Changing Matters

Now out of the community of Togetheart, Max resumed his journey on the path of becoming a good trainer. Alongside him were Scarlet, Luna, and Aurora, the lucario wanting to spend time with him since she hadn't seen him for a while due to her month-long absence. While walking, Max found it difficult to keep track of conversations they might have had since he was too absorbed in his thoughts.

{It's gonna be hard to get over that one, isn't it?} Scarlet engaged with Max.

"...I don't know. Do you think we should have insisted on taking her with us?"

{Sally made her choice, master. If coming with us meant taking her away from her home, you made the right decision.}


{I'm afraid she's right, little pup.} Luna agreed. {Sometimes, the best decision is also the most painful one.}

{I wish I could say something to cheer you up too, but unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to know her very well. Despite that, she seemed like a very nice girl.} Aurora said.

"She was." *sigh* "I should really stop making girls fall in love with me. It just makes things harder in the end. The journey will be a very long one if it happens all the time."

{Sorry to say this, but there's nothing you can really do about that. Well, besides becoming a complete jerk in the span of one day. But I doubt that will be possible.} Scarlet told him.

{Especially if he doesn't want to, which I'm convinced of.} Luna added.

{Me too.} Aurora agreed.

*Sigh* "Unfortunately, you're right. I could never be mean or cruel to pokemon, especially females."

{I guess 'heartbreaker is your ability.} Scarlet jested, wanting to soothe things up.

At Max's silence, she realized that comment might have been a bit inappropriate.

{Sorry. That sounded better in my head. What I meant was that you're a nice and very charming human, Max. Unfortunately, like everything that exists, there is a backside to every medal.}

"...I guess I'm doomed to make girls cry then."

{Don't be like that, master. Just give it time. Both you and her will get over it eventually.} She reassured him. {Remember the sylveon or the absol we've met: Livia and… Trisha.}

Memories of the good times he shared with them re-emerged in his head. He felt his heart clench, wishing to see them again, but he kind of got over the fact that it was now in the past.

"I do. Though… I don't know. It was a bit different with Sally."

Max then noticed the gardevoir looking suspiciously at him.

"It's not what you think, I promise. It's just… she was just too endearing and I spent a lot more time with her than them."

{...She kind of was, I can't deny it.} She agreed.

"But to be honest, I think what's making it harder is that I'm worried about her. She was alone and in so much pain when we got there. I just don't want her to be like that again."

{Knowing you, I'm sure you gave her enough love for two lifetimes. I'm convinced it will be different because she is different, thanks to you. In the worst-case scenario, she will still have her memories of you and your shirt.}

"Assuming no one steals it from her."

{Ohpf.} Scarlet huffed, making Luna have a funny face.


{Personally, I'm not worried about that. I pity the one that will try to take away her new treasure from her.}

{Always be aware of the calm water.} Luna said.

Max then imagined the scenario. Strangely, he didn't have a hard time doing so, as behind her very kind nature, he was convinced that she could get very aggressive when it comes to things she holds dear.

"...You're probably right."

{There you go, master. Already progressing.} Scarlet praised.

"My biggest wish right now is that she will be okay."

{I'm sure she will.}

Now feeling reassured, Max was still melancholic and was already starting to miss her again, but at least he was in the healing process now.

{How about we take it off your mind with something else? How long until we arrive at the next gym?}

"Well…" Max replied, checking his pokedex. "According to this, we must pass through a city called Lemallion before reaching Oxguard. Let's see what this city is all about… Lamellion is a heavily industrialized city that produces a lot of pollution, but thanks to their many galarian weezings wandering around, the air stays healthy for other living creatures."

{Galarian weezings?} Scarlet wondered.

"I know what a weezing is, but a galarian one…"

{What's the difference?} Aurora inquired.

"Dunno. Let's check… Ahaha, oh my god!" Max laughed after searching for an image.

{What?} Scarlet demanded.

"Just look at it." He said, handing the pokedex to Scarlet.

{Holy shit! They look ridiculous.} She commented, letting out a chuckle before handing it to Aurora.

{Whoa. They sure look… interesting.} The lucario remarked, not wanting to be mean.

{I don't know. They look quite fancy if you ask me.} Luna shared, looking at the pokedex over Aurora's shoulder.

"If that is fancy, I'll keep being grotesque." Max jested, taking his pokedex back.

{Personally, I think you're neither one. Just keep being yourself.} Scarlet commented.

"I'll try my hardest to be me." Max retorted with a slightly arrogant smile.

The rest of the day went normally. Lunch break at noon and set up camp near the end of the afternoon. Now that the days were getting slightly shorter, they stopped earlier so they could enjoy the rest of the light of the day. With a pitched tent and campfire ready but not ignited, the group went on with whatever they wanted to do. Luna explored around, while May and Dusk played together either between themselves or board games, which Bonny liked to join from time to time. Aurora, on her side, was now killing time with meditation. Further ahead, Max was now training Jade under the supervision of Scarlet.

"Okay, Jade. You have made some progress lately, so you should be able to lift heavier things than last time."

{I don't know. The last thing I lifted exhausted me quite a bit.} Jade pointed out.

"Well, I wasn't very fair to you since you were already overworked before that. But now that you're all rested, you should feel stronger."


"Okay. Let's try with… that." Max said, pointing to a nearby tiny boulder.

{That's too big.} Jade affirmed.

"*Chuckle* Not that much. I'm sure you will be able to at least move it."

{I don't know…}

{Just shut it and try.} Scarlet urged.

{O-Okay.} Jade quickly said nervously, pointing her hands at the boulder.

She then used her psychic abilities, making her hands, eyes, and the boulder glow in blue. Focusing, she used all the power she gathered and tried to lift it. Almost immediately, she closed her eyes in concentration. Her arms started shaking as she already felt her power draining, despite trying really hard.

{HNN! I… can't… GHhh!}

{Try harder for fuck sake.} Scarlet urged again.

Jade's arm muscles got all tense and she was already sweating while growling. Suddenly, Max saw it gently move.

"Come on, Jade! You're almost there!" Max encouraged her.

Using everything she had, she started to moan in pain and dropped one knee on the ground. With a last effort, she managed to lift it a few inches from the ground before she reached her limit. Her powers canceled on their own and dropped the boulder.

{Ghaa…} Jade growled, falling on all fours, panting.

"You did it!" Max praised.

{Oh please. Don't you just praise her because she was able to move a pebble.} Scarlet lectured.

"A little bit of encouragement never hurts." Max defended, looking at her.

{*Hmpf* Encouragement, huh?}

With an annoyed expression, Scarlet floated towards the boulder.

"What are you doing?" Max asked, looking at her as well as Jade, who was panting.

Not answering, Scarlet effortlessly lifted the boulder, put a hand on it, and used her power to shatter it into pieces.

"What was that for? Now she has nothing to work with."

{I'm not too sure about that. Move out of the way.} She commanded before using Telekinesis to lift a bunch of small rocks.


With her abilities, Scarlet pushed Max away and tossed a few pebbles at Jade at moderately high speed.

{Hya!} Jade squeaked, raising her hands in fear and using her own powers to deflect them in extremis.

"The hell Scarlet?! What are you doing?" Max blurted out.

{Just doing some encouragement.} Scarlet answered, tossing more pebbles at Jade, who struggled to deflect them all.

"That's encouragement? Can you stop?" Max ordered, standing up.

{Sorry, master. Your method was okay at first, but now she's not progressing fast enough. Your soft training sessions won't do any good from now on.} She explained, tossing even more pebbles.

{Hee!} Jade squeaked again.

Unable to deflect all of them anymore, she used her psychic abilities to protect her front with a telekinetic shield, which quickly became weak.

{What are you waiting for?! Fight back already!} Scarlet commanded.

Scarlet then lifted a huge amount of pebbles and tossed them at her. Jade shielded herself from them, but broke her defense, making her fall on all fours again in exhaustion.

{If you don't fight back, it will hurt.}

Raising her head, Jade was stricken with fear when she saw Scarlet levitating the rest of the pebbles, of which there were a lot.

{Here they come!}

As soon as Jade saw Scarlet move one hand forward to command the rocks to charge at her, she quickly lifted one of her own pebbles and tossed it at Scarlet. However, the impact was so weak that Scarlet barely felt it at all, even without protecting herself.

{...Seriously?} Scarlet commented, stopping her attack and dropping the pebbles.

{I'm… sorry.} Jade apologized.

"Are you trying to kill her?" Max accused, upset.

{If that's all she can do after all of that training, maybe the training isn't spartiate enough.}


{A word I found in your brain. It means excruciating.}

"I know what it means. It's just… maybe there is another method than trying to lapidate her."

{If she really wants to get stronger, she'll have to fight for survival every now and then.} Scarlet said, bursting her fist into flames.

"Calm down, Scarlet! She doesn't even know a single move yet besides Telekinesis."

{It's the least she can know. It's a move pretty much every psychic-type pokemon knows since birth.}

"If we want her to learn a new one, she has to increase her special power first."

Scarlet then glared at Jade, who was still on all fours and heavily panting.

{*Sigh* Alright.} She conceded, extinguishing her fists. {But I still think she should go up a notch.}

"What are you proposing?

Max got her thinking.

[And why that sudden urge to make her stronger? You don't even like her.] Max questioned.

[Because her weakness pisses me off. It's like she's not even trying.]

[She does, but never had the chance to improve properly. Don't forget who she was forced to be with.]

[Tsk, if only I could have killed that bitch Qsalyla. She was just living garbage.]

[But she's gone now and Jade is with us. That's all that matters. Just look at her. Do you really think she's faking?]

Scarlet then glared at Jade some more, who was panting a bit less. Sighing loudly, Scarlet floated towards Jade, who looked at her in anticipation.

{...Get up. It's time for you to learn a new move. You won't survive long on your own with just Telekinesis.}

Hardly, Jade stood on her legs.

{We'll start with the easiest one; Psybeam. But, in order to efficiently learn it, you'll have to feel the move yourself.}

With a fraction of her power, Scarlet attacked Jade with Psybeam, pushing her backward a bit in pain.

"Scarlet!" Max loudly yelled, getting between her and Jade.

{Move aside, master. I'll take it from here.}

"If it's only for you to sadistically hurt her, then I refuse."

{It's beyond you, master. If she really wants to get strong, she'll have to sweat blood and water.}

"Then I'm afraid she'll have to stay weaker for a little bit longer." Max challenged her.

Glaring at Max, Scarlet was about to retort, but Jade interrupted her.

{It's… okay… Max.} She said, painfully getting up. {If she… really thinks… it's for the best… I… believe her.} She conceded, looking at them, scaringly looking determined.

As Jade was hardly standing up, Scarlet looked at her with an almost impressed look. She was hard on her, disliking her and even hurting her, but she was still standing up and even trusting her.


{Oh my. Aren't you just the simple naive one?} Scarlet commented, facepalming.

{M-Maybe… but… I don't really have… anything else.} She replied with shaky legs.

She then got into a defensive stance.

{I'm… ready.} She said, expecting another attack.

Both Max and Scarlet look at each other for a short moment.

{...It won't be necessary. You just had to experience it once.} Scarlet assured her.

Even though she was ready, a relieving feeling invaded Jade.

{Now you just focus on that feeling and try to reproduce it.} She instructed, floating next to her. {Like this.} She added, creating Psybeam energy between her two hands.

Jade immediately mimicked her stance and did as told. With a relieved and desperate sigh, Max sat nearby and watched Scarlet teaching her the Psybeam. She was hard, unforgiving, and even mean from time to time, but stayed patient and kept instructing her. A couple of hours then passed.

{That's gonna be enough for today. You better keep in mind what you learned today. If we keep working, you will eventually learn the move.} Scarlet announced.

{O...Okay.} Jade replied.

Due to rather intense cramps, Jade's arms were madly shaking.

{I'm gonna cool off a bit. I'll be back at the camp later.} Scarlet said, slowly floating away.

As soon as she was out of sight, Jade dropped to the ground. She tried to break her fall with her hands, but her arms were too dead and dropped on her chest.

"Jade!" Max called, worried.

{I'm… okay. Just…}

"Let me help you." He said, presenting his hand.

Jade tried to grab it, but her grasp was too weak and released his hand immediately. Max then grabbed her wrist, helped her stand before dropping her at the base of a tree, which she could lay her back against.

"I don't know if you should feel privileged or not, but Scarlet never got that hard on someone."

{I can't... blame her. I'm weaker than anyone else… so it's understandable.}

"What's the point if you don't survive?" Max said, making Jade look at him in confusion. "That's not what I meant."

{I do feel privileged. She sacrifices her own time... just to help a pokemon like me.} Jade admitted, closing her eyes.

"Despite her menacing and intimidating appearance, she's very reliable. If I can trust someone to help me with anything, it would be her. In a sense, she sacrificed a lot too for being with me."

{I… doubt it. Every time I see both of you, she seems to enjoy every second of it.}


{If it doesn't bother you, I… would like to rest for a moment.}

"Sure, Jade. No problem. We'll call you when dinner is ready."

{Alright. Thanks.}

Leaving her, Max walked back to the camp and saw Dusk, May, Bonny, and Aurora playing one of the board games he bought.

"Mind if I join?" Max asked, sitting with them.

{Not at all.} Dusk assured.

{Just in time actually. We just started a game like three minutes ago.} Bonny stated.

"Great. It would have hurt me to mess up with your game."

{You would just have waited until we were done.} Aurora pointed out.

"So, where's the rule book?"

{We can just explain it to you.} Bonny suggested.


After a more or less confusing explanation later, Max played around with them and managed to get in fourth place.

"Damn. You don't go easy on your beloved master, girls." Max jested.

{No need to try to emotionally blackmail us. We beat you fair and square.} May replied.

"Says the one in the first place."

{At least you're not last.}

{Thanks for the reminder.} Bonny retorted, on her belly and a bit upset.

"Come on, Bonny. It's just a game." Max said, gently slapping the lopunny's plump rear.

{That's not what you were saying when you lost half of your shit.}

"May could have easily won even without that. I could have been at least in second place if it wasn't for that."

{Yet, you're not.} Bonny nagged, rolling on her back. {Anyway, I'm getting too hungry to focus.}

"Me too. I'll ask Scarlet if she can help us. In the meantime, what do you say we try the mega evolution, Aurora?"

{I don't mind, but I'd rather wait until after dinner.}

"Good point. So, another round?"

{Sure thing.} May agreed.

{You know girls, now that he's here, we can play with him instead.} Bonny suggested, eyeing Max.

"Say what now?"

{Good thinking Bonny.} May agreed, doing the same.

"Easy now girls. I…"

{You just said you were hungry a few seconds ago. Well, aren't you hungry for some 'rabbit meat'?} Bonny enticed, rolling on her side with a provocative pose.

"I… you sure make it hard."

{Oh, I do now? Care to show us?}

"What? I… I didn't mean it like that."

{Aha, I love when master is all flustered.} May laughed.

"Anyway, no point in that if I can't actually eat you."

{Well, I don't mind sharing a bit of me to give you some 'bacon'.} Bonny enticed, even more, rolling to her belly and gently shaking her rear.

"*sigh* Something is wrong with you, Bonny."

{Maybe.} She conceded with a grin. {Though, now that I mentioned rabbit meat, I was wondering something.}

"What is it?"

{How was it with Sally?} She asked while positioning her things on the game.

Her question however sounded a bit more sarcastic than curiosity, but maybe it was just him.

"And by 'how was it' you mean…"

{What do you think I can possibly mean by that?}

{You did ask Bonny the pervert after all.} May stated.

"Well, it was okay I guess."

{I don't buy it. Surely it was better than that.} Bonny said, skeptical.

{Come on, Bonny. You saw how painful it was for both of them. It's still a bit hard for him.} Aurora protested.

{...Yeah, I guess so. I'm sorry. Maybe it was a bit too soon.} Bonny apologized sincerely.

"Thanks, Aurora. What I can say for now is that she has no one to envy. Her strong desire to please me like all of you did wonders."

{I see. That will suffice for me I suppose.}

Her tone however was slightly off and Max noticed.

"Something wrong?" Max asked, rubbing her back.


"Perhaps, it's something you want to talk about more… privately?"

{It could, but… I'm okay. You're my only family now. No point in trying to hide something from all of you.}

"That's very mature of you. We'll listen then." Max praised, with everyone being all ears.

{It's not much, but… *sigh* You could say that I'm a bit jealous, that's all.}

"About Sally?"

{Hm hmm.} Bonny confirmed.

"I'm very grateful for your honesty, but can I ask why?"

{Think about it a little, Max.} Aurora said. {Bonny, a rabbit pokemon. Sally, a rabbit pokemon.} She explained, motioning a balance with her paws.

"Really? I mean, I don't want to invalidate your feelings Bonny, but does it really go that far? You're both based on a rabbit pokemon, sure, but you're both different species."

{You're a very kind and devoted trainer, master.} May engaged. {But there are still things you ignore about us, pokemon.}

"That, I see now."

{We're not rebuking you, but she's right.} Aurora approved. {I know we may look like perfect companions to you with all the qualities you find in us, but we're far from it. I'm sorry if I break the rainbowy images you have of us, but we're still intelligent living creatures with their flaws. Intelligence came with a couple of inconveniences.}

"I… I'm sorry. I think I took you a bit too much for granted. I know it's no excuse, but I guess you accustomed me to being too awesome."

{We're not mad, master. Don't overdo it.} May assured him.

"Still. I'm sorry if I hurt you, Bonny, in any way."

{I'm not hurt. It's just… Why with another bunny when you have one already?} Bonny inquired.

{I'm sorry girls, but I'll have to defend master here.} Dusk intervened, surprising everyone with her boldness. {Bonny has the right to be a bit jealous, and I entirely understand her, but you all have to admit that Sally was very endearing. Master saw how cute but lonely she was and he just wanted to bring her a smile.}

{I know, that's why I'm not mad at him. Heck, even I could have fallen for her if I were more on that side.}

"But yet, I mated with her without any second thought. If I thought this through a bit more, maybe I would have made a link with both of you being a bunny."

{I doubt it since you just learned that a few seconds ago.} Aurora remarked.

"...True." Max conceded, rubbing his neck in discomfort. "I guess I still have a lot to learn from all of you."

{Relax, master. I'm not planning on leaving you just for that. You're not my slave. You can do whatever you want, even with another lopunny if you want. Don't expect me to be happy about it, though.} The lopunny stated.

"With another bunny pokemon, I don't know. I don't know a lot of pokemon of that type, but never will I ever go with another lopunny. You're simply the prettiest, sexiest, most gorgeous, and most fiery lopunny in the world. I prefer mating with you once rather than with all the others as it will be more enjoyable."

At that, Bonny looked at Max and smiled shortly after.

{The least we can say is that you really know how to land back on your feet. Good job.}

"I'm not just saying that. Very few can boast about being better at sex than you."

{...Thanks.} Bonny said with a warm smile, reassured.

"No problem, Bonny. I really mean it." Max affirmed, rubbing her back "Damn, Bonny! You're losing a lot of hair." He commented, dusting his hands from the huge amount of lopunny's hair he gathered.

{Winter is coming, so is my winter fur.}

"Really? Didn't know pokemon could do that."

{I don't know about the other, but I do. I must be close to a molt.} Aurora pointed out.

"Would that mean both you and Bonny will get white and puffy? You're gonna be so cute."

{Nope, just slightly puffier. It's barely noticeable, actually.}


{Personally, I don't know. That will be my first winter as a lopunny. Though I doubt it. As a buneary, it was just like Aurora. I just hope my fur will stay soft.}

"Why wouldn't it?"

{Winter fur is slightly rougher.} Aurora pointed out.


{Which means you will probably like petting us less.} Bonny said.

"Of course not. At worst, these could largely compensate." Max assured, grasping Bonny's rear.

{Now you just sound like a creepy molester.} Bonny jested with a smug, making the others giggle.

"Okay. No more inappropriate touches for you then."

{Noo!} She complained playfully. {I want inappropriate touches!}

Laughing, Max petted her head.

"Wait, will it be the same for you, Dusk?"

{Hehe, finely observed, master.} Dusk praised. {No, I do not. Even when I was a fennekin, I wasn't molting.}

"Something to do with you being a fire-type?"

{Yes. I can spend a longer amount of time in the cold than most with my current fur.}

"That's cool."

{But it's not indefinite. If I stay too long outside, I'll get cold eventually like any other type.}

{Only ice-type never gets cold.} May pointed out.

"I'm learning a lot today. What about you, May? You don't have any fur on you, so does your species survive the winter?"

{Sorry to bring that up like this master, but pokemon are naturally more resilient to cold than humans. Except for dragon, grass, flying, and ground-type, though. A mawile can't survive in extreme cold like an ice-type, but my steel-type allows me to resist it fairly well. But just like Dusk, I can't stay in freezing temperature indefinitely.}

"So no molting?"

{What would you want me to molt? My skin?}

"That would be terrifying, I'll give you that."

At this instant, Dusk's ears perked up.

{Well, it looks like Scarlet caught our dinner.} She announced, standing up. {Let's go then.}

"Awesome." Max expressed when Dusk was headed towards the wood. "A nice meal is on the way. That's gonna be good."

{Yep. Well, might as well put away the game for now.} Bonny said, packing up the board game.

"All we can play for now is the waiting game," Max stated, laying down on his back.

{...Boom!} May said, jumping on Max's chest.


{Got you, master.}

"Well, I got you too," Max replied, hugging her and nuzzling her.

{So? While we wait, I'm curious about your training with Fushiu. Any crunchy gossip to tell?} Bonny asked Aurora.

{I know what 'crunchy' means to you, so no. Nothing like that.} Aurora answered.

"He would probably have been too old for that anyway," Max remarked, sitting up while putting May between his legs, caressing her head.

{For a starter. And secondly, there was not a single day that I couldn't stop thinking about master.}

"Even on the last ones?"

{Those were the worst. Anyway, the program wasn't that varied. The first day I mostly talked about what was tormenting me. He took the entire day to analyze it and tried to make me realize things. The least I can say is that it wasn't very successful at that moment.}

"Things like that take time, I guess," Max pointed out, briefly hugging May.

{It took a while, it's true. But Fushiu was patient and let me get through that at my own rhythm.}

{He's very considerate.} Bonny said, now done with the board game.

{Indeed. Now that I think about it, I think I wasn't grateful enough.}

"I'm sure you were and that Fushiu knew that."

{Probably. I hope so at least. Then it was meditation until noon. Eating. More meditation to digest and then fight practice until evening, where I meditated again.}

"Damn. Not very varied, indeed."

{Must have been boring.} Bonny said.

{You tell me. The first week was horrible. However, I managed to get used to it until it was a necessity. After all, a lucario's aura mostly gets stronger by meditation.}

{So as long as you meditate, you're just gonna get stronger?}

{Maybe not as you may think, but in big lines, yes.}

{What do you mean?}

{Meditation is like any other muscle. The more I train it, the more time and energy I need to spend on it to progress as it becomes more and more energy-consuming. The more I progress, the harder it gets to progress. Not sure if I explained it correctly.}

"I think I see the picture. It's like me. No matter how I train, my muscles will eventually reach their expansion limit. Otherwise, arms bigger than my body wouldn't be very practical."

{So in short, it was your routine from day one until yesterday?} Bonny asked.

{Mostly yes. I had a few relaxing days though. Excess training without rest will mostly regress you instead.}

"Same for humans. I can understand."

{Well, the results are there. You even got a body that master can enjoy even more.} The lopunny complimented.

{*Ahem* Well, a minor side effect which isn't unpleasant I guess.} Aurora replied, a bit embarrassed.

{Uh hu.}

"Gotta love them fit girls," Max commented, petting May some more.

Shortly after, Scarlet arrived with Dusk and dinner. Almost at the same time, Luna joined them. Everyone was here, except for Jade.

"What about Jade?" Max asked while Scarlet served everyone.

{Still sleeping where you left her.} Scarlet answered.

"Maybe we should go get her."

{Leave her where she is. She's resting and in no danger. And if you're wondering about her food, I tossed a couple of berries at her.}

"Thanks, I guess. You really went hard on her today." Max mentioned before starting to eat.

{At this rate, she wouldn't become strong enough to defeat a pichu, so yeah, I went up a notch a bit.}

"Just wondering, do you really want to help her, or was it just a way to torment her?"

At that, Scarlet glared at Max, upset.

{The way you think about me is very charming.} She retorted haughtily.

"*sigh* Sorry, I may have exaggerated a bit, but I just have a bit of trouble believing that you truly want to help, given the fact that you hate her."

{If I say it was probably a mix of both, will you shut up?}

"That would be more credible, so yeah."

{Great. Let Scarlet the asshole do her things, then.}

By her tone, Max noticed how mad she was sounding.

"Look, I said I was sorry. I don't want to start a dispute, okay? Truth is, maybe you do want to help her more than… anything else."

At that, Scarlet remained silent, to not say more than necessary to envenom the situation.

{Come on guys, no need to start our first day on a negative note.} Bonny stated.

{You're right. No need to argue about how grateful everyone is that I take my own time to help a worthless pokemon.} Scarlet stated.

This time, Scarlet was the one that attracted everyone's attention.

{...But I admit that maybe master had reasons somehow to think that.} She said, looking angry and sorry at the same time.

{Let's just enjoy our time together, shall we?} Luna suggested.

"Speaking of dinner time, you're not eating Luna?"

{Why? I already ate before coming.}

"Right. You hunt your own food. By the way, what exactly do you eat on your own, anyway?"

{Why do you ask?}

"Just curious. Besides in restaurants, I never saw you munching on something."

{Well, without saying too much, let's say I mostly eat the same thing as when we are in a restaurant.}

"Meat?" Max said, with what Luna replied with a 'Who knows' expression. "But there is no… Ah. I think I'm starting to understand."

{She's a carnivore, master. What were you expecting?} Bonny asked him.

"I don't know. I just… hardly imagine her chewing on… nevermind."

{If it reassures you, there are berries for meat-eaters in the wild too.} Luna pointed out.

"Let's say that it does. Though, you seem to somehow keep good dental hygiene. How? I don't think I remember seeing you using a toothbrush."

{I guess I'll have to do some education for a clueless trainer. Do you know how many different pokemon species there are out there? Think of any number and you can easily triple that amount of how many different types of things nature can offer for things like that.} Scarlet explained.

"Are you telling me that there is a berry or something out there brushing your teeth?"

{Probably. How would humans make toothpaste otherwise?}


{Honestly, I don't know myself, but there is a berry that disinfects your mouth after eating.} May told him.

"Seriously, the more I travel with you girls, the more I'm aware that I didn't know what world I was in."

{And yet, we didn't see other regions.} Luna stated.

"Now I'm starting to understand why traveling as a trainer got so popular at a time."

{I believe that now you know that being a trainer doesn't only mean training and coaching us, but also gathering knowledge.} Aurora said.

"That, I was aware. It's just impressive how much there is going on in this world." Max said, looking at the sky. "Can you imagine that there could be a planet out there that doesn't have pokemon on it? Or even half of what we've got here whatsoever?"

{That must be quite an empty one.} Bonny remarked.

"A really boring one if you ask me."

{I wonder how it could be possible though. I mean, if something is possible here, shouldn't it be somewhere else, right?} Dusk pointed out.

"Depends on how evolution went on those. Just our position in this galaxy or universe might have rendered things possible here that couldn't be in another one. And if the universe is as large as we think, even a trillion teleports as far as possible wouldn't even get you close to what there could be around us."

{That's some deep thinking tonight.} Scarlet remarked. {Something on your mind?}

"No, not really. It just happens that sometimes, my thoughts go towards space and let my imagination tell me what could be far away from us. Especially when I was feeling down. The worst scenario I ever came up with is a world where there are just humans and animals. That's it."

{Why only animals?} Bonny asked.

"For food, obviously. For a planet to be viable, there must be breathable air, drinkable water, and a self-sustained food source. If there were only humans, they would have had to eat themselves, and cannibalism is not something very prosperous for a living being."

{If they are as clueless as the humans here, I wonder how they would even survive without us protecting them from their own stupidity.} Scarlet wondered.

"Who knows. Maybe they would have developed a more advanced technology to defend themselves from mother's nature."

{Well, what I can hardly imagine is a world without master.} Bonny said, hugging one of Max's arms.

"And I can hardly imagine one without you either," Max replied, petting the lopunny. "It would have meant that I would have had to go with another human to fill my love tank. Herr! Human." Max said in disdain.

{Now, we're one hundred percent in agreement.} Scarlet approved, making the other laugh.

"Hm…" Max remembered while chewing on a bite. "...That makes me remember, girls. Scarlet and I have made a rather interesting discovery."

{Discovery?} May repeated.

{What kind of discovery?} Bonny asked.

"Care to show them, Scarlet."

{...If I must.} Scarlet agreed, standing up.

Taking a moment to picture what she wanted, Scarlet used her newfound ability and transformed into a green gardevoir.

{The fuck?!} Bonny exclaimed while half of the group gasped and the other one widened eyes.

{You… can change color?} Aurora guessed.

{Not quite.} Scarlet replied before turning into Aurora.

{Wait? That's Luna's ability.} Bonny pointed out.

{What's going on, master?} May asked, a bit concerned.

"Well, we still don't know how she achieved that, but now she can transform into whatever she wants, just like Luna."

The group then looked at Luna, who was staring at Scarlet, perplexed.

{That's… peculiar. Only zoroark and zorua can change their appearance like that.} Luna commented, crossed arms. {Since when have you had that ability?}

{I don't know. I woke up yesterday after you brought me back to the tent and I was like this.}

{After I brought you, you say.} Luna pondered out loud. {Maybe… no, that's nonsense…}

"Are you on to something?" Max questioned the zoroark.

{Hm? Oh, no. Don't mind me. Just… doing some thinking.}

"Anyway, we're still looking at how she managed to achieve that," Max concluded while Scarlet transformed back to her normal self.

{That's quite the discovery indeed.} Aurora commented.

For the rest of the dinner, Luna remained rather silent while the others were questioning Scarlet about her ability, theorizing at how she might have gotten it and joking about how she could use it. Besides that, the dinner was quite entertaining. When done, the group went back to their occupations with Max and Aurora walking a bit further away from the camp.

"Do you mind if I go get Jade before we start?"

{Not at all.}

A couple more steps later, they arrived at where Jade was, still sitting but awake and eating the berries Scarlet gathered for her.

"How are you feeling?"

{Better. But… a bit tired. I can keep going if you demand it.}

"Hehe, you're funny sometimes, Jade. I don't demand anything. If you say it's enough for today, then it's enough. That's what is fun with free will. The only downside is to be careful not to fall on the lazy side of the wall."

{I know someone who can easily get there.} Aurora jested with a small grin.

"If you ever see him, tell him there is no shame in that, but unhealthy."

{I'll keep that in mind the next time I see him lazing around.}

"Anyway, I believe you understood what I meant."

{...Yes. I'm still trying to get accustomed to it.}

"Don't lose hope. So, what are your plans next?"

{...I don't know. I wish I could rest.}

"Then so be it."

{...Oh, right. Free will.} Jade said as if she was saying something a bit absurd.


{Y-Yes, please.}

With a smile, Max put her back in it.

"She's getting better, don't you think?"

{I noticed too. Maybe she isn't that hopeless after all.}

"Maybe she doesn't know it herself, but pokemon have so much potential. Of course, she will achieve something if she puts her heart into it. Anyway, ready for some practice?"

{Yes. Though I'm not very optimistic about it. I mean, yes I trained hard recently and cleared my mind a little, but since mega evolution revolves around bonding between you and me, we shouldn't expect too much. We didn't really bond in the past month. On the contrary, I'm afraid we may have done the exact opposite.}

"You think your absence tarnished our relationship?"

{Maybe not that much. I still love you very much, but we kind of grew accustomed to each other's absence.}

"...I'm afraid you might have a point. So, should we cancel our session?"

{No. Both looking like idiots could strengthen our bond a bit.}

"Hehe, that or you just want an excuse to spend time with me."

{Would that be bad if it was the case?}

"A bit, but I could manage." Max joked with a tiny grin. "I'm used to your little caprices." He added, petting her hair. "Your hair has grown a bit longer. If it keeps going on, you'll soon need a haircut. That would be a shame though. You have such beautiful hair."

{Don't stress about that. It won't go longer than that anytime soon. They reach a point where they grow very slowly.}

"That's good to hear. Well, ready?"


For the rest of the evening, both Max and Aurora tried the mega evolution, but unfortunately, without any success.

"Tsk. Still no luck today." Max said, a bit discouraged.

{It was to be expected.}

"You were right. Being separated from each other didn't help at all."

{We'll try again another day. But for now…} Aurora replied, going for a hug. {I just want to enjoy the fact that we're now together once more.}

"That we can do too. I don't mind." Max replied, returning it.

{I was so lonely in those past nights.}

"Must be. I too felt a hole in me."

{Master…} Aurora said, breaking the hug. {You have like four other females with you at night. I doubt my absence made a big difference. But it's okay, I don't mind. Having you in my life is plenty enough.}

"That's where you're wrong, Aurora. It's not about quantity, but quality. It seems hard to believe or even understand for some, but it's possible to love more than one person. For me at least. Your departure was tearing me as much as it would be with anyone else."

{I don't say you don't love me enough, what I meant is that your nights were less lonely than mine, that's all.}

At that, Max couldn't argue, even if he deeply wished he could. She had a point: no matter how painful it was to see her go, he still had company while she didn't.

"...Well, you're not entirely wrong, but…"

{I told you, I don't mind.} Aurora reassured, rubbing his cheeks. {I was aware of what it was implying loving you. It was hard at first, but I managed to accept it after a while.}


{I know pokemon don't mind or even practice polygamy, but personally, I wished you could have been mine only. But if being with someone as exceptional as you mean being the third or fourth mistress, then so be it.}

"...You have grown up in the past month. I'm sorry that I can't offer you the exact thing you wish, but I'll do my absolute best to make you happy nonetheless."

{We don't always get what we want in life. We just have to go with what we have or what is less than bad. Maybe I could find another trainer that may treat me well and be his only female, but I don't want to risk it, especially after what you did for me.}

"So, I'm the least bad you could have?"

{Well, it could be worse, but yeah. I'll have to go with what I have I guess. *sigh* Life's hard sometimes.} Aurora jested.

"Haha. Yeah, let's go with that." Max said before going for a languorous kiss.

{...Say, now that I'm back. Do you think we could celebrate our reunion with something more… pleasant a bit later?} Aurora coaxed, tracing one finger across his chest.

"Later? Why not now?"

{Come on, master. It's not like a few hours difference will kill you.}

"True, but why the delay?"

{If I want to be stronger, I have to meditate a lot to cultivate my aura. Just keep in mind that the more I meditate, the better I can be useful to you after.}

*sigh* "Alright. Let's wait for later I guess." Max conceded, a bit deceived.

{Stay strong. Just a few hours left.} Aurora encouraged in a way to mock him.

"You don't have to add salt to the wound."

{Why not? I missed messing with you so much.}

With a desperate sigh, both of them headed back to the camp.

{Hmm… that's interesting.} A certain red gardevoir mumbled, who was hidden nearby before teleporting away.

Further away from the camp, Bonny was doing some shadow training with some muscle exercising. After a few hits, she sensed an incoming attack to her side, dodging and deviating a Fire Punch.

{Nicely dodged.}

{Scarlet. You attack from behind, now?} Bonny said, facing her, still in her fighting stance.

{Not really. I just wanted to test your combat instinct.}

{Really?} Bonny replied, replied while charging at Scarlet with Ear Punches. {What's your opinion, then?}

{You're becoming a solid fighter.} Scarlet answered while blocking Bonny's attack with Protect.

{Just becoming? Was I not one, already?} The lopunny inquired, chaining with a few normal kicks.

{You still have more progress to do.}

{So, you came here just to say that?}

{Actually, no. I wanted to come back at you with a certain bet we did.}

{A bet? Which one?}

{The one where you were supposed to do a threesome with master and Aurora if I was right.}

Upon hearing that, Bonny stopped attacking Scarlet, who dropped her protection.

{Oh, that one. Why are you bringing that now?} Bonny asked, crossing her arms.

{Well, I believe you still haven't done it, right?}

{Not really. And your point being?}

{You see, since Aurora is now a more tolerable pokemon and that she's dying to mate with master again, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to do so. Unless you want to go back on your words.}

{You know I don't do that.}

{I do, that's something I respect a lot about you.}

{What makes you think now is the moment?}

{As I said, she hasn't mated with our master in a month. If you ask to join them, she will be more likely to accept, given the fact she's not really into threesomes or more.}

{*sigh* To be honest, I was hoping that you had forgotten about it, but now that Aurora is indeed a decent pokemon, I don't mind that much anymore. I admit that I planned on getting him tonight anyway. Though…}


{I feel a bit bad about imposing myself after she just got back. I was thinking that maybe we could leave them together for tonight.}

{You do as you please, but remember that it might be just tonight she would be willing to accept. Anyway, if you didn't wish for that to happen, you shouldn't have made that bet.}

{Ghra! You can be sure it will be the last time I make a bet with you.}

{I'm sure it is.} Scarlet replied skeptically with a smug.

{Fine. I'll try tonight. But if they both refuse categorically, there's not much I can do.}

{Besides waiting for another day, it's true.}

{Honestly, why do you always bet on stuff like that? Couldn't you just bet that I'm your slave for a day or two like anyone else?}

{Where will the fun be in that? Besides, since when do things like that affect you so much? Isn't sex your thing?}

{Look who's speaking. You're as much of a pervert as me.}

{I am, but my mind isn't always clouded with images of master's dick.}

{Really now?} Bonny replied, looking at her skeptically.

{Most of the time, but not always.}

{Alright, something else you want to add?}

{Well, besides congratulation on learning a new move, which I don't remember if I already did, I think not.}

{Okay, but I do have a question. How come you ended up with Luna's ability to change form?}

{I told you, I don't know. It just… happened.}

{Can you do it again?}


{Because it's so cool.}

{Why me? Go ask Luna.}

{Come on.}

With Scarlet sighing, she used her ability to change her form into Bonny's appearance.

{There. Happy?}

{Oh my, I really am sexy as hell. Do master next.} Bonny enthusiastically asked.

Rolling her eyes, she changed into Max.

{Damn. It's really like it was him.}


{Well…} Bonny replied, eyeing Scarlet. {Wait a minute!} She said, moving closer to Scarlet.

{What are you doing?} Scarlet asked just before Bonny tried to work on her pants. {Whoa! Calm down!} She demanded, pushing her face away.

{But…} Bonny protested, trying to reach the pants again despite her shorter arms. {I want to know if you can imitate master's dick.}

{The hell is wrong with you?}

{If you can, maybe you and master could...}

{Hold down right there.} Scarlet commanded, with what Bonny stopped resisting. {I see where you're going and the answer is no.}

{Why not? Being mated by two masters is a fantasy of mine. Please!} Bonny pleaded.

{Since when?} Scarlet questioned, reverting to her normal appearance.

{Since… well, a few hours ago?}

Sighing, Scarlet facepalmed.

{Look. First of all, Luna's ability is just an illusion, alright? I don't have a physical dick per say. Secondly, even if it was the case, surely I wouldn't use it to screw you.}

{Well, that's just mean.} Bonny retorted, paws on hips. {Who would you use it on, then?}

{Well…} Scarlet started, thinking. {I'll probably harass master with it by dick slapping him in the face.}

{That's just...weird.}

{Maybe, but that's exactly what makes it funnier. I can imagine master running away screaming.} Scarlet shared before chuckling.

{You and your twisted sense of humor. *sigh* Alright, looks like I'll have to make a cross in it.}

{Why don't you ask Luna?}


{I mean, as soon as they finally mate.}

{...I guess.} Bonny said, thinking it a bit more through. {But… if we had you too though, it would make three of them.}

{Okay, now you're just getting way too greedy.}

{...Yeah. Maybe a little.}

{Anyway, if you ever can't resist the urge anymore, just go find yourself a ditto. They can actually transform into anything.} Scarlet suggested while floating away.

{A ditto, huh?} Bonny mumbled before picturing herself with multiple Max around her. {Oh boy. That would be quite crazy, even for me. Time to cool myself off a bit.} She said resuming her exercises.

Later that evening, as the natural light of the day was fading away to be replaced by the darkness of the night, Max was chilling in the tent with a game rulebook of one of his board games, waiting for Aurora to join him. Suddenly, he heard the tent zipper getting opened. Expecting Aurora, he dropped the book and got ready. To his surprise, Bonny appeared instead of the lucario.

"Bonny? Already feeling tired at that time of the day?"

{Well…} She started, closing the tent behind. {Not exactly.} She said, sitting on Max's crotch. {I think that on the contrary, I need some energy-consuming activities.} She seductively shared.

"Ah, you do now, don't you?" Max replied, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

{Something wrong? Don't you want the sexiest lopunny in the world to play with your little soldier? Don't you want to get inside me?}

"In a sense, I-"

{Because I want it.} Bonny said, grinding her lower lips on him. {I want my master to use me as pleased.}

"I-" Max started before getting interrupted by a languorous kiss.

Max knew that he had already planned some private time with Aurora, but had a hard time saying no to a horny lopunny. Shortly after, the zipper went down again and it was now Aurora.

{Oh. Looks like I'm interrupting something.} She asked when she spotted them.

"No, not at all. It's just that-"

{I just wanted to have a little bit of fun with master, but it seems that you already had someone else in mind.} Bonny said, deceived while moving away from him.

{I've waited a month, so I can wait another day if you really need it.} Aurora proposed.

{No, it's okay. *sigh* The solution would be for both of us to enjoy master, but since you don't want to…}

"How can you be so sure?" Max asked her.

{Well, she's kind of the type to mate only in a duo, so…}

{Well…} Aurora started, rubbing her neck. {I really want it and it seems that you do too, so… exceptionally, I guess I could…}

{Really? You could?} Bonny replied enthusiastically.

{It's not really my thing, but…}

{That would make me so happy!}

{Hm… Alright.} The lucario conceded.

{Houray!} Bonny exclaimed. {Come on.} She said, pulling her inside.

{Whoa! Chill out, Bonny. What has gotten into you?}

{What? I'm just glad that we both can enjoy master. If I knew though, I would have tried to mind myself for another day.}

"As if you could control your horniness." Max jested.

{That's why I said 'tried'.} Bonny said, with what Max rolled his eyes.

{...So, hem… how do we start?} Aurora asked, uncomfortable.

{Well… like usual I guess.}

Oddly, a strange awkward atmosphere seemed to have settled between them.

"Are you okay girls? Both of you already had sex with me before."

{Yeah, but…} Aurora replied.

{...Not with each other.} Bonny finished.

Looking at both of them, Max tried to figure out what was going on between them. Quickly, he gave up, sat up, and moved away from his place.

"How about I start?"

{...That… could do.} Aurora said, looking at Bonny who agreed.

"Alright. Just lay down then." Max instructed, pointing in front of him.

Curious of what he had in mind, both obeyed and sat in front of him.

"I said lay down," Max repeated, gently pushing them on their chest.

{I have to say, I love it when you take control from time to time.} Bonny commented with a smile.

"Glad to hear. Now, I want both of you to relax." Max commanded, rubbing their chest sensually.

The first thing he noticed was how their hearts were faster than normal.

{...I still wonder how you don't miss humans' big udders. Isn't it supposed to be your thing?} Aurora questioned, liking the touches.

"Well, what would you say that I don't like it that much?"

{I would hardly believe you.}

"Sorry, but believe it or not, I don't. Since pokemon don't need breasts since they all lay eggs, all pokemon chests are flat. It may sound weird, but breastless chests have become a synonym of pokemon." He explained, rubbing their chest some more, massaging their pectoral muscles from time to time.

{It makes sense, but it is weird. In a good sense, though.} Bonny commented with a seductive face.

With a smile, Max leaned forward and went to kiss Bonny. He didn't make it last long before switching to Aurora, both enjoying it while he kept rubbing their chests. While switching regularly, Max's hands were getting lower until he was gently caressing their lower lips, slowly raising their heat.

"Alright. Who wants my lips to go somewhere else?"

{Me.} Bonny answered, shyly raising one paw.

{It's… y-you do what you want.} Aurora replied, embarrassed.

Despite her stay with Fushiu and changing, Aurora still had a bit of her tsundere self, not displeasing Max.

"Alright, honor to you, then."

He then lowered his head under Aurora's belly and gently breathed warm air on her womanhood, making her moan lightly. With her slowly getting wet, Max started with gentle kisses with one of his hands still rubbing Bonny's vulva. Still not moaning, they however began to breathe a bit faster and louder. Not going brutal yet, Max switched and went kissing Bonny's instead, switching hands so the other one was now caressing Aurora.

{You're… quite the turn-on tonight.} Bonny commented with her body slightly wriggling from the pleasure.

"I know that you like it."

{I… do. But… I already want it.}

"Remember how ecstatic it can be when I take my time a little?"

{Hmm.} Bonny complained, wriggling a bit more in lust impatience.

After a few more switching and seeing how they were starting to leak, Max went for the next step; his tongue.

{Aah!} Bonny moaned in pleasure as soon as she felt his warm and wet tongue on her clit. {Hnn… I want it… but it feels so good when…}

With a rather mischievous grin, Max kept using only his tongue on her a moment before switching to Aurora, who moaned in surprise too but a bit less loud. To compensate for the one that wasn't receiving any treats, the human began to finger her. It wasn't as pleasant, but it was helping to hold on until it was her turn. He kept going until they were about to reach their limit, Bonny being the first.

{Yes! Master! Keep going! It's coming!}

A few seconds after her words, Bonny's legs went all contracted as she reached her climax and grabbed Max's head and pulled it forward as if it was a way to make the orgasm stronger. With a clenched jaw and eyes almost lost behind her head, her bliss lasted for a little while until all of her limbs dropped on the ground, slightly panting.

{I… love it when… you make me cum that way.} She shared.

"Good thing I love doing that. So lewd and fun. Now it's your turn." Max said, putting his head between Aurora's legs.

{Yes… push… harder.} The lucario demanded.

With a stronger pressure, he also went a bit faster, which had the effect of making Aurora wriggling almost wildly and kicking the air in pleasure. Now having both of his hand-free, he took that moment to firmly grab her thighs so he could push even harder.

{I'm… cumming!} Aurora exclaimed with her body reacting to an orgasm, which lasted roughly the same amount of time as Bonny.

{Can I… have it now?} Bonny begged.

"Sure. I'm starting to get in pain here."

After Max undressed, Bonny pulled him next to her and jumped on him as soon as he had his underwear tossed aside. While staring at Max's eyes, she rubbed her rear against Max's fully erected member while waving her tail, which wasn't very visible since she only had a bunny tail.

"I want it… so bad."

Bonny then pushed her rear backward until Max's shaft hardly hit his own belly. She quickly grabbed it, aimed at her vagina, and dropped down, pushing to the bottom in one go.

{Aahhhhh!} She moaned loudly with a monstrous depraved face, sinking her claws into Max's skin, but barely without piercing it.

Again, her eyes went backward and had her mouth opened, not controlling her saliva flow, and drooled on Max.

{So… good!}

At this point, Max expected her to ride him like a maniac but got surprised when she saw her going rather slowly.

"For someone who wanted it badly... you're taking your time."

{Yes! I want to feel it filling me up and feel every inch of it. I want to feel it stretch me all the way to the bottom.}

Bonny's lust and eagerness weren't new to Max, but sometimes, there were nights where she was extra horny and perverted. Fortunately for Max, her speed was making him able to hold on a bit longer. However, she seemed to try to make herself as tight as possible with the help of her pelvic floor muscles.

{Oh yes! I love your dick! So good!} She vocalized.

Oddly, after a couple of thrusts at a slow pace, Bonny got another orgasm, more powerful than her previous one. She shook on Max for almost fifteen seconds before coming to a halt.

"How come you're that sensitive? The last time we did it was like three days ago."

{You know that… even a single day… is too long for me.} Bonny justified, lightly panting.

"Yeah. I know how you are." Max said, looking at Aurora, who was looking back with a paw between her legs. "Come on now, Aurora. No need to stay there. Come here."

A bit shyly, the lucario moved a bit closer to Max.

"Jump on my face."

{I… okay, but it's a bit embarrassing.} Aurora complied, slowly getting on her knees right above his head.

"How so?" Max asked, pulling her hips down and immediately beginning eating her.

{Ahh! Because… I find it… a bit disrespectful.}

"Hm hmm." He hummed under her.

Shortly after, she felt Bonny putting her paws on her shoulders.

{Mind if I use you a little?} Bonny asked, going at it again with the help of Aurora's shoulders.

Her response didn't matter much since she had already begun. Also, she was enjoying Max's treat too much to care that much, forgetting her discomfort quickly. They held that position for a little while until both of them were about to reach their limit and unexpectedly orgasmed at the same time.

{Are you close, master? I really want to feel you cum inside me.} Bonny inquired.

"I was. A few more minutes and I was there."

{Damnit. Sorry Aurora, but can you wait for a little bit longer?}

{Alright, but try to make it quick.}

Not losing a second, Bonny resumed her hips movements while using one paw to stimulate her clitoris at the same time. Hardly focusing, Max kept pleasing Aurora above him.

{Please, master! Cum for me!} Bonny urged, speeding up her pace.

Max quickly reached back where he was before she stopped, but due to her speed, he didn't last a few minutes and came in less than one.

{Yes! I feel it!} Bonny moaned loudly while orgasming another time.

After Max's last spurt, Bonny stopped and stayed still for a short moment.

{Your dick is just the best thing ever.} She commented with a quite satisfied face.

"Your vagina isn't half bad either." Max jested.

With a smile, Bonny slowly unplugged herself and moved aside, leaving sperm and her juice all over his softening shaft.

"I believe it's your turn now," Max announced, looking at his lucario.


Despite herself, a certain nervosity settled in Aurora since it has been a while since the last time they mated. Shyly, she moved away from Max's face and moved next to his hips. However, she stopped and looked at Max's penis, looking perplexed.

"Something wrong?"

{Well… it looks…}

Max wondered for a second what might be wrong, but quickly thought what it could be.

"Are you disgusted that Bonny went on it before?"

{Well, not disgusted, but… not sure if I…}

{*sigh* Alright.} Bonny intervened, rolling back on Max's thighs. {You can be such a princess, sometimes.}

Without any hesitation, Bonny put the entire thing in her mouth and meticulously sucked it. Not only was she swallowing up all the fluids, but was able to make Max hard again.

{There you go, Miss.} Bonny teased, rolling back to where she was after cleaning Max's penis up.

{...Thanks.} Aurora replied, a bit embarrassed about looking a bit disdainful.

She moved above Max's groin and sat on him. She grabbed the shaft and rubbed it against her womanhood.

{It's been a while. I hope it will be as enjoyable as the last I remember.}

"I haven't changed much since last time, so it should be."

{H-Here I go then.}

Gently, the lucario inserted the shaft inside her fleshy walls until the tip hit the bottom.

{Oomph! It's actually… better than I remembered. It feels so good.} Aurora declared with a lustful face.

"I believe that a month of chastity built up your sex-drive a little."

{To be honest… when Fushiu was asleep… I took care of myself on my own from time to time.} Aurora shared, slowly starting to move up and down. {Holy…}

"My, my. What a perverted lucario I got here." Max teased with a smug.

{I'm not… I just have some needs too.}

"Well, I'll be glad to help with that as much as I can."

{I'm… counting on it.}

A bit faster than Bonny, Aurora slowly began to move up and down.

{Oh yes! I've missed that so much!}

A couple of minutes passed and Aurora was already at her third orgasm.

{*pant* Damn! I don't know if I can keep up longer. It's been a while, so I'm not used anymore to multiple strong orgasms."

{Now that you're back, you have all the time in the world to practice again.} Bonny suggested, staring at them, on her belly and raised legs.

{Well… if master is up to it, I can try.} Aurora said, looking at Max with a grin.

"I don't mind, but maybe not tomorrow. I've been mated non-stop for ten days in a row now. If it's okay with everyone, I'll take the day to rebuild my energy a little."

{And by 'energy' you mean sperm, isn't it?} Bonny corrected with a smug.

"That too."

{I'm okay with that, personally.} Aurora agreed. {But I wish to make you cum at least once before we wrap up the night.}

"Sure thing."

{Thanks.} The lucario said before resuming where she left off.

Being more and more sensitive, she started slowly before gradually speeding up to make her master come before she did. Passively looking at them, Bonny quickly grew excited once more. She crawled back to Max and began to gently make out with Max from the side while playing with herself, her other paw stroking his hair. Shortly after, Aurora felt another orgasm coming up, and so she contracted her inside as much as possible and barely sped up. With the desired result, Max cummed a couple of thrusts later. Since she was already on the verge, Aurora orgasmed one last time. However, even though Aurora seemed satisfied and Max came another time, Bonny also wanted to feel good one more time and kept making out with Max while fingering herself until she reached her goal.

"Phew! You girls were needy tonight."

{You… don't say.} Bonny commented, now lying on her side.

{I had a good reason.} Aurora followed, lying on the other side of Max on her back.

"Hehe. I always love spending quality time with my girls." He said, petting both of them.

While doing so, both of them moved closer to Max and rested their head on each shoulder with a hug. Since the girls seemed very comfortable, Max didn't want to move and stayed laid down, enjoying their presence while rubbing their backs. Then, as he was about to drift to sleep, he heard the zipper waking him up. From behind, Scarlet appeared.

{You're done, great.} She said, entering the tent, shortly followed by May and Dusk. {Aw. Aren't you just the cutest thing ever.} She teased, seeing the lucario and lopunny asleep in Max's arms.

"Were you waiting for me?"

{More or less. We kept ourselves busy until then. Aaah!} She replied, lying beside the three of them while letting out a pleased moan. {Feels good to be horizontal.}

"Maybe we should do something about that. If spending time with one or two of you means the others are waiting…"

{Chill out, master.} Scarlet said with closed eyes. {It's no big deal. And if we really didn't want to wait, we could have gotten it nonetheless.}


{If you ask me, it's better that way. What will you do if you turn everyone else on? Will you be able to handle the five of us at the same time?}

"...Maybe we should go to sleep, what do you think?"

{Hahaha! Good idea.}