Hard Lesson [1/2]

Max and Luna had left the campsite just a few minutes ago and things got awkward real fast. Neither of them spoke a word to the other, with Max avoiding the zoroark's gaze as much as he could. She tried to bear with it as long as possible, but seeing that things weren't about to change any time soon, she decided to speak up.

{Alright! That's enough! I don't want to walk all day long with this tension. So, I'm gonna have to ask you what is going on.} She demanded in a rather authoritarian tone.

Max rarely sees Luna upset at him, this probably being the second time since he's known her. Brushing her the wrong way was the last thing he'd ever want to do.

"...It's… complicated."

{Is it because of yesterday?}

With her spot-on guess, Max stayed silent for a moment.

"...Not exactly," Max half-lied, refusing to agree with her.

Luna then gazed at Max for a short moment before lightly sighing.

{It's my fault. I guess I went overboard, and I'm sincerely sorry if I made you uncomfortable or insulted you in any way. Once again, I let myself lose some self-control.}

"No, you don't have to apologize. You're not the problem, it's me. I don't want to sound like a pervert but…" Max started before hesitating. "...I was kind of flattered that you... well, felt that way towards me. To be honest after that happened, I told myself that I should have accepted."

{That's what's troubling you? You regret not having engaged with me?... Perhaps you were feeling like that because you thought that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?}

"I… hadn't seen it that way, but now that you say it, it makes quite a bit of sense," Max replied, impressed by her keen eye.

{Well, it's true that I'm not the kind to be easily driven by my emotions or desires. Maybe it won't happen again, maybe it will. No one can know for sure. However, I don't want you to feel bad about it. You didn't insult me in any way if it's what's bugging you. That wasn't the right moment, that's all.} Luna reassured, gently grabbing one of his shoulders.

"It's not that. It's just…" Max spoke, still struggling with what to say. "...I think I still might be a little bit scared of you. Not because you're intimidating and such... Well, a bit, but that's beside the point... I just feel that I'm not worthy. Like you already said, I don't have the 'presence' or traits of a male zoroark."

{You're still thinking about that? I was only teasing you.}

"Really? To me it sounded like you were quite serious," he questioned with a skeptical face.

{Well, I wasn't.}

"...Anyway, that's the overall situation. I just feel dumb about it, honestly."

{Don't be. If it reassures you, you're not less of a man because of that. Again, I'm sorry for putting you through that.}

Her words and their meaning were very simplistic, but it did reassure him a lot.

"...Thanks," he said, sporting a relieved smile.

{No problem. You'll have plenty more opportunities, maybe even with another zoroark.}

Max knew she meant well by saying that, but if he ever wanted a zoroark, it would be no one else but her.

"I guess I over-dramatized a little. Hehe," Max mumbled, looking down.

{Yeah, a tiny bit, I'll agree.}

"Thanks for the reassurance," Max said sarcastically.

{You're welcome.} Luna replied, noticing his sarcasm immediately. {And stop being scared of me. I know it's quite a blunt request, but I already told you that you have nothing to fear of me.}

"I know, I know. I think it's just some conditioning to fear dark-type pokemon from who knows who. That, and the fact that your claws are almost the size of my wrist."

{What about them? You can hold a gun pretty much at any time you want without anybody knowing, but it doesn't mean I should start fearing you for that. It's all in the trust.}

"Maybe it's also because I'll miss you since I never held one."

{That helps. I concede.}

After a good laugh with her, things were a lot less awkward for Max as he slowly began to forget about the incident. They didn't really talk much while continuing their walk, but he had less trouble looking at her.

The rest of the day went pretty normal with Scarlet and Dusk teleporting back to the two of them before the usual lunch with everyone. Scarlet managed to stuff a couple of smoked-meat pieces inside Max's backpack wrapped in big unique leaves that Max didn't know about. She told him that they were known to stay fresh for a long time, so she guessed that it might help with the meat conservation. After a rustic and well-cooked meal, he put everyone back in their pokeball, as no one still felt like walking, and Max resumed his travel with Scarlet. Then, the evening settled.

"And I keep telling you that it doesn't matter."

{So what? You always need to prove your point, don't you?} Scarlet retorted to Max, doing some trivial and harmless arguing.

*sigh* "Just forget about it. Anyway, I believe it's time to set up camp," Max pointed out, looking at the sunset.

{You always have been good at changing subjects that are too spicy for you, I'll give you that.}

"Can you help me with the campsite instead of showing off your superior intellect?"

*sigh* {I guess so. Let's find a good spot and I'm on it.}

"Thanks," he said while they went off the road.

It took them a few minutes before finding a suitable spot; there was a river nearby and small mountains could be seen in the distance, rendering the scenery quite relaxing. As soon as the tent and the campfire were set up and the girls were released, they immediately went for dinner.

"Wow. You did a really good job," Max praised Scarlet.

{We had to scrap a few pieces before finding the perfect technique, though.}

"Doesn't really matter since you couldn't have stored all of the meat, anyway."

{The taste is strange but it's not unpleasant, at least to me.} Aurora commented, chewing on her piece.

{I agree. It's almost exotic.} Luna pointed out, briefly looking at the human.

Max was quite happy that things haven't changed between him and the zoroark. Besides being slightly less flirty with him, she keeps doing her Luna stuff.

"If only we had a barbecue grill. Then you could all taste a true delicacy."

{At this rate, you're gonna end up having an entire house on your back if you keep buying new things.} May jested.

"Heh, if only I could carry an entire house. We would be more comfortable every night."

{But less wild.} Scarlet pointed out. {And you know very well that we all like it wild.} She remarked, getting everyone's approval.

Over the course of the dinner, Max noticed how May was looking in one specific direction quite often. He then went and sat next to her as everyone else was talking amongst themselves.

"You okay? You seem a bit distracted."

{Yeah, don't worry. I just have a weird feeling about those mountains.} May answered, pointing at them.

"You think that place it's dangerous?" Max suspected, following May's gaze.

{I don't think so. Well, I'm not sure, actually.}

"Do you want me to tell Scarlet or Luna about it?"

{No, no. It's fine. It's probably just my imagination, so don't bother them for that.}

"...Well, they do look pretty normal to me, so okay. And besides, if there was a real danger, Scarlet would have been the first one to know."

{I suppose.}

"How about you tell me where you are with that move of yours, instead?"

{You mean Fairy Wind? Not great. Since I don't have any special attacks, I can't really progress. I'm really starting from ground zero.}

"Wasn't Scarlet supposed to help you with that?"

{Yes, but I wanted to try it on my own first. Looks like I'll have to ask her in the end.}

"Well, keep in mind that there's no rush here. Take your time, sweety."

{Thanks, master.}

A caring look appeared on Max's face as he was petting her, who returned the affection with some snuggling. Eventually, everyone was done eating.

"Well, I think a little walk will do nicely after a meal like that," Max announced, standing up.

{As for me, a simple rest will do just fine.} Bonny said, dropping on her back.

"Didn't you want to work on Dizzy Punch?" Max asked.

{I'll get to it tomorrow. Tonight I feel extra lazy.}

"I'm surprised she's not like this every night," Max whispered to May.

{Heard that.} Bonny informed nonchalantly.

With a chuckle, Max left them to begin his trek through the woods, but not before being told to be careful by almost everyone. After a couple of minutes of walking on abrupt paths, Max began to sweat on his forehead.

(That reminds me that I'm due for a little shower. Or rather a bath, in this case.) He thought while wiping the sweat away.

He then went on a tiny journey to find another water source in a more reserved area so he could dip in privately.

(I sure hope it won't be too cold. If so, I'm gonna have to make it quick.)

He kept wandering around in hopes to find what he was looking for. He wasn't really worried about being lost since he could just call Scarlet if necessary, so he could go as deep as he wanted. Eventually, he noticed that he had been unknowingly walking towards the mountains. Not long after that, he began to sense the air getting a bit more humid.

"I must be getting close to some warm water," he murmured to himself, feeling grateful if it was the case.

He then followed his instincts for a short duration until he came across a medium-sized pond. What was peculiar about this one was the faint steam rising from the water.

"Could this be…?"

He proceeded to dip his hand in it and like he guessed, the water wasn't cold at all, it being hot. It wasn't very hot like with fire, but comfortably warm enough.

"Heh, who knew I would find a pseudo hot spring here? This world is really something, sometimes," Max said to himself before starting to undress.

As he was pulling down his pants, he became aware a bit late that maybe he wasn't alone, but decided to ignore it, anyway. Quickly finishing and putting his clothes nearby, he dipped a foot in it and almost jumped in from how nice it felt.

"Aaah," Max exhaled.

For a moment, he wished that he could share this place with his companions, but told himself that he deserves to have some alone time. He did feel a little bad about it, but decided to be selfish for once and keep it to himself. He promised himself though that the next time he came across a hot spring, he would invite the girls.

Max enjoyed himself for a few minutes and was getting slightly drowsy from being too comfortable when he heard something. He turned to look behind him towards a rustling noise coming from the woods. Before he could have the time to be anxious about what it could be, two bipedal lizard-like pokemon appeared. Max didn't recognize them but they vaguely reminded him of a machoke, but a bit more reptilian. However, those two were slimmer and sported well-toned body muscles, and they seem to be slightly taller than him; with one of them being a tad shorter than the other one. Also, they looked to be much more feminine with a long tail protruding from their lower back. Like a machoke, they too had black underwear with power belts above it and were also wearing black sports bras. And to complement their figure, they had a very modest chest size.

{Damn it. This place was supposed to be out of reach from humans, but here we have one polluting our pool.} The smaller one commented, looking upset.

{Don't be that mean. It probably just got lost and ended up in it like an idiot.} The tallest one arrogantly stated.

{So what do we do? Do we kick him out?}

"Ohh. I'm sorry if I entered your property. I'll leave at once if you want me to," Max apologized.

{I don't know. If we just scare it away, maybe we won't have to use force. And why do you assume it's a 'him'?} The tallest one replied, ignoring the human.

{I don't know. It doesn't look very female-like, that's all.}

"I'm indeed a male, thank you very much."

{Seriously, he just keeps tal-}

{Hold on a second...} The tall one interrupted. {Do you perhaps understand us?...}

{Don't be ridiculous, how would he be able to?} The small one complained.

"Yes, I can understand you very perfectly."

At that revelation, both pokemon looked at each other, feeling both confused and surprised. They turned their eyes once more away from him, whispering to each other.

"By the way, no need to scare me or use force. Like I said, I'll leave if it's what you want."

They looked at each other one more time and kept whispering a few more seconds before the tall one grinned.

{Actually, that won't be necessary.} She said, hands on her hips.

"Are you sure? I don't mind, really."

{No, no. It's okay. In fact…} She started while walking towards him with the other one. {...I'd say you're more than welcome here.}

Max asked himself why they changed their minds so fast only because he could understand them. But his answer came immediately when they both got naked and dipped themselves in the warm water, one on each side of Max. He then realized how imposing they were; not as much as Luna, but they weren't far behind. Even though he wasn't hostile to the idea of having two apparently horny and sexy female pokemon next to him, their stature and the atmosphere made him a bit uncomfortable.

"Sorry to ask, but what pokemon are you?" he questioned, attempting to break the ice.

{Seriously? You never saw a female machoke before?} The tall one said, who was on his right side.

Max then tried his best to remember if he already had seen one recently or in his childhood.

"I guess not."

{Well, we are machoke. Our species are one of those kinds of pokemon who have major differences between genders.}

"Oh, kind of like a gardevoir and a gallade."

{Exactly. My, my, you seem to be well-informed, human. How about you tell us a bit more about yourself?} The tall female machoke suggested while coiling an arm around his neck and gently pulling him towards her, dropping his head on the side of her left boob.

"There is not much to say," Max replied while moving his head away.

Even though he didn't really like her very straightforward and even dominant behavior, he found them quite hot and wanted to know where this was going. If anything goes wrong, a certain gardevoir would gladly come to teach them manners, to say the least.

{Really? So you're just a human that appeared out of nowhere in our pond? A bit hard to believe.} She said, feigning to be skeptical and looking at her smaller friend.

{Don't look at me, you're the one that wanted his dick!}

{I didn't say it like that, but whatever.}

So there was the confirmation of his doubts: he was about to fuck two muscular but slim pokemon.

{That's practically what you said!}

{Excuse her. I don't know where and by what she was raised but she really needs to learn to loosen up.} The tall machoke apologized.

{Like your vagina?} The small one retorted with a grin.

At that, Max couldn't help but chuckle a little. They sent flying knives at each other like that a few times before their attention went back to Max once more.

{Anyway, we were wondering if you wanted to have a bit of fun with us?} The tall one suggested while rubbing his inner leg with her hand, dangerously close to his manhood.

"Hem…" Max replied, unsure.

{Don't worry, you're not in danger here, and feel free to refuse. However, it would certainly brush me the wrong way if you were to say no, especially since you intruded on our pond.}

"That wasn't really my intention, I swear."

{Yet you did, nonetheless. So, what's it gonna be?...} She coaxed, pressing the side of her boob against his head again.

"...If I were to be blunt and honest, I wouldn't say no to two hotties like yourselves. But why so besotted with me, a plain and boring human?"

{Easy question. Both me and Trixie here like exotic things, and what's more exotic than a human that can speak to pokemon? Also, now that we're all up close, you have something quite appealing. I can't tell what, though.}

"Trixie, huh? Pretty name," Max said, briefly looking at the way less enthusiastic female machoke. " What's yours?" he asked the tall one.

{Wiozane. But we're not here to do some boring chit-chat. Let's see what we're dealing with.} Wiozane announced bluntly before directly grasping his semi-hard shaft.

She felt it a short moment before starting to gently stroke him underwater.

{I've seen better, but not bad for a human. I think we just might have fun with it.} She told Trixie.

{Why are you dragging me to these kinds of twisted plans?} Trixie protested.

{Because you like it as much as I do. Otherwise, you wouldn't hang out with me.}


{Why don't you give it a try instead of showing your fake reserved attitude?}

Rolling her eyes and sighing, Trixie took Wiozane's place and began to stroke Max's hardening shaft.

{What are you talking about? This will do just fine.} Trixie questioned, now getting a feel of his tool.

{If you say so.} Wiozane rolled her eyes.

{I'm not as loose as you, you know.}

{Good for you. Tell you what, how about a little contest?}

{...I'm listening...}

{The one who can hold her breath underwater for the longest will go first.}

{...Okay.} Trixie just shrugged her shoulders.

Without any warning, Trixie dove her head underwater and began to suck Max's schlong. He immediately noticed and felt her expertise with it, pleasuring him quite intensely. She went at it for a good minute and a half before popping her head out for air.

{How about that?} Trixie challenged her friend with a grin.

{Meh, not bad.} Wiozane simply replied before doing the same.

This time, the expertise of the second machoke was astonishing. Max guessed that both of them seem to have had their own fair share of experiences, to say the least. Wiozane managed to beat her friend by a few seconds before stopping.

{I'm in the lead.} She told her friend a bit pridefully.

{Not for long. I was just warming up.} Trixie competitively declared.

She then dropped her head underwater and hungrily sucked on Max's meat once more. Slowly but surely and despite himself, his climax was in sight, and hoped that they would be done with their game soon enough so as not to cum too early. To his surprise, though, Trixie held on for roughly an additional minute, shredding the last record.

*gasp* {Oopmf. Try to beat that.} Trixie said a bit arrogantly.

{Shit! What are your lungs made of?} Wiozane exclaimed.

{Same stuff as yours. Do you forfeit?}

{Not without a chance to fight back.}

With almost fiery eyes, Wiozane repeated the same action as before and tried to last as long as she could. Unfortunately, she couldn't hold her breath as long as her friend and resurfaced for air thirty seconds before the record.

*gasp* {Fuck!} Wiozane complained.

{Would you look at that? I won.}

{Yeah, yeah. No need to brag about it.} Trixie's friend retorted, not sounding that upset.

Not losing any time, Trixie grinned, stood up, turned around, and bent over to give him easy access.

{Let's start immediately, then.} She said while gently shaking her rear and waving her tail.

"Time to do my good deed of the day, I suppose," Max jested with a tiny smile while standing behind the smallest female machoke.

{You're in luck as I'm easy to turn on.} Trixie informed him while playing with her clitoris in front of him.

"Good to know," Max replied before grabbing her hips.

{Show off.} Wiozane commented.

Max then aligned himself while grabbing onto Trixie's tail and pushed inside the already wet pokemon's pussy. Immediately, Max felt her rather tight vagina contracting around his shaft with ease. Wondering how long he will be able to hold on there, Max started slowly as his excitement was already rushing towards the roof.

{Do I look like a teen to you? Go harder!} The female machoke commanded.

"Doing my best. I don't want to end it too quickly."

{...Well, would you look at that? A male that actually cares for his female.} Wiozane commented with a tiny smile. {How peculiar.}

{That's sweet and all, but I'm just being teased here.} Trixie complained.

*sigh* "Alright, you asked for it."

Immediately, Max grabbed tightly the female machoke's hips and went all out, just like with Bonny when she's mega evolved.

{Ahh! Now we're t-talking.} She let out, starting to have a lewd face.

Unfortunately, thinking of having sex with his sexy mega-evolved Bonny and doing it in the present caused his pleasure to reach a new peak and he wasn't able to contain it, pouring his seed inside the pokemon with a powerful orgasm that's rare without Scarlet's help. After a quite long-lasting blissful moment, Max stopped.

*pant* "Told you."

{I'll admit that I insisted for you to go harder, but I expected at least a couple more minutes.} Trixie commented, a bit disappointed.


{But it wasn't that bad for a first try.}

"First try?"

With a grin, Trixie left the water and sat on the edge with her knees raised and spread-open legs.

{The first round was rather disappointing, so I'm offering you a second chance.}

"Hem… Thanks?"

{You don't mind me going for another round?} She asked her friend.

{I didn't have the time to enjoy the show even a little, so no, go ahead.} Wiozane assured, laying her head on one arm at the edge, staring at them.

{What are you waiting for? Need some more encouragement?} Trixie proposed before extending her tail to play with Max's softening member. {Or perhaps you'd like it somewhere else?} She added while moving her tail past his genitals.

"No, no, that's okay," Max stopped her, grabbing her tail.

{Suit yourself.} She replied, sounding slightly disappointed. {Come here, then.} She commanded with a finger gesture.

Obliging, Max walked closer until she grabbed and pulled him into a moderately fierce kiss. With some tongue-play, she moved the human's hips back and forth, more or less forcing him to rub his dick against her entrance. Oddly, that kind of behavior was both uncomfortable and arousing. Nonetheless, a second erection was on its way.

{About time. Try to last a bit longer this time.}

"Sure thing. The idea of disappointing a lady is not on my mind."

{I'm starting to like him.} Wiozane affirmed with a grin. {Are you perhaps a trainer?}

{Of course he is. For what other reason would he be here?} Trixie retorted while Max proceeded to push himself inside her.

{If it is the case, then I was wondering: are you in need of a strong pokemon? Maybe two?} Wiozane asked him, flexing her arm muscles.

"Sorry, but my team... is already full," Max responded while slowly pounding the other machoke.

{Shame. You seem to be a very caring one. Oh well, at least I tried.}

{Now let him focus.} Trixie demanded.

Receiving more slow and hard thrusts from the human, Trixie began to moan very slowly with accelerated breathing, and then Max increased his pace. After a little while, she was finally close to an orgasm when Max slowed down.

{What gives?! I'm so close.} Trixie demanded almost aggressively.

"Sorry, but I've had quite a tiresome day," Max justified before speeding up.

{Let me help you with that, then.} She proposed while helping him move his hips with her tail.

Eventually and thanks to the pokemon's help, Max reached his peak and came, shortly followed by Trixie.

{I guess one is better than none.} She commented before releasing his hips.


{My turn!}

Wiozane then left the pond, grabbed one of Max's hands, and pulled him out.

{I'm gonna do you a favor and do all the work. I'm nice, aren't I?} She sultrily commented.


{Glad to hear. Now lay down and enjoy your best fuck ever.}

Before lying down on his back, Max sat down. Wiozane didn't give him the time to do much more as she pushed his back on the ground rather aggressively.

"Whoa. No need to be that eager, we have time."

{So, a trainer, huh? I don't know what pokemon you have, but I'll show you what a real female pokemon can do.}

"R-Really now?"

Her sudden dominant side surprised Max quite a bit, not looking like that a minute ago. Then, as he was under her, he remembered that time with Luna next to the lake. The thought turned him on more than he expected it to. She then dropped herself right on his shaft and pressed her hands on his arms, to prevent him from escaping.

{Sorry, but I can hardly control myself when I'm horny.} She said with a half-disinterested tone before going to town with Max's rod. {But now that I've started, there is no escape.}

The more he stayed with them, the less he liked their rather arrogant attitude. However, Wiozane's dominatrix side was what made him continue, reminding him of Luna and her physique.

As minutes of rutting them both passed by and despite their bad sides, he could hesitantly admit that sex with them was great, especially Wiozane because even though she wasn't as tight as Trixie, she could somehow contract her insides at will. He endured them until all three of them were satisfied and then he could just walk away and never see them ever again.

{Shit! I don't know how you do that, but you just hit the right spots. Not many can achieve that.} Wiozane commented while riding him again.

"Ghh, I'm not doing anything special," he managed to say, grunting from the pleasure.

{It must be your shape, then. Glad we met each other.}

Quickly, she went faster and rougher, dropping on Max as hard as she could, almost as if she wanted him to literally destroy her womb.

{Oh fuck, yes! That's the stuff!} She raunchily growled.

She went that way for a full minute until she felt her climax nearing. She then went even faster, almost hurting the human below, earning a powerful orgasm.

{Damn!} *pant* {I don't remember the last time I came that fast.} She commented with an ecstatic smile.

{How come it didn't happen with me?} Trixie asked, almost sounding offended.

{Either because he likes me better or your G-spot is non-existent.} Wiozane arrogantly teased her.

{Remind me, why are we friends again?}

{Because I helped you fuck my brother.}

{...Oh yeah. I remember now.}

{Since you haven't ejaculated yet, think you can do that one more time?}

"I think so."

{Great.} Wiozane said before quickly resuming where she left off a couple of seconds ago. {But don't think I'll cum that easily this time. I'm gonna squeeze you dry first.} She boldly assured him.

With her friend looking from behind, Wiozane went even wilder than before. Getting quite into it, she couldn't help but to make out aggressively with the human, raising her pleasure even more. And surprisingly for various minutes, she managed to endure the pleasure quite efficiently, making Max the next one to explode.

{Ahh! I told you a small human is nothing for me.} She said confidently. {But I want to feel it again. Now…} She added, her face an inch away from his. {...I suggest you hold on until I cum.}

The female machoke then went at it one more time while gyrating herself so he could hit her sweet spots a bit more easily. They mated for a couple more minutes until Wiozane was nearing her orgasm. But this time she wanted to be filled to the brim, so she got as tight as possible for him and went even faster than before, making Max explode inside her almost instantly. Feeling it, she pressed his tip against her G-spot with more pressure and followed him with her own ecstatic release shortly after.

{Ooph! That was a nice fuck. I must say, you did well for a human. Didn't know they could be this good.}

"I've been doing some training of my own."

{Aww, isn't he cute?} She commented while standing up. {Feel free to enjoy more of our pond. We'll come back tomorrow.}

Grabbing her clothes, Wiozane left with Trixie.

{Goodbye.} She wished before returning to wherever they came from.

Sighing, Max dropped his head on the ground.

"I have a hard time with those who are full of themselves," he said to himself while sitting up. "But at least they know how to use their sexy bodies."

Standing up, Max then entered the pond for a bit longer to wash off the dirt and fluids he had on him. Shortly after finishing, he exited it and went to grab his clothes.

"...Fuck! I forgot to bring a towel. And I don't want to bother Scarlet with that... Meh, fuck it."

Out of options, Max took his shirt to dry himself as much as he could before dressing up, minus the shirt.

"It's not perfect but it will do until I'm back to the camp. Once there, either Scarlet or Dusk can help."

With that, Max turned around and took the same path as before.

Having a pretty good sense of orientation, he was somewhat able to navigate himself to where he came from. Then, as he began asking himself if he was really going in the right direction, something in the distance caught his attention. He couldn't see very well due to the darkness, but thanks to the moon's natural light he was able to determine that it was a small figure. Silently, Max began to approach it while staying hidden in case it was hostile. He knows that it's not very bright to walk towards a potentially dangerous creature, but his curious nature was strong, and could rarely fight it. To his surprise, Max recognized the creature as one of his companions: May. As he was thinking about a way to greet her without giving her a heart attack, he noticed how she was often looking around while slowly walking towards what seemed to be the direction of the mountains she mentioned before.

(What's the deal with those mountains?) Max thought.

Wanting to know what she had in mind, he tried his best to sneakily follow her. Since she was just a cute mawile and not a pro-hunter like Luna, he was confident in his ability to-

{I know you're there, master.} May said with crossed arms, turning around to look in his general direction.

(Shit!) He cursed mentally before showing himself. "Don't tell me you hunt for fun, too? Or did Luna teach you some stuff?"

{Not really. You're just too noisy. Strangely, it's a bit more subtle than usual, but I know your smell.}

*sigh* "So in short, I could never sneak up on any of you?"

{Probably not, but why would you ever do that, anyway?} The cute small pokemon asked, almost scolding him.

"Honestly, I don't know. For fun, I guess."

{Trying to sneak on our back is fun to you?}

"No, I-"

{Gotcha! Just messing with you.} May reassured with a smile.

"Tss. You sneaky little cutesy. You deserve a small cheek pinching," Max told her before grabbing and affectionately pinching one of her cheeks.

{Hihi. So, you went for a swim?} She inquired in regard to the dangling wet shirt on his hand.

"A bath, yeah. But unfortunately, I forgot a towel. So... you can guess the fate of my shirt."

{Ohh, silly and forgetful master. What are we gonna do with you?} She jested with a fake tone of despair.

"Hehe. All that aside, what are you doing out here all by yourself?"

{Me? Oh, nothing really. Just doing some harmless walking like you, that's all.}

Not buying it, Max stared at her with a very skeptical face.

"Really? Alone and in the dark?"


Quickly, May understood that he was aware of her lie.

{Alright. No need to try to hide the truth, I suppose.}

"Nope. Not when you have Scarlet as a teacher."

*sigh* {I still have a weird feeling about those mountains and I wanted to investigate, but I didn't want to bother anyone with that.}


{I… don't really know. I just wanted to do a quick survey and come back immediately. And I didn't want to bother them if, in the end, there is nothing.}

"Well, from how long I've known them, I'm sure none would have been mad at you for asking them to follow you for some worries, even if it's for nothing in the end. I can't really guarantee that with Aurora, but the others I'm sure of."

{...True. I don't think Dusk would have minded at all. Though I'm not sure she would have told me if she did.}

"...Tell you what, how about we investigate? Just the two of us."

{You would do that with me?} May asked, getting enthusiastic.

"Indeed. See it as a little date."

{Thanks, master!} She said, hugging him. {I love you so much!}

"No big deal," Max assured, petting her. "Taking care of you girls is my reason to live."

{It's a bit depressing when you say it like that.}

"Hehe, I'll admit that maybe I overstated it. Let's go, then," Max announced before placing her on one of his shoulders.

Thanks to May's natural pokemon senses in the wild, the mawile could easily guide him through the woods.

"So, did you ask Scarlet for help?"

{Yeah. She said she'll try to work on it as soon as she can tomorrow. Though I'm still wondering what she has planned for me. How do we train something if we can't actually train it?}

"Good question. I believe there is a way, otherwise, no one could learn anything at all. I doubt every pokemon is born with the ability to use Hyper Beam."

{I suppose.}

"I have faith in both you and Scarlet. Scarlet is smart, so surely she will find a way."

{I hope. I just don't want to become a burden because I don't have any ranged attacks.}

"You will never be a burden even if you're never able to learn any ranged moves. Worst case scenario, we'll just focus even more on your physical prowess."

{Still. That would be annoying.}

"But you'll be a strong pokemon, nonetheless."

{...Yes... of course...}

Before speaking her sentence, May's attention seemed to have drifted away, as if she was feeling or sensing something.

"What is it?"

{We're getting close.}

A few minutes later, they indeed arrived at the foot of one of the mountains.

"Well, here we are," Max said, dropping her on the ground. "What's the verdict?"

More or less ignoring him, May scouted the walls with some attentive eyes for a moment.

{There must be a way in.}

"How can you be so sure?"

{Mountains are rarely uninhabited by a rock or ground-type pokemon.}

"Well, that's very reassuring," he remarked sarcastically.

{We'll be quiet and careful. Anyway, most rock-type pokemon aren't that aggressive. If anything, I'll just smash any who want to hurt you.}

"I appreciate the concern but... shouldn't we call the others, just in case?"

{I don't think it will be necessary. Not before we do find something, at least.}

*sigh* "Alright, I'm trusting you."

{I won't let anything happen to you, I promise.}

"Thanks. Well then, I believe we have to find an entrance."

{Yup.} May confirmed before both of them began to follow the foot of the mountain.

"You still don't know what to expect?"

{Not really, but it's like something is calling out to me. Well, attracting me, to be less melodramatic.}

"Could it perhaps be a handsome male mawile?"

May responded with a disapproving glare at him.

"Just kidding. But that was the most plausible thing that first came across my mind to explain it."

{You know, I saw many humans through my travels with my previous trainer and I still don't understand why you humans always have to be given an explanation for everything.}

"I don't know," he simply answered, shrugging. "I guess it's because we like to be well-informed. Knowledge is power, as we say."

{I don't think so. Power is power.}

"Haha. You're so cute that I could just bite you."

{Well, maybe not biting, but I don't mind something more... pleasant.} May told him in an attempted seductive tone.

"If you're a nice girl, maybe that can be arranged after we're done here."

{Yay! Fun time with master!} She exclaimed enthusiastically.

With a grin, both of them kept walking until they managed to find a cave entrance, which was elevated from where they stood; probably several feet above Max's head. It didn't seem to have been created naturally by any humans whatsoever due to the lack of precision and tweaking of the hole.

"Darn it, the one entrance we find and it's up there."

Suddenly, May began to jump and do some foot play to reach the entrance in a matter of seconds.

"H-hey wait! What about me?"

{Just climb it.} May said expectantly, hands on her hips.

"...Just climb it, she says. I'm not a freaking overpowered pokemon," he mumbled with some mild annoyance.

{What was that?} She demanded, pretending to be provoked.

"Nothing. Just said I sometimes wish I could be a pokemon."

{You being a human is just fine.}

"If you say so," he mumbled again but lower this time, dropping his shirt on the ground.

Carefully, Max grabbed onto the rocky wall. Luckily, the surface was eroded enough to have a couple of good grips here and there. It took him almost a full minute to join May.

{Took you long enough.} May teased.

"Sometimes, I do like to make a lady wait."

{How chivalrous of you.} May added, rolling her eyes. {Ready?}

"Yeah. But how are we gonna navigate in there? It's pitch black."

{It is? It's a bit dark but it's not that bad.}

"Now you're telling me that pokemon have night vision?"

{I don't know what that is but many pokemon can see in the dark, especially my kind since we mostly live in caves.}

"My male theory has gone thicker."

{Stop saying stupid things and just grab onto my maw. I'll guide you.}

*sigh* "This journey took a weird turn real fast," Max commented before doing as told.

{I thought you liked adventure.}

"I do, but I also like seeing where I'm going."

{Afraid of the dark?} May teased with a grin.

"Suuure," Max replied sarcastically. "That's why I keep a dark-type pokemon with me and sleep outside in a creepy forest at night while traveling."

{What does Luna have to do with this?}

"Nothing. Forget it. Shall we?"

{Follow me.} May enthusiastically said before proceeding inside.

After only a few meters, Max was lost in complete darkness.

"Well, now I can boast about having experienced the feeling of being blind and guided by another creature."

{It's not so bad. Besides rocky walls, there is nothing around.}

"I have no choice but to take your word for it."

{Just make sure you lift your feet a bit higher when walking.}

For a while, Max was being guided by May in silence. A few times, he almost tripped on some rock formations.

"Still know where we're going?"

{More or less.}

"Most reassuring words of the year."

{A pokemon's instinct rarely deceives. However, I admit that even I'm starting to have trouble seeing.}

"Okay, how about we go back now?"

{I'm getting closer, I can feel it.}

"Brrrh. What's the point if we can't see anything?" he said, the cold air hitting his upper body.

{Didn't you buy something that can provide us light?}

"Yes but it's in my backpack, which I don't have right now."

{...} *sigh* {I guess you're right. It wasn't a good idea, after all.} May admitted, sounding very disappointed.

"I'm sorry, May. Wait! Hold on..."

Max released May's maw and began to search in his pocket.

"I think I have something. It's weak, but it'll work just fine."

After a short moment, a light appeared from Max's pokedex.

{Why didn't you use that sooner?} She asked him, a bit annoyed.

"Because I rarely use it and forgot about it 'til now. Have a harder question for me?"

{Nevermind. That will do.}

"That means we can continue."

{Awesome.} May expressed, back to her joyful self.

Looking around with the built-in flashlight, the cave was looking like any other ordinary cave but a bit wider.

"Oh yes. That's much better."

Then, Max, unfortunately, moved the light up and disturbed a group of zubat, which began to fly all around the place in surprise.

"Fuck!" Max cursed, lowering himself while shielding his head with his arms.

A golbat even tried to attack him, but May denied it by attacking it with Pound, literally sending it flying away. A moment later, the zubats were all gone, as well as the golbat.

{Told you. Everything is under control.} May boasted.

"Never doubted it."

For a little while, Max and May walked through the tunnels rather peacefully.

{It's weird. Places like this are usually more populated.} May pointed out.

"In all honesty, I won't complain."

{Me neither, but it's almost concerning... I suppose at this time a lot of them are sleeping.}

"Eh, maybe an evil and powerful spirit haunts this place, so that must be what you felt."

{There is no such thing as something powerful enough to scare the inhabitants of a whole mountain.} May affirmed.

"I was just kidding. Geez."

A couple more steps later, they arrived at a strangely less dark but wider tunnel. Unfortunately, something seemed to block their way.

{Darn! It's a dead-end.} May remarked.

"Looks like it."

Upon getting closer, Max barely noticed a particular coloration of the rocks in front of them.

"Wait, those rocks look different. And look..." Max said while raising his light up above the strangely reflective rocks, only to see a gap between the rock formation and the roof. "Maybe we can even climb it."

{It's worth the try. I bet what we're looking for is behind this.}

"Perhaps," Max agreed, now inches from it. "Now, a way to climb t-… What the…?" he continued while touching it. "It feels really… smooth, and cold."

{What is it, master?} May asked, walking next to him.

"I'm beginning to wonder if it's really a rock."


"Huh? What was that?"

{I don't know. Maybe a pokemon.}

"You said this cave was empty," he replied, starting to get concerned.

{What? I never said that. I only said that it was weird we didn't encounter any pokemon so far.}

"Same thing."

{No, it's not.}

*Rumble* *Rumble*

"It's getting louder. Whatever it is, I think it's coming over here," Max theorized, turning around so as to prevent a back attack "May, get ready."

Max waited a few seconds for an answer but didn't get any.


Upon illuminating the mawile, Max saw her staring in front of her, immobile like a statue.

"What is it?" he urged.

Turning to face the dead-end again, Max saw the weird rock formations moving on their own.

"W-what the…?"

Slowly, Max rose the light source in the air, following its movement. When around the roof, he saw another weird-shaped rock rising upward. As soon as the light landed upon it, an eye opened wide and glared at him.

"...You've gotta be shitting me!" he cursed, now staring at it face to face.

"SSHRAAAAH!" the creature howled with its giant mouth.


In a split second, Max grabbed May with one arm and started running in the opposite direction at top speed with his light source in the other. In the following second, the ground began to tremble along with another screech from behind, being chased by the monster.


{I never said it would be fun!} May loudly replied.


{Just keep running! A bothered steelix is the worst thing you could ever hope for!}




{We could be getting chased by two steelix!}


{What do you want me to do against that thing?!}



Gaining back enough sense to see she was right, Max took a few seconds to calm himself just enough to not yell at the top of his lungs.

"...Is it gaining on us?!"

Looking back, May saw the steelix getting dangerously close.

{N-no. Just keep running and we'll be fine.} She poorly lied.

However, Max was too busy trying to stay alive to notice.

"I won't be able to hold this speed for much longer," he pointed out loudly.

{Now would be the right time to call for help, don't you think?}

"You bet it is!"

Trying to calm himself a little bit more, he focused his mind on trying to communicate with Scarlet.

{...So?} May asked after a short moment.

"...No response."

The mawile then turned to look behind again, seeing the steelix almost at crushing distance.

{We're dead.} She mumbled with a horrified expression.

After a couple more gigantic steps, Max arrived at a lightly illuminated area that almost looked like a room with two openings; the one they just arrived at and another one on the other side.

"I think I see light on the other side!" Max yelled as soon as he believed to see a dot of light beyond the other passage.

With his last breath and renewed speed, he gathered his hope and will to survive, sprinting even faster than he ever had in his life. Just very slightly, they began to distance themselves from the steelix, still roaring at them with hostility. Then, May saw it coming to a complete stop.

{Hmm? What's it doing?}

She then saw the steelix raising its massive and heavy tail in the air. May's eyes widened in fear.



In an instant, the ground began to fissure and collapse all across the area. To make matters worse, there was a deep void revealing itself under the ground, and they, unfortunately, couldn't escape the crumbling floor in time.

"AAAAAAHH!" Max screamed as both he and May began their descent into the abyss.

{Master, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry for putting us into this!} May fervently apologized, small tears rapidly seeping while strongly hugging him.

"...It's okay, sweety... At least we're together..." Max solemnly soothed her, hugging her with all his strength as their fall speed was rising exponentially.

Suddenly, their fall began to quickly slow down before stopping completely. Opening their eyes, they saw themselves enrobed in blue light.

*gasp* "Scarlet!" Max loudly said, looking upward.

Both of them were indeed saved by Scarlet, floating towards them with raised arms and glowing blue eyes.

{Seriously? I can't even unhook my eyes off you for a single minute!} Scarlet scolded.

{Scarlet!} May happily exclaimed.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you," Max expressed with a tear dropping from one eye.

{And it seems that it was about time for me to arrive.} Scarlet noted matter-of-factly.


Suddenly, Scarlet dropped them on the ground below and released her power. Sitting up, Max saw Scarlet standing imposingly with crossed arms, glaring at them with ill-temper.

{Explanations?} She demanded, sounding furious, causing May to hide behind Max.

"W-well, it's k-kinda funny..."

{I don't think so.} She angrily replied.

"Okay first, why didn't you hear me calling you?"

{These walls are thick. Now, I'm waiting...} She answered, getting angrier.

"So how did you know we were in trouble, then?"

{There was a hole at the top. Now answer my question before I really get angry!} She threatened him, trying to contain her boiling emotions.

"Okay, okay. Well, it all started with me and May wanting to do some harmless walking in the woods when we-"

Mid-sentence, Max was interrupted by the ground rumbling once more. In the next instant, the steelix slams through a wall of the pit with an explosion.

"SSHRAAA!" it growled menacingly.

{Grrh. Explanations are gonna have to wait.} Scarlet said while immediately getting between them and the steelix, prepared to fight with a glowing hand at the ready.

"I don't know about this, Scarlet. It seems very, very angry."

{Put May back in her pokeball.} She ordered.

{But… I can-}

{NOW!} Scarlet furiously commanded with her eyes glowing blue, but strangely into a darker shade, making May whimper in fear.

It took a moment for them to realize what just happened and looked at her. However, they revised themselves very quickly and complied with her order, Max immediately putting May back in her pokeball.

"Why?" Max asked her.

{Because it's about to get ugly. And I don't want her in the way. One is already too much to protect.}

"What are you gonna do?"

{What I do best: Destroy.} Scarlet declared with a ruthless tone of voice.

After having her two arms glowing in power, she started floating again before rushing forwards. Immediately, the steelix saw and sensed her as the biggest threat and growled at her.

{Heheh, you look like one tough motherfucker. Which means I can go all out.} She amusedly remarked.

Scarlet then went for Shadow Ball and created a very large ball of dark energy.

{Take that!} She exclaimed before tossing it.

Not even trying to dodge it, the steelix took the hit entirely, creating a big cloud of dark particles all around it. Scarlet was preparing another one as the cloud was slowly subsiding when the tail of the steelix quickly went towards her. She failed to see it in time and just barely had the time to protect herself with a telekinetic shield. The force of the hit was so strong that it propelled her against the nearest wall, breaking it into a half-sphere shape all around her.

{Gyhaa!} She growled upon impact.

Recalling her shield, Scarlet floated closer to the ground. She was mostly unharmed but her 'nose region' was bleeding a little.

"Stop it!" Max commanded. "Can't you teleport us away?"

Before answering, Scarlet wiped her face and saw the blood. That's where it boiled once again.

{No… because it's gonna learn the hard way that it attacked the wrong person.} She answered with a sadistic grin, glaring at the steelix.

"Drop it, it's not worth it!"

{Oh, yes it is.}

With her unhealthy grin, Scarlet lifted herself from the ground and floated upwards once more.

{You piece of muk shit, you're about to regret everything in life.}

Gathering a lot of energy, Scarlet created an almost giant Shadow Ball before immediately tossing it at the steel pokemon. However this time, she didn't stop and teleported behind it before overwhelming it with multiple Fire Punches, growling angrily with each consecutive punch. She was pummeling it so hard that her knuckles started to bleed, but she was indeed slightly damaging the steelix. Turning around, Scarlet's adversary went for a headbutt but was stopped mid-course with Psychic.

{Not so strong, I see.}

Not even fazed, the steelix gathered its own energy and shot a Flash Cannon at the gardevoir at point-blank range. Since she was still keeping the steelix at bay with Psychic, she didn't protect herself from the hit, receiving several burns of light all over her body. And instead of growling in pain, Scarlet just glared at the steelix with a wider grin.

{You've wasted your chance.}

Using all of her mind, she moved the steel pokemon all around, tossing it at the walls. After one impact, she immediately chained with another. She then chained with another one. And another one. She was so relentless that the room was starting to collapse.

"Stop it, Scarlet! You're gonna kill me!"

Max quickly raised his head to see a huge chunk of rock falling towards him. He instinctively shielded his head and heard a very loud impact, but oddly, feeling nothing. Opening his eyes, he saw a nearly invisible kinetic dome around him. Max asked himself if it really was Scarlet's work as she was still chucking the steelix all over the place like a toy you want to break. With the steelix growing weaker but still in shape to fight, Scarlet dropped it on the ground before floating down, now at hand reach with it.

{I wonder how you'll do when you're out of your element.}

Scarlet then touched it and disappeared with it.


In a very high altitude where oxygen was almost non-existent, Scarlet reappeared with the steelix, floating in the air with her power.

[Have a nice trip.] She spoke in the pokemon's mind before releasing her grip with a hellish grin.