
Maybe an hour and a half after the sun was up, Max was slowly being awakened by something tickling his nose. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw one of Bonny's huge eyebrows brushing against it, still sleeping. After freeing his arms, he rubbed his face and eyes, smelling the fresh and slightly humid air of the morning. Even though the sun was starting to heat up the atmosphere, the air around him was still rather cool, but less than yesterday night. He then remembered the rain from last night and looked at Dusk to see that she was still deeply asleep.

"She must be exhausted," Max mumbled before lightly rubbing her head.

{Good morning little pup.} Luna greeted from above.

"Good morning," Max answered while raising his head to see Luna on the same branch as yesterday.

{Slept well?}

"Well wouldn't be the exact term," Max told, rubbing his neck due to it being a bit sore.

{I'm sorry to hear that, but if you actually had lied down instead of staying seated, maybe it would have been better.}

"That would have been more for Dusk to cover with her powers. Sitting under a tree was the best way to minimize her effort."

{… Good point.}

"I always have good points." Max jested.

{I bet you do.} Luna agreed, even though it was obvious she wasn't thinking it.

"All right, let's get something to eat and we will be good to hit the road."

{If you want to, I can hunt it for you.} Luna proposed.

"You could do that?"

{Of course, I can, what do you think a carnivore like me eats?}

"Fair enough. Well, if it's not too much trouble than I accept your proposition."

{Roger. I'll however need the help of Dusk afterward since you humans eat your meat cooked.}

"No problem."

{Good. Be right back then.} Luna replied before disappearing into the woods.

"Time to wake the girls up then. It's morning girls, time to wake up." Max called out a bit more loudly.

{… Al… already?} Bonny sleepily mumbled, lightly moving.

"I'm afraid so."

{But… it's so… comfy here.} Bonny complained before going for a strong hug.

"Come on, move that lazy rear of yours."

{No.} She simply denied without moving.


Not responding, Max wanted to force her to move, but not with the others around.

"All right girls, you two will be more likely to listen," Max grumbled before shaking May and Dusk.

{Yeah, don't worry master.} May responded before stretching between his legs.

Since Dusk was a hard sleeper, Max had to shake her harder to wake her up.

{What… is it… master?} Dusk sleepily and lowly asked, almost whispering.

"I'm sorry Dusk, but it's morning. I know you must be exhausted, so maybe you want to go in your pokeball to rest some more?"

{I… would appreciate that master. Thanks} Dusk thanked him before Max put her into her pokeball.

"That must have been hard for her." Max shared while putting away her shrunk pokeball.

{I'm not a psychic type, but I can imagine.} May replied while getting up.

"All right May, you can go gather food while I stay here and teach discipline to that lopunny."

{Okay.} May acknowledged before going further in the woods while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"All right Bonny, time to teach you-"

While speaking, Bonny quickly rolled over and sat on Max's lap, facing him.

{What was that about my lazy rear again?} She lustfully demanded.

"Wait?! Were you feigning being asleep?" Said Max, a bit taken by surprise.

{I don't know what you're talking about master.} She lied with lewd eyes.


Bonny then pressed her lips against his before slightly but ferociously kissing him, disabling his ability to speak. Soon enough, Max wanted to break it by pulling her away, but Bonny forced her way to stay in place. Worse, she even began to assault his mouth with her tongue. Fortunately for Max, she stopped shortly after before he started getting worried.

"Pretty aggressive this morning." Max queried, not that unpleased.

{I've been awake since an hour ago with my desires getting stronger and stronger the more I stayed glued to you, so you can imagine how much I want you right now.}

"And taking a walk wasn't an alternative?"

{I'm your priority today, remember? So, no.}

"You know, it's a good thing that humans can't get pokemon pregnant. Otherwise, you would end up with so many kids that the world would be filled with lopunnies."

{Would that be such a bad thing?}

"If they're all like you, yes." Max joked.

{Aw, how mean, and poor me that only wanted to please you.} Bonny retorted with a mix of lust and fake sadness in her voice.

"You, first of all, want to get your way."

{… That too, but what I want before anything else is your desires fulfilled before mine.}

"And you expect me to believe that?" Max jested.

{You believe what you want. What you should believe however is that I'm about to rape you. To please you that is.} Bonny joked as well.

"Really? Well, if it's not too much asking, maybe we can invite someone else to the party."

{A threesome? This early in the morning? Geez, master, you're quite hungry.} Bonny replied with a mischievous grin.

"Well, I was thinking more about keeping it a duet, but still with someone else." Max corrected before lightly tapping his keystone.

{Oh, I get it. You want my mega form, you perv.} Bonny queried with a wider grin.

"You know that your mega form is irresistible."

{That, is something we agree on.} Bonny conceded with a smile before touching her mega stone on her small red scarf.

After Max did the same with his keystone, it took Bonny a few seconds to transform into her mega form, getting taller and heavier on Max.

{… Hope you're up for one hell of a ride.} Bonny told with her slightly more authoritarian voice and predatory face.

"With you, it's not that I have much of a choice."

{Says the guy that asked for my mega form.}

"… Touché."

{Now shut up, get hard and fuck me already.} Bonny ordered.

"I'll shut up and fuck you, but you're gonna have to help me with getting hard."

{Did you just back talk to me and give me an order?} Bonny inquired, a bit threateningly.

"And what if I did?" Max taunted.

{You little…}

Instead of doing any violent move, Bonny pulled him into a ferocious kiss that lasted for a couple of seconds.

{… You're lucky that I love you and that you turn me on like crazy.} she told a bit aggressively with a strand of saliva connecting both of their lips.

"I indeed am." Max agreed while rubbing her thighs.

{You're not rubbing the right place, idiot. That's the right one.} Bonny corrected before grabbing one of his hands and putting it on her soaking wet womanhood.

"Quick question, were you already this wet when in your normal form or did you have to get wet again when you changed?"

{Shut up for once and get to work.} She commanded before pulling him into a more aggressive kiss.

Quickly, the kiss turned into a make-out session with Bonny competitively wrestling Max's tongue. Max then felt the lopunny grinding her womanhood against his hand, meaning that he should start doing his job right away. Immediately after doing so, Bonny became slightly more aggressive while starting to lowly moan into Max's mouth. Soon enough, the pleasure was starting to flow and burn inside the mega lopunny, making her grasp Max's shoulders a bit more strongly with her claws sinking a bit into his skin. Even though it wasn't enough to break the skin, it was hard enough to hurt him a bit.

{… All right, that's enough.} She told aggressively after breaking the kiss.

After moving his hand away, Bonny backed up until her face was facing his crotch and began to pull his pants down. A second later, Max had his pants at his ankles and a raging boner now free.

{Always nice to see how hard I can make you,} she expressed with a predatory grin while staring at Max's shaft. {I suppose you have the right to get some pleasure as well before we get to it.}

While glaring seductively at Max, Bonny grabbed the base of his shaft and began to pump him, carefully observing his reaction with a grin. For a moment, Bonny kept staring at Max's pleased face until she had enough. Still having her eyes locked on him, Bonny moved her head closer to his shaft until she was half an inch away from it before sticking her tongue out. Then, as she pressed her warm tongue against it, Max couldn't help but let out a pleased moan. Satisfied, Bonny's next move was to move her tongue from the base to the top with quite the pressure so he could feel how soft her tongue was. When at his tip, Bonny gave a few tongue hits before leaving it to start pumping him again.

{You seem to really like my tongue.} she proudly queried with a mischievous look.

"How can I not? It's so warm and soft."

{Is that so? Would you want to perhaps… feel it some more?}

"I would like to, yes."

{Then you're gonna have to beg for it.}

"Seriously now?"

{You wanted the heavy package, you got the heavy package. Now beg.} Bonny ordered before pumping him very quickly.

"O-okay okay." Max complied, making Bonny go at a slower pace. "Please Bonny, can I feel your… mouth?"

{My mouth? What about it? How do you want to feel it?}

"… Come on Bonny," Max complained, not wanting to say it.

{Hmm. Well, if I don't know where to use it, I guess there's nothing we can do about it.} Bonny teased.

"… Please Bonny, can you use it on… my dick." Max finally told.

{On your dick? You simply want my mouth to touch it, that's all?}

Getting rather frustrated, Max glared at Bonny, to which she responded with another mischievous grin.

"Damnit! Please, Bonny, suck me hard." Max slightly bawled.

{Geez, you didn't have to yell master. A simple 'suck my dick' would have been enough. But… I finally got the answer I wanted nevertheless.}

"So you will do it?"

{Well, I was planning on only teasing you a bit before going for the real thing, but since you seem to 'really' want it, I think you can have the full service.}

Giving Max a last lustful glare, Bonny neared her head close to his shaft one more time. After giving his tip a few teasing tongue hits, she opened her mouth and slowly put it in. When the tip was about to hit her throat, she wrapped her lips around the shaft, choking it with her warm and wet mouth.

"Humpf… I can already tell that I'll enjoy it a lot." Max commented after a pleased moan.

Smiling happily, Bonny then put both of her front paws on his thighs before starting to bob her head, giving her master a handless blowjob. Feeling her almost swallowing his shaft with rough deepthroats, Max's moans quickly got louder, to Bonny's pleasure. While being careful with her teeth, Bonny tried to make her mouth as narrow as possible, doubling Max's pleasure. After a little while, as Bonny was drooling quite a lot, Max felt an incoming orgasm. With Bonny speeding up again while choking his tip with her throat, it didn't take long for Max to reach his climax. Since she was used to him, Bonny managed to swallow his load without choking.

{… Thanks for the meal master.} She thanked, licking her lips after leaving his member alone.

"No problem." Max replied, feeling like he was in heaven.

{You better have more where it comes because you have another mouth to feed.} Bonny informed before pressing her drenched womanhood on his meat rod.

"Maybe," Max replied seductively.

{Let's find out then.}

Positioning herself, Bonny then pushed Max's tip against her entrance until it got past her lower lips. Slowly but surely, Bonny lowered herself so her master could feel everything until he was at the end. Max could never have enough of her vagina. Since she was more muscular in this form, it was surprising to Max each time how soft she was but with the add-on of tiny muscle bumps all across it. She was rather tight to begin with, so reducing it, even more, was brutal for Max.

{You feel pretty hot today.} Bonny commented, grinding his tip against her cervix.

"Probably due to my morning wood I have for a while before waking up."

{I see. Were you dreaming of something dirty?} Bonny asked, still grinding her hips on his crotch.

"Yeah, I was dreaming about me ramming that rear of yours relentlessly," Max replied while grasping her butt cheeks.

{Oh!} She answered with a mischievous grin. {Then I guess your dream is about to come true.}

After putting her front paws in his shoulders again, Bonny began to move her hips up and down quite quickly.

{Ah yes! So good!} Bonny moaned.

As they both were feeling great pleasure, Bonny's breath quickly began to get faster while letting out low moans, everytime his tip was hitting her bottom. With Bonny having a soaking wet and drooling womanhood, the most audible noise was the wet impact ones, but that quickly changed into moans after a little while. With the help of Max slamming her rear down when she was up, Bonny's climax was soon enough already close. When she was only a few hits away from it, she had her arms around Max's torso and her head resting on one of his shoulder with a depraved face, moaning in his ears. With her body going all stiff and clenching her teeth in pleasure, Bonny finally reached her orgasm. Even though her inside went really narrow, it wasn't enough to make Max come since he already had a moment ago.

{… As I expected… more than one round would be necessary.} Bonny told, regaining her breath a little.

"I'm less sensitive in the morning, so I guess you'll have to double your effort."

{I think I can do that.}

After grinning, Bonny then spun around while still being plugged to Max, making him feel a funny but pleasant wave of pleasure. With her back now facing Max, she put her two front paws on his thighs before starting to move up and down once again, but slightly slower.

{Ahhh… I love this position.} Bonny moaned with a stuck out tongue.

Now in a really good position, Max wanted to assault Bonny as much as possible and began to rub her clit with one free hand.

{What… the hell… are you doing?} Bonny asked with depraved tone without protesting.

"Pleasing my cute little lopunny, why?"

{Because… I didn't… allow you… to do so!} she scolded between moans.

Unable to contain the huge amount of pleasure, it didn't take Bonny long before she felt another orgasm coming up.


Bonny then tried to push his hand away, but ended up unable to since it was making her lose her balance.

{No… I'm close again…}

With an ecstatic scream, Bonny's internal muscles constricted Max's shaft again. Even though he was getting close himself, it was still not enough to make him reach his peak.

{You… bastard.} Bonny exclaimed a bit angrily while falling on Max's chest.

"What's the matter? Too much for you?" Max taunted, slightly provoking her.

Turning her head, she glared at him with the corner of one eye while slightly panting.

{You're… gonna regret this,} She more or less threatened.

"Really? How about this?"

Without any warning, Max flipped Bonny over so she was on all four with Max still plugged behind. After getting a good grasp on her hips, he began to pound her at a rather good speed like she seems to like today.

{You… stupid… idiot… ahhh!} Bonny hardly managed to say between moans, going into submission due to the intense pleasure.

Max kept slamming her rear pretty hard until he finally felt his climax coming. Without going faster, he increased his pounding power a bit for the last sprint. Then, maybe a few hip hits away from coming, Bonny's insides got extra narrow again while loudly moaning with the side of her head on the ground, making him come a second later. When done with the seeds pouring, Max took a deep breath before unplugging himself from Bonny and sat on the ground. Almost at the same time, Bonny returned to her normal form before landing on her belly on the ground.

"Phew. Hope you're satisfied with your morning mating."

{I… always am… whenever it might… be.} Bonny replied with a smile.

"Quite the same here actually." Max shared before standing up to pull his pants up again.

{I have to admit though that you were quite the beast this morning.} Bonny commented, getting on her knees.

"Yeah well, I had yesterday to make up for."

{True, and you even kept your promise.}

"I don't have much of a choice with you."

{There you go again, making me the bad girl.}

"You 'are' a bad and naughty girl.

{How mean.} Bonny jested before giggling a little.

"I know."

{Well, time to get all cleaned up again, thanks to you.} Bonny complained while standing up.

"You're welcome," Max replied while noticing mixed fluid slightly coming out of her entrance. "Take that opportunity to eat."

{I can do it on my own without you telling me, you know.} Bonny retorted before passing next to him.

"I know. Caring instinct I guess."

Rolling her eyes, Bonny kept walking into the woods until she was out of sight.

"All right, let's wait for breakfast then," Max mumbled before sitting under another tree that the ground wasn't stained. "However, there's one that must be hungry right now."

Reaching his belt, Max took Jade's pokeball before letting her out.

"Good morning Jade, sleep well?"

{… More or less. At least I'm safe from being awakened by a beat-up.} she responded while looking around.

"Man… that must have been horrible with that bitch gardevoir."

{You have no idea.}

"I can assure you that nothing like that will happen with me."

{If you say so, but I'm still not used to tranquillity and safety. I know it's what everyone should want, but… all the horrible things that I went through are still printed in me.}

"I… understand."

{You really do?} Jade rejoined, glaring at him almost angrily.

"… I'm sorry, no I don't. I didn't live the same life as you, so no, I don't understand." Max corrected, knowing what she meant.

Not answering, Jade only looked away with a mix of anger and sorrow on her face.

"I can assume however that it wasn't easy. Like me or Scarlet, I just wish we could erase that kind of stuff from reality, but we can't. We have no choice but to live with what life gave to us, or took from us. It may not be much, but what I can offer you is my support, our support, me and my team."

{… I appreciate the effort, but it's not that easy.}

"… I suppose." Max conceded, almost feeling Jade's pain.

Looking back at him, Jade saw that he was struggling with what to say.

{… It's not that I hate you or don't trust you, it's just that… that Qsalyla took a lot from me. Sometimes, I wished that she would just kill me so everything would stop. I think she knew that and refrained herself from doing it so she could make me suffer more.} She confessed while crossing her arms over her shoulders, shaking a bit.

"I'm… sure there are still things that are worth living for."

{I don't think so. I have nothing. After my parent died, I was left to myself until Qsalyla found me. After that, it was just a trip to hell.}

"… I wish I could say that you have us now, but…"

{But I don't know you.}

"Well, my name is Max, I'm 21 years old and…"

Upon seeing Jade glaring at her with an unamused face, Max stopped mid-sentence.

"Sorry, it was a stupid joke." Max apologized, embarrassed.

{How can I be so sure it won't happen again with you?}

"You have my word."

{I'm done with trusting others.}

"Well… if I really wanted to harm you, I would have done it already. I could also have just left you where I found you."

Not knowing what to retort anymore, Jade only stared blankly at the ground.

{… Can I go back in the pokeball please?} She demanded after a moment.

"Not before you eat something." Max denied, standing up.

{But I'm-}

"Not hungry, I know, and I'm still not buying it. You know Jade, sooner or later, you'll have to accept that there are people in this world that don't necessarily want to hurt you and actually want to help you, like me."

Upon hearing Max's crude words, Jade seem to have flinched a bit.

"I'm sorry for being blunt, but like I always say to my team members, all I want is your well-being. After that, you're free to believe whatever you want. Don't worry, I'm a patient guy when I want to, so I don't care how much time it will take for you to see it."

Unable to answer back, Jade only looked away with a worried expression.

"Come on, let's put some meat in that pretty body of yours. Hemm… I mean…"

{That's okay. I think I'm already used to your clumsy way of speaking to others.}

"Fast adaptability huh? Good news. Come on." Max replied while motioning her to follow him.

After hesitated a moment, Jade followed Max through the forest in search of food. Quickly, Max noticed that she was making efforts to catch up to him, so he slowed his pace down so he could be beside her. When he was, he saw her frequently looking around her.

"You okay?" Max asked.

{… More or less. It feels a bit weird roaming around without anyone spying on you.}


{Every time one of the group had to go away for various reasons, Qsalyla always used one or two of her most loyal subordinates to keep an eye on them.}

"To prevent anyone from fleeing?" Max guessed.

{Yes, or simply from doing what she had forbidden them to do.}

"You know, the more I hear about her, the more I'm convinced that you can hardly get worse than that monster."

{There's always worse, but I agree that she's very hard to beat. Her cruelty is matched only by her thirst for power.}

"I'm starting to get the picture. How come a pokemon can turn so evil?"

{Who knows. A lot of things can stain and corrupt a pokemon. Qsalyla may be horrible, but she's not the only one like that in this world.}

"Creepy," Max commented, not feeling reassured. "I can assure you that I'm not like her."

For a few seconds, Jade stared at Max before looking back in front of her.

{If you say so, but it could just be a cloak to hide your true nature.}

"Hehe." Max chuckled.

{What's so funny?}

"Well, I kind of have someone in my team who already told me something similar to that once at the very start of our relation. You kind of remind me of her."

{I see. Does she still think the same way?}

"Fortunately, no. She's starting to understand and see what kind of person I really am."

{Which is?}

"A very nice guy."

Again, Jade stared at Max for a moment. This time, however, her stare was slightly less about suspicion and more about curiosity. Then, as if she was trying to see through him while floating, her legs hit a big root that was coming out of the ground, making her trip forward.

{Yhaa!} She lowly screamed while falling.

Thankfully, Max reacted in time and caught her by her chest before she hit the ground.

"You okay?" Max asked, concerned.

In this position, Max could feel the weak but accelerated heartbeat of the gardevoir, probably due to the scare she just had. With Jade looking up, Max was lost in her ruby-like eyes, almost as sparkly as Scarlet's.

{Yeah.} Jade simply answered before using his arms to regain her composure.

When straight up, Max quickly withdrew his arms, knowing that she didn't like being touched.

"I guess that even if you're floating, you still have to be careful of your surroundings."

{Sorry. I think I was too much on guard to pay attention to where I was going.}

"Don't be. I always found clumsiness quite cute actually."

Again, Jade couldn't help but look funnily at Max.

"Shit. Just… ignore me when I say stuff like that, okay?" Max apologized again, embarrassed.

For almost a minute, an awkward silence was born between them.

{You know… it's not that I don't like you saying things like that. It just… feels weird since… you know, I never been complimented in my entire life.}

"Yeah, I can guess. If it makes you more comfortable, I'll try to refrain myself saying that kind of thing too much, but I don't promise anything since they come out pretty much by themselves most of the time."

{… Thanks, even though it's not that big of a deal.}

"It's better than a slap, don't you agree?"

{… Hehe, I guess.} Jade laughed slightly, astonishing Max.

"… Damn."


"You're quite pretty when you smile." Max complimented, making Jade blush quite a bit.

{S-stop it. You're doing it a bit too much now.} She scolded, looking away.

"Sorry. See? That's what I'm talking about. I think it's a second nature to be nice to nice people, or pokemon in your case."

{I still don't understand how you can be so sure that I never did anything bad or wrong.}

"Your face doesn't express any wickedness. Probably due to practice, but I'm quite good at knowing how someone is just by looking at their face or how they act. Most humans won't agree with me, but someone's personality is more or less printed on their face. For me at least."

{Really? Do all human have that ability?}

"Not all humans, but I'm sure I'm not the only one."

{What does mine tell you?}

"That you're a nice but insecure pokemon, roughly."

Even though Jade was impressed at how he guessed who she was, she didn't add anything.

"The one I had more trouble with is Scarlet. Her eyes did say that she wasn't white as snow, but I never guessed how much darkness she had within her."

{Why is she still with you then?}

"Because I also saw some kindness in them, or rather, those hateful eyes were more of a cover for her true self."

{You can tell the difference between fake and true evil?}

"I wouldn't say that since, you know, I'm not a psychic. However, I had a feeling that she was like this for a reason. Like everyone else, I do have my part of the shadow in me too, but it doesn't prevent me from being kind. That's why I wanted to give her a chance."

{I see. Were you not afraid that she could turn against you?}

"A bit at first, but you know; dying or living wasn't a concern for me at that moment."

{What made you think otherwise?}

"My team. Scarlet, Bonny, May and the others are the ones that made my life worth living. They are all I have and all I want."

{… Must be nice to have one.}

"A family?"

{A reason to live.}

"Just give yourself some time and I'm sure you'll find one eventually. It worked for me."

{… Maybe.} Jade half conceded, not believing in her own words.

"You'll see. Soon enough, you will find yourself unable to resist my charm, haha."

With Jade not responding, another awkward silence settled between them. Unfortunately, with Max not knowing what to say anymore, it lasted for a little while.

{Looks like there's nothing around here.} Jade finally told as they were still searching for her food.

"Kinda suck that your type of food is rarer than any other type. I guess we have to go deeper in the woods."

{There's no need to. You should get back to your team instead of helping me.}

"And what if I want to help you?"

'sigh' {I appreciate your intention, but it's really not necessary. I'm sure you won't be seen as a bad human or whatever if I don't eat for a day or two, okay.} Jade replied, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Because you think I care for you only for how I may look for the others? And here I thought psychic pokemon were supposed to be smart."

{… I know, I'm stupid.} Jade conceded in sorrow, looking away.

"No, I didn't mean to… tsk. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Max apologized at the silent gardevoir. "I just… it's just that I'm still wondering why you don't accept help from me."

{… Because I'm not worth your time.}

"Why are you so hard on yourself?"


"Look, I don't know what that evil gardevoir shoved into your head, but you're not worthless or stupid or whatever she might have said. I'm convinced that you're a wonderful gardevoir."

{How can you say that? You don't even know me.}

"Well, you didn't try to kill me, which is better than most of my team."


"Joke aside; you think more about the others before yourself. Maybe a bit too much actually, but it's a very noble way of thinking when not brought to the extreme. I'm sure that there is a nice and very kind gardevoir under that shell of yours. All you need is someone to unearth that beautiful gemstone underneath it."

{… Even I don't know if I'm still like that.}

"Yes, you are."

{How can you tell?}

"With your powers, you know that you can easily hurt me, torture me or even kill me, right? Yet, despite what you've been through, you didn't try anything on me."

{Why would I ever want that?}

"Maybe for revenge or simply take your anger on something weaker than you. Humans tend to do that a lot."

{… Pokemon too sometimes.}

"We're even arguing right now, but you still haven't taking you frustration on me. To me, only a strong and angelic pokemon could do that, like you."

At those words, Jade looked at Max with a surprised expression before blushing and looking away.

{D-don't exaggerate.} she replied shyly.

"I hardly do. The more I talk to you, the more I see how nice of a pokemon you are. You have a good and pure heart, but you just ended up in the wrong place and hands. You may have more or less given up on life, which it's quite understandable when only bad things happen to a good creature, but there are pokemon or humans around that haven't. You're right when you say we don't know each other that much, but I don't want to give up on you. Trust me when I say you're worth being saved." Max expressed before presenting his hand to Jade.

Hesitant, Jade only stared at his hand.

"Or perhaps you want a quick dive into my mind to see who I really am?"

{I… would prefer not. Mind diving is-}

"Something very intimate, I know." Max cut.

{… Either way, it won't change the world or make me forget about my insignificant life… but I guess I have nothing to lose.} She replied while looking at one of her hands.

"As harsh as it may sound, you do have nothing more to lose. I understand that at this point, life or death doesn't matter to you, so why don't you try to risk having something good for once in your life?"

{… Maybe.}

"So what do you say? Do you want to travel with us?"

After hesitating another moment, Jade moved her hand towards Max's very slowly and carefully. An inch away from his hand, Jade reluctantly stopped a few seconds before touching it. As soon as their hands made contact, Jade winced a bit due to being scared and uncomfortable.


{It's too soon to talk about me wanting a friend.}

"… Oh."

{… But maybe in the future.} She told before withdrawing her hand.

"That's a start. Man, I think I really need to start buying those poke bits boxes again, especially for psychic type." Max commented, starting to get desperate at finding food.

{Well… I can still try to eat something else.} Jade proposed.

"I don't know. The last time Scarlet ate something not meant for her, she wasn't able to digest it and puked."

{… Oh.}

"But maybe the pokedex can tell me if there's a possibility for a substitute."

Taking his pokedex out, Max then went into the gardevoir family diet.

"… All right, it says here that you can eat any kind of berries as long as it has low calories. It's not recommended to only feed on them since they don't have the proper nutrients for a psychic, but they can help you survive until you find the right berries. Here's a list of low calories berries; pecha berry, rawst berry, iapapa berry, magost berry, and grepa berry. Well, you have quite the choice."

{Are they around here?}

"Pecha and rawst berries are quite common. It shouldn't be hard finding them."

{I don't really know the name humans have give to berries, so how do they look like?}

"Here's a picture of them," Max told before showing Jade pictures of the berries from his pokedex.

{Oh, I remember those, but I never ate them since it's not gardevoir food.}

"Then I hope you will like them."

At that, both of them got new targets and began searching for either the pecha or rawst berries. After a few minutes, they still haven't found what they were looking for, only a few berries that weren't on the list that Jade could eat.

"Damn! I don't know if we're in a bad part of the forest, but berries are pretty scarce here."

{Maybe we should give up.} Jade proposed.

"Not really my thing." Max refused, making Jade lowly sigh. "I know you may think you're a burden, but I assure you that you're no trouble and it doesn't bother me to help you. But then, you're free to believe me or not."

{If you say so. It's not like you're preventing yourself from being with your team or traveling.} Jade retorted sarcastically while crossing her arms.

"Ohh! You can do sarcasm I see." Max replied with a grin.

{Sorry.} the pokemon apologized.

"No need to Jade. It's quite nice actually. I'm really starting to like you."

{D-don't say that.} Jade retorted shyly, looking away.

"Come on, you have to be yourself a bit more and let yourself go a bit from time to time."

{… Are those the berries we were looking for?} Jade inquired, changing the subject when she saw a berry bush nearby.

Looking at Jade, Max then followed her gaze and a big bush full of pecha berries.

"Yup. Go get a full stomach so you can get rid of me."

{Until you stop again for the next meal.} Jade replied a bit desperately before moving towards the bush.

"Well, I don't approve, but if you want to, I can let you out only for diner and breakfast."

{… You know, one meal a day is enough for me for now. If you really want to help me, you'll let me out only once a day.}

"I can't do that."

{Please, that's the only thing I'm asking you. I will even eat every day if you wish.}

"… Why should I allow that? Why should I let you eat only once a day?"

{Because I'm used to that and it's less chance for me to bring you trouble.}

"You won't bring trouble."

{Please human.} Jade almost begged.

Again, Max was in front of another dilemma, something that was happening quite often lately. He had to choose between her well-being or her wish. Her health, or her emotion and relation with her.

"… Are you sure eating once a day is enough for you and it won't make you sick or weak?"

{I promise you it won't. My system is quite used to that, so I believe that eating more would be the thing that actually could make me sick.}

"Well, I never heard of a living being getting sick from eating too much, besides obesity. Scarlet told me that a gardevoir can hardly be fat."

{Perhaps. I don't really know about gardevoir physiology, so I can't tell.}

For a moment, Max went thoughtful.

{But I told you the truth about eating once a day.}

"… If I agree, when would be the time you would prefer to eat?"

{The most practical time would be in the middle of the day. It would be a good balance between sleeping and waking up since I don't need to eat at night.}

"… Fair point." Max conceded, rubbing his chin. "… All right. If it's really safe for you, then I'll go with your wish."

{Thanks. You have no idea how less uncomfortable that will make me.}

"No problem… I guess." Max replied, still not liking the idea.

{It's for the best.}

"If you say so." Max retorted as Jade began to pick some berries.

As Jade was munching on her meal, Max sat close to her under a tree.

{… Do you want some?} Jade asked after a moment of awkwardness.

"Well, since you asked so nicely." Max joked.

{It's just a bit embarrassing with you staring at me eating.} Jade pointed out while handing him a few berries.

"I suppose. I just need to save space for the meal Luna and Dusk will get me. I hope they won't get worried when they see I'm gone."

{We can go back where you were if you think it's better. Now that I have my meal, I can carry it.}

"Good thinking. Thanks Jade." Max thanked, standing up.

{Why?} Jade inquired, doing the same.

"For caring for me."

{I…} Jade shyly started, blushing slightly {I just don't want to be a burden for you as much as possible.}

"You're doing very well for now." Max praised, making Jade blush a bit harder.

With her berries floating around her, Jade followed Max to where they were before leaving. A few minutes later, they arrived and Max sat under a tree-like usual with Jade under another one close by.

"Are they good?" Max asked.

{The berries? They're okay.}

"But not exceptional?"

{I rarely eat something else than gardevoir's food, so the taste is so-so.}

"Don't you ever grow tired of eating the same thing over and over again?"

{I don't really put much importance on the taste of what I eat.}

"… I see."

As they were waiting, Max quickly noticed that his attempts to make conversation were rather hard with Jade, like she didn't have a lot to share. Not wanting to annoy her, Max only waited patiently for his breakfast to arrive when they were back to their previous spot. Luckily, he didn't have to wait very long as Dusk appeared from the wood with a plate filled with cooked meat and berries floating next to her.

"Every reason is a good one to train, isn't it?" Max commented.

{Yeah, but I mostly do that to prevent myself from accidentally dropping everything.} Dusk responded, handing him the plate.

"Better safe than sorry I suppose. Sweeeet." Max happily expressed while looking at the tasty looking meal. "Hope Luna didn't have too much trouble getting the food."

{I don't know, but if I were to guess, I would say no.} Dusk replied, sitting next to him. {Hi Jade.} Dusk greeted nicely to the pale gardevoir.

{… Hi.} She replied, almost forcing herself to do so.

For an entire minute, none of them talked as Max and Jade was munching on their food.

{So… I guess the next big battle will be without me, huh?} Dusk finally queried.

"… Well, if you really want to be part of it…"

{No that's okay. To be honest, I don't really want to battle against a water-type pokemon.}

"Haha, yeah. That wouldn't be very wise."

{Besides, I've been in every battle until now, so I don't mind taking a break.}

"True, but I'm guessing you still want to see the match.}

{Of course.}

"Good. However, I now have six pokemon, so excluding you, I still have to choose three team members out of five."

{Bonny really wanted to be part of the next one, so I guess it's one already chosen.}

"Yeah, I promise she would. So it leaves me to choose between May, Aurora, Luna and Jade."

{Please exclude me from that.} Jade told.

"… Okay, one down I guess."

{As for Aurora, she still has trouble working with the team.} Dusk pointed out.

"… True. I'm still willing to give Aurora a chance if she really wants to be in the battle."

{If you think it's best, master.}

"So it's either her, May or Luna."

{You can exclude me as well little pup, I don't particularly want to participate.} Luna informed, above them.

"Any reason why?" Said Max, raising his head.

{Not really. It's just not my kind of thing.}

"Oh, and what kind of thing is yours?"

{I'd rather avoid a fight if I can, but if I'm forced to, it's not for fun.}

"… All right. Well, I suppose my fighting team will be Bonny, May, and Aurora."

{Except for Aurora, it's almost your usual battle team.} Dusk commented.

"Yeah. I mainly battle with you, Bonny, and May since the beginning. Is there any chance that you will participate someday, Luna?" Max asked of Luna.

{Maybe, I don't know. If I do however, I guess I'll have to practice to refrain myself a bit first.}

"Actually, trainer battles are pretty safe for pokemon, so you can go all out without risking injuring your opponent."

{… Hmm, if you're a good boy, I'll think about it.} She responded slightly seductively.

"Thanks. I guess…" Max thanked, still a bit uncomfortable with Luna being that 'friendly' so quickly. "I wonder how hard the gym leader could be though."

{However it may be, I'm sure the others will do their best to win.} Dusk reassured.

"I don't expect less from them. Bonny and May sure have strong fighting spirits."

{Yeah, I wish I had their determination and courage.} Dusk replied, sounding a bit morose.

"You're perfect the way you are Dusk, everyone is."

{Maybe, but perhaps I would be stronger if I were… well, like them.}

"… Does that mean that you don't like yourself the way you are?"

{No, but-}

"Then you don't have to be envious towards the others Dusk. We already have a Bonny and a May, no need for copies. You're Dusk the pretty and caring braixen, not Bonny the reckless lopunny. If you really want to change and stand more for yourself, then fine, I'm hundred percent with you. However, remember to always stay true to yourself. Trust me, you won't be happy by being someone you're not."

{… Maybe. I guess it was stupid to think that.} Dusk half conceded, not looking cheered up at all.

Looking at her for a few seconds, Max put his almost finished plate next to him.

"Come here." He said before grabbing her, putting her between his legs, and wrapping his arms around her chest. "Is there something the matter my pretty?"

{… Not… really.} She answered, looking away, hardly able to hide that she was lying.

"You still don't trust me enough to talk to me?"

{No, of course not. It's just… it's just that I feel like I'm the weakest of the team.} She confessed a bit sadly.

"And how does that make you feel?"

{… Not very happy.}

Feeling her slight distress, Max began to rub her soft furry chest.

"You know Dusk, I don't think you're that weak. I mean, how could we have beaten the last gym leader if you were?"

{I had the type advantage.}

"May also had it, and yet, the fight wasn't that easy. Even for her. Another hit from her opponent and that was it."


"Don't underestimate yourself Dusk. Doubt is one of the worst enemies for a psychic."

{… How do you know that?}

"Scarlet taught me that."

{… Oh.}

"It doesn't however change the fact that it's true. Personally, I don't think you're the weakest of the team. After all, steel -types are weak against fire, right? And so are grass and ice type."

{… I… guess so.}

"See? Anyway, if you were the weakest, wouldn't training be the purpose of changing that?"

{… True.}

"There you have it. If you think you're not strong enough, just train harder."

{… Okay. Thanks, master.} Dusk thanked, now reassured and with a small smile on her face.

"No problem my pretty," Max replied, kissing the top of her head. "You should also remember that you're the cutest braixen ever."

{Hihi, how can you tell? How many other braixen have you seen?} Dusk giggled.

"Not much, but I know it, that's all."

{Master. That's not even a real argument.}

"Oh, you think you're better than me. Huh?" Max retorted before tickling her.

{No haha wait, master, hahaha I'm sorry.} Dusk apologized while laughing and trying to defend herself.

"Haha, all right," Max replied before stopping.

A few minutes later, May finally appeared from the woods while rubbing her belly.

{That was good, but maybe I ate a bit too much.}

"Be careful to not be too gluttonous sweetie," Max warned when he heard her.

{But the berries taste so good.}

"I agree that some of them do."

{Especially the sweets one.} She told before sitting next to Max.

"You tell me." Max agreed, petting his yellow pokemon. "Sweets are hard to resist."

{Yes, like those you bought the other day.}

"Yeah. Like I promised, I'll buy you girls more the next time we have the opportunity."

{Yay!} May cheered happily.

A few minutes later, they saw Aurora popping out of the woods as well before crossing her arms with her back against a tree.

"Glad to see you back." Max greeted.

{Yeah well, I'm guessing we're about to leave so…}

"That's right. We'll wait until Bonny gets back and we will be good to go. Besides her, would anyone want to accompany me while traveling?"

{I wouldn't mind.} May proposed.

{Me neither.} Dusk followed.

"Great, we already have two volunteers."

{If it prevents you from getting killed like an idiot, then I don't mind either.} Aurora expressed a bit coldly.

"Oh. I'm glad to hear that." Max replied, making Aurora huff.

{Well, since I'm the best at sensing danger, maybe I could be a good choice too.} Luna informed, above them.

"… Okay. I guess everyone wants to be my personal bodyguard. I don't mind actually." Max affirmed, rather pleased that everyone wants to travel with him.

{Hemm…} Jade shyly started.

"Yes, Jade?"

{If I may suggest… maybe it would be best if only one or two of your team stay out.}


{Well, it attracts less attention and you're less likely to get into trouble that way.}

{She has a point little pup. Too many of us outside will only make us more noticeable.} Luna agreed.

"I guess so. I do remember hearing something like that when I was young that to avoid eventual pokemon or thieves attack, it's best to travel in a small group like two or three humans together with one or two pokemon out."

{Even pokemon know that.} Luna informed.

{It makes sense.} Aurora agreed. {The less we are…}

{Stealth over firepower can save lives more often than not.} Luna told with a smile.

"That said, the best would be to only have one out since I'm alone."

{You'll have to choose then.} Aurora mentioned.

"I guess so," Max replied, not sounding very pleased.

{… Actually, maybe not.} Luna intervened.

"What do you mean?"

Instead of answering, Luna jumped from her high branch and landed a few feet away from Max. Again, Max was still not used to her impressive and intimidating stature.

{How about this.}

As soon as she was finished speaking, Luna's body began to morph and change shape until after a few seconds, she had the appearance of a human. However, the human had the same height as her normal form and was very muscular, making Max a bit uncomfortable.

{How is that? Like this, I can travel with you while you have two pokemon out.}

"Two?" Max repeated.

{One will be yours and one would be considered mine.}

For a moment, Max ruminated on Luna's idea in his head.

"… That's actually a good idea. As long as you keep that appearance, we should pass for a normal small travelers group. Good thinking Luna."

{Thanks. I'm quite good at improvising ideas on the spot.}



"Could you… transform into a more normal human girl?"

{What's wrong with this appearance?} Luna demanded, a bit offended.

"Well, it's kind of rare that human are that big and tall."

{Hmm, I see.} she conceded.

For another few seconds, Luna transformed into another human girl appearance, but smaller and less muscular. However, she was still taller than him, maybe 6,5 ft. tall, with quite the athletic and hourglass-shaped body. She had very long and puffy red hair arranged into a ponytail. She was wearing a grey tank top that revealed her moderately muscular belly and black leather pants with black and red shoes. Her face was very pretty while keeping the red marks around her eyes like when in normal appearance, acting like fantastical but pretty makeup. Even though Max was more into pokemon, he couldn't help but to find that form very attractive and sexy.

{How about now?} She inquired, putting her hands on her hips.

"That will do." Max approved, hiding his slight arousal.

{Great, because I refuse to look like a shrimp.}

"Hehe, fair enough. So that leads us to choose two to travel with."

{Why not give Aurora a try?} Luna proposed.

{Me? Why?} the lucario asked, quite surprised.

{Didn't you just say that you wouldn't mind if it was to prevent him from dying?}

{Yeah, but I'm quite surprised that you agreed to being around me.}

{Why not? I don't especially hate you, you know.}

{Hmpf, like hell I would care if it was the case.} Aurora huffed, looking away.

'sigh' {Youth these days.} Luna sighed, a bit desperately.

{And what is that suppose to mean?} Aurora rejoined, a bit aggressively.

{Always on the defensive I see.} Luna replied with a grin.

{Why don't you mind your own business?}

{You're right. Your attitude choice is not my concern, but I'm wondering if you're good at protecting someone. You're a canine like me, so you should be good at sensing danger, right?}

{Of course I can, who do you think I am?} Aurora retorted, a bit upset.

{Okay, I just wanted to be sure. After all, two heads are better than one.}

"Agreed. Who's the second one then?"

{Maybe you should wait for Bonny before asking.} Luna pointed out.

"Good thinking, even though I doubt she would like walking."

A few minutes later, Bonny finally joined them with her fur still slightly wet.

{All right master, I think we… who is she?} Bonny demanded when she noticed Luna's human form.

{You don't recognize me?} Luna told with a smile and hands on her hips.

{Oh, it's you. Care to explain why you have this appearance?}

"Luna proposed a way for me to have more than just one of you with me when traveling without being too noticeable." Max explained.

{Oh, so now we can all travel with you outside our pokeball?}

"Not exactly. With Luna in this form, we can have two other team members out as one will like look it's mine and the other one belongs to Luna."

It took Bonny a few seconds before she fully understood what Max was trying to do.

{Oh, that's pretty clever.}

"Luna's idea, but I think so too. Aurora will be one of them, but I still have to choose the second one."

{Personally, I'll pass.}

"Called it." Max shoot slightly proudly.

{My fur is still a bit wet and you know that I don't really like to walk, so…}

"Yeah, I got you. May or Dusk then."

{May can go.} Dusk proposed.

"Really? You don't want to?"

{Not that I don't want to or not, I'll just take the next turn.}

"… Well that's very nice of you Dusk." Max praised, petting her.

{D-don't mention it.} She replied while enjoying Max's touches.

"Alright, time to move." Max said while standing up. "Bonny, Dusk, see you later." He added before calling them back in their pokeball.

After putting the pokeball in his belt, Max took out Jade's.

"See you later too Jade."

{Not until tomorrow, remember?} She told.

"… Sure." He agreed not so happily before returning her to her pokeball.

{What does she mean?} Luna asked.

"… I made a deal that if it was only once a day she was willing to let us help her with food."

{Most pokemon can survive weeks without eating, so I'm sure she will be okay.}

"I hope. Anyway, are you sure it's okay with you? I mean, walking besides me instead of following me through the forest like usual?"

{I sure enjoy being in an environment I know, but sometimes, you have to exit your comfort zone to live and experience new things. Also, you're protection is more assured if I stay close to you, don't you agree?}

"Can't argue with that." Max conceded before grabbing May to put her on his backpack.

For a few seconds, Max looked at Luna and Aurora while seeing himself with them.

"Eh, we do like look two pokemon trainers on a journey."

{Something wrong with that?} Luna jested.

"No, not at all. On the contrary, it's a pretty nice feeling actually. Let's go." Max replied before passing between Luna and Aurora, towards the road.

Looking at each other, Luna smiled while Aurora only raised an eyebrow before following Max.