Second Match

Now done with the first matches of the finals, Max's group was on their way to the conference room, where only three other trainers were already in. Just like him, their pokemon were out and chilling with their respective master.

"That looks nice. Have fun, girls."

Upon saying that, Max noticed that his companions had already left to go wherever they wanted.

"Again with that?" Max mumbled.

With a giggle, Scarlet smiled and did the same, leaving Max behind.

"*Sigh* I hate it when they do that."

"Having trouble keeping them in line?"

Behind him, Julia was the next one to show up, alongside two other trainers that happened to arrive at the same time.

"Oh, it's you. Yeah. I knew I shouldn't have dropped the whipping." Max joked.

"Hehe. Only the weakest would resort to violent discipline. The smartest play and mingle with others' minds."

"Haha. Almost scary. Anyhow, good match back there."

"Right back at you. I was finally able to see how your other pokemon fought."

"Eh. Just between you and me, you have seen nothing yet. Wink, wink."

"Do I, now? Bold of you to share that you were holding out."

"Well, I mean, it's not like it's gonna change anything."

"Careful, though. Cockiness is an attitude that can make you trip and drop flat on the dirt."

"What? No, I… was I?"

"A little bit," Julia confirmed, a bit amused.

"Oh. Well, I didn't mean to."

"Haha. No worries." The female trainer assured him, giving him a generous slap on Max's back. "I kind of had the feeling that you had a strong team. It's okay to believe in the strength of your companions, but less when you get a little ahead of yourself."

"Well, I just didn't want to give away my pokemon's actual power too soon."

"That's a solid strategy, but somehow risky."

"Like every strategy out there, am I right?"

"Hehehe. True. Anyway, not that I don't enjoy your company, but I barely endure myself when hungry, so see ya." Julia said before dashing away towards the buffet.

Until now, he hadn't noticed Julia's pokemon, already in the room. Hungry as well, Max chose a table and grabbed everything that fancied him. A bit further, his pokemon were doing the same.

{...Not much variety, but the quality is quite nice.} Aurora shared after swallowing one bite.

{Yeah. It's still not exceptional, though.} Bonny said, doing the same.

{Well, compared to Dusk's cooking, it sure tastes rather bland.} Scarlet remarked.

{Oh, yeah. The stuff she prepares is unbeatable.} Bonny agreed.

Next to them, Dusk was shyly enjoying what was offered in silence, not wanting to draw attention due to being quite flustered. On the other side, Sally was enjoying a lot of the food, being less 'refined' than the others. After a pokemon she didn't know next to her moved away, a familiar one took its place.

{Well, if it isn't Sally.}

Turning, Sally recognized the incineroar as Julia's Cinor.

{Oh. H-Hi.} She greeted, looking away with a slight blush.

{Glad you could make it. Too bad we haven't been able to see each other fight so far.}


Despite being on good terms, Sally didn't seem really that enthusiastic about talking to him, which confused him a little.

{Is there… something wrong?} The incineroar asked while picking his food.

{What? No, no. Just… being me and… that's all…} Sally almost mumbled.

{...Does it have anything to do with me, or…}


Thinking he guessed right, Cinor tried to recall what he could have done to her for her to become like that as soon as he approached her.

{...Is it… about our fight?}

Upon saying that, Sally's reaction more or less confirmed it

{Well, I-}

{I'm not a sore loser, okay!} Sally interrupted abruptly. {I just… don't like losing, and… disappointing him.} She added with a more morose tone.

{Oh. Did he really tell you he was?}

{Not… really…}

{How can you tell, then?}

{It's obvious. I can't count, I can't think of complicated stuff, I can't win battles… Rethinking that battle just reminded me of how bad I am at everything.} Sally explained with drooping ears. {I wanted to impress him, but I just made a fool of myself.}

{...Hmpf. If defeat means being a fool, then I'm the biggest fool there is around here.}


{If you knew how many battles I lost before getting where I am.}

{...You… lose… battles?} Sally said, a bit skeptical.

{Why yes. Like pretty much every pokemon ever. And just between you and me, I thought a few times about giving up on myself.}

{No way. Someone as strong as you?}

{Of course. Even today I didn't win every battle. To give you an idea, I got my ass handed over two times after our last brawl.}

{Really? Against which pokemon?}

{A Tyranitar and a Primarina.}

{Well, you can hardly blame yourself against a Primarina. They are water-type, right?}

{Indeed, but type doesn't define everything. It's like explaining your performance with the size of your…} Cinor said before interrupting himself. {*Ahem* Anyway, what I mean is that defeat doesn't define who you are.}

{But… I'm trying so hard…}

{And I believe you. Just don't give up and keep trying. It's impossible for you to not get somewhere someday if you keep trying. Ooooh! Are those Paldean cocktail sausages?! My favorite!} The incineroar said before leaving Sally, like a cat who saw a squirrel.

The Cinderace then looked at her plate for a short moment before sighing. She then sat next to Bonny, who was at the large table of the room, specifically covered for that event. While doing so, she tried to push her bad thoughts aside so everyone could have a great time. Over time, the room became rather lively as almost every participating trainer was now gathered. It has been nearly an hour now since Max got in with everyone having a rather great time.

"Here's one for you, Sally: do you know why it's nice to have sex in an elevator?"


"Because it's great on so many levels."

{Pfahaha!} Sally laughed. {That's a good one.}

{Hm. Quite ordinary if you ask me.} Scarlet commented.

"Oh. My bad. Let's get into your league then; How many babies does it take to repaint a room?"

{Tell me.} The gardevoir replied, sounding slightly disinterested before sipping on a drink.

"One if you throw it hard enough against the wall."

Upon hearing him, Scarlet chuckled and almost spilled her drink, but managed to hold it and swallowed it.

{Hehe! I admit it was a good one.}

"Unfortunately, I don't know a lot of jokes. Let's say I never had good reasons to learn many of those."

{You do, now.} Scarlet remarked. {I want to hear more of those.}

"I'll see what I can do."

{...Godamnit! Just leave me alone, will you?! I said no!}

Further away, Max heard Bonny protesting and growling at a gurdurr.

{Don't be so stuck up. It could be beneficial for both of us. Just a couple of minutes and we'll be fresh for the next battles.}

{What do you take me for? Some worthless breed stock? Just go jerk off somewhere and let me be!}

{Why so hostile against a good shot? Afraid that you'll like it way too much?}

{Pfft. As if. Listen here, I—}

"What's the commotion here?" Max intervened, briefly looking at Bonny before staring at the gurdurr.

{*Sigh* Tell your human that it's between you and me.} The gurdurr demanded.

{Tell him yourself. He speaks pokemon.} Bonny informed him, siding next to Max.

{Really? Well, I'll ask nicely; please move aside. Let the pokemon do their things, alright?} The gurdurr ordered while pointing his beam at Max.

"Far from me going against the idea of getting in the way of nature. However…" Max started before pushing the beam away. "I believe she said no, so I'll ask nicely as well. Buzz off, alright? She's not interested."

{Look, I need some relief and you're getting in my way, so buzz off yourself, or I'll lose my temper soon.}

{You will now.} Scarlet said, now also getting into it. {You better watch your words, pal, because if you're that horny, I can shove that thing straight up your ass so you can fuck yourself.} The gardevoir threatened while making one hand glow in psychic energy.

"...Whoa whoa! The fuck is going on here?!" A dude blurted, siding next to the gurdurr. "Are you harassing my pokemon?!" He accused aggressively.

"Harassing? He's the one harassing my lopunny." Max corrected.

"How so?"

"He's trying to get his dirty hands on my pokemon."


"And she's not interested, so be kind and tell him to stop."

"Stop? He's a male, dude. A male that worked hard and needed some relief. Why don't you tell your pokemon to make some effort here? She will probably enjoy it too."

"...Are you serious?" Max said, outraged. "I won't tell my pokemon to let a horny jerk rape her."

"What's your problem? Just let them live their lives a little. They have needs just like us."


"So…" Julia began, intervening as well. "What you're saying is that we shouldn't get between a male pokemon and their desires, right?" She asked the Gurdurr's trainer.


"I see. So if we follow that logic, you wouldn't mind giving a bit of yourself to my incineroar, right?"

"Huh? The hell are you talking about?"

"My pokemon's got an interest in that cute ass of yours, so if I use your own words, you should make some effort to please him."

Frowning, the trainer looked at Julia's incineroar, who lightly waved at him with a wink.

"Are you nuts?"

"What's wrong? You said it yourself; male pokemon have needs."

"No way I'm letting your sick pokemon touch me."

"But you were willing to let your pokemon touch another one without its consent. Hypocritical much?"


The trainer then looked around, with some trainers looking at him almost in disgust. At the same moment, a representative entered the room.

"Alright, everyone. The second half is about to start. Max and Michael, you must be on the field in five minutes." The woman representative said before leaving.

"Hmpf. Saved by the bell." Julia taunted while glaring at the jerk trainer.

"...Pff. Whatever. We'll see about that later." The trainer said before recalling his gurdurr.

He then left to recall his other pokemon, while the other trainers did the same.

"*sigh* Thanks for your help," Max said, relieved.

"No problem. Moments like those are easier when you have good arguments."

"You're telling me that I didn't have any?"

["When have you ever had some?"] Scarlet inquired jokingly, making Julia laugh lightly.

"Fuck you." Max jested, briefly looking at his beautiful gardevoir. "I tell you. That's why I don't like social gatherings. It's like that as soon as there are five or more people in one place, there's always at least that one asshole in the bundle."

"The ratio of good/bad people is so unbalanced that it's hard to avoid it."

"The sad truth. Anyway, I'm kind of surprised, though. I didn't know your incineroar was into… humans… and guys."

"Oh, he isn't into humans. Not at all. But he's kind of bisexual, though. With a slight preference for females." Julia explained while motioning her pokemon to come over.

"Ah, I see. Speaking of assholes, I haven't seen Rory the entire break."

"I'm not that surprised," Julia replied, recalling her pokemon in their pokeball. "He seems to be the kind of individual that thinks they are better than everyone else."

"Probably. He's just too good for us mortals."

"Any idea of who you will pick in the next battle, or do you want to keep it as a surprise?"

"Hmm…" Max hummed, looking at his team, who gathered next to him a moment ago. "...I'll have to think about it."

"I see. Well, I'll leave you to your preparations, then. Can't wait to see that battle of yours." Julia concluded before leaving, alongside other trainers.

"Alright… I already used Aurora and May… so… how about you Bonny?"

{Yes!} The lopunny exclaimed softly.

"Then… mind giving it a shot, hot stuff?" Max asked his cinderace.

{A-Again?} Sally said, not expecting that.

{Well, it's not like you actually fought in the last battle.} Scarlet pointed out.

{Yeah, but… I kind of…}

"I'm not forcing you, but the more you'll try to avoid it, the more scared you will become."

{I'm not scared.} Sally protested.

"I didn't mean it that way."

{What he meant is that the less you fight, the less you will want to.} Aurora explained.

Dropping her ears, Sally began to play with her paws anxiously.

"...It's okay, Sally. We'll try another time." Max said, affectionately petting her. "Aurora and May again, then." He added before taking Bonny's pokeball out.

{W-Wait!} Sally called out before Max could recall Bonny.


{I… If I give it a try, are you sure it's a good idea?}

"Why wouldn't it be?"


"Okay, forget my last sentence. Yes, Sally, it's a good idea. If you want to become a solid fighter, you'll have to get your paws dirty a little."

{But… I don't want to make us lose the ticket.} Sally shared, looking down.

"You won't, don't worry," Max assured her, caressing one of her cheeks.


"There we go," Max said, kissing her forehead. "So Bonny, Sally, and Aurora. Is everyone okay with that?" He inquired, with everyone agreeing. "Nice. Let's go win that tournament."

After putting his Lucario, Lopunny, and Cinderace in their pokeballs, Max headed towards the field with the others.

{See you in a moment.} Scarlet said before leaving with the rest of Max's companions towards the bleachers.

"Yup." Max acknowledged.

A minute later, Max was on the grassy field, facing his opponent, going by the name of Michael.

"And here we are! Back for the second half of the tournament!" The commentator exclaimed enthusiastically. "So far, our contestants put up quite the show! But my guess would be that until now, they only warmed up. Now is where the intensity will go up a notch!"

"Alright, gentlemen." The referee said. "The rules are the same as before, so good luck to both of you. Now get ready."

Instantly, both trainers readied their pokeballs.


"Let's go, girl!" Michael exclaimed before releasing a sandslash.

"Hm, I see," Max mumbled before releasing Bonny.

"A lopunny against a sandslash! That's interesting!"

[Hm… I wanted to start with Attract, but since that sandslash seems to be female…]

"No mercy, sandslash!" Michael blurted.

Instantly, the sandslash dug underground.

[Dig, huh? As to be expected from a sandslash…]

[Are you trying to come up with a plan, or just rambling random nonsense?] Bonny asked, with her ears all open.

[Both, actually.] Max replied, slightly amused. [Can you tell the location of that sandslash?]

[Yes. She's pretty good at moving without disturbing the earth too much, but unfortunately for her, my hearing is unmatched.]

[Damn straight.]

For a while, Bonny waited patiently for the moment when the sandslash would strike. Oddly, a minute has almost passed and her adversary hasn't tried anything yet.

[...Nothing yet?] Max asked, not sure about the strange delay.

[She's just roaming around and mostly doing- Shit!]

While speaking to Max telepathically, the sandslash finally decided to attack, forcing Bonny to dodge. Instead of coming out and trying something else, the sandslash dived underground once again.

[What's the plan?] Bonny wondered, midway to her back jump.

Then, as soon as the lopunny touched the ground, the sandslash tried to get her again, with what Bonny dodged again. That scene repeated itself a few times before Bonny had enough and jumped really far into the middle of the battlefield.

[Maybe we should- Gha!]

Unexpectedly, when Bonny touched the ground, she sunk into the ground to chest level, hindering her movement entirely.

[The fuck!] Max commented, surprised.

A second later, the sandslash jumped out of the ground and aimed a Slash at Bonny.

[Get out!]

Thanks to her powerful legs, Bonny managed to unstick herself from the hole, making the sandslash miss her attack. However, jumping out from that hole just made Bonny fall into another one as soon as she landed a bit further. This time, however, the lopunny couldn't move away in time and got hit by a strong Slash, making Bonny fly out of the hole a couple of inches above the ground a few meters away.

[Damnit.] Bonny cursed, standing up with one knee down.

[Shit. That place is like a minefield now.]

[There must be hundreds of channels down there. Impossible to guess where it's safe to land.]

With the sandslash back in the ground, Max went thoughtful for a few seconds.

[Well, there's just one option left; Follow her and go fight her in her own element.]

[Eh. I was thinking the same.]

[Alright. Use Dig.]

[Right away.]

Making a tiny jump, Bonny dived claws first into the ground and tried to pursue her opponent.

"Oh my! Both are now underground! Will they fight right there?!"

For a little while, the battlefield was silent, the only sound coming from the crowd. Suddenly, Max and Michael began to feel the ground shake lightly before stopping. The shakings were very brief, but frequent, meaning that there was a battle ongoing beneath the surface.

"Come on, sandslash. The underground is your domain. No way you're gonna lose." Michael mumbled.

The underground raged on for quite a moment. Then, at some point, the shaking intensified for a short time before a small explosion made the sandslash fly out of the earth. She ascended for a few meters before landing on the ground pretty hard. From the tiny crater, Bonny emerged from the softened dirt, her fur slightly muddy.

{A sneaky one, I'll tell you that.} Bonny commented before madly shaking herself to remove the dirt as much as she could.

In front of her, the sandslash stood up with difficulty.

"Sandslash?! What happened?!" Michael inquired, surprised by his pokemon's state.

{Damnit!} The ground-type pokemon growled.

[Quick, before she regains her composure. Go with Mega Kick. And if she dodges…]


Instantly, Bonny dashed towards the sandslash and raised a leg when near her, her feet glowing in power. Having enough strength left, the sandslash dodged and tried to counterattack. However, Bonny denied her and followed with a quick Ear Punch, sending the ground-type pokemon flying a couple of meters away. Not moving, the referee then went near to inspect the pokemon.

"...Sandslash is out of combat. Max and his lopunny win the round." He announced before raising a flag.

"Nice!" Max exclaimed as Bonny walked near him. "Good job." He praised his lopunny before both high-fived.

{Almost too easy.}

"Don't be mean. She put up quite a battle."

{You're right. She was good, I was just better.}

"Hehe. I'm glad to see you all high up, but try not to fall on the other side of the wall." Max instructed while petting her.

{I'll try.} Bonny conceded with rolling eyes and a smile.

When they heard the other trainer recalling his pokemon, Bonny turned to face him again.

"...Not bad. Not bad at all. But don't expect an easy fight because of one win." Michael said, a bit contentiously.

Not really impressed, Max just waited for him to release his next pokemon. After grabbing his next pokeball, Michael released a Trevenant into the battlefield.

"How about that?"

"Oof. That doesn't sound good."

[It's quite a disadvantage for me.] Bonny commented.

[Yeah. Besides Dig and Blaze Kick, you can't really do much. At least the last one could help since a trevenant is a grass-type, alongside a ghost-type.

[I'll become quite predictable with those moves only.]

[Then beat it before you do. Let's start with a nice Blaze Kick.]


With a leg bursting into flames, Bonny jumped and went for a direct hit on the Trevenant.

"Oh no, you won't," Michael said.

Then, as Bonny was close to touching the Trevenant, the latter vanished into its own shadow before disappearing, making the lopunny miss her attack.

{Damnit!} She cursed.

"Again with that," Max mumbled. "What's the name of that move, already?"

[Phantom Force.] Scarlet answered.

[Ah, yes. Thanks. It's a ghost-type specialty move like Dig, but worse. Impossible to guess where and when it will attack.]

[Great.] Bonny said sarcastically.

[But it's a ghost-type move, so she's fine.] Scarlet mentioned.

[How so?]

As to answer the question for him, the trevenant reappeared in one of Bonny's dead angles and struck her with Phantom Force. Bonny just had the time to raise her arms defensively. Interestingly enough, the move passed through her like it was nothing, inflicting no harm.

"Huh? What happened?" Micheal wondered out loud, confused.

"Holy shit! How could I have forgotten about that? Normal types are immune to ghost-type moves."

[Aren't normal types amazing?] Scarlet mentioned with a slightly arrogant tone.

[You bet they are.]

[What's going on?] Bonny inquired, a bit lost.

[Nothing. It's just that normal types have immunity to ghost types.] Max explained proudly.

[I… do?] The lopunny replied, surprised.

[Yup. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true, so at this point, it's almost a never-ending cycle.]

[...What do you suggest?]

[Hm… Sadly, I might need to do a little swap.]

[I see. Well, that's unfortunate.]

[Indeed. See you in a moment.] Max said before recalling the lopunny in her pokeball.

"Oh! Another swap! So far, not many did that, but if he keeps winning, maybe some could revise their strategies!"

Instinctively, Max reached for Aurora's pokeball, but knowing that she was a fighting-type, he stopped himself. Sure, her steel-type was effective against grass-type, but another type was also effective. Plus, he wanted to give her another chance to prove her worth. He then reached for Sally's pokeball and released her. Despite being anxious about being chosen, Sally tried her best to keep her composure.

[Oh god. Why me?] Sally thought.

[What's wrong? Aren't you the one who wants to become stronger the most?] Scarlet asked, hearing her thoughts.

[Well… yeah, but…]

[But it's okay, Sally.] Max assured her. [Just do your best, Hotstuff. I'm not asking for more. A defeat won't mean anything.]

Unsure, Sally faced the trevenant, who looked at her intimidatingly.

[I believe in you, Sally. Strength isn't about winning. It's about not giving in and standing up again, no matter how hard we fall. Winners always face the music.]

Somehow, Max's words managed to inspire the Cinderace, who began to get all pumped.

[You're… you're right. I mustn't give up.] Sally said, lightly flexing. [Toad and Fushiu used to always say that.]

[Hell yeah! That's the fighting spirit I fell in love with.]

[Huh? C-Come on, master. T-This is no place to say such a t-thing.] Sally told him, a bit flustered.

[Hehe. You're right. What I should have said is 'start with a nice Flame Charge'.]

[On it.]

As the Trevenant was anticipating Sally's action defensively, Sally used Flame Charge and rushed forward. The trevenant tried to dodge, but was a bit too slow and got hit by the cinderace. However, despite the decent amount of damage, the trevenant defense was such that it barely moved an inch, making Sally hit a wood wall.

[Crap.] Sally swore before retreating a little.

[Damn. That thing is sturdier than it looks.]

"My turn now. Time to get a bit more offensive." Michael said.

At his command, a green log made out of energy materialized over one hand of the trevenant and swung the first hit at Sally. Luckily and thanks to her improved speed, Sally could easily dodge the hit. However, she half expected the trevenant to swing another time, just for her to dodge again. For a moment, the trevenant kept trying to get Sally with his attacks, with all being dodged.

[Careful, Sally. It's Wood Hammer. Even though it's a grass-type move, that attack hits like a truck.] Max warned her.

[Eh. No worries, master. He's too slow to-]

While speaking, Sally lost her footing, therefore, her balance, and fell on her back. Quickly opening her eyes, Sally saw just in time the trevenant making his move descending towards the cinderace, which she dodged in extremis with a side roll. Max then noticed the small debris the attack left behind after the trevenant moved away.

[Great! Now we have some ammo. Think you can use them?]

Briefly looking at Max, Sally returned her gaze around the trevenant to see what he was talking about. Fortunately, she quickly got it.

[Ah. I see. Take this!]

Moving back closer, Sally used some rock debris around the tiny crater the trevenant created to toss a Pyro Ball. One thing that was sure about Sally; The accuracy of her projectiles tossed with her feet was unmatched. If it wasn't from a block, the trevenant would have received the Pyro Ball right between its eyes.

[Again!] Max commanded.

Grabbing a rock with her feet again, Sally did a few foot tricks to transform the rock into a fireball and tossed another Pyro Ball. The trevenant tried to avoid it, but oddly enough, it was like Sally perfectly anticipated where it would move and got hit anyway.

[Keep going! Don't let it breathe! Or, whatever that thing does.]

{Hiyyaa!} Sally blurted out before tossing multiple Pyro Balls. {Tha! Tha! Tha! Tha!}

The Trevenant tried its best to dodge the incoming projectiles, but every move it did was almost instantly anticipated by Sally.

{Oh my! She's really impressive.} Dusk commented.

{That trevenant is pretty much powerless against her Pyro Ball barrage.} May mentioned.

{And she's not missing a single shot.} Luna added.

{Hmpf.} Scarlet huffed with a grin. {Some may think she's dumb or whatever. But as you can see, Sally's brain just works differently.}

{Differently? Differently how?} May asked.

{Since you've known her, have you ever seen her miss a shot? When she's serious that is.}

{I… don't think I have, actually.}

{Now that you mention it…} Dusk said.

{It's because she can't. You see, I did a little survey of her brain when she's very focused on her shots, and… I'd say I'm impressed.}

{What did you discover?} Luna inquired.

{...The secret of her accuracy.} Scarlet said with a grin.

{Which is?} May said, eager to know.

Briefly looking at May, Scarlet's grin grew a bit wider.

{The calculation she makes instinctively before and when taking a shot could almost rival a psychic-type.}

{Wha… No way!} May exclaimed, hardly believing it.

{And yet, there she is. When it's about kicking something, it's almost like she's a sniper that can see the future.}

"Don't stay there, retreat as far as you can!" Michael ordered his pokemon.

Instantly, the Trevenant made a huge back leap to create distance.

{Oh no you won't!} Sally mumbled.

The Cinderace then used Pyro Ball one more time and aimed at the flying trevenant, shooting as strong as she could. To everyone's astonishment, Sally did a bullseye as soon as the trevenant landed on the ground, making the projectiles look like it was homing at it.

"What the… How come my pokemon got hit while moving and far away?!" Michael wondered out loud.

[Wow! That's some good aim right there.] Max commented, very impressed.

[Hihi.] Sally giggled proudly.

"Tsk. It doesn't matter if we move or not, so might as well stay in one place and benefit from it. Go for Ingrain, buddy." Michael commanded.

Instantly, vines materialized all around the Trevenant's feet and sunk far into the ground. Quickly, they began to glow into weak green light.

[Shit! Ingrain.] Max expressed. [That trevenant is gonna gradually recover its energy over time. If we don't do anything, it will be back at full health eventually.]

[What should I do?] Sally asked.

[Easy. All we have to do is to damage it faster than it regenerates. Keep going with the Pyro Ball.]

[Roger.] Sally acknowledged before going for Pyro Ball once again.

"Not this time. Counter their projectiles with your own."

Acknowledging its master as well, the Trevenant used Energy Ball and aimed at the Pyro Ball, both canceling each other.

"Oh. Looks like that trevenant has some good aim as well." Max commented. [Keep the pressure, Sally. Some might pass through its defense.]

[Alright.] Sally acknowledged before going multiple Pyro Ball again.

"You know what to do," Micheal said, at which the trevenant began launching many Energy Ball projectiles, all canceling Sally's, eventually creating a red and green cloud.

[He can't see very clearly. Do a Blaze Kick.]

Before the cloud could dissipate, Sally charged towards the trevenant and jumped in the air in the cloud before setting a leg ablaze. When out of it, the trevenant was already a leg reach and went for the hit. However, it was apparent that the Trevenant anticipated that and struck Sally with Wood Hammer, making her land very hard on the ground.

{Ghaaaa!} The cinderace expressed in pain, losing her breath.




Raising her head, Sally barely had the time to roll to avoid another Wood Hammer, which loudly stumped the ground. Quickly getting back on her feet, Sally did a small back jump but fell on one knee upon landing.

[Shit. That must have hurt like hell.] Max mentioned.

[Not… that much. But… I'm getting quite tired.]

[Yeah. The protection dome. I guess it was stupid of me for telling you to attack straight forward.]

[No, master. It's my fault for not being fast enough.]

[No, that's… You know, you're right. You're not fast enough, so might as well correct that, don't you think?]

For a short moment, Sally legitimately thought that Max was scolding her, but fortunately, quickly understood what he really meant. With a grin, Sally's body burst into fire and used Flame Charge at the trevenant.

"Don't let her come close," Michael instructed.

Creating more Energy Balls, the trevenant aimed at the moving cinderace and propelled the projectiles. Thanks to her speed, Sally was able to keep charging while avoiding the Energy Balls until she was at range, tackling her opponent with her fiery attack. Withstanding the damage, the trevenant countered with Horn Leech with the branches on its head. Luckily, Sally avoided it just in time.

[Keep going.] Max encouraged her.

Again, Sally used Flame Charge and successfully landed it.

"It's not good. Stop her completely before you couldn't catch her anymore." Michael ordered.

Obeying, the trevenant strongly dropped its arms down, sinking half of it into the ground before they glowed in bright green light. Then, as the cinderace initiated another Flame Charge and dashed at the ghost/grass-type pokemon, hundreds of huge tree roots emerged from the ground. Despite her best effort, Sally had to stop her course as her path was quickly blocked.

[Oh no. What's that?]

[Green Hell. A Trevenant's specialty.] Scarlet informed. [And no need to tell you that it's a literal 'hell' to deal with when stuck on the ground.]

[Damnit. I guess the only thing to do is to directly reach the Trevenant to cancel the move.]

[It won't be easy. I don't even see him.] Sally remarked.

[Don't you remember where he roughly is?]

[Not… really.] Sally admitted, looking around.

[Really? I never saw you forgetting something.]

[I'm… sorry.]

[It's okay, Sally. It's just… unexpected.]

[She has a good memory, but less of a good sense of direction.] Scarlet said to Max only.

[...I see. The old fashion way it is, then.]

[Which is…?]

[Searching around.]


Suddenly, as soon as Sally made a step, a root attacked Sally and tried to crush her. Dodging just in time, the root made a loud impact noise. Instantly, another root attacked Sally, which she dodged in extremis. Then, just like a chain reaction, many more roots attacked the Cinderace, forcing her to be constantly on the move.


Unfortunately, despite her speed, a root managed to catch Sally and pin her on the ground, followed by a few more, trapping her.

[Oh shit. Sally? Are you okay?]

Too busy trying to get away, Sally didn't answer. She used all of her might in the hope to free herself but to no avail. The roots were too strong and heavy. Not only was she unable to escape, but the roots began to wrap all around her body, completely disappearing inside a root cage.

[No, Sally! Get out of there!]

From his position, Max saw the living cage moving around a bit but was unable to spot his cinderace coming out.

[I… can't…]

Then, the roots began to get tighter, draining Sally's energy.

(No! Not again. I'll… lose again. Master's… gonna be… disappointed again… and he'll…) The Cinderace said internally.

[Sally! Please, Sally! Keep trying!] Max said, feeling powerless against Sally's upcoming demise.

Then, suddenly, the cage stopped moving.

"...No," Max mumbled with balled fists.

[Don't lose hope yet, master.] Scarlet encouraged him.

[How? She's…]

[Keep looking.]

[What are you…]

Not sure what she was talking about, Max looked at the cage. For a few seconds, he saw nothing, but suddenly, he saw smoke coming out of the roots. Max then narrowed his eyes, not sure of what was going on. Quickly, the smoke got thicker until the roots suddenly burst into fire.

"Whoa!" Max exclaimed, taking one step backward in surprise.

Rapidly, the fire grew in intensity until some roots were totally burnt to a crisp and fell. Eventually, Max's cinderace jumped out of the burning cage. Instantly, Max understood that her ability just got activated. Her eyes were glowing slightly and the air around her was scorching.

[Way to go, Sally!] Max exclaimed in joy. [Time to retaliate. But first, clear your way with Flame Charge.]

In a split second, flame engulfed Sally and she began to run around, destroying the giant root field around her. Meanwhile, the trevenant tried to attack her with the intact roots but was either avoided or destroyed.

[Keep going, girl!]

"What are you doing?! Squish her already!" Michael blurted out at his pokemon.

The root attacks then intensified, but unfortunately for the pokemon, it was still ineffective. Then, after some more wreckage, Max and Sally finally spotted the trevenant.

[Show us a nice firework with Pyro Balls.] Max commanded.

Using the debris all around her, Sally kicked multiple Pyro Balls at the Trevenant, making a firestorm fall upon it.

[Finish it off with Blaze Kick!]

Before jumping at the Trevenant, one of Sally's legs exploded into huge flames as Max had rarely seen.

[This is it!]

"...Eh. Destiny Bond." Michael simply commanded.

[Wait! Stop her, Max!] Scarlet urged.


With a determined expression, Sally landed the strongest Blaze Kick she could perform, creating a fiery explosion upon impact. After landing down, she did a small back hop, to see how much it affected her opponent. As the roots were dying, the trevenant didn't move for a short moment before falling on his side, defeated.

{I… won? I won. I won!}

With a wide smile growing on her face, Sally turned to face Max.

{Did you see that, master?! I-}

All of a sudden, Sally's energy instantly vanished. Fainting while standing, the Cinderace quickly collapsed on the ground, defeated as well. The referee then quickly inspected them.

"Both combatants have fainted. It's a draw." He called out.

"Damnit. Poor Sally." Max mumbled before recalling his pokemon. "You did well nonetheless, girl." He said to her pokeball before putting it away.

{Tsk. Quite the cowardly tactic.} Scarlet commented, upset about Sally's defeat as Michael recalled his pokemon as well.

More or less agreeing, the other girls just looked in silence, waiting for what would happen next.

"Hmpf. Not bad. I didn't expect that." Max praised, half amused.

"Sorry. It may not be the most chivalrous tactic, but your pokemon are strong. I had to take at least one down."

"I have to thank you for that. My Cinderace is still quite inexperienced, so every fight like this one helps her improve."

"...Okay. You're welcome, I guess."

"You're down to one pokemon. What will be your last one?"

"Eh. You want me to show it first so you can counter-pick, don't you?"

"Do you want me to let you do that instead?"

"Hmpf. Whatever. I just have one left, so it won't change much in the end." Michael said before grabbing his last pokeball.

As for his last pokemon, Michael pulled out a Meganium.

"Behold! My strongest pokemon." He taunted.

Indeed, his Meganium was rather intimidating as it had killer eyes and was bigger than average.

"I see. Well, Bonny could be a good choice with her Blaze Kick, but… she also has the right to have some fun." Max mumbled before releasing his lucario.

Instantly, both pokemon glared at each other, with the Meganium darting knives with his eyes. Naturally, Aurora wasn't impressed and just raised an eyebrow.

"Ready? Set. Fight!" The referee announced.

[He looks strong, so start with Double Team so you can place a Bulk Up.] Max instructed.

Immediately executing herself, Aurora created multiple after-images of herself before starting to focus on Bulk Up.

"Let's go with a large area of effect attack," Michael commanded.

With a small groan, the Meganium created hundreds of leaves and aimed at every image of Aurora. Unfortunately, the lucario didn't have time to get her boost and had to shield her face with her arms as it was impossible to dodge. As soon as she lowered her arms, Aurora was greeted with a Tackle. It wasn't a powerful move itself, but the strength and weight behind his neck were such that Aurora was sent flying a couple of meters away. Upon landing, she rolled a few times before quickly getting back on her feet. Again, as soon as Aurora raised her eyes, the Meganium was charging at her, making the ground vibrate a little due to his massive weight. From Max's perspective, it was like his Lucario was about to get rammed by a rhino or an elephant. The Meganium tried to use Tackle again, but being rather slow, Aurora easily dodged him.

[Counter with Meteor Mash.]

In a fast motion, Aurora landed a few steel-type energy-filled punches at the Meganium. Despite the moderate power, the Meganium barely flinched.

[Naturally, that monster must have a solid defense.]

Then, as he was looking at the Meganium from behind, Max got an idea.

[Wait, I think I know where you can safely power-up.]

[Really?] Aurora replied before making a back leap.

[Yep. Remember when we were at the ponyta farm, where I rode a rapidash?]

[What are you…]

For a short moment, Aurora wondered where he was going with that but eventually caught up.

[Oh. I see.]

[Let's wait for him to try to charge at you again. You can harass him at a distance in the meantime.]

Before the Meganium could receive any orders, Aurora charged an Aura Sphere and tossed it at the grass-type pokemon, who oddly dodged it efficiently.

"Use your own projectiles," Michael commanded.

Keeping his distance, the Meganium charged an Energy Ball and launched it, with which Aurora dodged it as well. Immediately after, both charged and tossed multiple projectiles, all canceling the other attacks.

[Really? Is it me or does every pokemon know Energy Ball?] Max complained.

[Projectiles such as this one and Shadow Ball are very common amongst trainers' pokemon.] Scarlet mentioned. [Having no projectiles in a fight is a huge disadvantage.]

[Who's side are you on?]

[Science's side.]

Rolling his eyes, Max sighed. Quickly, he grew tired of seeing Aurora and the Meganium only exchanging projectiles.

[Alright, that's enough. Just close in the distance and go for Close Combat.]

Stopping her attacks, Aurora rushed at the Meganium while avoiding the Energy Balls.

"They're up to something. Stop her." The Meganium's trainer ordered.

Getting on his hind legs, the Meganium let his front legs fall hard on the ground to initiate Earthquake. Quick in reaction, Aurora jumped high in the air before being touched. Instantly, the Meganium looked up to see where the lucario was. But instead of finding her, she felt Aurora landing on his back.

{The fuck are you doing?! Get down from there!} The Meganium aggressively demanded before violently moving from side to side.

[Nice. Now you should have a little bit of time to use Bulk Up.]

With a firm grip on the Meganium's neck, Aurora closed her eyes and began to focus.

{I said get down from there!} The Meganium ordered while shaking even more violently, with the addition of some bucking.

"Get rid of her!" Michael commanded.

{What do you think I'm trying to do, you freaking idiot?!} The Meganium angrily replied.

The Meganium then even started to run around while bucking wildly, making Aurora go for a rodeo. Sadly for the Meganium, Aurora was holding on tight, now having reached one stage of Bulk Up.

"What the hell is this circus? Just use Poison Powder."

Halting himself, the Meganium then exalted a huge amount of poisonous powder from his flower around his neck, clouding himself and Aurora in it.

{Ha! How do you like that?} The Meganium taunted.

{*Koff* It sure isn't fun to breathe. *Koff*}

{Huh?} The Meganium expressed, intrigued by how Aurora casually replied.

The grass-type pokemon then quickly noticed that Aurora wasn't affected by the poison.

{"What the…"} Both the Meganium and his trainer said.

{"Steel-type, pal."} Both Aurora and Max replied. "A steel-type can't get poisoned," Max explained.

"Well, shit. I thought Lucarios were only fighting-type." Michael said.

"That's a rather common mistake from people who don't pay much attention to them."

"Tsk. Just get rid of her the old fashion way." Micheal commanded.

{Rhaa! How annoying!} The Meganium growled.

He then took a few steps before jumping in the air and turning, with his back facing the ground, trying to stomp the Lucario with his own weight. Naturally, Aurora moved away before it could happen.

[Aura Sphere.] Max quickly suggested.

Before landing on the ground, Aurora used Aura Sphere on the grass-type pokemon, which couldn't be dodged due to being on his back.

[Did you manage to power up?]

[A few times.] The lucario answered.

[Awesome. Now, I believe I never saw your Focus Punch in action, so care to show me?]


Spreading her legs a little, Aurora retreated a paw backward and began to focus her energy in it. While doing so, the Meganium got back on his feet.

"What is she… oh shit! That's Focus Punch!" Michael said, slightly alarmed. "Quick! Go for a Body Slam before she's ready!"

Knowing that he had to act quickly as well, the Meganium began to charge at Aurora, whose torso was now glowing in light brown energy. When in range, the Meganium jumped over Aurora and went for his move. When the grass-type pokemon was about to reach the Lucario, Max felt a very brief surge of energy coming from Aurora's move before going for it.


In an instant, Aurora stopped the Meganium clean with her Focus Punch and sent him flying all across the battlefield with a loud impact noise. He barely touched the ground before landing against the dome wall. With the Meganium not moving, the referee was about to call the match but stopped himself when he saw the pokemon move and tried to stand up again.

{...Fuck…} The Meganium growled as he was hardly getting back on his feet.

"Come on, buddy. We can still win. Use Energy Ball, and make it count." Michael encouraged him.

Huffing, the Meganium looked forward and saw Aurora, already charging a powerful Aura Sphere. He then charged his own move as much as possible. When she was ready, Aurora launched her Aura Sphere, with the Meganium doing the same with his attack immediately after. Too weakened, the Meganium's Energy Ball got obliterated by Aurora's move before the projectile hit him hard, the explosion finally knocking him out.

"The Meganium is unable to fight anymore. The trainer Michael is unable to continue. The winner is Max!" The referee called out with spectators cheering for him.

{Great. We're progressing.} Aurora said, happy with the victory.

"Yep. We're getting there." Max agreed before calling her back.

After making a detour to the conference room to heal his three fighters, he released them.

{*Inhale* Aah! I feel so refreshed.} Bonny shared upon reappearing.

"You probably know it already, but we won," Max announced to her.

{Didn't really have any doubt.} The lopunny said with a smile.

{So…} Sally started, a bit shy. {We really did?}

"Why yes," Max confirmed, petting her.

{I… don't really remember what happened. Did I… win my battle?}

"Well… kinda…" Max answered, sounding slightly embarrassed.

{What do you mean 'Kinda'? Did she win or not?} Bonny inquired, a bit confused.

"Well… technically, she beat the Trevenant, but that sneaky bastard used Destiny Bond."

{Oh no.} The lopunny said, feeling bad for Sally.

{What? What does that mean?} The Cinderace asked, not understanding.

{Destiny Bond is an attack that links the vital force between two pokemon.} Aurora explained. {The idea of the move is that if the user faints, the receiver will automatically faint as well.}

{...So… it means that… I lost…} Sally said, looking away with dropped ears.

"Well, yes and no. If it wasn't for that move, you would have won."

{But in the end, I didn't.} Sally replied, sounding upset.

"But you put up quite a good fight, though."

{It doesn't matter. I lost.}

"It's okay, Hot stuff. Eventually, you will-"

{No! This is not okay!} Sally retorted, getting quite mad.

"Whoa! Calm down, Sally. It's not-"

{No! I won't calm down!} She added, now making a scene. {I'm sick and tired of losing! I always do my best, but it's never enough!}


{It's not fair! I want to win!} Sally exclaimed loudly while starting to stomp the ground. {I want to win! I want to win! I want to win!}

{Sally! Sally!} Bonny intervened, grabbing the Cinderace by her shoulders while facing her. {Snap out of it! It's not like you to react like that.}

Stopping her tantrum, Sally looked up and Bonny saw a few tears escape her eyes.

{How come you're reacting like that?}


Not speaking, Sally looked away.

{I'm… sorry.} She apologized, realizing her mistake. {...I just want to be strong… like you and the others…}

{What are you talking about? You are strong.}

Suddenly, Bonny felt a hand on one of her shoulders.

"Thanks for your help, Bonny. Do you mind if I take it from here?" He gently asked after she turned her head.

{...*sigh* Alright.} Bonny accepted, stepping aside.

"Thanks," Max said before grabbing one of Sally's paws.

Max stood up and pulled his cinderace near a wall, where he sat, and made her sit between his legs.

"You guys can go if you want to go see the next match." Max proposed to Bonny and Aurora.

Both pokemon then looked at each other before they smiled.

{Come on, now…} the lopunny said, sitting next to Max.

{A friend in need is more important than a match.} Aurora said, sitting on the other side of Max.

{I'm sorry, guys…} Sally apologized with a trace of sadness in her voice.

"Hush, hush," Max said in a soothing voice, caressing her head. "It's okay. No need to apologize, Hot stuff. We all get carried away, sometimes."

Sniffing, Sally briefly rubbed her wet eyes.

{It's not just sometimes with me. It's all the time.} She shared.

"It's not all the time. And even if it was the case, I wouldn't mind. You're just a bit sensitive, and there's nothing wrong with that."

{You can let yourself go as much as you want, sister. We'll always be there for you.} Bonny assured her.

{...I'm trying my best, I really do, but… it's like no matter what I do, I can't keep up with everyone.}

{Well, to be fair, you kind of joined us rather late, so you started a fair bit behind. It's not really your fault.}

At that statement, Bonny looked at Aurora funnily.

{Hem, well… I didn't mean it in a bad way… or rather… I just didn't mean it…} The Lucario said, uncomfortable while rubbing the back of her head.

"...In a sense, she kind of has a point."

At that moment, Max's previous opponent walked inside the room to use the healing machine, where he spotted them. With Max only looking at Sally while still petting her, both Bonny and Aurora looked at the other human, waiting for a simple eyebrow move to glare at him threateningly. He somehow got the message without anyone doing anything and mostly ignored them while using the machine.

"It's true that you started the course while everyone was already on the track, but you're running, Sally. Today you demonstrated that you made progress and became stronger. However, if you keep comparing yourself with others, of course, you will lose track of your own progress."

{I… just don't understand. I've trained in Fushiu's dojo multiple times before, but somehow… I'm still weak.} Sally pointed out.

{Did you train every day?} Aurora asked.

{Well, no, but…}

{How many times a week were you training?}

{Umm… well…} Sally replied, starting to play with her paws. {I can't really tell exactly, but… I'd say every once in a while.}

{Which means…?}

{...Not… very… often…} the Cinderace admitted with falling ears, ashamed.

Aurora then looked at the other two with a mix of compassionate and discouraged expressions.

"...Then can we agree that it's not very relevant?" Max asked softly.

{...I guess so…}

{So we can agree that you didn't start with a lot of combat experience, right?} Bonny asked.


"Then give yourself time, Sally. There's no rush. I know you can be quite hot-headed, but you can't burn steps, no matter how burning hot you are."

At that statement, Michael's facial expression changed a little while waiting for the machine to be done, but none noticed.

{I'm not trying to burn steps, I just want to be better and win.}

"You will, eventually. But I have to be honest with you; avoiding fights after a defeat won't help."

Upon hearing that, Sally grumbled and crossed her arms, upset.

"I know you don't want to hear it, but I have to say it if I want to see those stars in your eyes when you win your first battle."

{...If it ever happens.}

{It will, Sally. Don't give up just yet.} Bonny encouraged her.

{We're here to help.} Aurora assured her.

Quickly, Sally's anger vanished before showing a tiny smile, her ears perking up again.

{...Thanks, you guys.} She said before briefly looking at them.

At last, Micheal was finally done with his healing and left.

{Finally…} Bonny said while rolling her eyes.

{I'm sorry. Again, you had to deal with another caprice of mine.} Sally apologized warmly.

"As if you never dealt with some of ours."

{...I just couldn't help but feel like a burden for a moment.}

"Oof! Who hasn't felt like that in this group?" Max wondered out loud, looking at Bonny and Aurora.

{What are you talking about?} Bonny replied, her paws behind her head and looking away.

{Not me.} Aurora said, doing the same with crossed arms.

{Hahaha.} Sally laughed lightly but heartily.

"Now you please me," Max said, rubbing one of Sally's cheeks.

Looking at Max, Sally smiled wider before hugging him.

{I love you so much, master.}

"Same here, pretty girl."

The Cinderace then sensed her two friends looking at her.

{...You guys are alright too.} She told them.

{Oh, buzz off, you ungrateful meanie.} Bonny jested with a smile.

After they all exchanged a light laugh, they all stood up and left the room to head back to the bleachers. When they were there, they noticed Julia, sitting next to Scarlet with an empty seat between them.

"Oh. You decided to join us." Max said after taking the empty after Scarlet motioned him to do so.

"Yeah. Sometimes, I need a small break from my friend's drama." The female trainer replied.

"Hehe. Are they that bad?"

"Nah. They are alright. It's just me who can't tolerate others for very long."

"Haha. I could almost relate."

On the battlefield, Rory was facing another trainer and already battling. Him, having a Ferrothorn out, and his opponent, an Ursaring.

"Ah. I guess it's time for that guy to show off." Max said, an unpleasant feeling crawling within at the sight of Rory.

"Yeah. They just started."

At first, the Ursaring was pretty aggressive, but as soon as its trainer noticed its ability, he tried to go for a ranged attack. As if he was waiting for that opportunity, Rory's Ferrothorn rushed at the Ursaring and attacked until it fainted. Next, his opponent called out a Vespiquen.

{Wait. Why does this Vespiquen look so familiar?} Dusk commented, holding the fur of her chin, intrigued.

{You noticed too?} Scarlet said.

"Huh? You girls can tell any pokemon apart from each other?" Max asked, astonished.

{Of course. Some pokemon may be harder than others, but overall, yeah.} Scarlet explained.

{Hold on… isn't… the Vespiquen that kidnapped master to mate with him after we left the mansion?} Dusk guessed.

{What?! No way!} The gardevoir replied, narrowing her eyes and moving her head forward. {Holy fuck! I think she is!} She exclaimed, very amused.

{Damn! What were the odds?!} Bonny said, amused.

{Ah! Serves you right, bitch!} Scarlet spat. {That's what you get from trying to steal our mate from us.} She added, amused as well.

Despite some well-placed Attack Order from the Vespiquen, the match was rather one-sided as the Ferrothorn won it fairly quickly again. Rory's opponent's next pokemon was a Typhlosion. Oddly, Rory recalled his Ferrothorn and switched to his Seismitoad. Even though his pokemon were strong, Max thought that even he acknowledged that a pokemon two times weak against fire would be too much of a hassle to handle. This time, the match was slightly more balanced as the Typhlosion was hella fast and precise. However, the Seismitoad beat the Typhlosion after tanking some hits himself.

{Well, it seems that we'll be fighting that prick next.} Bonny commented. {I can't wait to hand over his own ass.}

{And so do I.} Aurora agreed.

{Don't forget about me.} May said.

"Well, I guess I-"

{Sorry to burst your bubble, guys…} Scarlet with a serious tone while glaring at Rory, who was leaving the battlefield. {But this one is mine.}

"Huh?" Max expressed, with the girls a bit surprised.

{I'll take him down all by myself.} The gardevoir added with scary determination.

For a short moment, a silence settled.

{...Well, if Scarlet's on the case, he's pretty much done for.} Aurora said with a smile.

{Yeah. I could almost feel sorry for him.} Bonny followed, a bit amused.

"Are you sure about that? I mean, not that I doubt you, but-"

{You can still pick the other two if it reassures you, but you won't need them. I'll make sure to make him understand who he's messing with.}

"Are you… *sigh* Alright. You know I can't say no to you." Max accepted, facing the battlefield again.

"Something's going on?" Julia asked, a bit lost.

"Scarlet wants to kick Rory's ass."

"Really? I can't wait to see that. I love your displays of strength."

[Keep your naughty thoughts to yourself.] Scarlet demanded coldly in Julia's mind.

[...Hehe. Sorry about that.] The female human replied with a tiny smile.

"Anyway, I believe you're next on the list," Max told Julia.

"Yep," Julia confirmed, standing up before briefly stretching her arms. "Wish me luck." She said before passing in front of him.

"If you have the skill, you don't need luck." Max jested.

"Haha. I guess."

{...*Sigh* Quite the human she is.} Scarlet shared, sounding a bit discouraged.

"Yeah. If I wasn't into pokemon that much, she could be my kind of girl."

{Really now?}

Upon looking at Scarlet, Max noticed the others looking at him as well, with Bonny showing a large smug smile.

"But she's not, alright? So you all can wipe those smiles off of your faces." Max said, a bit embarrassed.

{...If you say so.} Scarlet said, also moving her attention back to the battlefield.

A short moment later, Julia was on the grass, facing another female trainer. At first, she used her Corviknight and after that, an Umbreon, which Max never saw before, so he guessed that she must have caught it recently. After they both put on a good fight, Julia called out Cinor with both trainers at their last pokemon. The Incineroar was now facing a Girafarig, both glaring at each other. The Girafarig was the one to initiate the battle with a Psybeam. Instantly, Cinor jumped over the beam and directly went for Body Slam. The move was so unexpected by the Girafarig that he couldn't dodge it and took the full blow.

Quickly, the Girafarig used Psychokinesis and lifted the Incineroar to toss him away. Right after landing on his feet, Cinor's adversary used Zen Headbutt and charged at the fire cat pokemon. He dodged the move, but the Girafarig immediately chained with Double Hit on his back. Quickly turning, Cinor used Flamethrower, with the stream coming out of his fire belt. Agile and fast, the normal/psychic-type pokemon managed to avoid the stream before charging at Cinor with Stomp. Instead of dodging, the Incineroar blocked the hit with his paws and used Counter, propelling the Girafarig away. Standing up, the Girafarig charged at Cinor the same way he did before, so the fire cat pokemon and Julia got a bit confused about what to expect. Was he going for the same move, or was he just wanted to make him believe that? Taking a guess, Julia told him to block and counter again. Unfortunately, the giraffe pokemon used a different move, which was Stomping Tantrum, a move that gets stronger if the user gets mad after a failed attempt to attack. To a lot of people, Max, and co. included, the Girafarig overpowered Cinor's Counter, making him take a huge portion of the hit and land on his back a few meters away.

Now that the Incineroar was on the ground, the Girafarig went for another Stomp attack, but Cinor rolled and dodged in time before standing again. Glaring at each other again for a few seconds, the Girafarig's eyes briefly glowed in psychic energy. Expecting anything, Cinor got ready to dodge, but strangely, nothing happened. With a confused Incineroar, the psychic-type pokemon charged at him with another Zen Headbutt, which, this time, landed. As he got pushed away, the Girafarig went for Bulldoze. Having enough, Julia commanded Cinor to use Darkest Lariat. A second later, both attacks briefly collided before the Incineroar got the upper hand, sending the Girafarig flying near the dome shield. Then, Julia called out the finishing move, Cross Chop. Jumping, Cinor got his arms into a cross position and descended over the helpless pokemon. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Cinor got struck by mysterious psychic waves, interrupting and damaging him, making him fall on the ground pretty hard. Growling in annoyance, the Incineroar got up but failed to react in time to the incoming Zen Headbutt. Sadly, that was the last Cinor could endure, and fainted a few meters away, making the referee claim Julia's opponent as the winner.

{Oh no! She was so close!} Dusk commented, a bit saddened by Julia's defeat.

"Damn! and me, who wanted a rematch against her," Max complained.

{Maybe another time.} Scarlet encouraged him.

A moment later, Julia was back in her seat next to Max.

"Damnit! I thought I had her." The female trainer said, sounding less discouraged than Max anticipated.

"That sucks. I guess we can forget about our match."

"I guess so, but we can always have one outside this tournament."

"Haha. Scarlet just said the same thing."

The next match was with the asshole with the Gurdurr he had a problem with earlier and the shy-looking guy. What was odd about that shy guy is that even though he didn't have the trainer profile, his pokemon looked mad strong. The match was similar to Rory's, with the main difference being that he switched pokemon right after the first round he won, alternating from a Galventula to a female Pyroar. After the shy guy won, the other trainer just left without a word, looking rather mad.

"Alright, folks! That's it for that row! There will be a fifteen-minute break before the semi-finals can start! See you around!" The representative said to the spectators.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna go for a small walk. There are ants in my legs." Julia announced before standing up.

"Does it mean you're not leaving?" Max asked.

"Pretty much. Why?"

"I don't know. You lost, so there's not much that holds you here."

"For myself, maybe, but I want to see how far you and your team can go." She told him before leaving.

{Hehe. I think you have a fan.} Bonny said, again with a smug face.

"Oh, shut up with that already." Max retorted, a bit flustered, which amused Bonny.