General information that could maybe be important


This story takes place on an alternate earth, one where monsters suddenly start appearing wielding powerful abilities that seem too fantastical to be real. During this event, which has come to been known as 'The great, oh fuck, of 2020', lots of chaos n' shit happened. The monsters weren't bulletproof just bullet resistant, although they could be killed by a normal soldier it would take dozens of them to do so, even larger weapons and vehicles were only ever so-so against them, due to this many of the smaller nations with lower military power had been wiped off the map by the monsters whilst the larger ones were slowly pushed back.

Air inhabiting monsters dominated the sky preventing travel by plane, whilst the sea-dwelling monsters didn't stray from their home in the water to invade on the land they did however attack any sea-faring vessels chancing a go at the sea. With all forms of transportation cut off, including land transportation due to the indecent amount of monsters on land, they couldn't go to other nations let alone provide or receive support, aiding in the destruction of other countries.

With little choice, the US (that's the setting of the story, forgot to mention that I suppose, oops?) enacted a plan, essentially abandoning all other cities and towns, opting instead to house the whole nation's population within one massive city fort, named Central City, many other countries adopted a similar plan.

As humanity was slowly getting pushed back, a device was made at a crucial point in the battle against the monsters, this device was called the Soul Extractor/Merger Link or soul EXM link, the soul link allowed the user to extract souls and soul fragments and merge them with their own, gaining features of whose souls they took, in short allowing people to gain the same abilities the monsters have by taking their soul and merging it. Although there was one issue and that was compatibility, each soul is of a different type and if the soul fragments getting merged are of the same type then the fragments will merge better, however, if they are NOT compatible then they will receive a backlash from merging, this can be anything from minor pain to an instant death sentence, although some people will get lucky and get straight up rejected resulting in no harm.

With this device invented and distributed humanity finally had a chance to push back against the monsters.

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About Lich King Sans.

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Many years later after the invention of the soul link, Central City was fighting against the monsters in a brutal war when they were approached by 'an emissary of the lich king' only for the liches' to be treated as another threat and wiped off the map. This incited a war between the Liches and Humans, resulting in the death of many on both sides. When the humans had found the opportunity, they had sent a valiant hero with many powerful souls of the light classification, the strongest against the undead, the hero, in turn, slew many of the liches, including the king himself, eventually driving off the liches back to their home.

When the hero returned to Central City he 'gave' the soul of the powerful lich king to his superiors, never to be seen again. Receiving a soul of a powerful 'monster' they had put it to use, attempting to make the perfect weapon for war, only to accidentally create a fanfic protagonist.

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About souls

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Eh, it should be pretty understandable its like, pokemon or whatever.














I mean, there's nothing else really to add, I could make up some bs about compatibility that you won't even see in the story, but it's too troublesome.

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Eh~ I don't know

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That's really it for background info, I mean I guess there's the protagonist's back story, well it doesn't matter and it's really boring so why bother. I could mention other countries than the setting of the story, but it doesn't matter, and I'm as dumb as a rock, so why bother. There also might've been like names, and what level their tech is but, I'm dumb, bad at making names, and why bother, so why trouble myself.

That's all for real now, even though nothing of interest was added above and it was a total waste of space :|

Anywho~ Fu~ck~ O~f~f~