
the night could be heard until Max spoke once more.

" …You are responsible?" He repeated as he looked up at Luna confused.

{Y-Yes.} she replied with a hint of hesitation. {The ponyta… said some things to provoke me and succeeded, which forced me to strike back.}

"Hmm…" Max pondered out loud. "Bullshit."

{Excuse me?} Luna replied, slightly offended by his denial.

"Sorry Luna, but I don't believe you," he told her with a confident smirk. "You say that ponyta provoked you enough for you to strike them. Again, I call bullshit."

{And how can you be so sure of this?} Luna asked, skeptical of the conclusion he came to.

"Easy. You're way too level-headed to let some random 'mon irritate you with random insults."

{Maybe I'm not.} She responded in a defensive manner. {You don't know me that well, there is still so much about me that you don't know.}

"Yeah, I get it, we all have our secrets, even me, but being so secretive is part of your charm, and I hope it will stay like that for as long as possible."

{...*sigh* Why must you have such a big heart?} Luna asked, sounding discouraged while rubbing her mane.

Max shrugged in response. "Beats me, but let's get back to you… How about you tell me why the real culprit tried to frame you?"

Luna's eyes widened with shock, causing Max to smile even wider.

"I'm right, aren't I?" he proclaimed with a smug grin.

{…How did you know?} she asked, astonished at how he saw through her lie.

"Luna, the thing about truth-tellers is that they really suck at lying. You, on the other hand, are very smart and resourceful overall, so it was a very convincing first try."

{…So what gave it away, then?} Luna asked, a bit amused.

"I've known you for quite some time now, and even though we don't talk as much as Scarlet and the others, I've been able to learn the tones of your voice. It was very subtle, but your pitch goes a bit lower when you lie, which under normal circumstances, would have fooled anyone, myself included. But, it was thanks to that particularly sexy huntress that I've gotten better at noticing tiny details," he praised.

{What do you know… Who knew that this little pup would end up outsmarting his teacher?} she stated, impressed by his improvement.

"Also, you're still too honest at times, so I figured that if you tried to accuse yourself, it'd be because you were involved in some way. And to top it all off, by the reaction of those rapidash and ponyta, it was someone who at least looked very similar to you in terms of appearance, which brings us back to me saying that you were framed. Needless to say, it was pretty easy to narrow it down."

{…And to think that you doubt your intelligence after all this time.}

"Come on, now. It wasn't that hard to figure out," Max replied with a slight blush, making Luna smile in amusement. "...Well?"

{...Is it really important?} She asked as her smile slowly faded. {What's done is done, what would it change if I were to tell you?}

"Well, not much in this grand universe we live in, I admit, but…" Max tried to joke, Luna, giving him an unamused look. "No one's doubting you, Luna. We just want to get to the bottom of this so we can help you."

{You can't help me, so don't even bother with that part.}

"...Well… If you didn't want to talk about it, why bring it up in the first place?"

With Luna not answering, the two merely stared at each other in tense silence until the zoroark sighed reluctantly.

{...Very well, then. It will be more of a waste of energy fighting it than complying. The result will be the same, however. Nothing we can do about it now.}

Max then frowned his eyebrows curiously. "What do you mean?"

{You were right; I didn't inflict harm on that ponyta, but I did influence that tragedy.} Luna began explaining.

~A couple of hours ago~

Already bored and not in the mood to socialize with everyone, Luna had left the rapidash farm to wander about in the surrounding forest, trying to keep herself occupied. She just wanted to be alone, and if fortune decides it, perhaps find a decent male she can have a little fun with, which she hasn't stumbled upon in a while now. Sure, partaking in lewd activities with Max is rather nice, but that didn't mean she wouldn't want to "experiment" with other males every now and then.

Then, as she was leaping from tree to tree, she spotted something pretty tasty in the distance. After silently jumping down, she snuck up on the animal, which happened to be a gray rabbit nibbling on a berry. Luna very much enjoyed eating rabbits, but she couldn't help but think about Bonny every time she did, making it one of the hardest creatures for her to kill. Luckily, she always managed to put those thoughts aside until she captured and killed the animal, which she was about to do now.

Being a master of stealth, Luna approached it until she was within arm's reach. Slowing down her breathing, she was about to jump when another pokémon appeared and snatched her prey right under her nose. Looking up from her current position, the thief was revealed to be another zoroark. A male one at that, being significantly smaller than Luna while still peaking over your average buck; slender, lean, and sensual without too much brawn. A wannabe casanova.

{Thanks for stealing my meal.} Luna groaned in disappointment, making the other zoroark switch his attention to her.

{Oh, I'm sorry… Was this yours?} He replied, showing her his prize.


Seeing no point to stay down, Luna then stood back on her hind legs, placing a claw on her hip while leaning to her side a bit.

{Well now…} The male zoroark commented, already bewitched by Luna's beauty and body.

{...I think you lost your catch.} She pointed out as the rabbit took the opportunity to slip from his grasp and escape into the wilderness.

{Tch, dammit Oh well, you win some, you lose some. That rabbit wasn't all that appetizing anyway. Since I'm the best hunter for miles, I'll find something else to feast on.} He waved off nonchalantly, not too bothered by the loss. Instead, now that he's inspected Luna, his hunger became more… lecherous. {And I think I already have….}

{...Uh-huh.} Luna simply replied before being on her way again, ignoring him.

{Now, hold on a second!} The male pokemon exclaimed before moving in front of Luna. {Leaving already?}

{I'm planning to, yes. No offense to you, but if I'm wandering these woods, it's to be alone, so if you would kindly move aside, please?}

{Heh, how can I say no to a pretty lady? Sure, I'll leave you alone… After you and I have some private time together. You know what I mean, don't you~?} He proposed, eyeing Luna.

{Hmm… Tempting, but no.} Luna coldly refused, amused by her own response.

{Come on~. You kinda owe me for making me lose my catch.}

{And how is that my fault?} She replied, seemingly annoyed. {If you can't maintain a firm grasp on your prey, then you don't deserve to have me spread my legs for you.}

{I mean, it's the least you can do. Besides, isn't it what two hotties like ourselves should do when we meet?} he asked, getting more invasive with her. {Just give me a few minutes with you, and I'll show you a world of pleasure as I take my cock and-}

{And we're done here.} She interrupted. {I suggest you stop there. Leave me alone while I'm still in a good mood before I lose my sense of reason.} Luna advised as she pushed him away to continue her walk, before looking back at him with a more menacing tone. {And you do not want that to happen.}

{...Fine.} The male zoroark growled angrily, hiding the fact that he was now a bit afraid of her sudden anger. {This isn't over.}

Still ignoring him, Luna jumped back onto a nearby tree and took off, the other zoroark looking on in frustration and contempt.

~Present time~

{...So there's that. I can only assume that he mimicked my appearance and attacked that ponyta, just to get back at me.} Luna concluded.

"It would make sense," Max affirmed with crossed arms. "At least he didn't kill anyone."

{Killing attracts more hostility compared to causing injury. He was probably afraid of what I would've done if he went too far, as he should.}

"You got a point, just seeing you mildly upset is frightening enough," He jested, knowing that he too, hasn't seen Luna when she's mad. "Anyway, the takeaway from all this is that you don't have to feel bad about it. It's not your fault, that's just how you are."

{Indeed… Which is why I think it's best if I leave immediately.} she proclaimed with a slight strain in her voice.

Max did a double-take as he heard that. "Leave? You mean, for the night?"

{No. I mean, I will be leaving, freeing space in your team that a more combative pokémon than me can fit better.}

Max was taken aback by her proclamation. "Y…You're leaving us… for good? W-We won't be seeing you anymore?"

{That is correct.} Luna confirmed as she avoided his gaze from him.

Max then took a moment to process all this, even lightly slapping himself a couple of times to see if this was some weird dream.

"...You're joking, right?" he asked in disbelief.

{Tsk. Why should everything be a joke to you?} Luna retorted, getting annoyed by his denial once more.

"What's wrong with you, Luna? Whatever you're thinking, stop it," He ordered as he began raising his voice.

{Max, don't start with this.} Luna said, rolling her eyes while turning her back to him. {No need to make a scene over me.}

Now it was Max who was starting to feel annoyed. "A scene? A scene?! Luna, I love you! We love you! How would you expect me to react?"

{You have six other lovers, you can survive without me.} She stated as Max stared at her in disbelief for a few seconds.

"Okay, alright," Max mumbled, going for his belt. "You're obviously not in your right mind right now, so I think you should go back to your-"

Unfortunately for Max, the zoroark was already on him as he pulled out her pokéball, Luna slapping the device out of his hand.

{You think you can silence me that easily? Think again.} She simply stated, any trace of warmth in her voice had left.

"God… Fucking dammit, Luna!" Max shouted as his frustration grew. "What the hell is going on with you!? You've never been this… 'Out of control' before. Why now of all times?"

{...Since I realized that it would be better for me if I just leave.} Luna replied despondently.

"For fuck's sake. What's up with everyone wanting to leave or flee as soon as things get difficult-" he began, suddenly stopping himself as he came to a realization. "W-Well… I guess I'm not one to talk about that sort of thing, but that's beside the point! What happened just now wasn't nearly as bad as the other shit we've been through, this is normal with us, and probably will be for a long time. It doesn't bother me as much as you may think."

{*sigh* Scarlet's right. It's always about you, isn't it?}

"Scarlet? She… said that about me?" he asked, shocked Luna would bring that up.

{When she's angry, yes. Luckily, she regrets saying it afterward, but she's not far from the truth.} she said with cold hostility. {You prefer to have things your way, and you don't enjoy it when we make our own decisions without your influence, despite giving us the illusion of free will.}

"Okay, no need to tear into me for no reason," Max responded in kind as her words touched a nerve with him. "You know that's not true, Luna."

{Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Point is, I just want you to realize that things don't have to revolve around you.}

"So you're saying you want to leave for your own reasons?" he deduced.

{What would be the point in me staying? I may not attract as much trouble, but what do I do most of the time? I only spend a portion of my time with you, which is the small part of the day we're all awake. The rest of the time, I isolate myself from everyone to do my own thing. Don't you see? A nocturnal Pokémon can't have relationships with diurnals…} Luna then lowered her head and closed her eyes, her emotional baggage now getting the better of her. {Especially with a human.}

"Well… I know we've had our ups and downs," he replied as he walked closer to grab her claw with both hands, the zoroark letting him do so. "But I always appreciated the time you spent with us. We all do…"

{Believe me, I did too, but it's just not the life for me. I've been thinking about this for a while, and… While it pains me to do this to you, it's better if you continue your journey without me.}

Max widened his eyes as Luna pulled her claw away and turned around to leave.

{I've said enough, I don't see any reason to continue this conversation. Goodbye… Little pup.} Luna wished as she prepared to leap away.

"L-Luna!? I'm not done with you yet-" Max said before firmly grabbing one of her arms.

Swiftly and instinctively, Luna turned and pushed it away, however she didn't control her claws properly and accidentally sliced his forearm.

"Ghua!" Max growled in mild pain after withdrawing his arm and grabbing his wrist to prevent more blood from spilling.

Three deep wounds were visible on the upper half of his forearm before it quickly began to bleed profusely, the pain quickly settling in. The stinging sensation was intense as his blood warmed up the exposed lower tissue. Upon realizing that she hurt Max, Luna's face immediately changed into a more concerned and somewhat feared expression.

{O-Oh god, Max. I-I'm so sorry, I didn't-}

Before she could even apologize to him, a Shadow Ball appeared and flew right towards the zoroark, Luna dodging it at the last second. Knowing exactly who tossed it, as well as seeing another one coming, Max got between Luna and the projectile, burning and disintegrating a small part of his upper back-shoulder.

"Gah! Fuck, that hurts…" Max growled before dropping one knee to the ground.


From the darkness of the woods, Scarlet appeared and got between him and the dark-type.

{What is the meaning of this, Luna?!} The gardevoir demanded aggressively while channeling an Ice Beam at the zoroark.

{…I think you should tend to him first.} Luna advised as she slowly backed away, ashamed of what she had done.

Scarlet only hesitated for a second before agreeing. She then helped Max stand using Psychic and immediately got to work on his forearm with Healing Pulse.

{...Now, do you understand? This is why it's better for me to leave. I'm truly, terribly sorry, I-I didn't mean to.} She apologized in extreme guilt before turning to leave. {And Scarlet, I apologize for hurting him. I understand if you never want to see me again, so I'll save you the trouble.} She began taking a few more slow steps. {Give my regards to the rest of the team.}

"...I know why you want to leave," Max told her, making her stop in her tracks. "You're scared of committing yourself to another relationship. No one blames you, Luna, anyone would be scared too if they'd gone through what you did. Losing your mate, finding your dead son, hell, not to mention that your womb is so damaged that you can't have another. I'm impressed that you managed to keep yourself sane throughout all that. I can't imagine how much pain you endured back then, both physically and emotionally."

Luna simply stood there with her back turned to them, essentially motionless.

"One day, Luna… One day, you'll have to let yourself have the right to live and be happy again. I'll never be able to replace what you've lost, not that I want to, as it would just be disrespectful. But, is that really how you want to live? Avoiding and rejecting any kind of promiscuity? Not allowing yourself the right to love again?"


"Please, Ludpazillis…" Luna's eyes widened as he heard him say her real name. "Let me… Let us make you happy again."

{You… r-remember my name?} Luna softly asked, her voice starting to break up.

Max smiled warmly at her, despite the fact that she couldn't see him. "Of course I do. I know you prefer that I call you 'Luna', but that doesn't change who you really are. Everything that's happened thus far, through thick and thin, for better or for worse, you're still Ludpazillis the zoroark." He told her as he looked at Scarlet, who silently nodded in agreement. "I know you hear this a lot from me, but I'll say it as many times as I have to… I love you, Ludpazillis, and we all love you, Luna."

It was at that very moment that memories of her previous life began to resurface, as she recalled the first time her mate told her those exact words in the same way Max did. It wasn't just what he said that drove her to the point of tears, nor the fact that it reminded her of the one she loved, it was the fact that he meant it. Back then, everything was so simple and carefree. Life with her mate was as peaceful and adventurous as it could get, their son enjoying the thrill of it all soon after he was born. They would hunt, play, and get lost in the joys they've experienced… They didn't know what was coming, nor could they prepare for such a tragic turn of events. It wasn't supposed to happen, but it did, and even after all that time spent on moving past it, trying to start anew… She couldn't run away from her past, and it's now caught up to her.

As all of her memories raced through her mind, as she relived all the good and bad that has happened in her life, it all just caved in for the zoroark. She couldn't take it anymore; her shoulders tensed up and began to shake, and before Max could say or do anything else, Luna suddenly looked back at him with tears in her eyes before facing away again. She then dropped to her knees and cried her heart out, something that caught Max and even Scarlet completely off-guard.

{*sob* Y-You don't understand… I lost everything when those poachers found us that day! *sob* M-My love, my pride, my joy… All of it! T-They didn't even care if we had no quarrel with them. *sob*}

She didn't even care if anyone else came, she just wanted to let out all those emotions she bottled up for so long. Max and Scarlet were already aware of her past, as up until now, they praised Luna for how she managed to keep herself together for so long. However, seeing her bawl and cry her soul out in front of them… It's no wonder she spent so much time alone. This sort of pain was something that Max and the gang could relate to, Scarlet especially since she's been through her own fair share of suffering.

{*sob* I was a proud zoroark, who had everything I could ever want and need.} Her head rose a little bit, looking nowhere in particular. *sob* {N-Now… I'm just an empty shell that died years ago. *sob* Why did I even keep going? Why didn't they take my life as well? W-What's stopping me from ending it all right here and now? So I could… join them in death…?}

At that, Max and Scarlet couldn't say anything.

{...I have nothing.} She said after a brief moment of silence, trying to calm herself down but failing. {I don't have anything to live for anymore…}

"...You're wrong," Max declared, Luna turning her head to him with tears still falling onto her now-stained fur.

"You have friends, Luna. Seven individuals that really care for you, that are here for you, that will do anything for you. Maybe you're still scared to love and commit to another relationship, but you've changed. You can try again, you can be loved again, you can be happy again. Out of all the 'mons and humans you've come across other than us, how many of them would still love you the same after almost losing an arm?"

Luna didn't answer as she looked up at him again, still crying, albeit not as much as she was earlier. Max then turned his attention to his arm as it wasn't bleeding any more.

"Is it good?" He asked Scarlet softly.

{I've stopped the bleeding for now, but I can take care of the rest later.}

"Got it, thanks," He replied, kissing her forehead. "You can let go now."

Scarlet did just that as Max began walking toward Luna and kneeled down in front of her. There, he softly grabbed Luna's cheeks to gently raise her head, causing her to look at him with watery eyes.

"Why are you doing this to yourself, Luna?" he asked, struggling to not cry himself.

{*sob* B-Because…} She sobbed.

"You keep so much inside, but don't allow yourself to let it all out. You've suffered so much, even after that tragic day, yet you don't allow yourself to love again. Why, Luna?"

{Why not?} Luna loudly bemoaned, feeling absolutely depressed. {I wasn't strong enough to save them. I don't deserve forgiveness, or happiness… *sob* I don't even deserve to be alive anymore.}


{Why did it have to be them?} She asked, looking at Max again. {Why couldn't I have been taken instead? At least that way, our son would still be alive and he would still have someone to help with his grief. It's just not fair…}

Max began caressing both of her cheeks in comfort. "Luna… Please, don't say that about yourself. I'm sure- no… I know he wouldn't have replaced you so easily. While it's true that we don't know where he is, or if he's even still alive, I'd like to think he could've ended up in the same situation as you. Maybe even worse, given how formidable you are. You'd never wish for that to happen, wouldn't you?"

{...No… No, of course not.} she replied softly. {I loved him…}

"And he loved you. Listen to me, Luna." Max said, getting her full attention. "You're not responsible for what happened. You got attacked, and you acted in self-defense, there's nothing to be guilty about. Those humans who stole your mate and killed your son… It's their fault, not yours. Do you really think you should stop being happy again because of them? Do you think they would've wanted that from you?"

{I… I just can't. I-I don't have the strength, not anymore.}

"That's why we're here, Luna." Max reassured her, gently grabbing her chin. "We're a team, we can help you regain your strength, myself included."

{...But… I'm dangerous… I-I hurt you.} Luna specified, rubbing the tears from her eyes.

"Heh! Who hasn't hurt me at this point?" Max laughed, looking at Scarlet, who gave a tiny smile. "So what if you're dangerous? That's why I don't want another dark type or even another zoroark… I want you. Besides, who protects me better than a dangerous creature who can easily kill me? Don't answer that."

She turned her gaze away from him, still ashamed. {I'm sorry. *sniff* I… wasn't myself.}

"We all get like that at some point, especially if you keep everything to yourself."

Luna let out a soft chuckle while wiping away more tears from her eyes. {So much for being the intimidating dark-type, right?.} She asked, trying to cheer herself up.

"If it makes you feel any better, only Scarlet and I saw you," he pointed out, putting Luna at ease as she breathed a sigh of relief. "This right here… It's gonna stay our little secret."

{*Sob* S-Scarlet should continue healing your wounds, now.}

Max chuckled. "Tis but a scratch, Luna." He said, posing a little, mimicking Luna when they trained together. "This can wait. Sure, it hurts like hell, but right now you're more important," Max affirmed before going for a tight hug. "I don't know if you feel the same way, but I love you, Luna. We all do."

{And don't worry about master's safety.} Scarlet said. {We'll take care of him. That's exactly why we keep hitting him, so he becomes stronger for what lies ahead.}

{I…I'm not so sure if I should stay.} Luna stated in a more fearful tone. {Even after all this time, I can still hear their voices in my head. I-I've never felt so afraid in my life.} She hugged herself lightly. {It still hurts so much… If I do try to love again and lose them too… I-I don't think my heart can take it.} She then turned to look at Scarlet. {You feel the same way, don't you?}

Scarlet gave Luna a quick nod. {Of course, I do, but why do you think I've stayed with him for this long? I'm well aware of the risks, but for him… He's so worth it.}

"Mmhmm. Be honest with me Luna; can you even say that you're really alive right now?"


His question took the zoroark off-guard, which made her think about… well, everything. She sure was at least existing on this earth and having a life to live, but what was she really doing with that life? Was she just going through the motions? Did her motivation to truly live died along with her former family? The more she thought about it, the more she realized she really was an empty shell.

{I… I don't know… to be honest. Perhaps I wasn't happy.} she replied, sounding conflicted with herself.

"'Wasn't'? As in, past tense…?" he asked, curious of what she meant.

{I can't really say that I'm filled with joy, but…} she began, looking down at Max, trying to smile. {Traveling with you has made it a little more bearable.}

"So that's why you always wander off alone… You made us think you're the solitary type so you wouldn't get too attached to us."

{Well, I am still solitary by nature, but now… not as much as you're used to.}

"Heh. I knew it. Not even the lone zoroark can stay away from me for long," Max joked while pointing at himself.

{Yeah, I bet she's drawn to those stinky feet of yours.} Scarlet jested.

"Gah! D'ah- I forgot to wipe my feet off that one time, Scarlet. Come on!" Max protested.

{Just saying, master.} The gardevoir retorted casually, shrugging her shoulders.

"Tss. I just can't with you, sometimes."

{...Thank you.} Luna softly said.

"Hm? What was that, Lu-"

This time, Luna was the one to hug Max tightly, although he wasn't expecting her to be on him so quickly.

{Thank you, Max. I… just can't believe how much you remind me of him. My lost mate. Maybe that's why I wasn't able to get closer to you, the constant pain of those horrible memories… Every time I look at you, I see his face. I can't say that things will change right away, but…}

"Take your time, Luna." Max suggested, rubbing her back while feeling her shake ever so slightly. "There's no rush. Keep doing what makes you feel better, and when you're ready to open your heart again, I'll be waiting. We all will."

The zoroark then closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming herself down as she was no longer shedding tears. She then looked to Max once more and gave her a small smile, grateful for what he and Scarlet were doing for her at this time.

{It'll be hard, but… I think making such a confession to someone was exactly what I needed. Someone I trust to help… build myself up again.} Luna separated from their hug and wiped her eyes once more. {Will you… Still be willing to spend some time with me, once I feel that I'm ready? Just the two of us?} She asked nervously while rubbing her arm.

"It would be my pleasure," Max replied, staring into her beautiful, cyan eyes. "Whatever you need from me, just let me know."

{Thank you, Max. I… really appreciate it. And… Again, I am so sorry for your arm.} She apologized with a guilty face.

"I've already forgiven you for that, so don't worry about it. As soon as Scarlet finishes tending to it, it'll be as if it never even happened."

Luna let out another soft chuckle while her smile grew. {Why haven't I appreciated how sweet you are until just now?}

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your own heart. Those who look outward dream of their full potential, while those who look inward awaken it."

{Wow. So poetic.} Scarlet mocked playfully. {It's too bad that it makes zero sense whatsoever.}

"Not everyone can appreciate fine art. When I speak, I do it with my soul."

{Alright, that's enough out of you.} Scarlet said, nudging his arm with her elbow. {You should stop before someone makes you die or something.}

"Well, well, well… I didn't know you read up on human literature."

{The best way to defeat your enemies is to know everything about them.} she quoted in a faulty accent.

"And here comes Scarlet the deranged tyrant. So sexy and enticing, yet so dangerous," Max replied, eyeing her with seductive eyes while grabbing her by the hips.

{Really? Well, maybe I can take things up a notch, just for you~.} Scarlet coaxed.

"By all means, please do," he said, the two now nuzzling each other, Luna chuckling at their flirtatious behavior.

{Have I ever mentioned how adorable you two can be?} The zoroark mentioned.

{All thanks to him. He's the cutest human ever.} The gardevoir stated while hugging Max's head against her chest, right above her crest.

Luna laughed for a bit longer before her smile began to fade away as she went into thought. She saw how close Max and Scarlet became, after all, they've been through, then tried to imagine herself like that. Can she allow herself to open herself up again and deepen that relationship with him? Will she be able to protect him the next time danger rears its ugly head? Will she consider Max a proper mate for her, despite her inability to have children? All these questions will be answered in due time, she just needed to think about them for now.

{I don't want to be a bother, but…}

"Do you wanna go in your pokéball?" Max assumed.

{...Please.} Luna affirmed, a wider smile appearing on her face.

"I don't know you at all, do I?" Max jested while grabbing Luna's pokéball.

{I'll leave that for you to decide.} she replied. {I'll eventually reveal everything to you, I promise.}

Without the gardevoir releasing his head, Max gave Luna another warm smile before recalling her to her ball. He then put it back on his belt before looking at Scarlet.


{Well, what?}

"Think you can let go of my head?"

{No, not yet.} She refused before hugging his head tighter, making Max sigh in both discouragement and amusement.

~4 days later~




On a Saturday afternoon, further into the woods away from the module, Scarlet and Dusk were sparring together, working on their special attack and speed. They tried to find an empty space at first, but after stumbling onto a particular part of the area filled with dead trees and stumps, hinting at some sort of battle or conflict, they decided to settle for that spot to train. Since there were many obstacles around them, they used them to improve their sense of awareness as they sparred with each other, and given the fact that there is a good amount of space, they could go all out. After almost an hour of endless exchanges, Dusk was the first to fall after blocking one last attack, exhausted. She was on her knees out of breath with Scarlet standing before her, not as exhausted, but still considerably tired.

{That's really impressive, Dusk.} Scarlet praised. {You've really been pulling your weight lately.}

{You… *pant* Do you really think so?} Dusk replied, taking slow and deep breaths.

{Definitely. The force of your attacks… they hit hard.}

{Hehe… *pant* I'm still…*pant* not as strong… as you.}

{Well, it's gonna have to stay that way for a while, my foxy friend.} Scarlet affirmed, presenting a hand to her, the delphox accepting it. {I also need to get stronger, so if you want to surpass me… you'll have to work twice or thrice as hard.}

{I don't think… I can do it. I barely stay conscious… after a simple sparring session with you.} Dusk admitted as she stood up, slightly stumbling in her step due to fatigue.

{Well… You do you, Dusk.}

{Yeah. *pant* I think I… need to lie down for a bit.}

{No problem.} said the gardevoir as she began to leave. {We'll continue as soon as you feel you're ready.}

{Uh huh… *pant*.} Dusk replied exhaustingly, Scarlet turning to head back towards the module.

{...You're not coming?} The gardevoir asked, stopping and turning after noticing that Dusk wasn't following.

{Go ahead. Just… give me a moment, and I'll catch up.}

{...Alright.} Scarlet acknowledged, suspicious of her strange behavior.

After seeing her float back to camp, Dusk tried taking a few steps, only to immediately become dizzy. She had to lean against a nearby tree to prevent herself from falling, grabbing her head in mild pain.

{*groan* Again…? They've been getting worse.} She mumbled to herself worryingly. {W-What's happening to me?}


Arriving back at the module, Scarlet saw Aurora relaxing at the base of a tree and Bonny playing a fantasy card game with May on the outdoor table, enjoying their sunny afternoon.

{Who's winning?} Scarlet asked, looking over Bonny's shoulder.

{Hard to say.} Bonny answered, rapidly tapping her finger against the table. {I thought I had her a moment ago, but she's somehow making a comeback.}

{Good thing I was able to counter your battle phase, huh Bonny?} May boasted a little.

{Pfft! Beginner's luck May!} Bonny retorted dismissively. {Look at our boards, my side is stacked compared to yours.}

{Careful, Bonny… The game's not over 'til it's over.}

{Just draw your next card and get on with your planning phase.} Bonny ordered the mawile, slowly losing her cool.

{Hehe.} May giggled as she played her next move, Scarlet leaving them to their devices as she walked inside the module. {First, I'll switch my fire mage to defensive mode, and activate…}

Upon entering, the gardevoir saw Max sitting across from Sally at the kitchen table, the two of them using the tablet. She then leaned against the wall, watching in observation as she learned that he was teaching Sally some basic math.

"Alright, let's try this again…" Max told her. "If Martin has twelve apples, shares half of it with his friends, and eats half of his, how many apples does he have left?"

{Um…} Sally said, deep in thought. {...Six?}


{No, wait! Four! He has four apples.} She corrected herself.

"Not quite."

{It's not four? Crap.} she responded in disappointment.

"Language, Sally."

{Sorry. *sigh* Math is hard.}

"Let's go step-by-step, then. What's half of twelve?"

{It's… Uh…}

"Come on Sally, you know this. You wouldn't be able to count to one hundred if you didn't."

Sally then stared up at the ceiling, counting in her head while gently tapping her finger on the table.

{Is it… six?} she asked.

"That's correct. And what's half of six?"


"Also correct, which means that Martin has…?" Max dragged on, hoping she'd get it.

{Martin has…}

Sally then smacked her forehead, understanding what she got wrong.

{*sigh* He has three apples…} She answered, sounding a bit upset.

"Well done, Sally. That's correct."

{Yayyy.} She celebrated sarcastically.

"Sally, don't be like that. We practice like this so you can get better."

{I don't know. We don't progress a lot and it reminds me that I'm… n-nevermind.}

"You learn at your own pace, Sally. One that I don't mind following," Max responded reassuringly, despite Sally thinking otherwise as she lowered her head in shame. {Do you want a hug? Will that make you feel better?}

{...Maybe.} She responded reluctantly.

"Alright, bring it in."

With a smile, Max pulled Sally into a warm hug, the cinderace pouted as she had a hard time enjoying something when she's upset.

{Aww, and people say we're adorable together.} Scarlet commented, getting their attention.

"Oh, Scarlet. Didn't see you there. How long were you watching?" Max questioned while petting and caressing the pouting fire-type.

{I just got here.} Scarlet answered, taking a seat and joining them. {So you really got her started?}

"Yup. She was eager to learn and get smarter, that's what she told me. Unfortunately, it's a bit more challenging than she thought it'd be," Max mentioned, making Sally embarrassingly bury her face in Max's chest.

{Hehe… If it's too easy, then something's definitely wrong.} Scarlet shared, before looking towards Sally to encourage her. {But don't feel bad, Sally, we all gotta start somewhere. It's really brave of you to work on your weaknesses.}

"She's right, hotstuff," Max agreed, rubbing her lower back. "By the way, I forbid you from comparing yourself to the others. We all love you just the way you are."

{I know, but…}

"*sigh* I don't want to invalidate what you're feeling and I understand you. We all wish to improve for the best, but it's not that easy. The only thing we can do is to work hard until that wish comes true."

Sally then looked at Max with a hopeful expression.

{You… really think so?}

"I know so. As long as you don't get discouraged and never give up, anything's possible." Max confirmed, making her smile.

{...Alright. I'll do my best, then.} She announced while closing her eyes, taking a deep breath to steel herself.

"I don't expect any less of you," Max replied as he smiled along with Scarlet.

{Phew. I think I'll take a break and get some fresh air outside.} She stated, walking outside of the module.

"Alright. Don't go too far though!" Max called out, the cinderace disappearing out the door.

{So? Any word from Luna?} The gardevoir inquired.

"Not really. She's become…" Max thought for a second to properly put it to words, unconsciously grabbing the necklace around his neck. "She's like… How Jade was when she first joined." Scarlet let out a small gasp at the mention of her but said nothing as Max let go of his necklace and continued speaking. "She's been staying in her pokeball all the time, only coming out to get food before immediately going back inside. Besides thanking me for the meal, she doesn't speak a word."

{…Damn, it's that bad, huh?} She said, trying her best to keep her anger in check out of respect for Max… and Jade. {I guess I can't really blame her.}

"She hasn't allowed herself to let her emotions out freely, and for the past three days, she's been isolating herself in her ball; Just to have the space to cry."

{I figured that she also might be venting some built-up rage.} Scarlet said as she nodded in agreement, Max now concerned for Luna's well-being. {She took the longest, but I think you finally managed to get through to her heart.}

"Heh. And to think that all it took was two years of "bonding" with a human and a pokémon almost dying," Max quipped as he looked at his necklace once more, once again remembering his own loss. "Not as bad as actually having someone you love die, but it's a very close second."

{Watching someone die is one thing, but it's another to move past that pain.} Scarlet said as she placed her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. {I think being reminded of that was what sent her over the edge.}

"She suffered for so long, but I think what destroyed her was that she swallowed her pain instead of facing it and living it all those years."

{Probably. Let's hope she's not broken beyond repair.}

"You know, there is a human method that consists of repairing broken pottery and such with golden glue or something. The result is almost better than the original."

{Uh-Huh. Interesting.} Scarlet replied while looking through the window, obviously faking her interest.

"Hehe. As soon as there's the word 'human'..." Max commented softly.

{What was that?} Scarlet challenged.


{Yeah. That's what I thought.} The gardevoir said, looking through the window again, with Max muffling a chuckle.

"And how's Dusk doing?"

{She's impressive. She has made a lot of progress lately, especially in terms of power. However, it's like her power is increasing too quickly for her to keep constant control. Maybe it's me, but despite getting stronger, she keeps lacking precision and efficiency.}

"Maybe you just go too hard on her."

{I don't know. I mean, I don't make her laze around, sure, but I'm not a psychopath like Mad-Ji.}

"Nope. Just a sociopath that wants to kill all humans." Max jested.

{Come on. Not all humans. Just a couple of carefully selected ones.}

"That's better," Max said, playing along. "And I mean it. There was a time where you would have wiped out humanity with no distinction."

{Well, when you put some thought into it, you acknowledge that there are more efficient ways to overpower humans than just kill all of them. Keeping the strong and smart ones separately…}

"Alright, I get it." Max cut, amused. "If I keep listening, I'll become someone who knows too much."

{I know a few methods to keep someone from talking.} Scarlet affirmed seductively.

"I bet you do. Well, I guess that would be it for today.

{Hey… Master?} Sally asked, suddenly poking her head back inside the module. She then entered once more and tapped her fingers together, looking at Max in a cutesy manner. {Since we're not really training right now, do you wanna… Come play soccer with me?}

Max looked at Sally with a warm but tired smile, indicating that he wasn't really in the mood for sports. "…Maybe later Sally."

{Aww.} Sally complained disappointingly.

"I'm just a bit tired, is all," he assured her to not hurt her feelings. "I'll join you in a bit, I promise."

{Okay…} Sally replied as she left with a soccer ball in her hand.

{It's rare to see you turn her down, or anyone for that matter.} Scarlet pointed out, surprised by this. {You must be tired.}

"Yeah… Yeah, I guess I am," Max shared as he rubbed his eyes. "I'm gonna take a quick power nap before heading outside."

{You go do that. You kinda need it since you didn't sleep all that well last night.}

"I didn't? Strange, it didn't feel like it,"

{Your drowsiness speaks for itself.} Scarlet replied bluntly.

"I guess so," Max chuckled. "What, did I have nightmares or something?"

Scarlet shrugged her shoulders. {I don't know. You didn't seem disturbed when you were asleep, so I didn't even bother checking.}

"I see. Well then… Time to hit the hay for… maybe an hour or so," Max said before standing up and heading towards the bed.

{Want company?} Scarlet proposed as she did the same.

"Hehe, always." Max accepted with a smile.

Upon taking his hand, Scarlet dragged Max inside the bedroom, the two laying down on it in each other's arms.

"Thanks, love," Max said as he stared into Scarlet's eyes. "I could use some one-on-one snuggle time with my girlfriend."

Scarlet responded in kind by staring back at him with a loving smile. {No problem. I always enjoy being with my mate, so it's a win-win.}

Planting a kiss on her forehead, Max shut his eyes along with his gardevoir as they slowly drifted to sleep.


Back outside with the team, Sally was playing with her soccer ball, kicking it around and juggling it on her foot. Aurora was still relaxing under a tree listening to some quiet music next to the tablet on which she selected a playlist, with Bonny and May still playing their board game.

{No, no! NO, NO!} Bonny shouted in frustration.

{Hehe… You have no creatures to protect you, so that's the game!} May exclaimed after achieving victory, slamming her cards down and yelling in an accent. {Yay! Bow down to your empress!}

{Haaw!} Bonny growled, dropping her head on the table. {I just have no luck in this game. Why do I still play it?}

May walked across the table and patted her shoulder comfortingly. {That's not true, Bonny. You've won a few games before.}

{Yeah, compared to the hundreds I already lost.} Bonny complained, not even looking up at the mawile.

{Details, details.} May waved dismissively before heading back to her side of the table. {One more game?}

{No thanks.} Bonny answered, standing up from the ground. {I think I'm gonna take a break. My ass is kinda sore from being kicked that much as well as being seated for that long. I think I'm going to go for a walk, stretch these legs out a little, y'know?} She added before heading towards the depth of the woods.


{Ooh! Can I come too?} Sally asked, taking to the lopunny's side with her ball under her arm.

{Sure. C'mon, sis.} Bonny agreed with Sally in tow, the two disappearing into the forest.

{...Tch. Great, I'm all alone now.} May complained, resting her head on one arm, before noticing Aurora relaxing by the tree and calling out to her. "Aurora, can I vibe with you?"

{You can…} the lucario began as she opened an eye to briefly look at May walking towards her. {I don't know what that word means, but you can.}

Meanwhile in the woods, Bonny and Sally had traveled a bit further inward without making much conversation.

{So, hem…} Sally engaged, a bit nervously. {Nice day today, huh?}

{Yeah. Clear skies, cool temperature…}

{It's definitely better than the rain.} the cinderace added.

{Pfft, tell me about it. I look horrible when my fur is all wet.} Bonny replied, groaning at the thought.

{Really? I don't think it's that bad. I mean, it makes your… well… figure more.} Sally shared shyly.

Bonny giggled at the cinderace's compliment. {...Thanks, Sally, that's really sweet of you.}

{Don't mention it, heh heh.} She replied, looking down at the ground while grasping her arm. {To be honest, I… wish I could have your physique.}

{Aww Sally, we talked about this.} Bonny said, feeling a bit bad for her.

{I know it sounds stupid, but…}

{You've got your own charms, Sally.} Bonny reassured her, putting a paw on Sally's shoulder. {You don't have to envy others.}

{*sigh* I don't know… Sometimes, I have this feeling that he's admiring you more than I.}

{Haha. That's just you, Sally.} The lopunny reassured her. {I know for a fact that he looks at all of us equally.}

{How can you tell?}

{You mean you haven't noticed?} Bonny questioned surprisingly.

{N-Noticed what?}

{…Okay then. See, you probably don't know this, but master can be pretty shy too. He tries to be subtle about it most of the time, taking quick peaks at us when he thinks we're not looking. What he doesn't know is that we notice almost all the time.}

Sally gasped in shock as Bonny told her this about Max. {Really? But, why aren't you telling him?}

{Because we like it when he stares at us, and we don't really want him to stop. Am I right?} Bonny said with a wink.

{I guess.} Sally admitted with a slight blush.

{And forget about that whole 'wanting better physique' thing. You got no one to be jealous of, Sally. Hell, even by cinderace standards, you're really fucka— Mm, s-sorry, I didn't mean…}

{Hehe. It's okay. It's actually kind of flattering… In a way.} Sally giggled while waving her paw dismissively.

{What I meant is that it's true that my hips have no equal, but that's pretty much it. All hips and barely anything else.} she replied, moving her hips around to emphasize her point.

{Your eyes are gor… G-Gorjes…?}

{You mean "gorgeous"?}

Sally rubbed the back of her head nervously. {Yeah, it's a word I learned recently, so I can't pronounce it correctly yet.}

{It's cool, I guess I do have beautiful eyes. I don't know what's up with the color though, but if master is completely stunned by them…} Bonny then went into thought, bringing her hand to her chin. {I mean, I'm glad he venerates them, but they're not that special, are they?}

{Well, I think they are kinda cool.}

{Hm. I guess it's something only other species can appreciate, as for us lopunnies, they're just eyes.}

As the pair walked along, a group of wild pokémon; Multiple simipour, simisear, and simisage, came out of nowhere and began surrounding them. Sally held onto Bonny's arm as the elemental trio 'mons circled them in a somewhat menacing manner, with Bonny not looking all that concerned.

{What's up, guys? How can we help you?} Bonny engaged nonchalantly.

{Don't go all friendly with us, monster. You can't fool us with your "buddy-buddy" attitude.} A simipour replied in disdain, causing Bonny to confusingly look at Sally.

{Oookay… Any reason why you're calling us "monsters"?}

{Yeah, you're a threat to the pokémon of this forest, and you must be dealt with.} A simisear followed.

{Really? Well, if it's the case, we'll be on our way, then.} The lopunny said while raising an eyebrow before looking at Sally. {C'mon. Let's head back to camp.}

As the two rabbit pokémon tried to leave, two simisages blocked their path and readied their respective attacks.

{Okay, real talk, you don't want to do that. If you leave us be, no one will get hurt.} Bonny threatened, with Sally getting increasingly nervous.

{Bonny the lopunny, is it?} The simipour spoke again. {The pet of a human trainer named Max.}

{...How do you know that?} Bonny asked, glaring at the water-type. {Wait, "pet"? That's a messed-up way of putting it.}

{A lot of pokemon from the other territories know about you; Who you are, where you came from… what you've done.} The simipour said while baring his teeth.

{W-What are you talking about? Bonny, w-what's going on?} Sally asked, as she is now visibly shaking in fear.

{Don't play dumb with us. Most pokémon, for whatever reason, think you're innocent now, but not us. Those rumors didn't just pop up outta nowhere!}

{Rumors-? Oh my god, that again!?} Bonny exclaimed when she understood what he meant.

{We did a little investigation of our own, and we stumbled across a vespiquen who was scared for her life, confirming that you're a bunch of soulless monsters.}

{...That fucking bitch.} Bonny growled. {Alright. Let's pretend it's true, what are you guys gonna do about it? We don't have anything against you specifically, so if you just let us go…}

{"Let you go"? Yeah, not happening.} The simisear said before another simisear and a simisage grabbed both Bonny's arms, along with Sally's, and separated the two. {You're gonna come with us and face judgment at the hands of our leader, but before that… Time to give you a taste of your own medicine. Put them down.}

Overpowered, Sally yelped as she got pushed onto the ground and was pinned down. However, the two monkey pokémon who tried to push Bonny down weren't able to.

{...Well? Put her down already.} The simipour growled.

{We're… trying… but she's…} The simisage justified, using all of his might to try to put Bonny down.

{*sigh* Alright, this is getting ridiculous.}

Having had enough of these shenanigans, Bonny lifted both her aggressors and spun to toss them away, one of them landing on the other pokémon. She then turned towards Sally and side-kicked the 'mon that was holding her before Ear Punching the other, sending them both flying.

{What the- Get her!} Another simisage yelled.

Immediately, every remaining monkey pokemon charged at Bonny with Energy Balls, Water Pulse, and Flamethrowers alike. However, they weren't able to unleash them as the lopunny dashed at one and Ear Punched his face before Mega Punching two others. Dodging and leaping away from her opponents' moves, Bonny managed to avoid almost all incoming attacks, a few landing due to being outnumbered. Luckily, none were strong enough to significantly hurt the lopunny, thanks to her amazing defense. Unfortunately, two simisages used Grass Knot and immobilized Bonny by the legs.

{Ha! Got you now!} A simipour exclaimed before using Brick Break on the rabbit pokemon's head.

With a mildly loud impact noise being heard, Bonny's head barely moved down.

{...Is that really all you got?} Bonny taunted with a smirk.

{Gah!} The simipour exclaimed while grasping his hand in pain. {What the- What are you made of, pure metal?!}

Bonny scoffed in amusement at the sight. {I'm definitely more durable than you, that's for sure.}

{Grr…! We'll see about that, whore.}

Whatever the simipour was preparing, she was immediately interrupted by a sudden attack on her back. Dropping down to a knee with a growl, the simipour held her back with a slight burn mark in the center. Bonny then saw Sally a bit further away, dribbling a rock with one foot, now looking serious.

{Nice shot.} Bonny praised before using her strength to release herself from Grass Knot.

{Get down!} Sally warned before tossing another Pyro Ball at Bonny as she crouched down, making the projectile hit an incoming simisear from behind.

He stumbled back and was hit by Bonny's Mega Punch before he could retaliate, sending him flying a few meters away into a nearby tree. The remaining monkey pokémon then gathered in a small group, facing Bonny, with Sally joining her as she was no longer nervous.

{...She really is a monster. There's no way a lopunny can be that strong!} A simisear said, starting to get scared.

{Unbelievable. We outnumbered them ten-to-one! There are only two of them, and yet…} A simipour added.

Bonny then placed a paw on her hips with Sally hastily doing the same to look just as intimidating. {So… Do you want to keep going? We can do this all day if you want, though I highly doubt you can.}

Her adversaries remained silent as they were weighing their options; Do they retreat, or face the wrath of the "Berserker Lopunny"?

{Well?!} Bonny provoked before taking a step, making them take a step back as well.

{Y-You'll regret this!} A simisage blurted before he and the rest of his comrades fled deeper into the forest.

{Tss. Cowards.} Bonny cursed as she turned towards Sally. {You okay?}

{Yeah… I think so.} she replied before taking a deep breath. {That was scary.}

{*sigh* Those rumors are really a pain in the rear. I wonder if we'll ever get to travel peacefully ever again.}

{I… I hope so. It's no fun being attacked for no reason.}

{Hehe, you can say that again. Glad to see you're okay, sis.} Bonny chuckled before briefly hugging Sally with one arm. {I guess we should head back, this place isn't as pleasant to go for a walk as it seems.} She suggested before they began walking back to the campsite.

On the way, Bonny and Sally did some chit-chat like usual until they were halfway back.

{...I mean, it should be illegal, right?} Sally said with energy.

{Haha! Yeah. I totally agree.} Bonny laughed.

Then, suddenly, Bonny felt a bit dizzy before feeling a very light headache.

{Hmm…} The lopunny hummed in annoyance, stopping to rub her temples.

{What is it, Bonny?} Sally asked, concerned.

{Nothing. Just… It's just a headache, nothing to worry about.} The lopunny assured before resuming her walk.

{Are you sure?} The cinderace asked, following her.

{Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, it happens from time to time.}


Then, as she was looking at Bonny, Sally noticed something in the distance.

{Wait.} She said, putting her and Bonny into a halt. {Is that… Dusk?}

Curious, Bonny followed Sally's gaze and spotted the same thing.

{It definitely looks like her… Maybe we should go check. It's not like her to sit at the base of a tree to take a nap.}

A minute later, they approached the figure and saw that it was indeed Dusk sitting down hunched over with her eyes closed. Without snoring, she sounded asleep, with both rabbit pokemon looking at each other interrogatively.

{...Dusk?} Bonny called out softly while shaking her.

{*Snort* Huh? What… What happened?} The delphox asked with a drowsy voice and small eyes.

{Are you okay, Dusk?} Sally asked, worried.

{I…} Dusk replied before briefly looking around. {Y-Yes. I think I just… had to take a nap, that's all.}

{In the middle of nowhere?} Bonny stated.

{I… I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. Maybe I'm more tired than I thought.}

{You should rest in our bed as soon as we get back home.} Sally suggested, concerned for her friend's well-being.

{Maybe… I should. Yeah, a bed sounds nice.} Dusk answered back in a daze as her friends helped her stand. {I'm sorry if I worried you.} The delphox said after they started walking.

{It's okay. It's just strange to see you like this, away from everyone.} Bonny assured.

{It wasn't my intention. I had just finished training with Scarlet when…}

{...When what?} Sally asked nervously.

Dusk held a paw to her head while trying to figure out what she did prior to this. {I… don't know. I guess I blacked out for a moment because I don't even remember coming here. I was tired, but…}

Bonny and Sally looked at each other once more, this time deeply concerned.

{Maybe we should tell Scarlet to go a bit easier on you next time.} the lopunny suggested.

{No… No, I don't think she's responsible. It's not the first time we sparred so hard. Maybe I just didn't sleep well or ate enough today and I felt faint because of it.} the delphox responded, trying to justify her predicament.

{Well, good thing we found you. Who knows what kind of disgusting and depraved males could've taken advantage of you?}

{Thanks for the consolation, Bonny.} Dusk jested with a smile.

{Hey, don't mention it. You might not be so lucky next time.} the lopunny retorted playfully.

A little while later, they finally reached the campsite, where Scarlet was now awake, playing a different card game with May on the outdoor table.

{I'll help you to the bedroom.} Bonny suggested to Dusk.

{Thank you.}

{...What's wrong?} Scarlet asked, hearing them.

{Dusk just feels really tired, so she's gonna rest a little.} Sally explained as the other two went inside.

{Tsk, I knew there was something wrong after the training session. I guess I overdid it again.} Scarlet said, upset.

Inside, Bonny and Dusk entered the bedroom and guided her towards the bed where Max was lying, watching TV.

{Hey, master. Mind letting Dusk have the bedroom to herself for a moment?} Bonny asked.

"Huh? I mean, sure, but why?"

{It's okay. He can stay.} Dusk mentioned.

{No, Dusk. You need optimal rest.} Bonny told her before looking at Max. {She felt faint a moment ago, so I thought some sleep on a comfy bed would do her nicely.}

"Yeah, of course," Max confirmed once more before leaving the bed to join them.

{Thank you… Everyone.} Dusk said before briefly hugging Max and getting on the bed.

"...What happened?" Max asked Bonny softly after they left the bedroom and closed the door.

{I don't know, but we found her sitting on the ground sleeping away from here. To not bother coming back here to rest, she must have been so exhausted that she dozed off on the spot.}

"Hmm…" Max hummed, looking out the door interrogatively, staring off into the distance.

{What is it? You got something?}

"Probably not, but I have been noticing her being more tired than usual."

{Yeah, I thought so too, now that you mention it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I didn't sleep particularly well these past few days.} Bonny pondered out loud.

"You too?"

{Yeeup…} Bonny hummed interrogatively as well.

"Maybe we've contracted a virus or something."

{I never heard of a virus affecting both humans and pokémon alike.} Bonny replied, going deep into thought. {Then again, it could be one that's just appeared.}

"That is true…" Max pondered. "If that's the case, then there's nothing a few days of rest and a quick trip to the doctor's office couldn't fix."

{You're probably right.}

"Only time will tell. For now, let our fiery vixen rest for a while," Max said before leaving the bedroom door.

{Before you go too far, I probably should tell you….} Bonny said, following him. {Sally and I ran into a bit of a problem earlier, so be careful if you're thinking about going out.}

"What kind of problem?" he asked while raising an eyebrow at her.

{We got attacked by a bunch of simidiot monkey pokémon not very far from here. Said so themselves that they still believe those rumors about us.}

"Again?! Goddamnit," Max growled, sitting at the table before briefly regaining his composure. "How's Sally taking it?"

{Just like me, she's fine. Pfft, as if ten or twelve arrogant monkeys could outpower me.}

"*sigh* I thought we moved past that."

{...Sorry for bringing that up.} Bonny said, noticing his sudden mood change.

"Don't be. You had to as I was probably nourishing a false sense of security. I'll watch my back more from now on."

{You can still count on us to protect you.} Bonny affirmed firmly.

"Heh… Trust me, I know."

Turning from the bench, Max pulled Bonny into a hug and dropped his head on her, his nose near her neck. After Bonny returned it, Max took a big whiff of her.

"Ah! You smell so good, Bonny."

{The reward for taking good care of my fur.} Bonny said proudly, stroking Max's hair.

"Your scent pleases me. Between Luna being more reclusive, Dusk feeling more tired by the day, and now this…" Max held Bonny tightly for some sort of relief. "Yeah, I need this."

{There, there, master.} Bonny reassured him with a soothing voice and stroked his hair. {I'm here for you. All healthy and ready to help your needs.}

"Good… good."

After briefly tightening his hug, Max released her and looked into her eyes. A sudden desire to kiss her then emerged, a desire in which he immediately followed through. When done, the kiss did the same to Bonny and made her initiate a kiss of her own. Quickly, passion settled and Bonny pushed Max on his back before mounting him, not separating their lips even once.

"...Crazy how randomly a fire can start, huh?" Max jested after Bonny broke it.

{Yup. And naturally, only you can put it out~.} The horny lopunny said with lewd eyes.

"Oh. Then I guess I have no choice then."

With a smirk, Bonny went for more kisses but quickly changed into making out. Under her, Max was returning it the best he could while tracing her body with his hands, mainly focusing on her lower half. Soon, a hand reached for womanhood, gently rubbing her entrance. At first, she wasn't very wet yet, but it didn't take long before becoming decently slippery.

{...Eager to feel it, aren't you?} Bonny inquired lustfully after breaking the kiss.

"You are too, I'm sure."

{That's my secret, master. I'm always eager to feel your dick inside me.}

"So be ready at any time."

{Hehe. You're so smart, master.}

"But honestly, do you know what I'm really eager for?"

{A ferocious blowjob? I should have known. You like those so much.} Bonny guessed with an amused expression.

"Well, yeah, but I was thinking about something we haven't done in a while." Max corrected before showing her his keystone.

{Oh.} Bonny said, pleasantly surprised. {My my. Feeling risky, aren't you?} She added with a smugly smile.

"You know that I can't resist that mega-rump of yours."

{Hehe. And that 'mega-rump' is all about you. Without a trustworthy trainer, I simply couldn't mega-evolve, so you deserve it and it is all yours.}

"What an honor you're bestowing me."

{What are you waiting for then? You better make me mega-evolve while I still have self-control.}

"Alright." Max acknowledged, touching his keystone. "Let's now signal the entire region that we're about to get busy."

With Bonny doing the same with her mega-stone on her red scarf, she transformed into a mega-lopunny in a bright flash.

{...Why does it bother you?} Bonny questioned while nearing her face provocatively. {Who cares what we're doing here? We're about to get a good fuck, and that's all there is to care about.}

Smiling, Max could never have enough of her beauty, especially on her mega-form. Unfortunately, despite having a thing for her rough side in that form, he always found that her face and attitude didn't match that much.

"Say, Bonny. Do you mind if… we try something new?"

{New? If it's sexual, I'm always down for new and exciting experiences.}

"Alright. Let's start by switching places."

{You on top? Oh. I already like where this is going.} Bonny replied with an excited smile before doing as requested.

A few seconds later, Max was now on top of Bonny, with her looking slightly defenseless under him.

{What's next?} She impatiently asked.

"This is where… you might like it a bit less."

{Huh? What do you mean?}

"You know, your mega-form is sexy as fuck and I can barely contain myself when I look at it, but… I was wondering if, for once, I could be the bad guy. I mean, not the bad guy, bad guy, but… you know what I mean."

{Not… entirely, I'm afraid.}

"I'll say it simply, then: Can you play the role of a scared and defenseless Pokémon?"

{The role of a scared… I… don't know. It's… not really me.} Bonny justified, a bit uncomfortable.

"It's okay if you refuse but… honestly, Bonny, just hearing you thinking about it really makes my heart melt. You trust and love me so much that you can control yourself perfectly. It's beautiful to see."

{D-Don't overdo, i-idiot… or you're gonna ruin the moment.} Bonny retorted, very embarrassed.

"Sorry. I had to say it."

{...It's... not that I don't want to, but… I'm probably bad at it.}

"We won't know without trying."

{*Sigh* A-Alright. I'll try.} Bonny agreed, still embarrassed.

"Awesome. Thanks, Bonny."

{H-Here it goes, then. *Ahem* P-Please don't… hurt me, m-mister.} Bonny acted, trying to look scared and even more defenseless.

Despite what she might think, she was better at it than she gave herself credit for. Obviously, it wasn't exceptionally good, but perfect enough for Max to get himself into the game.

"Well, well. What a turnaround. The strong and prideful pokemon is now the one being on her back."

{P-Please. Let me go. I… didn't do anything wrong.}

"...Wow. You're really good at it, Bonny."

{S-Shut up!} Bonny growled embarrassingly, looking away.

"Sorry, sorry. *Ahem* No way I'm letting such a catch go away."


"Oh yes. You're trapped and there's nothing you can do about it."

{Oh yeah? What if I kick your balls?} Bonny threatened, making Max look at her in confusion. {I-I mean… What… are you gonna do to me?}

"Let's see…" Max said, eyeing her. "Well, I'm kind of a pokemon lover, so maybe we can work something out that we both can enjoy."

{Both? No… you're gonna… rape me?}

"I wouldn't say rape, but more like, forcibly encouraged physical contact."



{Hihi. Sorry. That was a good one.} The lopunny shared, amused. {Anyway…} She softly said, getting into the character again. {No. Don't do that. That's mean.}

"Unfortunately for you, I'm a big meanie, so without further ado, let's start already," Max said before starting to caress Bonny's belly.

{Ah… No… Don't… ahh… do that.} The lopunny said, trying to refuse despite the pleasuring touches.

As she was looking at the ceiling, Bonny felt Max's hands tracing her entire body until she felt them on her thighs. He caressed them for a moment before she felt Max kissing the inner side. Despite the fur, he was able to make it very pleasant for her. Shortly after, his tongue went for her clitoris, making her back arch from the sudden burst of pleasure.

{No… not… my…}

With her eyes rolling at the back of her skull, Max took a firm grasp on the thighs and began to eagerly eat her out.

{Ahh! Aaahh! Ah! It feels… so good…}

With her breathing getting slightly faster, Bonny had more and more trouble playing the scared prey.

{Aahh! My trainer… is eating me.. I'm… the luckiest lopunny in the world!} She commented before gently biting her lips.

Despite the amazingly strong desire to grab his head and push it further, Bonny managed to find the willpower to try and keep Max's desire for him to be the assaulter. Obviously, she prefers when she's in charge, but unknowingly to her, there was a little something that made her like that situation more than she anticipated. Maybe they could do that more often.

{Please… mister… I beg you. Go… a little bit… faster.}

Not only did Max go faster but pressed his tongue a little bit stronger as well with a smile.

{*Chupse* Fuck yeah!} Bonny exclaimed with intense pleasure her claws sinking into the couch without breaking it.

With fast breathing, Bonny's lower half was lightly wriggling around uncontrollably from the stimulation while moaning. A little while later, she was about to reach her first orgasm.

{Yes! Yes! I'm… coming…} She exclaimed as she was reaching her climax.

Her orgasm lasted for a couple of seconds and was exceptionally strong, making Bonny contract her muscles as hard as she could.

{...Fuck…} Bonny said when she calmed down. {That was a powerful one. How come? Nothing stepped out of the ordinary.}

"Maybe the roleplaying triggered something in you."

{I don't know, but… damn that was good.}

"Imagine what comes next."

{I can't wait. Just… give me a minute and I'll be ready.} Bonny requested, regaining her breath.

"Bonny, needing a break from sex? That's rare." Max jested.

{Well, when you are with a human that takes the time to hit the right spots, that's something that may occur.}

"Big words for a big sexy girl, huh?" Max said, crawling back over her. "In the meantime, I guess I can keep the engine warm." He added before starting to kiss her neck.

{Oh god!} The lopunny expressed, biting her lips lustfully while embracing him.

While rubbing the outer side of her thighs, Max went lower and was now kissing her chest. It wasn't as pleasant as her neck, but she could have a good view of her master doing as pleased with her body. The human then went higher again, briefly going over her neck once again before going for her right ear. Unable to resist, he softly blew air inside her ear.

{Hey! Stop!} Bonny protested playfully, moving her head away.

"Hehe. Sorry. I know it tickles you more than anything else, but I had to do it."

{Tsk. You're mean.}

"Really? In that case, how about that?" He said before giving a very gentle lick inside her ear, above her ear canal.

{Ahh!} Bonny moaned softly. {Alright.} She said, pushing him away. {I'm ready, so fuck me already.}

"Ha ha." Max denied. "Not like this."

{Ghnn!} Bonny growled internally in extreme annoyance. {...I hate you…} She said softly.

"What was that?"

{...Ghrrn…! P-Please, m-mister. Don't shove your… big thing in me. I'm… too tight. It won't fit.}

"You think? I doubt it, but there's just one way to find out."

{No… Don't…}

Unable to finish, Bonny was staring at Max, who was looking at her interrogatively. Suddenly, her paws began to shake slightly.

{...Oh, fuck it!} She finally said before grabbing Max by the collar and pulling him into a forced kiss.

She forcibly pushed her tongue inside Max's mouth with such ferocity that the trainer got scared for a moment that she could choke him with her tongue. After breaking it, she looked at Max with a nasty expression.

{Fuck me, now. That's a freaking order.} She commanded assertively.

Satisfied with her effort, Max gave up on the roleplay idea and smiled.

"Hehe. With pleasure."

Standing away from her, Max unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down.

{Fuck yes!} Bonny said while staring at his throbbing erection. {Get over here!} She commanded while spreading her legs.

Smiling again, Max obliged and kneeled over Bonny again. As both were looking at each other's eyes, Max easily inserted himself inside the rabbit pokemon.

{Ooh… fuck yes…} She moaned blissfully.

"Let's begin at once," Max said before initiating the intercourse.

Almost immediately, Bonny's moans became uncontrollable, even though Max had a steady pace.

{Yes! Fuck me hard, master!} Bonny exclaimed in pure bliss while coiling her legs around Max's hips.

They then mated for a while with Bonny getting as tight as possible to enhance everyone's pleasure. Eventually, both came at the same time.

"Oof! That was good." Max commented after stopping moving.

{Indeed. It was weaker than the last one... but strong nonetheless.} Bonny replied, panting a little.

"Hehe. Would it be one of those rare cases where Bonny is satisfied with just a few orgasms?" Max said, getting lower to caress his lopunny's cheek.

{Hehe.} Bonny laughed lightly. {Perhaps. Anyway, you just came once, so it won't do.}

"If you have enough, it's okay. For a common human male, coming once per few hours is enough. I mostly go for multiple ones to keep up with you girls."

{Ah. Cry a good shot and maybe you'll be able to endure life fucking you in the ass more easily.}

"Tss. That was so gratuitous and uncalled for."

{Yeah. I admit that I didn't know where I was going with that.}

"Hehe. At least you're aware of it."

{Anyway, would you mind one last round?}

"I guess not if you really need it."

{More or less. I'm just not satisfied with you having ejaculated only once.}

"Oh. The amount of time I orgasm is your problem, now?"

{Always has been, master.}

With both smiling, Bonny pulled Max into a kiss that lasted for almost a minute.

{How about you sit down a little.} Bonny suggested sensually.

"Sure," Max said before complying.

As soon as Max was seated, Bonny got on her knees over him and faced him. After aligning herself, she dropped down, making Max's tip hit her bottom.

{Yes… so good.} Bonny said softly.

While embracing her master, Bonny started to move. Oddly, she went at a rather slow pace at first and for a little while. Even though it was unlikely of her, Max went along with it, as he could feel her for longer.

{Yes! Fuck me, master. Love me.} She softly said after dropping her head next to his.

"Hehe. What are you saying? I love you, no matter what you do."

{Aah! Ahh! I'm glad, master. I would do anything for you.}

"And so would I," Max confirmed while firmly grasping Bonny's rear, making her squeal in delight.

Shortly after, Bonny accelerated a little, with her moans getting louder in Max's ears.

{I love you, master!} She softly said as she was feeling her third orgasm coming up.

"I love you too."

A moment later, Bonny reached her climax, making Max come as well with her orgasmic contractions.

{*Pant* *Pant* Sorry.} The lopunny said a couple of seconds after she went limp on Max.

"For what?"

{For saying… weird things. For a moment… I thought it could have turned you off.}

"Now now, Bonny," Max reassured her, rubbing her back. "Expressing yourself isn't weird, especially if you need to do it. I'm guessing you have felt a bit lonely lately."

{I'm sorry. I try to have confidence in myself, but sometimes, I regress a little, and… some persistent thoughts come back.}

"It's okay, Bonny. We all have our bad days every once in a while."

{Yeah. It will probably be better in a few days.}

"Don't be afraid to solicit me when you need it."

{Thanks, but I'll keep it for when it's more urgent. I'm not the only one you have to take care of. If it was only from me, I would be constantly on you, so...}

Not sure of what to answer anymore, Max just hugged his pokemon while rubbing her back.

"You're an amazing pokemon, Bonny. And that's a fact."

{Hihi.} Bonny giggled, moving her torso away from him to look into his eyes. {You're no liar, so I don't have any choice but to believe you.}

"You better," Max replied, gently tapping her nose with one finger.

{Well, time for a little clean-up.} Bonny announced before unplugging from Max to head towards the bathroom.

After a quick clean-up, Max left the module to join the others outside. May and Sally had joined Aurora in her little music session, all sitting and talking next to each other while Scarlet was on the outside table. She was alone and in front of her favorite board game, looking bored with her head resting on her hand while moving the pieces randomly.

{Feeling better?} Scarlet engaged.

"Kinda, but it's not just me. I think Bonny's been feeling a bit lonely lately, so we had a little one-on-one time," Max confirmed with a sigh.

{She's a rabbit pokémon, they tend to feel that way a lot. To be perfectly satisfied, she should be the only pokémon to receive all of your attention. It's not for nothing that most trainers avoid having a 'mons like lopunny, cinderace, or diggersby. They require a lot of care and their horniness can be a hassle, regardless of their gender.} Scarlet explained.

"Yeah. Lopunnies are the type of 'mons to get overly affectionate. I just hope I'm at least doing enough to make her happy," Max replied as she saw Sally talking with May and Aurora. "Sally probably feels the same way…"

{I think you are because if she wasn't sexually satisfied, she would just go in the woods and look for mates like Luna does sometimes.}

"I guess so. Speaking of Luna, I believe she hasn't done that in a while, even before the ponyta farm incident."

{I don't know. I'm not as close to her as you. She's a decent friend, but we don't get along very well.}

"Is it because she's a dark-type and you're a psychic-type?"

{So narrow-minded.} she muttered before rolling her eyes. {No, our personalities just don't match that well, that's all.}

"Hmm…" Max replied in a not-so-enthusiastic way.


"It's not good news to hear that your pokemon aren't getting along with each other."

{We're a group of seven pokemon, master, so the odds of some personalities clashing together aren't exactly low. Remember, you're not some sort of god who can perform miracles. Of course, having a personality like mine doesn't help in the first place, but my point still stands.}

"I know… *sigh* As long as everyone tolerates each other, then that's good enough for me."

{Not getting along perfectly doesn't mean we hate each other. We're doing pretty well for a group of girls who have their own problems.}

"Maybe having your part of pain weld you guys together better."

{It sure helps indeed. And do you know what's interesting about it?}


{That almost everyone's pain was caused by one or more humans.}

"Haha. Myself included."

{So maybe our hate for the human race is what holds us together.}

"Besides you, who despises humans?"

{Despite not showing it, I'm sure Luna does. No way she doesn't hold a grudge against them after what they did to her.}

"I wonder…" Max said while briefly thinking. "Anyway, you seem bored. Do you want a worthy adversary?"

{Sure. If you see one, send it to me.}

"Welp. I know you are when you're that naggy."

{I'm sorry.} Scarlet apologized, crossing her arms on the table. {It's one of those days where I find nothing interesting.}

"Oh. That's harsh."

{Hm. It's the perk of being as unstable as myself.}

"It's not that bad. You're way better than when I used to know you months ago. Call me crazy, but you know I'm into mentally ill females."

{Haha. At least you always have the words to make me feel better.}

"What would be my purpose if I couldn't?"

{A self-cleaning sex toy?}

"Haha. Fuck you."

{Hihi. Still up for some games?}

"Sure. But maybe I'll need a little reminder of the rules."


The rest of the day went on as usual and we're now at night, a few hours after everyone went to sleep. As everyone was asleep, Dusk was lightly tossing and turning in her sleep.

{Hunn… Hgn…} She moaned in discomfort.


{Hgaa!} She exclaimed softly after feeling something touching her chest.

She looked to the side and saw Max facing her with closed eyes.

"You okay… my pretty?" He asked, still sounding asleep.

{I…} Dusk answered, turning her head to stare at the ceiling. {...Y-Yeah. Just… some nightmares, I think.}

"It's okay. I'm here." Max reassured, slowly caressing the soft fur on her chest.

She then kept staring at the ceiling for a couple more seconds before gently tapping on Max's hand.

{I think I'll get some fresh air.} She announced before slowly sitting up.

"...Okay. Be careful and don't venture too far away."

Despite being in the dark, she instinctively nodded back at him and left the module. Already awake, Scarlet opened her eyes and raised her head when she felt that Dusk had left the vicinity of the campsite. She teleported out of the module and reappeared not too far behind the delphox while making sure to hide her presence. While keeping a safe distance, the gardevoir followed Dusk, feeling concerned for her friend and wondering where she was heading. As for Dusk, even she wasn't aware of her destination. She aimlessly wandered through the woods holding her head in pain, yet continued to press onward despite herself. A while later, she came across a tiny pond, to which she dropped and kneeled before it and stared at her reflection.

{What…What's happening to me...} She said, slightly panting.

{...Dusk…} Scarlet mumbled worryingly, hiding behind a tree as she was staring at the delphox.

She could hear Dusk hyperventilating while grabbing her head with both hands, trying to bear with whatever pain she was feeling. Then, just as Scarlet was about to walk to her…

{GHAAAA!} Dusk yelled in pain while holding her head.

{Dusk!} Scarlet exclaimed before rushing towards her.

Dusk yelled in intense pain once more as she released a powerful mix of psychic and fire energy around her, stopping Scarlet as well as breaking a few tree branches. The gardevoir quickly retaliated with a psychic shockwave of her own and continued rushing towards Dusk. However, the delphox released a second psychic shockwave, this one being stronger and its flames being more intense. Scarlet blocked it more efficiently with Protect and went next to Dusk before releasing another one.

{Dusk?! Can you hear me?!} Scarlet asked while touching one of her shoulders. {Dusk!}

Dusk immediately opened her eyes as her pupils dilated, before looking behind her as if she were afraid. However, what Scarlet saw in her eyes wasn't fear. If she didn't know any better, she'd assume it was more… hostile.


{Rrrrhh!} She snarled before standing and purposely pushing Scarlet with a burning hot psychic shockwave. It didn't burn her, but it was hot enough to burn a human's skin.

{Dusk?! What's going on?! Snap out of it!} Scarlet commanded after shielding her face with her arms.

Dusk didn't listen as she used Flamethrower. To Scarlet's surprise, it wasn't a regular Flamethrower… It was much more powerful and wider than what she was able to do normally.

{Wake up, Dusk!} Scarlet shouted after dodging the attack.

Again, Dusk didn't listen and launched another Flamethrower, with Scarlet dodging once more.

{Goddamnit, Dusk! If you don't stop this right now, I'll stop you myself!} She told her loudly before dodging yet another Flamethrower. {Fuck!}

Before doing anything, Scarlet briefly looked behind and saw that Dusk's flames had now set half of their surroundings ablaze, having started a wildfire.

{I have to warn them.} Scarlet mumbled.

The gardevoir was about to use Teleport, but oddly, she couldn't use it. She immediately understood why.

{Seriously? Why are you preventing me from going away?}

["Must… kiilll…"] Dusk replied with an angry-looking face.

{...What… the actual fuck?!}