by.

"Is that so?" He said while looking at the pokemon.

{Hi there.} Said the whimsicott when she noticed Max before beginning to float around him.

"My my, what a cute little thing you are." Said Max, fingering her chin, which she seems to really appreciate.

"You sure have a thing with pokemon. Mini is usually a bit shyer than that." Said Sarah, quite impressed at her pokemon behavior.

"Yeah, it's not the first time that happens."

"How nice is that. Well, since she seems to like you, maybe you both can work together today."

"Really?" He said looking at the pokemon.

{That could be fun.} Happily answered Mini.

"I think she agreed." Said Sarah.

"I see no problem there, but I don't think she can carry a watering can."

"Neither you being able to fertilize plants." Said Sarah, laughing a bit afterward.


"What you can do however is follow each other. When you're done watering the plants, she fertilizes behind you."


"Wonderful. Have fun then." Said Sarah before leaving.

After that, Mini followed Max pretty much everywhere, doing her job after he was done doing his. When he was almost done watering his zone, Mini then gave him a strawberry she gathered.

"Thanks, Mini, really nice of you." He said before eating it.

{No problem.} Answered the pokemon with a warm smile.

"So, are you one of Sarah's pokemon?"

{Yes.} She said while nodding.

"I should have known since you're here. I'm not very good at questions when I met someone new."

Mini then only smiling, meaning that she didn't care.

"Oh, and what I almost always forget is to tell I can understand pokemon."

{You do?} Said Mini, quite surprised.

"Yup." He said while still watering the plants.

{That's great. That way, we will be able to have a better time together.} She happily said.

"Hehe, true. Is it me or do you seem to be like a cute little ball of joy?"

{I am. Humans are very nice and I love interacting with them.} She happily said.

"Really?" Said Max, guessing that she probably didn't meet a lot of bad humans in her life.

{Yes. They can be so much fun and sometimes have a lot to tell. And like Sarah, they can be very nice.}

"Are you one of the pokemon I'll battle later?"

{No, I don't like battles. What I like are humans and napping.}

"Haha, I agree, nothing like a good nap from time to time." Said Max, laughing a bit.

{Yes. That and sweet berries, trees, forest, the treats Sarah gives me regularly…}

"My, you sure do love a lot of things."

{I do.} She said while floating around him.

Looking around, Max noticed that he was close to Scarlet and that she was looking at him with a huge grin printed on her face.

"Is there something you don't like?" Asked Max, ignoring her.

{Hmmm… not really, besides the humans that ignore me or don't want to talk to me.}

"Ah, I guess that every challenger that comes here is not always as nice as me."

{Unfortunately, no.} She said with a slightly sad tone.

"In that case, I'll have to compensate for them then." Said Max, fingering her chin again.

{Thanks.} She said before giving a light and quick hug in the side of his head before floating around him again.

For the rest of the evening, Max and the others keep helping Sarah with her daily chores. After they were done watering, Sarah asked them to trim some plants while gathering what was edible. While Scarlet and Bonny knew which one was mature, Max had a bit of a hard time knowing which one was good or not. Fortunately for him, Mini was there to help him and tell which ones were ready to be picked. Finally, when it was close to being noon, most of the job was done.

"Thanks, everyone for your help. I should be able to finish the rest on my own rather quickly later on." Said the lady after she brought together all of them in the center of the greenhouse.

"Phew, it was something." Said Max, slightly tired.

{Yeah, it was quite boring and useless.} Commented Scarlet, mean as always.

"Really now? Usually, physical 'work' doesn't bother you that much." Said Max, looking at with a grin.

{Depends on which kind.} She said, crossing her arms.

"For me, it was quite fun actually, especially with the help of Mini." Said Max, rubbing the whimsicott head that was floating next to him.

{I'm sure you have learned a lot here.} Said Mini while floating happily around Max.


{Actually, good thing I don't participate in the battle. My shoulders are a bit sore.} Said Bonny while stretching her arms.

"Well, as promised, I'll give you what you came for then. Follow me."

With Max nodding, they all followed Sarah to a door that was at the bottom of the greenhouse. While walking, Max could see trees through the glass walls of the greenhouse. As he guessed, they arrived in front of a trail that was going in the forest.

"I'm guessing your battlefield is a bit further."

"That's right. I surely don't want any battle harming my little children." Said Sarah while closing the door behind when they were all outside.

Still following her, they went inside the forest to where they walked again for a few minutes until they arrived at a clearing that had a grassless battlefield in the middle.

"This is where our battle will take place." Said Sarah while pointing at the battle.

"The place is pretty well thought out." Said Max, admiring his surroundings.

"What's the best place for a grass type than fighting while being surrounded by a forest?"


"Will your lopunny and your gardevoir be two of your fighters?"

"Oh, no, they are just there to watch. Those who will fight are in their pokeball."

"Not wanting your opponent sees your pokemon until the start hmm? That's a pretty nice thing to do. But I must say that I never saw a trainer that took out their non-fighting pokemon to watch it."

"They wanting to see it and support me so, why would I refuse that to them?"

"… You seem like an exceptional trainer. I'm even starting to wonder if I can win."

"Hehe, don't worry, I'll go easy on you." Said Max, a bit cockily.

"Haha, what a nice gentleman you are. Then let's both do our best then."

"You got it."

With that, both of them went to their respective zone and activated their Ergowatch for the battle with Scarlet and Bonny lying against a nearby tree.

{Good luck master.} Called out Bonny.

"Ah, it always makes my heart flutter when I see a trainer and his pokemon this close together." Said Sarah, liking Max's relation with his pokemon. "But unfortunately, it will take more than that if you want to beat me. Time to shine my pretty." Said Sarah before making a pokemon came out of her pokeball.

When the light faded, a gloom was now in the field on Sarah's side.

"A grass and poison type huh? Well, let's begin with you May." Said Max, making a mawile appear on the battlefield.

{I'm ready master.} Said May, getting in a fighting stance.

"Oh my, a mawile? It doesn't look good for me." Said Sarah, looking worried. "But we won't back down, isn't that right my pretty?" She said to her pokemon.

{Yeah.} Said the gloom, trying to look intimidating.

However, to Max and a bit to May, the pokemon was looking more silly than scary.

"Okay, let's prepare the terrain." Commended Sarah.

Following orders, the gloom then touched the ground with both of its hands, making all of the dirt ground being covered in moderately long grass.

"What is that?" Asked Max, not sure of what is going on.

"I just used Grassy Terrain, giving grass type a huge advantage. While boosting the power of their grass attacks, it can also slowly regenerate the energy of my little pokemon while slowing down yours a little. After all, other types than grass type don't know how to move properly in tall grass."

"Damnit. But whatever, that won't stop us, isn't that right sweety?" Said Max to May that had the grass level roughly around her waist.

{Of course not.} Answered May.

"Alright, let's start with combo 2."

As soon as May heard Max's command, she dashed towards the opponent pokemon and went for Brick Break. As usual, the move was dodged but she chained with Steel Fang. However, as the gloom was backing up to dodge, it didn't have the time to see that it was a faint and couldn't dodge the mawile next attack, which was charge. After being hit, the gloom immediately was hit by another attack from May that had gone for Heabutt, damaging the grass/poison pokemon quite a lot.

"My my, your mawile is faster than expected." Commented Sarah, a bit surprised by the mawile's speed.

"She trained a lot."

"I wasn't expecting less. Alright, gloom, we have a steel type facing us, so try your best please."

With the gloom nodding, it got into a fighting position and tossed a greenish-purple liquid substance at May at rather high speed, blinding her for a few seconds (Acid). However, May, as well as Max, guessed that it was a poison-type move, which they knew she was immune to, so she didn't bother that much to dodge it. As they guessed, it was indeed a poison-type attack as May just whipped the substance off her face, feeling nothing.

"Poison won't work on her." Said Max.

"Is that so?" Answered back Sarah.

Wondering what she had in mind, Max give May another order.

"Okay May, go for combo 1."

Unfortunately, before she could move, she received another Acid attack on her face, temporarily blinding her again.

(What is she thinking? She must know that it won't do a thing to her.) Thought Max.

{Master, it's a trick.} Called Bonny.

"What? It is?" Said Max, looking at the gloom.

Oddly enough, the gloom was standing still, doing nothing. Then, a bit too busy looking at the opponent pokemon, he didn't have the time to give an order to May as the gloom tossed another Acid attack, at which May take it with almost crossed arms. However, if Bonny said it was a trick, he kept staring at the gloom until he saw it. Every time that May was blinded and him looking at her, confused, the gloom was faintly glowing in green before very slightly getting bigger (Growth).

"Oh shit, she indeed prepares something. May, dodge those attacks and rush towards."

{… Okay.} Said May after she whipped the poison again.

Next time the gloom tossed Acid again, May did as told, dodged, and dashed towards the gloom.

"Combo 1."

"Don't let her do as pleased gloom."

With May going for Charge, the gloom then exalted a huge amount of brownish smog from its head, clouding its surrounding (Pesticide). Alongside missing the pokemon when she entered the brown cloud, May's nose was harassed by a very strong and nasty smell, at which she had to cover her nostrils.

{Phwaa! That's stinking horribly.} Commented May, hardly able to focus on the battle.

"Get out of there May." Commanded Max, unable to see his mawile inside the cloud.

Since she couldn't see where she was going, she exited the cloud but in front of the gloom that was already attacking. When the brown cloud dissipated, Max saw May being hit by a huge amount of petals, pushed by a strong wind (Petal Blizzard). Even though the move was not very effective, it was enough to make May backing up a few meters away while damaging her a bit because of the previous use of Growth.

"Combo 3 May."

Nodding, May then dashed towards the gloom. But as the pokemon was about to dodge, May stopped in front of it, turned around, and opened wide her maw towards the gloom, not moving.

"What are you planning to do?" Asked Sarah, a bit perplexed.

"I'm readying an attack." Lied Max.

"Well, in that case, we won't let you do. Dear, can you give that cute pokemon a beautiful rose?"

{Yes, mistress.} Said the gloom.

Moving around the giant maw of the steel/fairy pokemon, the gloom then used Charged towards the side of May. However, to its surprise, that was exactly what May was waiting for and quickly landed a hard Brick Break on the top of its head, making the pokemon fall face first in the ground. When the pokemon was on the ground, May then moved away, in case it wasn't enough. Like she anticipated, the gloom stood up again, but hardly. Even though glooms were resistant to fighting-type moves, Sarah's pokemon was starting to get a bit tired due to the previous attacks.

"That doesn't look good for my gloom. Okay gloom, try to make yourself feel a bit better."

Rushing towards the mawile, the gloom then used Petal Blizzard again, at which May endure by shielding herself.

"Watch out May." Called out Max.

Lowering her arms, May had just the time to barely see green light tentacles-like strands coming out of the jumping gloom coming towards her (Giga Drain). Just in time, she managed to dodge the hit, making the strand land in the grass next to her.

"Steel Fang May before it lands."

Almost grinning, May turned around and made the teeth of her maw glow in a metallic light before biting the pokemon with the move. Now having the gloom in her maw, May jumped a bit and hardly tossed the pokemon on the ground to cause additional damage. After that, the poison/grass pokemon tried to stand up, but failed and land on the ground again, unable to continue.

"Yeah, good job May." Happily exclaimed Max.

{Indeed.} Said May, a bit cockily while putting her tiny hands on her tiny waist.

{Keep it up master, you're doing great.} Cheered Bonny.

"My my, there's not much I could do against a steel type." Said Sarah, not very happy by a loss. "You did great gloom, you deserve a good rest." She added before putting the fainted pokemon back in its pokeball. "Your pokemon sure are no beginners."

"Nope. We trained a lot and it's our third badge."

"Oh, then if I want to win, I should go up a notch. Let's try that with my next one."

Taking another pokeball, Sarah made a new pokemon appeared, which was a roserade.

"You should take a little break May."

{Okay.} The mawile agreed.

After putting May back into her pokeball to rest, Max also took another one and put out Aurora from it.

"Another Steel type? You sure don't give me any chances." Said Sarah, half pleased and displeased.

"Yup, and she's no weaker than my mawile." Said Max trying to intimidate the gym leader as well as encouraging his lucario.

{A grass/poison pokemon? This will be easier than expected.} Commented Aurora, not looking that interested in the battle.

"Don't underestimate them Aurora."


"Well, let's start with…"

{I don't need you to handle an easy opponent like that.} Said Aurora before rushing towards the roserade, ignoring Max.

"Wait!" Called out Max, trying to stop her.

Not listening, Aurora tried to use Bone Rush at the roserade. After dodging the very first swing of the jackal pokemon, the roserade moved one of its flower-like hands an inches away from Aurora's face and launched a huge amount of blueish spore on it, going in her eyes and nose.

{Damnit!} Cursed Aurora while retreating with closed eyes.

After a few steps, she began to rub her eyes while sneezing, trying to remove the spore as much as possible.

"Sleep Powder sure doesn't work the usual way against a steel type, but it still can be used differently." Said Sarah. "Okay pretty boy, make her energy yours."

With the roserade nodding, the pokemon shot from its flowery hands a couple of seeds looking projectiles at Aurora (Leech Seeds) that she didn't dodge since she was still blinded.

{What is that?} Said Aurora, hardly opening her eyes when she felt something sticking against her body.

Then, in an instant, roots began to form on Aurora from the seeds glued on her and coiled almost her entire body. A second later, she felt energy being drained from her and stolen by the grass/poison pokemon.

"Shit! As soon as you got hit by Leech Seeds, your energy will slowly be drained away. The only way to get rid of them is by being hit by a fire moves, but who would purposely damage itself for that, especially when you're a steel type?" Muttered Max.

{The fuck is that?} Said Aurora, trying to remove the roots manually.

Unfortunately for her, the roots were pretty sturdy, and was required some effort from the lucario to even get rid of only one, making her lose a huge amount of time.

"She's too busy with those roots pretty boy, use that opportunity." Ordered Sarah.

Obeying, the roserade raised its arms in the air before a couple of black and big seeds were coming out of its hands, falling towards Aurora.

"Move Aurora." Almost yelled Max.

{Oh shit.} Cursed Aurora, dodging the seeds in extremis that had exploded on impact when they landed (Seed Bomb). {You want to play the shooting game? Fine to me.} Said Aurora, feeling provoked.

"No Aurora, on the contrary, you have to get close to him."

Not listening, Aurora charged up an Aura Sphere and threw it at her opponent.

{Oh, bloody lord.} Muttered Scarlet, facepalming.

"Show your own power dear." Said Sarah.

Also charging up an attack, the roserade shot an attack similar to Aurora's, but was green instead of blue (Energy Ball), making both balls exploded on contact between them, leaving mixed colored particles around the battlefield. Being her favorite strategy, Aurora used the lowered visibility of the collided attacks to dash towards the roserade with Bone Rush again. Stepping out the cloud, the roserade was pretty much expecting her and dodged the hit, since it knew that the lucario was now careful about her surprise Sleep Powder. Faster than she anticipated, Aurora was getting upset at being unable to touch her opponent and went for her second favorite strategy, swinging the bone of her Bone Rush relentlessly at it. Since Aurora was rather slow, the roserade was able to easily dodge every hit.

"Let's plants some trees pretty boy." Ordered Sarah.

After hearing her order, the roserade then began to dodge Aurora's attacks with some acrobatics move and twirls with its flowery hands hitting the ground a couple of times.

{Would you stop running away?} Angrily said Aurora to the pokemon.

To Max's surprise, Sarah's pokemon was indeed dodging his lucario's attack without riposting.

[I've got a bad feeling about this master.] Said Scarlet to Max.

Trying to see what she could be talking about, Max observed the roserade, but besides its twirls, he didn't see anything suspicious. After a moment, Aurora began to grow a bit tired and stopped attacking, retaking the little breathe she had lost.

{Would you fight… or what?} Said Aurora, slightly panting.

{I already am. Why don't you try to hit me again?} Provoked the roserade.

{Eh, gladly.}

With her breath back to normal, Aurora made her bone disappear and dashed towards the pokemon, planning on attacked her with Force Palm since it was her fastest move. However… after a few steps, something exploded under one of Aurora's feet, blowing her off a bit in the air before she landed on her belly.

{Ghaa…} Growled Aurora, a bit painfully.

"What the… the hell was that?" Said Max, dumbfounded.

{That's what I thought. Master, I'm sure he did something to the ground when he was doing his acrobatic show.} Said Scarlet to Max.

"Really? What?" He asked, getting worried.

{I don't know.} Said Scarlet, not knowing either.

"Aurora, watch out for the ground."

{And how do you expect me to do that? In case you didn't notice, I can't fly you, idiot.} Angrily said Aurora, standing up.

"He did something to the ground. Watch out for that."

{I don't have time for that. I must beat him before he does it again.} Said Aurora, making a bone made out of energy appears again with Bone Rush.

Trying to zigzag instead of going straight, Aurora dashed once again towards the roserade. Going a bit further than last time, Aurora was getting pretty confident in her offense when another explosion happens under her feet, sending her flying a meter away again before landing on her back. Then, she again felt her energy being drained away and stolen by the roserade.

"We should retreat Aurora." Said Max, taking out her pokeball.

{Don't you dare take me out of this battle.} Aggressively yelled Aurora, standing up slightly painfully.


{This time, I got him.} She said before jumping and readying another Bone Rush.

"Show them how plants defend themselves dear."

At that, the roserade raised its arms again and aimed at Aurora before hundreds of small bullet-like seeds came out of its flower hands and hit Aurora (Bullet Seed). Taking hits, Aurora had no choice but to shield herself with her energy bone, blocking only a few of them. Missing her attack after she landed close to her opponent, Aurora made the mistake to move away from the pokemon in a different direction, making another mine exploded under her.

{Ghhaaaa!} Painfully growled Aurora while blown away again before landing on her back.

"Aurora, can't you see that rushing towards him like that doesn't work?" Loudly said Max.

{Shut up.} She angrily said, standing up again.

"Again dear."

When Aurora saw the roserade raising its arms again, she knew what to expect and used Bone Rush again. As soon as the roserade initiated Bullet Seed, Aurora made her bone spin at high speed, making a circle defense system, blocking all of the projectiles.

{Ah, try to touch me now.} Cockily said Aurora.

{You sure have a good defense, but you can't keep doing that and block my attack forever.} Said the roserade while still attacking.

{Wasn't planning on that.}

"Aurora, you have to get out of there." Said Max, trying to direct Aurora.

With that, Aurora began to move slowly towards her opponent while keeping spinning her bone, making it look like a circular saw-shaped shield. While carefully approaching her opponent, Aurora was regularly looking at the ground to see any trace of where those mines could be. After a moment, she indeed saw a big black seed that was almost completely buried in the ground.

{I see, you used Seed Bomb and create them so that they exploded on pressure.} Said Aurora while she moved around the mine.

{Well observed.} Said the roserade, not feeling threatened at all.

{You're pretty calm for someone that has his strategy figured out.}

At that, the roserade only grinned.

(Is he mocking me? Or has his fear made him lose his mind? Anyway, all I have to do is to pass around them and…)

As she was passing around another mine, a pretty big explosion happens under her feet, sending her flying higher than usual in the air with the roserade stopping its attack.

{They are not all visible.} Said the grass pokemon while Aurora was making her ascension.

"Now Dear." Ordered Sarah.

Before Aurora could land, the roserade charged its energy a bit and made her hands grow a bit bigger before aiming its hands towards Aurora and shot a torrent of large pieces of petals at high velocity (Flower Cannon), making the lucario ascend even further into the air while damaging her.

"Aurora!" Yelled Max, worried.

When she was high enough in the air, the roserade stopped its attack, making Aurora stop going higher and began to fall back towards the ground. While the lucario was falling, the roserade shot a pile of Seed Bomb on the ground to where she was about to land.

{… Fuck.} Cursed Aurora, shielding her face with arms.

As soon as Aurora touched the pile of seeds, they all burst into a huge explosion, making Aurora being violently propelled against the dome shield on her back. After the impact, she landed on her hind legs before falling on all four due to being too weak. Quickly standing up, she tried to walk forwards but began to lose her balance after a few steps, losing consciousness while standing before falling on her stomach, unable to continue.

"Damnit Aurora." Cursed Max. "You… did well Aurora, come back." He said before putting her back in her pokeball.

"I'm not sure I really enjoy that victory. You seem that have trouble with your lucario." Said Sarah, not sounding happy.

"I do, but I'm working on that." Said Max, slightly mad.

"Knowing how good you are with pokemon, I'm sure you will succeed." Said Sarah, trying to encourage him.

"Thanks. Okay Dusk, show her what you can do." Said Max before letting Dusk out of her pokeball.

"A fire type? Dear, it's is not my day today." Said Sarah, sounding a bit desperate.

"Okay Dusk, let's harass that pokemon a bit with combo 1."

{Roger.} Said Dusk while taking her wand.

Rushing towards the roserade but not directly at it, Dusk began to shoot a couple of Ember attacks at the pokemon. Even though the roserade was dodging them, Dusk's attacks were quite fast as a few of them hit the pokemon. Ember was a quite fast attack, but weak, damaging only a little the roserade, even if it was weak to fire. Then, as her opponent was dodging an Ember attack, Dusk went for charge. Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough and missed.

"You're braixen looks quite strong, but I think it lacks a bit of speed. Pretty boy, can you pollinate the zone please."

Nodding, the roserade raised its arms in the air and used Seed Bomb multiples times, making the sky covered in black exploding seeds.

"Damnit! Dusk, don't let them touch you." Warned Max.

Trying her best, Dusk began to dodge the seeds as much as possible while burning some that she couldn't dodge. However, there were too many of them as the braixen got caught in a few explosions, damaging her a bit.

"You're doing okay Dusk?" Asked Max.

{Yes. It was nothing.} Said Dusk, trying to look tough.

At that, Max couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at how cute she was.

"Okay Dusk, combo 4."

Rushing towards the other pokemon, Dusk went for multiples Scratch attacks, all dodged by the roserade, before going for Bite, also dodged by the pokemon. The braixen then went for those two attacks a couple of times, getting her opponent used to her pattern. Luckily for her, it seems to have worked as after a scratch attack, Dusk pretended to use Bite, making the roserade dodge by backing up. As soon as the pokemon touched the ground, Dusk immediately went for Flamethrower, hitting the grass pokemon at full force, heavily damaging it.

"Oh my, you got us on that." Said Sarah, a bit worried. "You feeling okay pretty boy?"

{Y-yeah, I'm okay.} Said the roserade, hardly standing up.

"Way to go Dusk." Praised Max.

"Alright pretty boy, go for the Tulip formation." Ordered Sarah.

After nodding, the roserade stayed in a defensive position, waiting for Dusk to attack.

"Not attacking? Good for us then. Combo 2 Dusk."

At first, Dusk was going for charge, but a few meters away from her, the roserade made a huge jump backward after dropping a couple of Seed Bomb in the ground, forcing Dusk to stop.

"That's all? Just jump over it Dusk."

Doing as told, Dusk jumped over the line of Seed Bomb in order to continue her combo. However, as soon as Dusk left the ground, the roserade assaulted Dusk with Bullet Seed, stopping her momentum and made her fall in the Seed Bomb line, making a few explosions that propelled her a few meters away from her opponent.

"That tricky little…" Muttered Max.

Even though it was a grass-type move, Dusk has been damaged quite a bit.

"Okay Dusk, combo 2 again."

At this order, Dusk was wondering why he was asking to do something that didn't work, but trusted him and went for it again. As he anticipated, the roserade dodged again by backing up and using Seed Bomb to make an impassable line of mines.

"Okay Dusk, jumping doesn't work, so go around it and use a large version of red 2 with a large spiral." Commanded Max.

As Scarlet and Bonny were a bit confused at the order, Dusk seemed to have understood and moved around the mine line before using Flamethrower. While using the move, Dusk made a circular movement with her stick making the Flamethrower attack being transformed into a large spiral of fire. Unfortunately, even though the attack was rather wide, the roserade managed to dodge the attack just in time.

"Rose offense pretty boy." Said Sarah.

Before Dusk and Max could do or say anything, the roserade used a move that Max hasn't seen yet. From the hands of the grass pokemon, a couple of multi-colored leaves popped out before tracing towards Dusk (Magical Leaf.) Doing her best to dodge, it was like the attack was head seeking as the leaves were getting back at her, no matter how many times she was dodged them. While taking hits, Dusk and Max didn't see that the roserade had launched yet again Flower Cannon that Dusk couldn't dodge and propelled her a couple of meters away, landing on her belly.


As soon as Dusk opened her eyes to stand up, she was hit by Seed Bomb and made her disappear in the smoke of the explosions.

"No Dusk!" Yelled Max, getting worried.

When the smoke dissipated, Dusk was on her belly, not moving.

"N-no way."

"Well, I'm afraid that… what?"

While speaking, Sarah stopped mid-sentence when she saw Dusk trying to get up with difficulties.

"Dusk no. You can stop now, you did your best. Don't push yourself too hard."

{No… master. I won't… give up… just yet.} She hardly said while using almost all of her might to stand up.

Suddenly, as Dusk was on her knees, flames began to briefly appear around her body.

{I… won't… let you down… master.}

When on her hind legs, the flames began to grow bigger.

{I… have to win.}

Then, in an instant, the flames covered Dusk's entire body.

"Whoa, is that…"

{Hmm, looks like Dusk finally mastered Flame Charge master.} Said Scarlet.

"Holy… Okay Dusk, if it's you wish, you can stay. However… I think more speed will be necessary." Said Max, almost grinning.

{Consider it done, master.} Said Dusk, grinning as well before rushing towards the pokemon.

"Oh no, don't let her touch you, pretty boy." Warned Sarah.

However, with only her first attack, Dusk was faster than before as the roserade dodged it with more difficulties.

"Again Dusk, top-up that speed of yours."

Turning around, Dusk charged at the pokemon With Flame Charge with greater speed again, at which the roserade was barely dodging now.

"Stop her pretty boy."

Readying his arms, the roserade shot a barrage of Bullet Seed at Dusk. Unfortunately for the grass pokemon, Dusk had gained enough speed to dodge the attack and hit the roserade.

"Don't stop now Dusk."

Being faster and faster, the roserade was now unable to keep up and was hit by every Flame Charge that Dusk was throwing at it. After a moment, she was going so fast that the delay between hits was only a few seconds, damaging the grass pokemon progressively.

"Okay Dusk, time to finish it off with your strongest attack at full power."

After her strongest Flame Charge that propelled the roserade a few meters away on the ground, Dusk jumped and unleashed the strongest Flamethrower that she could do. Powerless and unable to move away in time, the roserade was hit by a huge pillar of flame from above. A few seconds later, Dusk stopped her attack and landed on the ground, close to the now fainted pokemon.

"Hell yeah Dusk, you're the girl." Said Max while throwing a fist in the air.

{Thanks… master.} Happily said Dusk, panting.

"My, your pokemon are full of surprises. It was a nice fight pretty boy, you did well." She said before putting her fainted pokemon back in her pokeball.

"Yours too. It's true that you're not to be underestimated even if I have the type advantage."

"Why thank you, young man. As a gym leader, I'm trying to be as challenging as possible." She said before taking out her last pokeball. "Speaking of challenge, I hope you find my last pokemon interesting." She added before letting out another pokemon.

Out of Sarah's pokeball appeared her last pokemon, a torterra.

{Ghraa!} Growled the pokemon.

"If I were to take a bet, I'm guessing you saved your best for the last."

"It's a good strategy, don't you think?"

"Eh, sure. Dusk you should rest for now."

{No master… I can continue.} Protested Dusk.

"But you look very tired."

{Maybe master… but for now… May is our best… hope to beat them… so I'll try to… at least to land a few hits… for her.} Said the braixen, still panting.

"… Dusk…"

{I can… do it master.}

"… 'sigh' I must say that I don't agree, but if it's what you want."

{Thanks master.} Said Dusk, getting in a fighting position.

At this instant, all the grass that was covering the dirt terrain began to die and fading away before transforming into a pile of dust.

"Oh my, looks like Grassy Terrain finally wear off. I was hoping that it could last a bit longer, but oh well, I'll have to manage."

"Okay Dusk, first to strike, first to win. Engage with combo 3." Ordered Max.

Even though Dusk had accumulated a lot of speed with Flame Charge, tiredness was slowing her quite a bit. However, she still managed to hit the torterra with Flamethrower, not having time to dodge. She immediately chained with Charge, which kind of fail since her opponent was way too heavy, stopping her momentum.

"Okay Terry, make the marguerite blooms please."

Before Dusk could continue her combo, the torterra wanted to use Leech Seed on her. Fortunately, she was fast enough to dodge it. Not leaving her the time to react, the torterra chained with Razor Leaf at her but at hind legs level. Not wanting to get hit, Dusk jumped as high as possible, successfully dodging the move. But when she looked at her opponent while falling, her eyes widened a bit when she saw it holding a front leg in the air, like it was waiting for her to finish falling. Powerless and as soon as Dusk touched the ground, the torterra drop its leg, making the ground shake and fissure in a straight line towards her(Bulldoze). Like the pokemon planned, Dusk couldn't dodge it as she took the hit at full force, propelling her a few meters away.

"Dusk! You okay?" Called Max.

Hardly, Dusk then stood up.

{Yes… master… I'm…}

Unable to finish, Dusk dropped on her stomach, unable to continue.

"Damnit." Muttered Max.

"You rocked Dusk. You did very well." Said Max, putting her pokemon back in her pokeball.

"My, I have rarely seen pokemon with such willpower. They must really want you to win." Said Sarah, impressed by Max's pokemon strength.

"Yeah, but not only that, but they also want to win for themselves." Said Max while looking at Bonny and Scarlet, at which they gave him a reassuring smile. "Let's say that I have a pretty stubborn team." Said Max, taking out May's pokeball.

"Well, I must admit that it's doing well for you. I don't get battle like this very often."

After smiling, Max then took May out.

"How are you feeling May?"

{Better, thanks to that little rest.} Said May, getting into position.

"Good to hear. Now May, I'll to ask you to trust me on this battle."

{You know I already do.}

"Yeah, so whatever may happen during this battle, don't jump okay?"

A bit confused, May looked at him a moment.

{… Okay, master.} She said before staring back at the torterra, trusting him.

"Alright, young man looks like we both are down to our last pokemon."


"Then, may the strongest win."

"Yes, and that will be us. May, go for Combo 4."

As soon as May heard 4, she dashed towards the torterra and used two pounds in a row. The first one missed with the pokemon dodging, but since it was slow, he took the second one. Immediately after, she chained with a Headbutt. Since May had a stronger attack, the torterra was reacting more to the attack and moved a few inches away from May. As soon as May's head stop being in contact with the grass/ground pokemon, she quickly used Break Brick, after which she retreated a bit from the pokemon. Pound and Headbutt didn't do a lot of damage, but Brick Break was quite strong, even for the torterra.

"Terry, a hibiscus bouquet please?"

"Ghraa." Growled the torterra before going for Bulldoze.

"This is it. Dodge it May but without jumping."

Like he guessed, the torterra use Bulldoze in May with the fissuring going right towards her. Quickly noticing that it was going in a straight line, May dodged it by stepping to the side. May's happiness of being able to not being hit was cut short when she saw her opponent going for another one, forcing her to dodge again.

"May, the move doesn't go far, you should take some distance."

Obeying, May then dodged another attack before backing up until she saw the fissuring on the ground stop.

"Okay, she's out of reach, but what now?" Muttered Max.

{Watch out master.} Warned Scarlet.

A bit busy in his thought, Max failed to see the torterra preparing another attack. Oddly though, this one seems very slow to charge up as it was like the pokemon was absorbing the sunlight.

(Wait… the sunlight?) Thought Max.

"Damn, quick May don't let him finish and stop him with Steel Fang."

Going as fast as she could, May charged at the pokemon. Unfortunately for May, when she was halfway to the pokemon, the torterra's little grey plate on its shell above its head began to glow brightly like the sun. Knowing that it was no good, May prepared to dodge the attack. Expertly, May moved aside as soon as the torterra shoot a very bright and hot ray of light from its shell plate (Solar Beam), missing the mawile before it hit the energy dome. But after May made one step towards her opponent, the grass pokemon moved aside so the still firing Solar Beam followed May and hit her, sending her flying a couple of meters away.

{Shoot.} Cursed May while standing back up.

"Shit, she got hit. Good thing grass-type moves don't affect May a lot." Muttered Max.

"What a really resilient mawile you have there. She's doesn't even look bothered by my attack."

"May is indeed a strong pokemon. Why don't we show that May with Combo 1"

{Roger.} Said May before rushing at Sarah's pokemon.

"She hit strong Terry, cover yourself." Called Sarah before May reaches the torterra.

Seeing the upcoming attack, the torterra dodged the charge attack of May. The torterra may not be really fast, but unfortunately, May wasn't a lot faster. The mawile then chained with Steel Fang. However, as soon as it dodged May's first attack, the torterra then retracted all of his members inside like a turtle, making May's Steel Fang doing less damage. After that, Maw retreated from the pokemon.

"Did your pokemon have giving up and hiding?" Asked Max, a bit puzzled.

"Hmm, I wonder about that." She said with an innocent tone.

Waiting for the pokemon to react, May and Max stared at the grass pokemon, getting ready for an eventual attack. As they waiting, instead of seeing him moving, they saw the torterra shell faintly glowing in blue (Withdraw).

{Can't you see that it's also a trap master?} Commented Scarlet.

"Damnit." Cursed Max, not able to notice that.

{Well, don't just stand there master, and attack him already.} Called Bonny.

"Alright alright. Well, since it's a pretty defenseless mode, any attack would do. Okay May, go a couple of Steel Fang alongside Brick Break.

Upon hearing her master's order, May ran to the protected pokemon and began to assault it with a few Steel Fang and Brick Break. Then, after only a few of each, the torterra began to quickly spin on itself (Tera Spin) and hit May, propelling her few meters behind, taking some damage.

"What was that?" Said Max while seeing his mawile slightly having a hard time standing up.

"It was one of toterra's specific moves, Tera Spin. Since that attack harvests the earth power, the attack is a ground type move, the type your mawile is weak against." Explained Sarah.

"Damnit! We can't jump and even get close to it, what to do? Damn, now I really wish that Mat knew a fire-type move." Muttered Max.

{Calm down master and try to clear your mind to think properly.} Reassured Scarlet.

"How? May sure is tough but she can't keep up forever."

{Remember that her opponent also took damage.}

"… 'sigh' you're right." Said Max, trying his best to think about something.

For a moment, Max then thought until he saw the still withdrawn pokemon faintly glowing blue again, meaning that its defense has increased again.

"Wait, I got it. May, remember my not to do command?"

{Yes, master.}

"Well, forget it and go attack him."

{… Okay.} Said May, unsure of what he had in mind before dashing towards him.

"Use Steel Fang again multiple times." Ordered Max.

Doing as told, May started to harass the hidden pokemon with her attacks.

(That torterra attacked after a couple of seconds. I should be able to anticipate that.)

Max then waited a couple of seconds before he felt it was the time.

"Retreat May." Ordered Max.

After May obeyed, the grass turtle pokemon indeed use Tera Spin again but failed since May was out of reach.

"Now quick, jump on its back."

Not losing a second, May obeyed again and jumped on the pokemon's large back.

"Don't let them do as pleased Terry, get rid of her."

"Hold on to the tree with your maw May."

A second before the torterra used Tera Spin in the hope to send the mawile fly away, May had grabbed the tree on its back with her giant maw, making her able to stand her ground.

"Now assault him with Brick Break."

Unable to do anything with an ineffective way to get rid of steel/fairy pokemon, the torterra was relentlessly attacked by May multiple Brick Break, damaging him progressively.

"No, Terry!" Said Sarah, slightly horrified.

Knowing that stayed like this would only lead to its defeat, the torterra exited its shell hideout and began to run while rutting in the hope to make the mawile lose its grasp. Unfortunately, the mawile hold still and continue to receive damage.

"Okay Terry, we don't have a choice. Use Razor Leave on yourself."

Even though the torterra didn't like the idea, he knew that it was probably his only option. Then, the grass/ground pokemon made a thousand leaves appeared from its tree before directing them towards May on its back.

"Leave May."

Leaving its back, May however took a few hits before landing on the ground. Fortunately, it was nothing serious.

"Okay Terry, we can't make that battle keep going longer. Let's finish her with Forestry." Ordered Sarah.

{Ghraa.} Growled the torterra before shoving its two front legs in the ground.

"Whatever they're up to, don't let them do it May. Combo 1 again."

Going as fast as possible, May used charge at her opponent. Then suddenly, before she could reach him, the ground began to shake a bit, making May losing its balance and trip.

"Quick May, don't let that bother you."

Nodding, May trying her best to stand up and attack. However, before she could even move after standing, a huge tree quickly burst from under May and heavily hit her while growing, sending her flying a couple of meters in the air. But before starting falling on the ground, another tree popped out from the ground and grew to an unreal speed and hit May again, sending her flying higher in the air. Then, she got by another one, and another, and another one. After 5 or six of them, the attack stopped, making mawile finally able to fall towards the ground. Unfortunately, she was pretty high in the air.

"No May!" Called Max, knowing that the fall would hurt her quite a lot."

"Okay Terry, let's greet her with the most powerful ground move."

Then, as soon as May touched the ground, the torterra use a move similar to Bulldoze but with the radius, effect extended to the whole battlefield as well as looking way stronger (Earthquake). Sending May flying again further behind as well a huge pile of dirt and dust, the mawile then landing a couple of meters away from her initial position.

"May!" Yelled Max, unable to see her due to the dirt and dust.

When the dust settled down after a few seconds, Max saw May half-covered in dirt.

"May…" Muttered Max, sensing defeat with Bonny gasping in worry.

Then, to everyone's surprise, they all saw the dirt pile moving and May standing with extreme difficulties.

"May!" Happily called Max.

{I… can… still… fight… master.} Hardly said May with shaking legs, meaning that she was standing with sheer willpower, wanting to show her master how strong she was.

"Oh my, that's… impossible." Said Sarah, worried.

"That's the strength of my team, Sarah." Proudly said Max.

Sarah then looked at her torterra that was panting quite heavily and was struggling a bit to keep his balance.

"… Forestry is a very powerful grass type move but leaves the user extremely weakened. I guess this battle is coming to an end." Said Sarah.

"Looks like it."

"So let's see who have the strongest willpower. Terry, Wood Hammer."

"May, Brick Break at full power." Commended Max.

At that, both of the pokemon charged their attack as much as possible before dashing towards the other. With the torterra running on three legs with green energy covering a leg in a rather big wood log shape and May with her fist glowing more stronger than ever, their attacks clashed together for a moment before they both were propelled by the shockwave of the attack a couple of meters away. With both of them staring at each other and panting, May began to get weak as one knee falls to the ground, but still able to fight. Then, as everyone thought that May will be the first to fall, the torterra leg gives up, making him fall on his stomach, unable to continue.

"Oh… my." Said Sarah, almost shocked.

"I… I… win?" Muttered Max, almost not believe it.

{Yes master, you did.} Happily cheered Bonny.

"Holy shit! I won, I freaking won." Said Max with his happiness rising quickly. "We did it May!" He continued while downing the dome shield and rushing towards his May. "You're the girl May, you're the best." He loudly said before almost tackling May into a hug.

{Yes… master… we… did… it.} Said May, going all limb in Max's arms.

"Yes May, we did it. You and the others made us win." Strongly hugging May.

{Way to go May.} Cheered Bonny while happily jumping towards them with Scarlet.

{Good work indeed.} Said Scarlet while smiling.

"Good job Terry, you did your best.} Said Sarah before putting her pokemon back in its pokeball. "That was a very interesting battle young man. You made my old heart skip a beat a moment there." She added before walking towards Max.

"All thanks to them." Said Max while standing up with the weak mawile in his arm like a princess.

"I must admit, I rarely see a pokemon with that much willpower for their trainer. You sure have a special and rare bond with your team."

{You have no idea.} Said Scarlet slightly seductively.

{That was awesome May.} Praised Bonny with a huge smile.

{… Thanks.} Said May a bit weakly.

"For that, I'm more than happy to give that." Said Sarah handing him a blue rose-shaped badge.

"Thanks." He said before taking it. "See that May? It's the result of your effort and the others."

{Yay…} She weakly cheered.

"Hehe, you sure deserve a rest after that." He said while petting her with his thumb.

"She sure did. A little tour to the pokemon center would surely be a good idea."

"Eh, you tell me." Said Max, putting his badge in his pocket.

"Let me escort you to the exit."

"Thanks." Said Max before he and his team began to follow Sarah.

"… I'm a bit curious, how did you manage to have such a deep bond with your pokemon?" Asked Sarah as they were entering the greenhouse.

"Well…" Said Max while looking at Scarlet and Bonny with them looking away a bit embarrassedly. "A lot of care and affection is the key I guess."

"Hmhmm. Most trainers can do that, and yet, they don't seem that close to their pokemon."

"True. I suppose me understanding them helps a lot."

"That too is something a trainer can do, but with a lot and lot of training and time passed with the pokemon."

"I mean I can literally understand what they say as well as you and me talking."

"Really?" Said Sarah, rather surprised.

"Yep, all thanks to that beautiful gardevoir." Said Max, pointing at Scarlet.

"Wow. That's really convenient I must say. Still, I'm surprised at how close you seem with them. Like I said, I never saw a trainer that had let out their non-fighting pokemon outside to see his battle."

"They wanted to see so, why not."

"That's exactly the thing. They seem to love you so much that they are worried for you. It's almost like a boy and his girlfriend."

"Eh, yeah, I suppose I'm just that good with pokemon." Said Max, a bit scared to be found out.

"I also noticed that all of your pokemon are females so, it might be that."

"What… do you mean?" Said Max, now worried.

[Do I need to erase her memory?] Asked Scarlet, ready to intervene.

(No need to. At least until we're sure that she doesn't figure it out.)

"I mean that pokemon and humans are similar in many ways. In my many years of living, I noticed that relationships between pokemon and humans were a bit stronger when they were not the same gender."

"… I see." Said Max, not reassured.

"That and you being a wonderful and nice trainer could explain that." Finished Sarah.

"Y-yeah, I always do my best for my partners." Said Max, almost sighing in relief.

Shortly after, they arrived in the small living portion of the greenhouse with Sarah opening the door for them.

"That was really nice meeting you young man. Every time I lose, it reminds me that there is always something to learn and not underestimate the youth."

"Yeah, I learned to never underestimate anyone, whatever I have an advantage or not."

"Glad to have been some kind of help for you young man. Goodbye and good luck for your next gym battle, you're gonna need it."

"Is the other harder?"

"I don't want to spoil anything for you, but what I can say is that I wasn't the hardest or the more vicious one."

"Oh, not very reassuring."

"Haha. Well, as for me, I'm too worried about you. Just keep getting stronger and everything will be fine."

"Alright, thanks, Miss Sarah."

After saying goodbye as well, Max left the greenhouse with May still in arms and his gardevoir and lopunny following him.

"Okay girls, let's hit the pokemon center so we continue our journey with renewed energy."

{That was close call there. For a moment, I feared that that human will figure out our… hem, relation.} Said Bonny after they began to head towards the pokemon healing building.

{I was ready to get rid of her as soon as she finds us out.} Said Scarlet a bit coldly.

"Scarlet!" Said Max, almost shocked.

{Hihi, just kidding master. Not in front of innocent eyes at least.} Said Scarlet while looking at the now asleep mawile.

"Not everything needs to be resolve by violence."

{If you say so, master.} Said Scarlet, not believing in his own words. {But the first one who tries to harm or threaten you in any possible way is quite eligible for a quite… unfortunate end.}

"Whoa there, no need to go that far."

{Sorry master, but I more or less agree with Scarlet. Besides the end part, you can be sure that no one will ever lay a hand on you.} Said Bonny, defending Scarlet.

"I can defend myself you know."

{Personally, I don't care if you can or not. Whether you like it or not, I'll get rid of anything that could be a nuisance to you.}

"Okay, but what will happen if you think that something is a nuisance but is not for me in reality?"

{…I hope you're not serious right now?} Said Scarlet, sounding offended.


{Do you really think I'm stupid enough to not make the difference between what is a threat and what is not?} Said Scarlet, glaring at Max with suspicious eyes.

"I… guess not. Sorry."

{That's more like it.}

(… What about that girl in the woods?) Thought Bonny, not wanting Max to hear that.

[… That was different.]

(How so?)

[Look, it's none of your business okay. Anyway, you were also happy that I did that, even if it was very slightly.]

(I won't deny it. What I try to say is that I understand what master means. I hope you don't plan on killing every girl that is interested in master.)

[That could be a solution.]

Bonny then looked suspiciously at Scarlet.

[Calm down, I'm only joking.]

(I hope. I don't like seeing other girls buzzing around master, but you know handsome and nice he is, so you can be sure that he will attract a lot of females.)

[Honestly, if it's a pokemon, I won't give a shit, but human, hell no. They don't deserve master's kindness. They should all just slowly die from a painful and agonizing death before burning in hell forever before being reincarnated so I can kill them again.] Said Scarlet, putting all of her hate in her words.

(Yeah, you hate humans with all of your being, we get that.) Said Bonny, so used to her that it was getting a bit old. (But remembers that master is a human. Surely he is not the only kind human in there.)

[For me, he is.]

(That too we get it. Master is also the only one for me, but they're also other humans around him so he can… socialize or something, I don't know, but you know what I mean.)

[I do. Why do you think I allow humans to breathe around him?]

(Hmm, good point I guess. But what I'm trying to say is that master is right; violence or killing is not always the solution.)

[Would you say the same thing if someone tries to harm or even kill master?]

(… However, a really hard-ass whopping can always be a solution. I mean, a really, really hard-ass whopping.)

[You mean like making him crippled for the rest of his life?]

(… It's not killing right?)

[… Hahaha.] Laughed Scarlet a bit. [I guess I underestimated your wickedness girl.] She added, smiling.

(Let's just hope that I'm not in my mega form if it ever happens.)

[Oh, that, however, is something I would kill to see.]

(You sure about that? You know that the result is not very pretty.)

[Exactly my point.]

(Eh, same old Scarlet over again.) Thought Bonny with a grin.

[You can't withdraw the few flaws I have, otherwise, I'll be too damn perfect.]

(Yeah, I'll give it to you that this time.)

As both of them were giggling together with Max not knowing why they all arrived in front of a rather small pokemon center after a moment.

{Just wondering, is there a pokemon center in every place we're going to?} Asked Bonny, curious.

"Probably since all cities or towns are obligated to have a pokemon center, especially if they have a gym."

{How so?} Asked Bonny as they passed the front door.

"Probably to be able to heal a pokemon at any moment. It's a human law, so I don't know much."

{Why don't they do it for human centers as well?}

"Haha, it's called a hospital when it's for human Bonny. And I don't know, maybe because human care cost much more and that all towns can't afford that."

{I like it like that.} Commented Scarlet.

"Why?" Asked Max.

{Because with fewer places to heal humans, they are more likely to die.} She coldly said.

"Why did I even ask?" Said Max, sighing desperately.

{Even I saw that one coming master.} Said Bonny, not that much surprised.

"Whatever. Let's just heal our champions and leave to our next destination." Said Max before putting the sleeping mawile in her pokeball.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the pokemon center and got inside.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" Said the nurse at the counter when at it.

"Yes, a quick heal up please." Said Max, handing her three pokeballs.

"Right away sir." She said, taking them on a healing machine.

While waiting, Max took out his third badge and looked at it for a moment.

{I'm proud of you master.} Warmly said, Scarlet.

"Thanks, but it's no big deal. I still have seven more to go and if Sarah said is true, it will only get harder from now on."

{Not if I have something to say.} Said Bonny with her paws on her hips.

"Worth being trusted as usual I see." Said Max, petting Bonny's head. "But as you were able to see in that battle, we can't let our guard down."

{I know, and that's why we have doubled our efforts.} Said Bonny with conviction.

"True. We can't afford to get weaker by sitting on our asses doing nothing." Said Max, putting his badge back in his pocket.

{Not if 'I' have something to say.} Added Scarlet.

With Max laughing a bit and Bonny giggling, the nurse was finally done and back with Max's three pokemon.

"Here you go, mister. Your pokemon should be top shape right now."

"Thank you very much." Politely said Max before leaving the building.

{Don't you want to show the others the proof of your success?} Said Bonny when they were outside.

"Maybe later. For now, they need a really good rest. After all, they went all out in battle."

{Well, where to next then?} Asked Scarlet, eager to know where was their next destination.

"Tell you in a second."

Like usual, Max took his pokedex and did some research.

"Okay, the next gym leader is… oh, a water type."

{Oh, then I guess Dusk won't be part of the battle.} Said Scarlet.

"I guess not. Anyway, she deserves a little break since she has been in all of our battles until now."

{That's fair.} Added Bonny.

"And the location is… oh."

{What is it?} Said Scarlet, curious about Max's surprised face.

"…Girls, I hope you brought your swimsuit because we're gonna go to the beach." Said Max, starting to get hyped.

{Well, first, we don't wear clothes. And second, what?} Said Scarlet.

"You heard me. Apparently, the next gym leader is located in a few towns away from here and in a city named Corsocoast, a place quite famous for its huge and gorgeous beach."

{That sounds awesome, even though I don't know what a beach is.} Said Bonny.

{A human-filled place where there is lots of sand in front of the ocean.} Said Scarlet, half pleased.

{Oh, that does sound awesome.}

"Yeah. It could be nice to relax a bit there before continuing our journey."

{Woohoo.} Sarcastically said, Scarlet.

"Come on Scarlet, I'm sure you will love it."

{Do you know how many humans go to the beach, especially on nice days? I can barely endure them when there are only a few, so imagine a whole bunch of them.} She said, a bit upset.

"It's not so bad. Peoples are more busy having fun or relaxing while bronzing than anything else."

{Yes Scarlet, I really want to see that. Don't ruin this for us.} Said Bonny, wanting to see the beach.

{I'm not holding you from going there, but I'll probably do like the last time and wait that you're done.}

"Please Scarlet, It won't be that much fun without you."

{I think that you really need to work on that human problem Scarlet.} Commented Bonny.

{Whatever, let's just start by going over there first. We'll sort things out once we do.}

"… Fine. I really do hope that you will come. A simple city, I can understand, but the beach, it's something you really have to go to at least once in your life."

{What's so much fun about sand and salty water?}

"Well… hem… well, you have to experience it to understand." Said Max, hardly able to give a valid reason.

{Really convincing.} Said Scarlet, rolling her eyes.

"Like you said, whatever. We're not there any time soon, so we still can think about something. Alright, walk or pokeball?" Asked Max to his lopunny.

{I'm a bit tired, so I'll choose the pokeball.}

After nodding, Max put Bonny back to her capsule.

"Alright love, let's see what the future has for us." Said Max before starting to walk outside the town and towards the next town or city.

{Well, I can already tell our future for tonight.} Said Scarlet with a seductive tone, making Max sigh while shaking his head in desperation.